Middle Class eroding or why do Republicans pols hate the Middle Class

Blame the fucking tax code. The wealthy will gladly back up a plan to change it.
The wealthy are smart enough to know how to place their assets so that even if the damn tax was 100% of their income they would not pay a lot.
Tax them too high they just step back out of the economy and place their assets in areas where there IS ZERO TAX.
Well DUH!
I took in 3 good cases last week. Not a one was from someone that was POOR.
Other than those on the far far left, nobody has a problem with wealth and people who earn wealth. It would just be nice if those people who earned that type of wealth on the backs of working Americans would at least pay their fair share, which currently they are not.

How do they earn it "on the back of American workers?" If it wasn't for the capital that the rich provide, the middle class would be scratching in the dirt for grubs and tubers.

The argument goes like this: the wealthy are already overtaxed so we should cut programs for the poor and cut taxes for the wealthy, and so far the majority of the middle class buys into this. The problem is that the wealthy are undertaxed, not overtaxed. And no, the wealthy do not pay 70% of all taxes; they pay around 30% of all taxes while taking 45% of all income. They are undertaxed period.

Where do you get these figures? The fact is that the top 10% of income earners pay 70% of all income taxes.

If it weren't for labor that capital wouldn't amount to a cup of piss.... their ventures would fail because there wouldn't be anyone to do their work for them. It's a symbiotic relationship... not master and slave.
Other than those on the far far left, nobody has a problem with wealth and people who earn wealth. It would just be nice if those people who earned that type of wealth on the backs of working Americans would at least pay their fair share, which currently they are not.

How do they earn it "on the back of American workers?" If it wasn't for the capital that the rich provide, the middle class would be scratching in the dirt for grubs and tubers.

The argument goes like this: the wealthy are already overtaxed so we should cut programs for the poor and cut taxes for the wealthy, and so far the majority of the middle class buys into this. The problem is that the wealthy are undertaxed, not overtaxed. And no, the wealthy do not pay 70% of all taxes; they pay around 30% of all taxes while taking 45% of all income. They are undertaxed period.

Where do you get these figures? The fact is that the top 10% of income earners pay 70% of all income taxes.

If it weren't for labor that capital wouldn't amount to a cup of piss.... their ventures would fail because there wouldn't be anyone to do their work for them. It's a symbiotic relationship... not master and slave.

Labor does not work for free. Capital is what pays labor. The more capital you have the more investment you get and that produces the jobs for the labor. Punish investment capital with taxes and you get less of it.
Capital is labor's best and ONLY friend.
Other than those on the far far left, nobody has a problem with wealth and people who earn wealth. It would just be nice if those people who earned that type of wealth on the backs of working Americans would at least pay their fair share, which currently they are not.

How do they earn it "on the back of American workers?" If it wasn't for the capital that the rich provide, the middle class would be scratching in the dirt for grubs and tubers

If it weren't for labor that capital wouldn't amount to a cup of piss.... their ventures would fail because there wouldn't be anyone to do their work for them. It's a symbiotic relationship... not master and slave.

That labor existed for a million years and lived in poverty and squalor and died horrible painful deaths for almost the entire time. Capitalists are the ones who put an end to it. The fact is no one would have a pot to piss in if it wasn't for capitalists investing in productive ventures.

All you're saying is that if the human race didn't exist, then no one would be rich.

No duh!
Teachers, police officers, firefighters, EMT's, Union Workers are all Middle Class, the Republican Party has turned their back on all of them.

Now they'll get benefits that are only 2 times better than what the rest of us get instead of 4 times better.

Oh, the poor babieeeeeeeees!

If and only if you had an IQ of more than two digits, and if you could pass the psychological and physical tests, and if you had attended a college or university and earned a degree, you wouldn't have to be so envious of others who have those attributes you lack; individuals who earned their retirement and benefits.

