Midwest Lesbians Beat Son With Hammer & Kicked His Groin Until He Suffered Two Strokes

Laughing at the appeasers who stand up for this couple, because of political correctness

Not a single person in this thread has stood up for what these beasts did to their son. Not one.
Laughing at the appeasers who stand up for this couple, because of political correctness

Not a single person in this thread has stood up for what these beasts did to their son. Not one.
Are you talking about the lesbians who hate-crimed the gender of the boy by kicking him in the groin or the lesbians drugging the boy in hopes one day he'll cut of his genitals?
Laughing at the appeasers who stand up for this couple, because of political correctness

Not a single person in this thread has stood up for what these beasts did to their son. Not one.
Are you talking about the lesbians who hate-crimed the gender of the boy by kicking him in the groin or the lesbians drugging the boy in hopes one day he'll cut of his genitals?

You mean the lesbian couple that is following the direction of both the child's express wishes, her psychologists and her doctors......with you presuming to know better than all of them?

Is there ever an instance where you cite children that you *aren't* using to try and hurt gay people?
Are you talking about the lesbians who hate-crimed the gender of the boy by kicking him in the groin or the lesbians drugging the boy in hopes one day he'll cut of his genitals

I am talking about how you don't actually care about children unless you can find a way to feed your creepy anti-gay obsession. Your concern in either case is disingenuous horseshit. Fact.
You mean the lesbian couple that is following the direction of both the child's express wishes, her psychologists and her doctors......with you presuming to know better than all of them?

Is there ever an instance where you cite children that you *aren't* using to try and hurt gay people?

So let me get this straight. You're advocating that people practicing the highly-controversial and frankly Machiavellian procedure of amputating healthy genitalia which results statistically depressed and mutilated halflings, should be able to proceed to do so with a boy by drugging him in preparation for such an act? But you draw the line at someone merely kicking a boy in the balls until he bleeds by comparison?

Here's what the lesbians in California are coercing/drugging (with help from "professionals" who all belong in prison BTW) to eventually do to his male genitals; which will result in him no more being female than I would be an airline pilot by sewing a badge on my lapels..

Drugging a child to eventually "choose" (are people drugged able to choose? The law says typically "no") this "isn't" child abuse, say "professionals"??????




Face it. The lesbians hate male gender and the boy has picked up on this. To be loved, he is "choosing" to cut his genitals off because he believes it will (finally) please them as to who he is..
You mean the lesbian couple that is following the direction of both the child's express wishes, her psychologists and her doctors......with you presuming to know better than all of them?

Is there ever an instance where you cite children that you *aren't* using to try and hurt gay people?

So let me get this straight. You're advocating that people practicing the highly-controversial and frankly Machiavellian procedure of amputating healthy genitalia which results statistically depressed and mutilated halflings, should be able to proceed to do so with a boy by drugging him in preparation for such an act? But you draw the line at someone merely kicking a boy in the balls until he bleeds by comparison?

Nope. As usual, you can't help but lie.

No one has argued that the child should have gender reassignment surgery. That's a choice the child will make for herself when she becomes an adult.

Here's what the lesbians in California are coercing/drugging (with help from "professionals" who all belong in prison BTW) to eventually do to his male genitals; which will result in him no more being female than I would be an airline pilot by sewing a badge on my lapels..

And who says they are 'coercing' this child? You do, citing your own insanity. You've never met this child, you've never met the parents, talked to any of the professionals, so much as been in the same room with anyone involved.

All the specific 'knowledge' you claim to have...is merely your own delusion.

Meanwhile, the child, her parents, her doctors and her mental health professionals are all intiminately familiar with this child, her situation, and her needs. Why would I ignore them....and instead believe you citing yourself on a child you've never even met?

Remember....you have no idea what you're talking about.

Face it. The lesbians hate male gender and the boy has picked up on this. To be loved, he is "choosing" to cut his genitals off because he believes it will (finally) please them as to who he is..

Face it....you have no idea what you're talking about. You're literally just making up your own batshit narrative based on whatever nonsense you choose to believe. And have not so much as met anyone involved nor know anything about them.

You have no knowledge, no insight, no experience, no relationship with the child, nothing.

You're nobody to her. Why should you be making these decisions for her instead of the child herself, her parents, her doctors and her psychologists?
I find the "lesbians hate men" theory interesting. I would figure that feminists would be more likely to hold such a title, and I'd say the majority of them are actually heterosexual; which begs the question, if it is the hate of men that drove this kid as Sil would have us believe, then would we find a correlation of gender disorientation in feminist's sons? And would the same not be true of women hating men's daughters?

Go look it up for us Sil.
I find the "lesbians hate men" theory interesting. I would figure that feminists would be more likely to hold such a title, and I'd say the majority of them are actually heterosexual; which begs the question, if it is the hate of men that drove this kid as Sil would have us believe, then would we find a correlation of gender disorientation in feminist's sons? And would the same not be true of women hating men's daughters?

Go look it up for us Sil.

