Middle School ordered to tear down brand new bleachers

The boys team worked hard to raise the money.

The girls team did not do what they needed to do to raise the money.

So the boys team is told they cant use their money because the girls have no money to use.

I see it now...

If we cant get the rich to part with their money, we will pass laws to prevent them from being able to spend more than anyone else.
Anytime you see stories like this that come out of Fox News, you have to go to the source documents to learn the truth. In this case, it's a letter from the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION XV dated Oct 13, 1913. The letter addresses a complaint that alleged that the District is denying equal athletic opportunity to female students at Plymouth High School (the School) because it does not provide the girls’ high school softball team with locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities that are equivalent to those provided to the boys’ baseball team.

The OCR investigated the complaint but made no recommendation or ruling. The district however agreed that some changes listed in the complaint were needed.

According to investigation report, the bleacher in question is a portable stand on the freshmen softball field. It allows for a seating capacity of 25 people although the picture of the bleacher is shot with a wide area lens to make it appear much larger.

The district decided to renovate the freshmen softball field which included moving the portable bleachers not tearing them down.

As is often the case when Fox News investigate the big bad federal government attacking local communities, the facts simply don't support the Fox News story.

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Anytime you see stories like this that come out of Fox News, you have to go to the source documents to learn the truth. In this case, it's a letter from the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION XV dated Oct 13, 1913. The letter addresses a complaint that alleged that the District is denying equal athletic opportunity to female students at Plymouth High School (the School) because it does not provide the girls’ high school softball team with locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities that are equivalent to those provided to the boys’ baseball team.

The OCR investigated the complaint but made no recommendation or ruling. The district however agreed that some changes listed in the complaint were needed.

According to investigation report, the bleacher in question is a portable stand on the freshmen softball field. It allows for a seating capacity of 25 people although the picture of the bleacher is shot with a wide area lens to make it appear much larger.

The district decided to renovate the freshmen softball field which included moving the portable bleachers not tearing them down.

As is often the case when Fox News investigate the big bad federal government attacking local communities, the facts simply don't support the Fox News story.


Actually, it was not a portable bleacher, it was an elevated deck made of bricks and mortar with black plastic fold down seats. The one in the photo is a standard set of bleachers, the one which was ordered removed was not. There were two issues with it. First, it was not handicap accessible, as most standard bleachers I've ever seen are not and secondly the other field did not have one. In your link it goes onto say the school needed to assure each set of "team boosters' ( parents) did things equally for each team. So the school would have to make sure one set of parents did not do something which was not as 'equal' as the other. Its in your link and if you watch the video you can see the different bleachers which are being torn down and stored, so I guess technically you are correct the are moving them to storage, but the are being torn down, the bricks are being removed and the seating is being removed and put into storage. Something the parents did so they could see unobstructed.

Therefore the school must assure if one teams boosters are raising X amount of dollars for a project the school must assure the any other teams boosters are doing the same.
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CaféAuLait;8847055 said:
Anytime you see stories like this that come out of Fox News, you have to go to the source documents to learn the truth. In this case, it's a letter from the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION XV dated Oct 13, 1913. The letter addresses a complaint that alleged that the District is denying equal athletic opportunity to female students at Plymouth High School (the School) because it does not provide the girls’ high school softball team with locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities that are equivalent to those provided to the boys’ baseball team.

The OCR investigated the complaint but made no recommendation or ruling. The district however agreed that some changes listed in the complaint were needed.

According to investigation report, the bleacher in question is a portable stand on the freshmen softball field. It allows for a seating capacity of 25 people although the picture of the bleacher is shot with a wide area lens to make it appear much larger.

The district decided to renovate the freshmen softball field which included moving the portable bleachers not tearing them down.

As is often the case when Fox News investigate the big bad federal government attacking local communities, the facts simply don't support the Fox News story.


Actually, it was not a portable bleacher, it was an elevated deck made of bricks and mortar with black plastic fold down seats. The one in the photo is a standard set of bleachers, the one which was ordered removed was not. There were two issues with it. First, it was not handicap accessible, as most standard bleachers I've ever seen are not and secondly the other field did not have one. In your link it goes onto say the school needed to assure each set of "team boosters' ( parents) did things equally for each team. So the school would have to make sure one set of parents did not do something which was not as 'equal' as the other. Its in your link and if you watch the video you can see the different bleachers which are being torn down and stored, so I guess technically you are correct the are moving them to storage, but the are being torn down, the bricks are being removed and the seating is being removed and put into storage. Something the parents did so they could see unobstructed.