Whine all you want, but when you need a first responder they'll come; it's their job to save and protect even dumb asses like you.
Teachers, police officers, firefighters, EMT's, Union Workers are all Middle Class, the Republican Party has turned their back on all of them.

Now they'll get benefits that are only 2 times better than what the rest of us get instead of 4 times better.

Oh, the poor babieeeeeeeees!

If and only if you had an IQ of more than two digits, and if you could pass the psychological and physical tests, and if you had attended a college or university and earned a degree, you wouldn't have to be so envious of others who have those attributes you lack; individuals who earned their retirement and benefits.

Whine all you want, but when you need a first responder they'll come; it's their job to save and protect even dumb asses like you.

I notice you never put nurses in your stupid lists? Nurses work for people and not for union benefits that are better than the private sectors who have to ante up for you leeches.
Now they'll get benefits that are only 2 times better than what the rest of us get instead of 4 times better.

Oh, the poor babieeeeeeeees!

If and only if you had an IQ of more than two digits, and if you could pass the psychological and physical tests, and if you had attended a college or university and earned a degree, you wouldn't have to be so envious of others who have those attributes you lack; individuals who earned their retirement and benefits.

Whine all you want, but when you need a first responder they'll come; it's their job to save and protect even dumb asses like you.

I notice you never put nurses in your stupid lists? Nurses work for people and not for union benefits that are better than the private sectors who have to ante up for you leeches.

Nurses are union members and the nurse's union is very powerful in California. Nurses are underpaid and underappreciated,in my opinion. As for my being a leech, you're entitled to your opinion. If you ever need help in an emergency,call your banker or insurance agent.
Now they'll get benefits that are only 2 times better than what the rest of us get instead of 4 times better.

Oh, the poor babieeeeeeeees!

If and only if you had an IQ of more than two digits, and if you could pass the psychological and physical tests, and if you had attended a college or university and earned a degree, you wouldn't have to be so envious of others who have those attributes you lack; individuals who earned their retirement and benefits.

Whine all you want, but when you need a first responder they'll come; it's their job to save and protect even dumb asses like you.

I notice you never put nurses in your stupid lists? Nurses work for people and not for union benefits that are better than the private sectors who have to ante up for you leeches.

That's only because of our ridiculous "for profit" Health Care system. BTW... Nurses who work for the Government? VA Nurses, Nurses in State Prison Systems, Mental Institutions, etc? They are union.

Do you folks not realize that the downgrading of labor in the private sector has helped bring a lot of our economic woes to what they are today?

Think for a second. Take off your Conservative Spectacles and keep an open mind for the duration of this post... I beg you all...

When workers were making a livable wage(from post WWII-mid 70's), our country was flourishing. People worked hard because they had something to work for... a reasonable amount of success. The ability to own a home and pay it off in a timely fashion, a car every 2-3 years, a family vacation or two/year. Along with that realistic level of success came another thing... taxation. No one liked taxes back then as no one does now. But back then, people realized that Taxation was part of the privilege of living in this country. At that time approximately 25% of the workforce was unionized and the rest benefited from unionization because non-union employers needed to be semi-competitive to their employees or risk losing them or becoming unionized themselves.

Things were going pretty well until the mid 70's.... when America befell a grave Crisis... the OPEC oil embargo. Gas prices went over $1/gallon for the first time in our history and it happened real fast. Our country was not ready for it and suffered greatly. We had gas rationing and it affected all aspect of our lives... Interest rates soared. Jimmy Carter got the blame for all of that... but it went well beyond anything he did or did not do wrong...

Well, 1980 brought Ronald Reagan and a fresh new perspective... Trickle down economics. Ideally, trickle down economics states that if those at the top make more, they will trickle those heavy profits down to the general population. Back then, it made sense to me and I was a believer. I was for a long time... except I started to notice things....

Previously healthy companies were laying off employees at alarming rates, Plants were closing all over the country. But every time you watched the news, you saw big profits of those Corporations.

