Midwest Lesbians Beat Son With Hammer & Kicked His Groin Until He Suffered Two Strokes

I find the "lesbians hate men" theory interesting. I would figure that feminists would be more likely to hold such a title, and I'd say the majority of them are actually heterosexual; which begs the question, if it is the hate of men that drove this kid as Sil would have us believe, then would we find a correlation of gender disorientation in feminist's sons? And would the same not be true of women hating men's daughters?

Go look it up for us Sil.
It sounds like you're attempting to smooth over a gender hate crime by giving weird examples of non sequiturs hoping for a stawman. Is drugging a boy to "make a decision later" (while under the influence of hormones, which are powerful mood alterers) to have his dick amputated (we all know where the ultimate goal of transgenderism is) a Machiavellian practice or not? What ultimately is the difference between the hate crime on gender of lesbians kicking a boy in his balls until he bleeds and another set drugging one to not be able to be in his right mind to "choose" having his dick cut off to please that set of lesbians (to finally matter to them)?

Since Syriusly spammed no less than 7 posts in a row on the last page, I'll repost this here in case the conversation might get "accidentally" buried...
7 posts spammed in a row. That's nearly an all-time record for your spamming Syriusly!

You have 56 threads on the same topic with literally thousands of posts on the same topic.

And you're babbling about 'spam'?
This is ridiiculous. Bad people do bad things. Heterosexuals do bad things too. Heterosexuals abuse their children too. The fact these are lesbians means nothing. Nothing. Bad people come in all types. The purpose of this thread is to promote prejudice. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Oh, absolutely. But Sil is only concerned with child abuse , any child any capacity, really...if it lets her attack gay people. If a child doesn't serve that end, Sil completely ignores them.
I find the "lesbians hate men" theory interesting. I would figure that feminists would be more likely to hold such a title, and I'd say the majority of them are actually heterosexual; which begs the question, if it is the hate of men that drove this kid as Sil would have us believe, then would we find a correlation of gender disorientation in feminist's sons? And would the same not be true of women hating men's daughters?

Go look it up for us Sil.
It sounds like you're attempting to smooth over a gender hate crime by giving weird examples of non sequiturs hoping for a stawman. Is drugging a boy to "make a decision later" (while under the influence of hormones, which are powerful mood alterers) to have his dick amputated (we all know where the ultimate goal of transgenderism is) a Machiavellian practice or not? What ultimately is the difference between the hate crime on gender of lesbians kicking a boy in his balls until he bleeds and another set drugging one to not be able to be in his right mind to "choose" having his dick cut off to please that set of lesbians (to finally matter to them)?

Since Syriusly spammed no less than 7 posts in a row on the last page, I'll repost this here in case the conversation might get "accidentally" buried...

Look you're making a connection between "lesbians hate men" and the child's stated sexual identity - that was your argument. I merely state that if indeed such a connection exists, then it should be found to exist in similar circumstances - such as feminist's who hate men's children. If it's a strawman, then it's actually /your/ strawman not mine - it is after all /your/ theory used to support /your/ conjecture, I merely suggested you research it.

Still, I'll admit I was being slightly "underhanded" as I already know the answer you'd find. The problem, as with nearly all your bias opinionated theory crafting, is that it's not the case. In fact, worse for your theory, most gender identity disordered [children and adults] actually come from heterosexual parents who have no evidence of hating men or women. Numerous studies since the 70s have shown that there is no correlation between the parental role model(s) sexual preference and their offspring's transgender-ism. So, yet again, your theory of cause and effect is flawed.

