Middle aged man attacked by stranger for no reason in Miami

That kind of thing enhances a democrat’s political future.

Yet it's always Republicans getting caught with the child porn.

And by your side's logic, since you're a Republican, you support everything any Republican does.

What does it have to do with a young black male assaulting an apparent stranger?

Just pointing out your hypocrisy, as usual.

I'm also pointing out how your side is the target of an organized propaganda campaign to keep the betas hysterical and obedient. There's nothing like it on the left, because propaganda doesn't work on the left.
I’m not a republican. I’m a registered independent anti-democrat.
Democrats thrive on propaganda. The fact that you’re oblivious to this makes the point.
Wow. They did the same thing to Rick Moranis in NYC and he's an elderly borderline midget. WTF is up with Democrats now days.
The Democrat Hate Machine has been stoking hate for four years.
Why is this not being regarded as a hate crime?
If the situation was reversed would it be on CNN?

Doubt it will make any sort of national news. I wonder why.

Any guesses?

Because Miami Dade metropolitan area is about 6,296,970 people and they have between 364 and 412 aggravated assaults per month, at least this year and the rest of the 330,052,960 (330 Million) people in the United States have more prescient local and national news stories to follow? It was a shitty assault by a shitty perp, but it was a local Miami story?
barry "boy" soetoro owns that....
That’s right.
This is more Obama legacy.
Ya,it's obamas fault.lol your a dumb fuck

Doubt it will make any sort of national news. I wonder why.

Any guesses?

Is this another conservative 'head down, ass up' argument about how much white males are such victims of 'scary' brown people?

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