Flash forward to today and this is the end result of trickle down economics. What Reagan didn't anticipate in his otherwise great system was this.... Trickle down economics leaves the "trickling down" part up to the employer. It isn't mandatory that they trickle down. They have the option not to... and once they realized that there was nothing to hold them back from just keeping as much as they could... that's exactly what they did.

Which, I know you folks will say "it's their money, they can do what they want". Which is technically true. However... a problem started evolving because of this practice... the workforce(who outnumber employers by a huge margin) started to run out of money because of the stagnating wages and couldn't afford to buy as much or as often of the luxuries that keep our economy rolling and running strong.

When this happened.... the banks(with help from the Federal Reserve in lowering interest rates) stepped in. They offered cheap money for people with credit cards and home equity loans. People started buying again... taking advantage of the cheap money. So now America was slowly getting more and more wrapped up in Credit, fully encouraged by the banking, corporate, and even our government on occasion.

So we ended up with a population that is underemployed, over indebted, and barely scraping by... while those employers profited hugely.... all that occurred BEFORE they started to outsource jobs to foreign countries.

The point I am trying to make is that to say that Liberal policies and whatnot is what is responsible for the problems we have is dishonest as hell. Sure... no one is innocent... but it all started with Corporations trying to lowball their workforce and maximize their profits and of course... to bust the unions.

Remember... the workforce makes up the vast majority of our economy. They are who the Corporations depend upon to buy their stuff. You would think it would behoove them to pay their employees well. But it's getting to the point where a once robust revenue source(middle Class Americans) is slowly but surely sliding downward and those revenue streams are losing ground.

If it weren't for the outsourcing that occured/occurs now.... I think that things would have stabilized a long time ago and it never would have gotten as bad as it did. but with outsourcing, those employers found a new source of labor that will work for next to nothing. That, in turn has delayed or perhaps even destroyed the chance for recovery of the American worker.

This, is why we are floundering, this is why we are having trouble with national debt. This is why the economy can be going to shit, but companies are still making record profits. The bad thing is... we can't keep it up. Broke workers don't buy.. no matter how cheap the products are. It can't continue and it's up to the Conglomerate to realize it.

We can't keep sliding backwards, making the workforce an afterthought and making the employers out to be demigods that are not to be questioned.

If the workforce were well paid and working... revenue would not be a problem and the debt would be half the size... but 30 years of not "trickling down" has got us here.
If and only if you had an IQ of more than two digits, and if you could pass the psychological and physical tests, and if you had attended a college or university and earned a degree, you wouldn't have to be so envious of others who have those attributes you lack; individuals who earned their retirement and benefits.

Whine all you want, but when you need a first responder they'll come; it's their job to save and protect even dumb asses like you.

I notice you never put nurses in your stupid lists? Nurses work for people and not for union benefits that are better than the private sectors who have to ante up for you leeches.

That's only because of our ridiculous "for profit" Health Care system. BTW... Nurses who work for the Government? VA Nurses, Nurses in State Prison Systems, Mental Institutions, etc? They are union.

Do you folks not realize that the downgrading of labor in the private sector has helped bring a lot of our economic woes to what they are today?

Think for a second. Take off your Conservative Spectacles and keep an open mind for the duration of this post... I beg you all...

When workers were making a livable wage(from post WWII-mid 70's), our country was flourishing. People worked hard because they had something to work for... a reasonable amount of success. The ability to own a home and pay it off in a timely fashion, a car every 2-3 years, a family vacation or two/year. Along with that realistic level of success came another thing... taxation. No one liked taxes back then as no one does now. But back then, people realized that Taxation was part of the privilege of living in this country. At that time approximately 25% of the workforce was unionized and the rest benefited from unionization because non-union employers needed to be semi-competitive to their employees or risk losing them or becoming unionized themselves.