Therefore the school must assure if one teams boosters are raising X amount of dollars for a project the school must assure the any other teams boosters are doing the same.
You're right, the black fold down seats are in the boys field and the bleachers are in the girls field. However, the OCR did not require the district to remove the fold down seats. This was a district decision just as it was a district decision to allow enhanced seating on the boys field while maintaining bleachers on the girls field.

From the OCR report it appears that seating was not the focal point of the complaint but rather the fields, the locker rooms, and score board. The district or the school is clearly at fault in allowing the sports facilities for boys to be upgrade without addressing the facilities for the girls. The district should have upgraded the facilities for the girls.
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CaféAuLait;8847055 said:
Anytime you see stories like this that come out of Fox News, you have to go to the source documents to learn the truth. In this case, it's a letter from the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION XV dated Oct 13, 1913. The letter addresses a complaint that alleged that the District is denying equal athletic opportunity to female students at Plymouth High School (the School) because it does not provide the girls’ high school softball team with locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities that are equivalent to those provided to the boys’ baseball team.

The OCR investigated the complaint but made no recommendation or ruling. The district however agreed that some changes listed in the complaint were needed.

According to investigation report, the bleacher in question is a portable stand on the freshmen softball field. It allows for a seating capacity of 25 people although the picture of the bleacher is shot with a wide area lens to make it appear much larger.

The district decided to renovate the freshmen softball field which included moving the portable bleachers not tearing them down.

As is often the case when Fox News investigate the big bad federal government attacking local communities, the facts simply don't support the Fox News story.


Actually, it was not a portable bleacher, it was an elevated deck made of bricks and mortar with black plastic fold down seats. The one in the photo is a standard set of bleachers, the one which was ordered removed was not. There were two issues with it. First, it was not handicap accessible, as most standard bleachers I've ever seen are not and secondly the other field did not have one. In your link it goes onto say the school needed to assure each set of "team boosters' ( parents) did things equally for each team. So the school would have to make sure one set of parents did not do something which was not as 'equal' as the other. Its in your link and if you watch the video you can see the different bleachers which are being torn down and stored, so I guess technically you are correct the are moving them to storage, but the are being torn down, the bricks are being removed and the seating is being removed and put into storage. Something the parents did so they could see unobstructed.

Therefore the school must assure if one teams boosters are raising X amount of dollars for a project the school must assure the any other teams boosters are doing the same.
You're right, the black fold down seats are in the boys field and the bleachers are in the girls field. However, the OCR did not require the district to remove the fold down seats. This was a district decision just as it was a district decision to allow enhanced seating on the boys field while maintaining bleachers on the girls field.

From the OCR report it appears that seating was not the focal point of the complaint but rather the fields, the locker rooms, and score board. The district or the school is clearly at fault in allowing the sports facilities for boys to be upgrade without addressing the facilities for the girls. The district should have upgraded the facilities for the girls.

In the beginning of the OCR statement they say this:

Although OCR usually has no authority to investigate independent booster clubs,
recipient school districts must ensure that equivalent benefits and services are provided to
members of both sexes. Therefore, when booster clubs or other fundraising
organizations, which may or may not be sponsored by the district, provide benefits or
services that assist only teams of one sex, the district must ensure that teams of the other
sex receive equivalent benefits and services
. If booster clubs provide benefits and
services to athletes of one sex that are greater than what the district is capable of
providing to athletes of the other sex, then the district must take action to ensure that
benefits and services are equivalent for both sexes.

It then ends with this:

As noted above, before OCR completed its investigation, the District expressed interest in resolving the complaint pursuant to Section 302 of the Manual. The Manual provides that a complaint may be resolved before the conclusion of an OCR investigation if a recipient expresses an interest in resolving the complaint. This does not constitute an admission of liability on the part of a recipient such as the District, nor does it constitute a determination by OCR that the District has violated any of the laws that OCR enforces. The provisions of the resolution agreement are to be aligned with the complaint allegations or the information obtained during the investigation and are to be consistent with applicable regulations.
The District has signed the enclosed resolution agreement, which, once implemented, will fully address the information obtained during the investigation in accordance with Title IX. The agreement requires the District to: renovate the School’s varsity softball field to include a scoreboard and seating equivalent to what is provided at the School’s varsity baseball field;

Both the scoreboard and the seating was provided by the booster club or parents who were raising money through sales, car washes, etc.

