Michigan State Senator wears Confederate flag mask

So he apologized for doing nothing wrong?
Pretty funny, isn't it. Just because some idiot nimrod like BoneFlatter mistook a harmless mask for (the crowd gasps) having the pattern of a 175 year old flag once used by half the states in a war, he has to apologize for their mistake, denounce 200 year old slavery, kiss a black, donate to the NAACP, and promise never to do it again otherwise 10,000 screaming idiots will rise up to drive him out of office as a racist.
The 2-dimensional dumbing down and brainwashing of the Left programmed into reducing historical events they know little of now to simplistic, wooden targets of contempt to the point that you cannot even discuss them without being called names and anything deemed even remotely associated with it to be burned, destroyed, silenced and crushed out of existence in abject hate and fear is rather frighteningly similar to other worst past moments in history they claim not to support but instead are mimicking in perfect lockstep, ready again to reprise jack-booted book burnings and executions of dissidents all over again as if we were reliving the Dark Ages all over again where one had to whisper in dark alleys lest they be condemned a heretic of the Catholic Church!
Unfortunately, many Republicans are racists, and some, like those at Charlottesville a few years ago, are proud to show it in public. You can never be sure which Republicans are racists, and which ones are just okay with racism.
Dale Zorn, a racist Republican state senator from Michigan wore a Confederate flag patterned mask.
he said it's not a Confederate flag pattern but didn't say what it was.
The the Confederate flag as a symbol of slavery and racism.
Shame on this Republican.
Jackass, try watching your own video. His wife made it from something that had (I think he said) the Tennessee state flag.

Leave it to a jackass like you to try to make a story about a mask that was red, white and blue. Even the idiot journalist asked 50 questions about it and even wanted to see it! Do any of you idiots have a life? You've gone from obsessed with anything wrong, to then anything not PC, to now anything that even APPEARS non-PC.

That nice man wants to use this as a teaching moment. It is important that we keep the symbols of bigotry and hate alive in this nation. Otherwise, other well meaning retards won’t know when they are promoting these things.
Sorry, no, BoneFlatter, like the guy said in the video, you can't just make the Confederate flag go away. It's part of our history. You can't teach history nor understand the world if you run and hide like a little girl from any parts of it you don't like, otherwise, our history would be missing 90% of the history of the Human race.

I know that books and museums are for the liberal elites. But you should consider using them. They are awesome ways to learn about our history.

I am all for the hateful bigoted flags and statues being placed in museums with tons of info about one of the darkest periods in our nation’s history.
A Confederate flag might represent bigotry, but it also represents millions of people fighting a self,-defense war, while knowing nothing whatsoever about any bigotry. This is what airhead fools like you are oblivious to.

As for the statues, they are of SOLDIERS, who merely follow orders and fight wars. If the pious, dogooders who oppose these statues really want to oppose bigotry, they should oppose statues of POLITICIANS who create bigotry and maintain it, not soldiers.
A good place for these hypocrites to start opposing bigotry would be to call for the abolition of race-based Affirmative Action. America's #1 bigotry in 2020.
Unfortunately, many Republicans are racists, and some, like those at Charlottesville a few years ago, are proud to show it in public. You can never be sure which Republicans are racists, and which ones are just okay with racism.
And many Republicans oppose racist Affirmative Action. And most racist Democrats support it.
Dale Zorn, a racist Republican state senator from Michigan wore a Confederate flag patterned mask.
he said it's not a Confederate flag pattern but didn't say what it was.
The the Confederate flag as a symbol of slavery and racism.
Shame on this Republican.
Jackass, try watching your own video. His wife made it from something that had (I think he said) the Tennessee state flag.

Leave it to a jackass like you to try to make a story about a mask that was red, white and blue. Even the idiot journalist asked 50 questions about it and even wanted to see it! Do any of you idiots have a life? You've gone from obsessed with anything wrong, to then anything not PC, to now anything that even APPEARS non-PC.

That nice man wants to use this as a teaching moment. It is important that we keep the symbols of bigotry and hate alive in this nation. Otherwise, other well meaning retards won’t know when they are promoting these things.
Do you have the foggiest idea of what 1860-1865 southerners were fighting for ?


They were fighting for the rights of future geezer morons like you to be arrogant asswipes on message boards.
You confirmed that you don't have the foggiest idea of why most southerners were fighting in the Civil War. I knew it.
So he apologized for doing nothing wrong?

He apologized because he was forced to see his constituents. They are diverse. And most of them do not need to be educated about what that symbol means.

He is likely going to end up resigning. And he should.

Note. He was not honest with his apology. That is why he will likely end up resigning. People can forgive a lack of judgement. People can even forgive bigotry. But the failure to be honest when expressing regret usually ends in resignation.
You don't KNOW what it means.
Unfortunately, many Republicans are racists, and some, like those at Charlottesville a few years ago, are proud to show it in public. You can never be sure which Republicans are racists, and which ones are just okay with racism.
I bet you voted for Obama because you're racist.
Dale Zorn, a racist Republican state senator from Michigan wore a Confederate flag patterned mask.
he said it's not a Confederate flag pattern but didn't say what it was.
The the Confederate flag as a symbol of slavery and racism.
Shame on this Republican.
Shame on Democrats for harping on a non-issue.
Do you have the foggiest idea of what 1860-1865 southerners were fighting for ?
Libs don't have a clue. They don't understand southern heritage. They don't understand southern farmers had the right to run their farms without interference from abolitionists from the north.

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