Things were going pretty well until the mid 70's.... when America befell a grave Crisis... the OPEC oil embargo. Gas prices went over $1/gallon for the first time in our history and it happened real fast. Our country was not ready for it and suffered greatly. We had gas rationing and it affected all aspect of our lives... Interest rates soared. Jimmy Carter got the blame for all of that... but it went well beyond anything he did or did not do wrong...

Well, 1980 brought Ronald Reagan and a fresh new perspective... Trickle down economics. Ideally, trickle down economics states that if those at the top make more, they will trickle those heavy profits down to the general population. Back then, it made sense to me and I was a believer. I was for a long time... except I started to notice things....

Previously healthy companies were laying off employees at alarming rates, Plants were closing all over the country. But every time you watched the news, you saw big profits of those Corporations.

Flash forward to today and this is the end result of trickle down economics. What Reagan didn't anticipate in his otherwise great system was this.... Trickle down economics leaves the "trickling down" part up to the employer. It isn't mandatory that they trickle down. They have the option not to... and once they realized that there was nothing to hold them back from just keeping as much as they could... that's exactly what they did.

Which, I know you folks will say "it's their money, they can do what they want". Which is technically true. However... a problem started evolving because of this practice... the workforce(who outnumber employers by a huge margin) started to run out of money because of the stagnating wages and couldn't afford to buy as much or as often of the luxuries that keep our economy rolling and running strong.

When this happened.... the banks(with help from the Federal Reserve in lowering interest rates) stepped in. They offered cheap money for people with credit cards and home equity loans. People started buying again... taking advantage of the cheap money. So now America was slowly getting more and more wrapped up in Credit, fully encouraged by the banking, corporate, and even our government on occasion.

So we ended up with a population that is underemployed, over indebted, and barely scraping by... while those employers profited hugely.... all that occurred BEFORE they started to outsource jobs to foreign countries.

The point I am trying to make is that to say that Liberal policies and whatnot is what is responsible for the problems we have is dishonest as hell. Sure... no one is innocent... but it all started with Corporations trying to lowball their workforce and maximize their profits and of course... to bust the unions.

Remember... the workforce makes up the vast majority of our economy. They are who the Corporations depend upon to buy their stuff. You would think it would behoove them to pay their employees well. But it's getting to the point where a once robust revenue source(middle Class Americans) is slowly but surely sliding downward and those revenue streams are losing ground.

If it weren't for the outsourcing that occured/occurs now.... I think that things would have stabilized a long time ago and it never would have gotten as bad as it did. but with outsourcing, those employers found a new source of labor that will work for next to nothing. That, in turn has delayed or perhaps even destroyed the chance for recovery of the American worker.

This, is why we are floundering, this is why we are having trouble with national debt. This is why the economy can be going to shit, but companies are still making record profits. The bad thing is... we can't keep it up. Broke workers don't buy.. no matter how cheap the products are. It can't continue and it's up to the Conglomerate to realize it.

We can't keep sliding backwards, making the workforce an afterthought and making the employers out to be demigods that are not to be questioned.

If the workforce were well paid and working... revenue would not be a problem and the debt would be half the size... but 30 years of not "trickling down" has got us here.

Asking the conservatives who frequent this message board to queston the dogma they hold as an immutable truth is asking the impossible. Most won't read anything longer than a simple sentence unless the word libtard or demorat is the first noun they encounter.

Suppply siders can fill their shelves with goods, as you correctly point out without good paying jobs the consumer cannot buy, and no one wins.
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I notice you never put nurses in your stupid lists? Nurses work for people and not for union benefits that are better than the private sectors who have to ante up for you leeches.

That's only because of our ridiculous "for profit" Health Care system. BTW... Nurses who work for the Government? VA Nurses, Nurses in State Prison Systems, Mental Institutions, etc? They are union.

Do you folks not realize that the downgrading of labor in the private sector has helped bring a lot of our economic woes to what they are today?

Think for a second. Take off your Conservative Spectacles and keep an open mind for the duration of this post... I beg you all...

