Mick Mulvaney calls trump Capitol mob comment "manifestly false."

‘Mick Mulvaney, who stepped down as Trump's special envoy to Northern Ireland after the insurrection, called Trump's comments that his supporters were "hugging and kissing" police officers and posed "zero threat," despite widespread violence, "manifestly false."’ ibid

Even when Trump’s own people call out Trump’s lies, Trump cult members will continue to reject the truth.
You call that a Mindless Cult.
The REUTERS article (Second Link) you still haven't read:

"The department suffered another blow this week when U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta threatened to impose a gag order on prosecutors after Michael Sherwin, its former head prosecutor on the Capitol cases, told CBS’s “60 Minutes” program that evidence pointed toward sedition charges against some defendants.

A charge of sedition - meaning incitement of a rebellion - has not been brought against any of the more than 400 people arrested to date. The most serious charges have been assault, conspiracy and obstruction of Congress or law enforcement."


Justice Department credibility has been damaged.....

Lets drop the prejudice and partisanship, run with the evidence/facts instead more satisfying that way.
The charge of Sedition should be reserved for the man that instigated and called for the attack on the Capitol....the former.....the Liar in Chief.

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