It is ridiculous to me that one would complain about parent provided seating and or scoreboards. The OCR report even stated it was obvious that those sports teams parents showed more interest in their child's chosen sport. The complaint was ridiculous IMO. It should not be incumbent upon the school to force parents to participate in booster activities or even match those funds if another team has not interest in doing the same, except to complain they don't have a scoreboard like the boys team because they did not care to invest in it, be it time or promotion of their chosen team.
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The old phrase is the law is an ass, but in this case I don't mind. There was an easy solution, upgrade the girls? The sports are, by law, required to try and stay equal.

The parents of the softball team girls should have raised the money. The school didn't pay for the bleachers at the boys field the parents raised money to do it.
Anytime you see stories like this that come out of Fox News, you have to go to the source documents to learn the truth. In this case, it's a letter from the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION XV dated Oct 13, 1913. The letter addresses a complaint that alleged that the District is denying equal athletic opportunity to female students at Plymouth High School (the School) because it does not provide the girls’ high school softball team with locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities that are equivalent to those provided to the boys’ baseball team.

The OCR investigated the complaint but made no recommendation or ruling. The district however agreed that some changes listed in the complaint were needed.

According to investigation report, the bleacher in question is a portable stand on the freshmen softball field. It allows for a seating capacity of 25 people although the picture of the bleacher is shot with a wide area lens to make it appear much larger.

The district decided to renovate the freshmen softball field which included moving the portable bleachers not tearing them down.

As is often the case when Fox News investigate the big bad federal government attacking local communities, the facts simply don't support the Fox News story.


Let me get this straight, you think a preliminary report issued by the OCR somehow trumps a story written 5 months after said preliminary report simply because you think a local station is part of the vast right wing conspiracy? Does your brain ever consider the possibility that the government is wrong?

By the way, the story is actually a pretty big deal on sports blogs. I am sure someone would have pointed out it was fake my now, if it actually was.

The old phrase is the law is an ass, but in this case I don't mind. There was an easy solution, upgrade the girls? The sports are, by law, required to try and stay equal.

Did anyone tell you Detroit is fucking broke because people like you think money is magic?
CaféAuLait;8847055 said:
Anytime you see stories like this that come out of Fox News, you have to go to the source documents to learn the truth. In this case, it's a letter from the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION XV dated Oct 13, 1913. The letter addresses a complaint that alleged that the District is denying equal athletic opportunity to female students at Plymouth High School (the School) because it does not provide the girls’ high school softball team with locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities that are equivalent to those provided to the boys’ baseball team.

The OCR investigated the complaint but made no recommendation or ruling. The district however agreed that some changes listed in the complaint were needed.

According to investigation report, the bleacher in question is a portable stand on the freshmen softball field. It allows for a seating capacity of 25 people although the picture of the bleacher is shot with a wide area lens to make it appear much larger.

The district decided to renovate the freshmen softball field which included moving the portable bleachers not tearing them down.

As is often the case when Fox News investigate the big bad federal government attacking local communities, the facts simply don't support the Fox News story.


Actually, it was not a portable bleacher, it was an elevated deck made of bricks and mortar with black plastic fold down seats. The one in the photo is a standard set of bleachers, the one which was ordered removed was not. There were two issues with it. First, it was not handicap accessible, as most standard bleachers I've ever seen are not and secondly the other field did not have one. In your link it goes onto say the school needed to assure each set of "team boosters' ( parents) did things equally for each team. So the school would have to make sure one set of parents did not do something which was not as 'equal' as the other. Its in your link and if you watch the video you can see the different bleachers which are being torn down and stored, so I guess technically you are correct the are moving them to storage, but the are being torn down, the bricks are being removed and the seating is being removed and put into storage. Something the parents did so they could see unobstructed.

Therefore the school must assure if one teams boosters are raising X amount of dollars for a project the school must assure the any other teams boosters are doing the same.
You're right, the black fold down seats are in the boys field and the bleachers are in the girls field. However, the OCR did not require the district to remove the fold down seats. This was a district decision just as it was a district decision to allow enhanced seating on the boys field while maintaining bleachers on the girls field.

From the OCR report it appears that seating was not the focal point of the complaint but rather the fields, the locker rooms, and score board. The district or the school is clearly at fault in allowing the sports facilities for boys to be upgrade without addressing the facilities for the girls. The district should have upgraded the facilities for the girls.

Stop lying, it makes you look like a pussy.

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