When workers were making a livable wage(from post WWII-mid 70's), our country was flourishing. People worked hard because they had something to work for... a reasonable amount of success. The ability to own a home and pay it off in a timely fashion, a car every 2-3 years, a family vacation or two/year. Along with that realistic level of success came another thing... taxation. No one liked taxes back then as no one does now. But back then, people realized that Taxation was part of the privilege of living in this country. At that time approximately 25% of the workforce was unionized and the rest benefited from unionization because non-union employers needed to be semi-competitive to their employees or risk losing them or becoming unionized themselves.

Things were going pretty well until the mid 70's.... when America befell a grave Crisis... the OPEC oil embargo. Gas prices went over $1/gallon for the first time in our history and it happened real fast. Our country was not ready for it and suffered greatly. We had gas rationing and it affected all aspect of our lives... Interest rates soared. Jimmy Carter got the blame for all of that... but it went well beyond anything he did or did not do wrong...

Well, 1980 brought Ronald Reagan and a fresh new perspective... Trickle down economics. Ideally, trickle down economics states that if those at the top make more, they will trickle those heavy profits down to the general population. Back then, it made sense to me and I was a believer. I was for a long time... except I started to notice things....

Previously healthy companies were laying off employees at alarming rates, Plants were closing all over the country. But every time you watched the news, you saw big profits of those Corporations.

Flash forward to today and this is the end result of trickle down economics. What Reagan didn't anticipate in his otherwise great system was this.... Trickle down economics leaves the "trickling down" part up to the employer. It isn't mandatory that they trickle down. They have the option not to... and once they realized that there was nothing to hold them back from just keeping as much as they could... that's exactly what they did.

Which, I know you folks will say "it's their money, they can do what they want". Which is technically true. However... a problem started evolving because of this practice... the workforce(who outnumber employers by a huge margin) started to run out of money because of the stagnating wages and couldn't afford to buy as much or as often of the luxuries that keep our economy rolling and running strong.

When this happened.... the banks(with help from the Federal Reserve in lowering interest rates) stepped in. They offered cheap money for people with credit cards and home equity loans. People started buying again... taking advantage of the cheap money. So now America was slowly getting more and more wrapped up in Credit, fully encouraged by the banking, corporate, and even our government on occasion.

So we ended up with a population that is underemployed, over indebted, and barely scraping by... while those employers profited hugely.... all that occurred BEFORE they started to outsource jobs to foreign countries.

The point I am trying to make is that to say that Liberal policies and whatnot is what is responsible for the problems we have is dishonest as hell. Sure... no one is innocent... but it all started with Corporations trying to lowball their workforce and maximize their profits and of course... to bust the unions.

Remember... the workforce makes up the vast majority of our economy. They are who the Corporations depend upon to buy their stuff. You would think it would behoove them to pay their employees well. But it's getting to the point where a once robust revenue source(middle Class Americans) is slowly but surely sliding downward and those revenue streams are losing ground.

If it weren't for the outsourcing that occured/occurs now.... I think that things would have stabilized a long time ago and it never would have gotten as bad as it did. but with outsourcing, those employers found a new source of labor that will work for next to nothing. That, in turn has delayed or perhaps even destroyed the chance for recovery of the American worker.

This, is why we are floundering, this is why we are having trouble with national debt. This is why the economy can be going to shit, but companies are still making record profits. The bad thing is... we can't keep it up. Broke workers don't buy.. no matter how cheap the products are. It can't continue and it's up to the Conglomerate to realize it.

We can't keep sliding backwards, making the workforce an afterthought and making the employers out to be demigods that are not to be questioned.

If the workforce were well paid and working... revenue would not be a problem and the debt would be half the size... but 30 years of not "trickling down" has got us here.

Asking the conservatives who frequent this message board to queston the dogma they hold as an immutable truth is asking the impossible. Most won't read anything longer than a simple sentence unless the word libtard or demorat is the first noun they encounter.