Cmon, Ever. You can man a fleet of battleships with the meaningless pseudo-legal and pseudo psyche horseshit that Sil has 'offered' and then abandoned.

Her rants might as well begin with 'once upon a time' for as much relevance as they have with the real world.
Well you have to understand, the reason they're lesbians in the first place is rooted in such a deep disdain for the male gender that ...well...the obvious. Also, one of them still dresses and acts like a man usually, so the desire for normalcy persists while the simmering hatred bubbles up from below...

January 14, 2016
Lesbian couple 'beat one woman's 5-year-old son with a HAMMER, duct-taped his eyes and kicked him in the groin until he bled and suffered two strokes' Lesbian couple 'beat one woman's son, 5, until he suffered 2 strokes'

And don't forget about this one:

Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

And this one:

A lesbian couple is facing 21 counts of child abuse after being accused of abusing their three children....Eraca Dwan Craig, 31, and Christian Jessica DeAnda, 44, of Salinas, California...The Monterey Herald reports that the girl was covered in bruises when a welfare worker went to the visit the couple's home on March 14, and then revealed that she was chained to the floor 'all day, every day.'..In addition to their 8-year-old daughter, the couple have two sons, ages 5 and 3-years-old Lesbians who chained daughter to wall so she couldn't eat stand trial

^^ All three kids were on the verge of starvation. Only the daughter was chained up every day though.

I think that when people give themselves a proud identity derived from a type of wrong sex (in this case, lesbian) they practice (sex is for procreation), then the barn door sort of gets kicked open for any other wrong sex being embraced.

And just in general, identifying yourself as a lesbian, say, is really a way of saying "I subconsciously or consciously loathe males so much that I would rather have sex with a female dressed up as a man than an actual man". Or "I can and should justify drugging my son to be a girl". Or "I can justify kicking my little boy in the balls and beating him with a hammer because men suck"...

Of the two identical twin girls I know that I've been discussing on another thread, one turned out gay and the other straight. So there's that. But there's a further story too. One of the lesbian moms of these twins, the lipstick one a friend of mine got to know to where she divulged her sordid past. Turns out she was molested by a man when she was little and grew up simultaneously fearing men but also lusting after them because of the imprinted sexualizing as a child. So her way of resolving this was to be with a butch lesbian... They still had epic fights so there was no resolution. The eventually split up and the women went back and forth between men and butch lesbians in her relationships to this day.

..I could go on and on with this woman's checkered and waffling sexual manifestations of earlier abuse, except it would divert from the point I'm trying to make, which is this:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Now the LGBT professional blogger crew will show up spamming this thread in no time, claiming that "most molestation and abuse occurs from heteros". Except that it doesn't, not really. The propensity (likelihood of the tendency to abuse sexually) occurs more frequently (and probably as you might suspect) in people who embrace wrong sex as an identity (homosexuals, as an example):

Here's what the Mayo Clinic says about the demographics who sexually abuse children:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men http://www.drrichardhall.com/Articles/pedophiles.pdf

So, in short, homosexuals molest children up to 40% of all childhood molestation reports (those that are reported, boys tend to under report when they are molested because of stigma and shame being buggered by a man). So the LGBT payroll bloggers will say that "see! 40% is less than 60%!" But what you need to understand is that homosexuals only make up (for now, numbers growing) around 2-5% of the entire population. So we have 2-5% of the entire population accounting for approaching half of all child molestation. That's what you call "a propensity to molest".

I think red flags should appear when adults are creating identities from their sexual kinks, parading them down streets in "pride" and then wanting to involve children in their lives. Their obvious and screaming mental wounds are poised to infect the children who are sucked into their midst by natural birth or by adoption. At the very least, anyone identifying themselves and parading any type but especially unusual sexual behavior in public as a constant part of their persona should be watched closely if they are entrusted with the unsupervised care of children..
This is ridiiculous. Bad people do bad things. Heterosexuals do bad things too. Heterosexuals abuse their children too. The fact these are lesbians means nothing. Nothing. Bad people come in all types. The purpose of this thread is to promote prejudice. You should be ashamed of yourself.
My black one eye'd dog loved the mail lady, she was black, too. Was that racism or what, he used to be so happy to see her. Goes against every stereotype ever. I could never figure that out.
I find the "lesbians hate men" theory interesting. I would figure that feminists would be more likely to hold such a title, and I'd say the majority of them are actually heterosexual; which begs the question, if it is the hate of men that drove this kid as Sil would have us believe, then would we find a correlation of gender disorientation in feminist's sons? And would the same not be true of women hating men's daughters?