As someone who actually suffers from gender identity disorder I can guarantee you that it has zip zero to do with my parents sexuality in any way, shape, or form; both of whom are heterosexual and believe in God for the record. It also had zip zero to do with my friends, the recent political climate of "forced" acceptance, and a "history" of sexual abuse as you've oft claimed in the past. I am one of the lucky GID's in that I don't suffer from the negative's that are oft associated with it; depression, anxiety, etc. Doctors think my synesthesia counters those symptoms and transforms them, and admittedly it's hard to be "depressed" when the "sad" feeling is muddled up in my crossed wires and comes out as a "purple." This is [as my doctors say] "compounded" by my intellectual leanings, as a logical person it's nearly impossible for me personally to get upset about feeling "purple" so I reject it as "depression" and opt to ignore it. (My doctor feels this is an "unhealthy" decision and that I need to "learn to deal with my purple feelings" to which I typically laugh at him - an "argument" that's been going on for at least 20 years now truth be told.)

In any event, my GID has nothing to do with anyone else at all, it is 100% me; the cause, the effect, and the dealing with it. I am thankful that my folks did /not/ elect to put me under the recommended treatments of the day, my mother, being a caring soul and loving me as her only child, pulled me out after seeing my painful reaction from the first "treatment." She decided to let "God" choose my path if we're to be honest, which is a lot of why I have a hard time "disliking" religious people, even though I find organized religion false and abusive to it's followers; because it was my mothers belief in God that allowed me to be who I am today. Ironic.
The appeasement of political correctness is in full view here... Lol
This thread is not about "political correctness". It's about child abuse and it's about a mentally ill woman with a abnormal fixation on LGBT.
No, not really. Let's be blunt why would two lesbians want to raise some boy? That alone has to be questioned, or is it too politically incorrect to do such a thing??

I find most progressives are disingenuous in their intentions…
Why would any couple want to raise some boy? What is it you have against boys? Shouldn't they be raised?
In this case lesbians seem to be the wrong match, Due to their behavior toward the boy… I think he will have identity crisis in future years.
Why would he have an identity crisis? What is it you have to tell us?
This lesbian couple for starters, who supposedly loved him, kicking him in the nuts over and over again, the people who let them have this kid, The appeasers going to bat for this couple's lifestyle choice...
Everything about the story is fucked up
Are you saying that all lesbian couples are abusive? That they are abusive BECAUSE they are lesbian?
sooner or later people are going to have to face the fact that the homosexual threat to society is a female one.

Sooner or later bigots will be treated like the social lepers that they are.
Some cannot handle the part of the female population that doesn't need men or their...er....tools. There is real fear in some male quarters...some secret fear that they and their...ahem...tools are not the whole world to women.
I think that its the opposite. I think that women who reject the tools can't handle the rest of the female population hahaha
Thank you for proving my point.
Why would any couple want to raise some boy? What is it you have against boys? Shouldn't they be raised?
In this case lesbians seem to be the wrong match, Due to their behavior toward the boy… I think he will have identity crisis in future years.
Why would he have an identity crisis? What is it you have to tell us?
This lesbian couple for starters, who supposedly loved him, kicking him in the nuts over and over again, the people who let them have this kid, The appeasers going to bat for this couple's lifestyle choice...
Everything about the story is fucked up

Well let us break this down:
  • This lesbian couple for starters, who supposedly loved him, kicking him in the nuts over and over again,-there is no a poster in this thread who has not agreed that this abuse is horrible. You- in contrast- were the one who laughed at it.
  • the people who let them have this kid, One of the two women is the boy's biological mother. Who do you think 'gave' the son to the biological mother
  • The appeasers going to bat for this couple's lifestyle choice...Here is where your fucked up bigotry comes into play. Child abuse is not a lifestyle choice- no one is excusing this couples child abuse- the bigots are attacking this couple because they are lesbians.
  • And remember- you are the only one in this thread who has laughed at the abuse this boy sufffered.
The mothers are monsters.

You are merely an asshole.
Laughing at the appeasers who stand up for this couple, because of political correctness...
It's not normal family, kid obviously found that out the hard way…
Who are the appeasers who stand up for this couple? Name names.
Look you're making a connection between "lesbians hate men" and the child's stated sexual identity - that was your argument.