Suppply siders can fill their shelves with goods, as you correctly point out without good paying jobs the consumer cannot buy, and no one wins.

yeah, I know. I thought I'd try though.

But all we will hear, if anyone from the right chooses to respond at all is... "that's Socialist talk"
If and only if you had an IQ of more than two digits, and if you could pass the psychological and physical tests, and if you had attended a college or university and earned a degree, you wouldn't have to be so envious of others who have those attributes you lack; individuals who earned their retirement and benefits.

Whine all you want, but when you need a first responder they'll come; it's their job to save and protect even dumb asses like you.

I notice you never put nurses in your stupid lists? Nurses work for people and not for union benefits that are better than the private sectors who have to ante up for you leeches.

Nurses are union members and the nurse's union is very powerful in California. Nurses are underpaid and underappreciated,in my opinion. As for my being a leech, you're entitled to your opinion. If you ever need help in an emergency,call your banker or insurance agent.

Most all nurses are paid by the hour and supply and demand heavily influences their wages.
Under that scenario being in a union would be very bad for the employee. They can not individually negotiate their pay.
The market sets the rate of pay, not whether it feels good or not when that amount is offered.
I notice you never put nurses in your stupid lists? Nurses work for people and not for union benefits that are better than the private sectors who have to ante up for you leeches.

That's only because of our ridiculous "for profit" Health Care system. BTW... Nurses who work for the Government? VA Nurses, Nurses in State Prison Systems, Mental Institutions, etc? They are union.

Do you folks not realize that the downgrading of labor in the private sector has helped bring a lot of our economic woes to what they are today?

Think for a second. Take off your Conservative Spectacles and keep an open mind for the duration of this post... I beg you all...

When workers were making a livable wage(from post WWII-mid 70's), our country was flourishing. People worked hard because they had something to work for... a reasonable amount of success. The ability to own a home and pay it off in a timely fashion, a car every 2-3 years, a family vacation or two/year. Along with that realistic level of success came another thing... taxation. No one liked taxes back then as no one does now. But back then, people realized that Taxation was part of the privilege of living in this country. At that time approximately 25% of the workforce was unionized and the rest benefited from unionization because non-union employers needed to be semi-competitive to their employees or risk losing them or becoming unionized themselves.

Things were going pretty well until the mid 70's.... when America befell a grave Crisis... the OPEC oil embargo. Gas prices went over $1/gallon for the first time in our history and it happened real fast. Our country was not ready for it and suffered greatly. We had gas rationing and it affected all aspect of our lives... Interest rates soared. Jimmy Carter got the blame for all of that... but it went well beyond anything he did or did not do wrong...

Well, 1980 brought Ronald Reagan and a fresh new perspective... Trickle down economics. Ideally, trickle down economics states that if those at the top make more, they will trickle those heavy profits down to the general population. Back then, it made sense to me and I was a believer. I was for a long time... except I started to notice things....

Previously healthy companies were laying off employees at alarming rates, Plants were closing all over the country. But every time you watched the news, you saw big profits of those Corporations.

Flash forward to today and this is the end result of trickle down economics. What Reagan didn't anticipate in his otherwise great system was this.... Trickle down economics leaves the "trickling down" part up to the employer. It isn't mandatory that they trickle down. They have the option not to... and once they realized that there was nothing to hold them back from just keeping as much as they could... that's exactly what they did.

Which, I know you folks will say "it's their money, they can do what they want". Which is technically true. However... a problem started evolving because of this practice... the workforce(who outnumber employers by a huge margin) started to run out of money because of the stagnating wages and couldn't afford to buy as much or as often of the luxuries that keep our economy rolling and running strong.

When this happened.... the banks(with help from the Federal Reserve in lowering interest rates) stepped in. They offered cheap money for people with credit cards and home equity loans. People started buying again... taking advantage of the cheap money. So now America was slowly getting more and more wrapped up in Credit, fully encouraged by the banking, corporate, and even our government on occasion.

