Middle school student suspended for liking a gun photo on instagram


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
An Edgewood Middle School student was handed a 10-day suspension for “liking” a picture of a gun on Instagram with the caption “ready.” The parents of Zachary Bowlin posted a picture of the intended suspension notice which read, “The reason for the intended suspension is as follows: Liking a post on social media that indicated potential school violence.” “I

Middle school student suspended for 'liking' photo of gun on Instagram

LMAO , Liberals are eating themselves alive and taking their kids right with them. This is what you get for wanting a bunch of snowflakes. Watch how much worse it gets. As you dumb fks want Communism and don't even know wtf you support nor why. Your schools are teaching it too right under your dumbass noses.
"Ready" says it all.

If he had brought it to school the next day and massacred his schoolmates, you knee jerk fools would be saying he had bad liberal parents.

BTW, idiot OP - that is one dumb ass site. Face facts - he's dead cuz his daddy murdered him and he's not coming back.

He's not going to send for you either. (Oh how I wish he would ...)

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"Ready" says it all.

If he had brought it to school the next day and massacred his schoolmates, you knee jerk fools would be saying he had bad liberal parents.

BTW, idiot OP - that is one dumb ass site. Face facts - he's dead cuz his daddy murdered him and he's not coming back.

He's not going to send for you either. (Oh how I wish he would ...)

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

"Ready" says it all.

If he had brought it to school the next day and massacred his schoolmates, you knee jerk fools would be saying he had bad liberal parents.

BTW, idiot OP - that is one dumb ass site. Face facts - he's dead cuz his daddy murdered him and he's not coming back.

He's not going to send for you either. (Oh how I wish he would ...)

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Are you still that gawd dam stupid you can't click the link that says READ MORE asshat.

Each you use that bs excuse, it just shows everyone how fkn stupid you truly are.
Last edited:
"Ready" says it all.

If he had brought it to school the next day and massacred his schoolmates, you knee jerk fools would be saying he had bad liberal parents.

BTW, idiot OP - that is one dumb ass site. Face facts - he's dead cuz his daddy murdered him and he's not coming back.

He's not going to send for you either. (Oh how I wish he would ...)

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Here wittle baby let mommy show you what happens when you click the link READ MORE, see honey it takes you to another site. OMG Imagine that.
Mommy can't give you any little star sticker though because you weren't able to think for yourself for this assignment.

I just want to know, when did off-school hours become the schools business??? Matter of fact....does the school have some kind of social media monitor that alerts them when one of the students is on & tracks their activities????
"Ready" says it all.

If he had brought it to school the next day and massacred his schoolmates, you knee jerk fools would be saying he had bad liberal parents.

BTW, idiot OP - that is one dumb ass site. Face facts - he's dead cuz his daddy murdered him and he's not coming back.

He's not going to send for you either. (Oh how I wish he would ...)

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Are you still that gawd dam stupid you can't click the link that says READ MORE asshat.

Each you use that bs excuse, it just shows everyone how fkn stupid you truly are.

Well you all remember the kid who was suspended for making his pop tart look like a gun right?
I just want to know, when did off-school hours become the schools business??? Matter of fact....does the school have some kind of social media monitor that alerts them when one of the students is on & tracks their activities????

that is an interesting topic

well, it does make ya wonder how did they find that out?

And it wasn't even a real gun, but an air-soft gun....

Don't even get me started on schools, guns & suspensions. :blowup:(#2 was suspended for doodling on paper a pic of an AR15)
And another thing........these kids all get kicked out of school for things like this, BUT what happened with the kid that made the clock that could have been & was mistaken for a bomb????? Sure he was suspended initially, but then was hailed as some kind of hero????? BULLSHIT
"Ready" says it all.

If he had brought it to school the next day and massacred his schoolmates, you knee jerk fools would be saying he had bad liberal parents.

Thanks for reminding us you're a fucking idiot. I had almost forgot. You must have been a public school teacher.
Someone is going.to bring a picture of.a.gun to.school and kill.ppl?

Leftards. Mentally ill.
Well these teachers have no right to invade what ppl do , but think about it they do this before hiring people now too. It shouldn't be anybody's dam business what they do at home in their personal life. etc.
Did the dumbasses stop to think that maybe the kid and his two friends were going to practice shooting said toy at some point? Ya know, "I'm ready!" or "Come at me bro" It's real common with paintballers (I know I have a bunch of em on my friends list that plan elaborate weekends at the paintball range park whatevertheycallems)

And yea... how the hell does the school even find out about that being posted/liked? Are they monitoring all the kids in their school?

~shrug~ maybe there's more to the story? Was the kid under watch for something else maybe? It just doesn't make sense to me. Of course, the kids up here in Alaska talk about Boy Scout stuff all the time, getting their rifle patches and what not, hunting, etc so maybe I'm biased...
"Ready" says it all.

If he had brought it to school the next day and massacred his schoolmates, you knee jerk fools would be saying he had bad liberal parents.

BTW, idiot OP - that is one dumb ass site. Face facts - he's dead cuz his daddy murdered him and he's not coming back.

He's not going to send for you either. (Oh how I wish he would ...)

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It sounds like that schools staff is in need of a good massacre, same goes for you normie faggot. Praise Kek.

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