Still, I'll admit I was being slightly "underhanded" as I already know the answer you'd find. The problem, as with nearly all your bias opinionated theory crafting, is that it's not the case. In fact, worse for your theory, most gender identity disordered [children and adults] actually come from heterosexual parents who have no evidence of hating men or women. Numerous studies since the 70s have shown that there is no correlation between the parental role model(s) sexual preference and their offspring's transgender-ism. So, yet again, your theory of cause and effect is flawed.

That hetero PC zombies have been roped into your cult-think, courtesy of Orwellian hold your cult has on the APA (and the branching outwards of all institutions that still mistake it as an impartial scientific body), is unremarkable. Germans ratted out their Jewish friends just to keep from being sent to concentration camps or shot themselves. Fear of persecution can have a powerful psychological effect.

So if a child of a hetero couple gets it in his head that playing at the opposite gender will make him loved more by mommy (say who has three other boys and wanted a daughter when the fourth "transgender" boy was born), then the parents, trained up like the rest of the PC zombies by what they see on TV and the tripe the LGBT payroll bloggers are dispensing in social media by the ton, they think 'oh, my boy is really a little girl trapped in a boy's body!" Not looking deeper to the mother's psychosis wanting a daughter so badly she buys her last infant son tons of pink stuff for his room and infuses him with countless subconscious cues "I really would've preferred if you'd been born a girl"...without actually saying that.

"Jazz" comes to mind here. When I read the article on that poor boy, I saw a picture of him at age like 5, all done up in a dress with longer hair, sitting in a child's bedroom. In the background was an entire ensemble of pink decor in everything from his bedspread, curtains and accents. He was sporting probably $100 makeup job to make his eyes look more feminine etc. etc. Now I ask you, what 5 year old first of all knows anything about who he is in the world with finality? (I for example was convinced I was a bird and was trying to jump off of rooftops then...luckily adults intervened). Secondly, how could that 5 year old have decorated his own room with over $2,000 in pink furnishings and paid for his own $100 makeup job? The answer is, he didn't. The answer is, that crap was pushed on him by his mommy since the earliest of ages. But people were and are too polite to confront her influence over the boy and so "he's transgender". Later to have his dick cut off.

Boy haters don't always have to be lesbians. But lesbians by their very definition are the most suspect group of all. How badly do you have to hate a gender to refuse to have sex with it via the natural course of men and women...and instead have your "girl"friend use a strapon penis? How many buried issues do you have time for in this post?

The germane point of this post is that the assault on the 5 year old boy in the OP was done by a lesbian who was targeting his groin. That's gender-hate. I don't need any more evidence and if the reverse was true to a gay person by a hetero, you'd be screaming "hate crime!!" from the rooftops. And, two lesbian (or hetero) women urging a boy that 'he's a girl' and drugging him even to addle his mind to "decide" (people on drugs as powerful as hormones can't make a rational choice, especially if that drugging has been longterm enough to make physical changes to the body) to have his dick cut off later are just doing the diet version of kicking the boy in the balls until they bleed. At least the boy who was kicked can hopefully recover and be a normal male. After the junk is cut off that son of the two lesbians, there's no turning back. He is not and will never be female. He'll just be a sad, pathetic amputee thinking "Mommies, is my gender acceptable now???" :crybaby:

All of it is sick and disgusting and frankly mentally ill. It's bullshit people have bought hook line and sinker, peddled by a very aggressive cult. And in the case of the OP it's two hate crimes against gender.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.

'Suspect'? So now you're offering us your impressions and feelings as evidence?
Why not? That's all the APA has to offer on "transgenderism".. It's worse with them because they're grooming folks to accept it despite the scientific data they have that amputees are even more depressed after the surgery than before. At least I have the fact that lesbians reject males so completely that they are trying to have sex with women....half of which who look, dress and act like men. If you can't see a cavern of issues when it smacks you in the face like a Mac Truck, that's not my problem..
Look you're making a connection between "lesbians hate men" and the child's stated sexual identity - that was your argument.