So we ended up with a population that is underemployed, over indebted, and barely scraping by... while those employers profited hugely.... all that occurred BEFORE they started to outsource jobs to foreign countries.

The point I am trying to make is that to say that Liberal policies and whatnot is what is responsible for the problems we have is dishonest as hell. Sure... no one is innocent... but it all started with Corporations trying to lowball their workforce and maximize their profits and of course... to bust the unions.

Remember... the workforce makes up the vast majority of our economy. They are who the Corporations depend upon to buy their stuff. You would think it would behoove them to pay their employees well. But it's getting to the point where a once robust revenue source(middle Class Americans) is slowly but surely sliding downward and those revenue streams are losing ground.

If it weren't for the outsourcing that occured/occurs now.... I think that things would have stabilized a long time ago and it never would have gotten as bad as it did. but with outsourcing, those employers found a new source of labor that will work for next to nothing. That, in turn has delayed or perhaps even destroyed the chance for recovery of the American worker.

This, is why we are floundering, this is why we are having trouble with national debt. This is why the economy can be going to shit, but companies are still making record profits. The bad thing is... we can't keep it up. Broke workers don't buy.. no matter how cheap the products are. It can't continue and it's up to the Conglomerate to realize it.

We can't keep sliding backwards, making the workforce an afterthought and making the employers out to be demigods that are not to be questioned.

If the workforce were well paid and working... revenue would not be a problem and the debt would be half the size... but 30 years of not "trickling down" has got us here.

Asking the conservatives who frequent this message board to queston the dogma they hold as an immutable truth is asking the impossible. Most won't read anything longer than a simple sentence unless the word libtard or demorat is the first noun they encounter.

Suppply siders can fill their shelves with goods, as you correctly point out without good paying jobs the consumer cannot buy, and no one wins.

When you go to buy a car, a house, a new roof for your home, whatever; do you practice liberal or conservative principles?
Do you say "Hmm, this car costs 7K more than the other one but since those workers are underpaid and I feel sorry for them I will buy that car"?
Sure, right. Your ACTIONS are conservative when it comes to YOUR $$$$.
Your rhetoric is liberal when it comes to everything else.
It is very easy and comfortable to sit and be a liberal when YOU ARE SPENDING OTHER PEOPLE'S $$$$$$.
Republicans hate the Middle Class and love the Middle Class - it is a classic example of ambivalence.

Republicans know Middle Class Americans are workers whose wealth is a product of their personal toil, something Republicans admire. They also know Middle Class Americans pay taxes and demand results from pols they support by their votes. This they hate, for pols in general, and Republican pols in particular, love the wealthy and powerful (for in them they see their personal future) and it pisses them off to be held accountable by the hoi polloi, Middle Cloass voters.

Held accountable they will be come Novemeber 2012; it does not excape those of us in the middle class that the Republcian Party represents only the very wealthy and patronize all other Americans.

The "Middle Class" is mainly a Liberal creation. From the notion that nobility did not "own" the skills of craftsmen that led many to leave Europe, to the idea of a free market society that was partially the reason for the American Revolution and the rejection of the venerable form of Conservative Government, Monarchy, to the very real creation of the Middle Class with New Deal Policies. Conservatives don't admire labor. Heck they don't admire innovation. Few innovators have been conservative. What conservatives are great at is taking other people's ideas and making profit.

And when you have a labor class (Or Middle Class) that has some measure of control, that eats into profits.

That's why Consevatives are hell bent to eliminate the Middle Class.
That's why Consevatives are hell bent to eliminate the Middle Class.

Comical by any measure.
That's why Consevatives are hell bent to eliminate the Middle Class.

Comical by any measure.

Comedy aside..feel free to put up an argument as to why this is untrue.

Or maybe you do think it's true and it's funny. :lol:

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