Midterm results don't really bother me much

Conservatives voted for Quayle, and somehow they want to stop OTHERS from voting.

Hm . . . .

wow, did you come from the dailykos? 23 post and already dumping all over conservatives and making up shit like conservatives want to stop people from voting. another sheep who spews the DNC talking points
Conservatives do want to stop people from voting. Well, to be honest, they only want to stop CERTAIN people from voting.

Calling me names only helps my argument, so please continue.
Yeah, we want to stop dead people from voting.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

You apparently have no idea what you're talking about.

Senator Mary Landrieu voted with Obama 97% of the time. That is why shes looking at losing the runoff election in December. We don't like Obama in Louisiana, and she's shot herself in the foot not representing the people.
Midterm results don't really bother me much

Because you lost
America lost. :(
Yeah and since the people took the house and now the Senate away from Democrats. Obama and your nasty Dem/progressive/commie party are now LOSERS.

So in the minds of many America won. see how two can play that game?
Gosh Steph you're almost as dumb as that poster right above you.
Midterm results don't really bother me much

Because you lost
America lost. :(
Yeah and since the people took the house and now the Senate away from Democrats. Obama and your nasty Dem/progressive/commie party are now LOSERS.

So in the minds of many America won. see how two can play that game?
Gosh Steph you're almost as dumb as that poster right above you.

gosh Sarah put you claws back in. your proving my point on the "nasty" of the Democrat party. tsk tsk MEOW
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

Well you guys have control of congress and you're still pissed! :lol:

whatever you say. If you want to call "mocking", laughing at the left wingers being pissed then so be it. Have a good night, bye bye
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
Only an idiot and a complete dupe would call Mary Landrieu "republican-lite'.

If you can't get over this, you need to buy a great Louisiana product:

She's a conservative Democrat.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
Only an idiot and a complete dupe would call Mary Landrieu "republican-lite'.

If you can't get over this, you need to buy a great Louisiana product:

She's a conservative Democrat.

Yes, and JakeStarkey is a liberal Republican LOL
How amusing that the Loser Left is now tripping over themselves to mitigate Tuesday's election as meaningless, yet somehow, according to the Lying African, the 2/3 who didn't vote actually have something to say.

You people lie so much you actually believe your own bullshit. It's pathetic.
^^^ See? Wingnuts bitterly cling to their anger and victimhood even when they win.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
You dumb ass Kay Hagan was a liberal that won on the coat tail of obama in 2008 so your attempt to deflect the ass kicking the dems got last Tuesday is a big fat fail.
She's a conservative Democrat.

What's her position on the 2nd? On coal and energy?

And you are correct: a lot of these losers were elected riding Obama's coattails in 2008. They would never have won them without Obama.

Except for Colorado, every state with a losing Democratic Senator voted against Obama in 2012.

This was no shock.

But in 2016, all the Republican Senators who won in the 2010 election are up again in Blue states. Ayotte & Rubio are two of them.
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I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)

Obama doesn't vote, so I don't know what they are using to measure that.

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