Still, I'll admit I was being slightly "underhanded" as I already know the answer you'd find. The problem, as with nearly all your bias opinionated theory crafting, is that it's not the case. In fact, worse for your theory, most gender identity disordered [children and adults] actually come from heterosexual parents who have no evidence of hating men or women. Numerous studies since the 70s have shown that there is no correlation between the parental role model(s) sexual preference and their offspring's transgender-ism. So, yet again, your theory of cause and effect is flawed.

That hetero PC zombies have been roped into your cult-think, courtesy of Orwellian hold your cult has on the APA (and the branching outwards of all institutions that still mistake it as an impartial scientific body), is unremarkable. Germans ratted out their Jewish friends just to keep from being sent to concentration camps or shot themselves. Fear of persecution can have a powerful psychological effect.

So.....the APA recognizing that homosexuality isn't a mental illness is the same as jews ratting out friends so they wouldn't be sent to the concentration camps.

Wow.......your insanity is just seeping into the pores.

So if a child of a hetero couple gets it in his head that playing at the opposite gender will make him loved more by mommy (say who has three other boys and wanted a daughter when the fourth "transgender" boy was born), then the parents, trained up like the rest of the PC zombies by what they see on TV and the tripe the LGBT payroll bloggers are dispensing in social media by the ton, they think 'oh, my boy is really a little girl trapped in a boy's body!" Not looking deeper to the mother's psychosis wanting a daughter so badly she buys her last infant son tons of pink stuff for his room and infuses him with countless subconscious cues "I really would've preferred if you'd been born a girl"...without actually saying that.

Yeah, prove that's what happened.

Remember, you're offering us a fantasy narrative in your head.....as an ACTUAL event. And pretending that if you make up a story, that somehow you gain 'knowledge' about people you've never even met.

Up, that's not how reality works, Jen. Your imagination isn't reality. Your imagination isn't knowledge. Your imagination is shit you make up.

"Jazz" comes to mind here. When I read the article on that poor boy, I saw a picture of him at age like 5, all done up in a dress with longer hair, sitting in a child's bedroom. In the background was an entire ensemble of pink decor in everything from his bedspread, curtains and accents. He was sporting probably $100 makeup job to make his eyes look more feminine etc. etc. Now I ask you, what 5 year old first of all knows anything about who he is in the world with finality? (I for example was convinced I was a bird and was trying to jump off of rooftops then...luckily adults intervened). Secondly, how could that 5 year old have decorated his own room with over $2,000 in pink furnishings and paid for his own $100 makeup job? The answer is, he didn't. The answer is, that crap was pushed on him by his mommy since the earliest of ages. But people were and are too polite to confront her influence over the boy and so "he's transgender". Later to have his dick cut off.

Jazz's parents are straight. Your entire theory just broke. As you've insisted it was male hatting lesbians that 'make' transgender children.

Seriously Sil.....you have no idea what you're talking about. You're literally just making this shit up as you go along. And you don't know anyone involved.

The germane point of this post is that the assault on the 5 year old boy in the OP was done by a lesbian who was targeting his groin. That's gender-hate. I don't need any more evidence and if the reverse was true to a gay person by a hetero, you'd be screaming "hate crime!!" from the rooftops. And, two lesbian (or hetero) women urging a boy that 'he's a girl' and drugging him even to addle his mind to "decide" (people on drugs as powerful as hormones can't make a rational choice, especially if that drugging has been longterm enough to make physical changes to the body) to have his dick cut off later are just doing the diet version of kicking the boy in the balls until they bleed. At least the boy who was kicked can hopefully recover and be a normal male. After the junk is cut off that son of the two lesbians, there's no turning back. He is not and will never be female. He'll just be a sad, pathetic amputee thinking "Mommies, is my gender acceptable now???" :crybaby:

All of it is sick and disgusting and frankly mentally ill. It's bullshit people have bought hook line and sinker, peddled by a very aggressive cult. And in the case of the OP it's two hate crimes against gender.