Go look it up for us Sil.
It sounds like you're attempting to smooth over a gender hate crime by giving weird examples of non sequiturs hoping for a stawman. Is drugging a boy to "make a decision later" (while under the influence of hormones, which are powerful mood alterers) to have his dick amputated (we all know where the ultimate goal of transgenderism is) a Machiavellian practice or not? What ultimately is the difference between the hate crime on gender of lesbians kicking a boy in his balls until he bleeds and another set drugging one to not be able to be in his right mind to "choose" having his dick cut off to please that set of lesbians (to finally matter to them)?
I would say getting kicked in the nuts over and over again had a lot to do with the strokes?? Hes probably mentally damaged for life… that being kicked in the nuts over and over again by his lesbian parents trying to explain that I guess…
How many times do you have to say "kicked in the nuts". That's not the most important detail of this story. This child was beaten within an inch of his life. That has nothing to do with his parents being female.
I'm beginning to think that he's getting some kind of titillation from saying it again and again.
But in all seriousness it's lesbianskicking a kid in the nuts over and over again, Who happens to be their adopted kid. You really think that should be ignored, that detail? …

In all seriousness- all child abuse is tragic- you only care about this case because the parents are lesbians.

In the two months since the news story of this tragic came out there have been hundreds of cases of children- adoptive and biological- being beaten or raped by their parents- probably 97% of the time by straight people.

You haven't expressed concern for any of them.

You really think that all of those kids should be ignored- just because their mom's aren't lesbians?
It's a fucked up family, the kid found that out the hard way...

It was two fucked up monster parents and another tragic abused child.

If the parents had not been lesbians- Silhouette would never have even mentioned them.
Are you in favor of incestuous marriage?

You said you thought that the lesbians who kicked their son in the groin (gender hate crime) until he had two strokes were "monsters".

I think that any parents who physicallly assault their children like that are monsters- including these two.

The difference between us is that you only pretend to care when you can call the parents homosexuals.

This arrest happened 2 months ago- and hundreds of parents have been arrested for abusing their children- even raping their children- even killing their children since then.

Not one word from you about any of them.

Because their parents were not lesbians.
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Sil is so concerned about the sexual abuse of children she described Josh Duggar's acts as 'playing doctor' and was more concerned with blaming gays for his acts. His victims...not so much. She mentioned Oprah more than the poor children he abused. Her concern for children ends the second she can't use them to further her anti-gay narrative. Fact.
Stop covering for Syriusly's non sequitur by introducing your own. Stay on topic or be reported. It's that simple.

Report away.

You are the one who brings up the tragedy of a boy's abuse by his parents- just so you can attack homosexuals.
Why would any couple want to raise some boy? What is it you have against boys? Shouldn't they be raised?
In this case lesbians seem to be the wrong match, Due to their behavior toward the boy… I think he will have identity crisis in future years.
Why would he have an identity crisis? What is it you have to tell us?
This lesbian couple for starters, who supposedly loved him, kicking him in the nuts over and over again, the people who let them have this kid, The appeasers going to bat for this couple's lifestyle choice...
Everything about the story is fucked up

Well let us break this down:
  • This lesbian couple for starters, who supposedly loved him, kicking him in the nuts over and over again,-there is no a poster in this thread who has not agreed that this abuse is horrible. You- in contrast- were the one who laughed at it.
  • the people who let them have this kid, One of the two women is the boy's biological mother. Who do you think 'gave' the son to the biological mother
  • The appeasers going to bat for this couple's lifestyle choice...Here is where your fucked up bigotry comes into play. Child abuse is not a lifestyle choice- no one is excusing this couples child abuse- the bigots are attacking this couple because they are lesbians.
  • And remember- you are the only one in this thread who has laughed at the abuse this boy sufffered.
The mothers are monsters.

You are merely an asshole.
Laughing at the appeasers who stand up for this couple, because of political correctness...
It's not normal family, kid obviously found that out the hard way…

No one who is standing up for this couple- no one has defended these monsters.

But you are the one who has repeatedly laughed at his abuse.

The mothers are monsters.

You are merely an asshole.
Laughing at the appeasers who stand up for this couple, because of political correctness

Not a single person in this thread has stood up for what these beasts did to their son. Not one.

Their lifestyle is fucked up and the kid had to pay for it…

What 'lifestyle' is it that beats up or rapes their own children?

Share that with us.

Unless you are still too busy laughing at what happened to this boy.
You mean the lesbian couple that is following the direction of both the child's express wishes, her psychologists and her doctors......with you presuming to know better than all of them?

Is there ever an instance where you cite children that you *aren't* using to try and hurt gay people?

So let me get this straight. You're advocating that people practicing the highly-controversial and frankly Machiavellian procedure of amputating healthy genitalia which results statistically depressed and mutilated halflings, should be able to proceed to do so with a boy ..


Why do you hate children?
I find the "lesbians hate men" theory interesting. I would figure that feminists would be more likely to hold such a title, and I'd say the majority of them are actually heterosexual; which begs the question, if it is the hate of men that drove this kid as Sil would have us believe, then would we find a correlation of gender disorientation in feminist's sons? And would the same not be true of women hating men's daughters?

Go look it up for us Sil.
It sounds like you're attempting to smooth over a gender hate crime by giving weird examples ?


Are you in favor of incestuous marriage?
7 posts spammed in a row. That's nearly an all-time record for your spamming Syriusly!

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