Middle Class Jobs Are Being Replaced By Burger-Flipping, Retail Sales, And Other Lous


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Middle Class Jobs Are Being Replaced By Burger-Flipping, Retail Sales, And Other Lousy McJobs
business Insider ^ | 9/4/2012 | Aaron Task

Middle Class Jobs Are Being Replaced By Burger-Flipping, Retail Sales, And Other Lousy Low-Pay McJobs - Business Insider

There's been a lot of talk in recent years about the "hollowing out" of the American middle class.

A new study by the National Employment Law Project (NELP) confirms the troubling trend.

NELP broke down jobs into low/ middle/and high-wage groups based on median incomes. Looking at the period from early 2008 through the first quarter of 2012, the study found: "High-wage" occupations accounted for 19% of the jobs lost during the Great Recession and 20% of the jobs gained during the recovery. "Mid-wage" occupations suffered 60% of job losses during the recession but only 22% of the growth during the recovery. "Low-wage" occupations accounted for 21% of the losses and a whopping 58% of the growth.

In other words, NELP found what many Americans already know: The market for middle class jobs has shrunk and most of the jobs that have been created during the recession are in low-income areas like retail and food services.

"In short, America's good jobs deficit continues," NELP said in a summary of the study. "Policymakers have understandably been focused on the urgent goal of getting U.S. employment back to where it was before the recession…but our findings underscore that job quality is rapidly emerging as a second front in the struggling economy."
JUst make sure you own the joint where the burgers are being flipped. If your brain can't handle that,make a pattie from mud and grass and get practicing !
If you can flip 2 handed at the same time you get an extra 50 cents an hour and a free shake every day !!!
Middle Class Jobs Are Being Replaced By Burger-Flipping, Retail Sales, And Other Lousy McJobs
business Insider ^ | 9/4/2012 | Aaron Task

Middle Class Jobs Are Being Replaced By Burger-Flipping, Retail Sales, And Other Lousy Low-Pay McJobs - Business Insider

There's been a lot of talk in recent years about the "hollowing out" of the American middle class.

A new study by the National Employment Law Project (NELP) confirms the troubling trend.

NELP broke down jobs into low/ middle/and high-wage groups based on median incomes. Looking at the period from early 2008 through the first quarter of 2012, the study found: "High-wage" occupations accounted for 19% of the jobs lost during the Great Recession and 20% of the jobs gained during the recovery. "Mid-wage" occupations suffered 60% of job losses during the recession but only 22% of the growth during the recovery. "Low-wage" occupations accounted for 21% of the losses and a whopping 58% of the growth.

In other words, NELP found what many Americans already know: The market for middle class jobs has shrunk and most of the jobs that have been created during the recession are in low-income areas like retail and food services.

"In short, America's good jobs deficit continues," NELP said in a summary of the study. "Policymakers have understandably been focused on the urgent goal of getting U.S. employment back to where it was before the recession…but our findings underscore that job quality is rapidly emerging as a second front in the struggling economy."

Not that I'm flipping burgers but I can speak from personal experience that this is what is happening across the country. Many went from 6 figure jobs or jobs making over $75,000 to jobs paying $40,000 or less or no job at all. Ask people who used to be employed in the financial field for example.

The problem with lower level jobs is that when a person who is over qualified for them, yet perfectly willing to accept them, applies, they never get a shot at them. They are valid reasons for that but that is what many middle class people are faced with. Their job is gone, their field has shrunk and no one is willing to hire them.

So to tell certain people to go flip burgers it isn't always as easy as it sounds.
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