The germane point is that you've taken one instance of horrible child abuse and awkwardly tried to project it onto ALL lesbians.....because you 'suspect' them.

That's sick, disgusting and frankly mentally ill.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.

'Suspect'? So now you're offering us your impressions and feelings as evidence?
Why not? That's all the APA has to offer on "transgenderism".. It's worse with them because they're grooming folks to accept it despite the scientific data they have that amputees are even more depressed after the surgery than before. At least I have the fact that lesbians reject males so completely that they are trying to have sex with women....half of which who look, dress and act like men. If you can't see a cavern of issues when it smacks you in the face like a Mac Truck, that's not my problem..

Does that mean that women whom only sleep with men reject women completely? Or does this standard only apply to queers? Somehow I bet it doesn't.
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Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.

'Suspect'? So now you're offering us your impressions and feelings as evidence?
Why not?

Because your subjective feelings aren't objective evidence. Because your imagination isn't objective evidence.

Of anything.

That you 'suspect' millions of women isn't evidence of them having done anything wrong. Your emotions do not translate into their motivations, beliefs or actions.

Do you really not understand this?

That's all the APA has to offer on "transgenderism".. It's worse with them because they're grooming folks to accept it despite the scientific data they have that amputees are even more depressed after the surgery than before. At least I have the fact that lesbians reject males so completely that they are trying to have sex with women....half of which who look, dress and act like men. If you can't see a cavern of issues when it smacks you in the face like a Mac Truck, that's not my problem..

Then why does the suicide rate of transgenders drop to 1/10th presurgery levels after surgery?

And worse, you're doubling down on the Confirmation Bias fallacy. As you'll only accept studies that say what you want to believe. If any study, from any source, contradicts you......you make up elaborate conspiracies and ignore it. The study doesn't even have to be in this country......and you'll fantasy up a conspiracy to ignore it.

Ignoring anything you don't want to believe is irrational.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.

'Suspect'? So now you're offering us your impressions and feelings as evidence?
Why not? That's all the APA has to offer on "transgenderism".. It's worse with them because they're grooming folks to accept it despite the scientific data they have that amputees are even more depressed after the surgery than before. At least I have the fact that lesbians reject males so completely that they are trying to have sex with women....half of which who look, dress and act like men. If you can't see a cavern of issues when it smacks you in the face like a Mac Truck, that's not my problem..

Does that mean that women whom only sleep with men reject women completely? Or does this standard only apply to queer? Somehow I bet it doesn't.

And don't get me started on those men hating straight men. I mean, if you won't fuck a man, you must hate all men.

Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.

'Suspect'? So now you're offering us your impressions and feelings as evidence?
Why not? That's all the APA has to offer on "transgenderism".. It's worse with them because they're grooming folks to accept it despite the scientific data they have that amputees are even more depressed after the surgery than before. At least I have the fact that lesbians reject males so completely that they are trying to have sex with women....half of which who look, dress and act like men. If you can't see a cavern of issues when it smacks you in the face like a Mac Truck, that's not my problem..

Does that mean that women whom only sleep with men reject women completely? Or does this standard only apply to queer? Somehow I bet it doesn't.

And don't get me started on those men hating straight men. I mean, if you won't fuck a man, you must hate all men.


It is this type of dumb fuckery that keeps me visiting her thread consistently. It is comedy gold. lol
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.

'Suspect'? So now you're offering us your impressions and feelings as evidence?
Why not? That's all the APA has to offer on "transgenderism".. It's worse with them because they're grooming folks to accept it despite the scientific data they have that amputees are even more depressed after the surgery than before. At least I have the fact that lesbians reject males so completely that they are trying to have sex with women....half of which who look, dress and act like men. If you can't see a cavern of issues when it smacks you in the face like a Mac Truck, that's not my problem..
What a load of crap. So...according to Silly, if a woman has sex with men it's because they reject women so completely.

Apparently...according to Silly, it's not about sexual attraction to someone of a specific gender, it's about rejecting everyone else. :lol:

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