Midwest Lesbians Beat Son With Hammer & Kicked His Groin Until He Suffered Two Strokes

sooner or later people are going to have to face the fact that the homosexual threat to society is a female one.

Sooner or later bigots will be treated like the social lepers that they are.
Bigots will always be the majority and I am not one.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing a particular group of people destroy the western hemisphere and the lifes of the people in it. And I'm not talking about heebs.
Who are you talking about? Who the heck are heebs?
Men think they are so important to lesbians that lesbians "hate" them and ALL males no matter how young. That's not what's happened here. These two women are abusive parents. They are criminals and should be prosecuted for their crimes.

The fact that they happen to be lesbians is irrelevant, except in the minds of LGBT haters and bigots.

an ex lesbian transman said to me the other day in real life: There are 3 kinds of lesbians. Real ones, Women who've had bad experiences and women who are too ugly to get a bloke.

His words. Not mine.

my words: what do you get when you pump testosterone into a person with xx chromosomes?

an aggressive, abusive, bitchy, nasty, lazy, lying and boring man who can't take rejection of his sexual advances.

oh and did I mention BORING.
What does that have to do with the OP?

It has to do with your pedestrian comment, which I had to correct.
Men think they are so important to lesbians that lesbians "hate" them and ALL males no matter how young. That's not what's happened here. These two women are abusive parents. They are criminals and should be prosecuted for their crimes.

The fact that they happen to be lesbians is irrelevant, except in the minds of LGBT haters and bigots.

an ex lesbian transman said to me the other day in real life: There are 3 kinds of lesbians. Real ones, Women who've had bad experiences and women who are too ugly to get a bloke.

His words. Not mine.

my words: what do you get when you pump testosterone into a person with xx chromosomes?

an aggressive, abusive, bitchy, nasty, lazy, lying and boring man who can't take rejection of his sexual advances.

oh and did I mention BORING.
What does that have to do with the OP?

It has to do with your pedestrian comment, which I had to correct.
What "pedestrian comment" are you talking about and what do you mean by calling something I posted a "pedestrian comment"?
sooner or later people are going to have to face the fact that the homosexual threat to society is a female one.

Sooner or later bigots will be treated like the social lepers that they are.
Bigots will always be the majority and I am not one.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing a particular group of people destroy the western hemisphere and the lifes of the people in it. And I'm not talking about heebs.

So what are you going to be doing to stop the big polluters?
Men think they are so important to lesbians that lesbians "hate" them and ALL males no matter how young. That's not what's happened here. These two women are abusive parents. They are criminals and should be prosecuted for their crimes.

The fact that they happen to be lesbians is irrelevant, except in the minds of LGBT haters and bigots.

His words. Not mine..

Actually- since you posted them here- they are your words.

I don't know what your bizarre obsession with lesbians is- and i hope you don't share any more of it with us.

Meanwhile- the two persons who abused this child were monsters- they are not representative of Jews or Christians or Lesbians or Whites or Blacks or Mexicans- they are two monsters who hopefully will be locked away for a long, long time.
Regarding the OP.

lesbianism occurs throught female aggression.

When men like a woman they will fight over her. When women like a man they will attack the man. This devalues the object of desire, the man, in the eyes of the competition, the other women.

some very aggressive women get confused and turn dry humper.

And men who are unable to attract a woman accuse her of being a lesbian.

If you'd stop thinking about your dick you could learn from me. Your OP is way off.

I doubt if a single person has ever learned anything from you in your entire sad little life.
sooner or later people are going to have to face the fact that the homosexual threat to society is a female one.

Sooner or later bigots will be treated like the social lepers that they are.
sooner or later people are going to have to face the fact that the homosexual threat to society is a female one.

Sooner or later bigots will be treated like the social lepers that they are.
Are you seriously pulling the politically correct card after your bigoted OP?

Don't include me in your cowardly back pedalling.

LOL- no backpeddling here- I consistently point out bigotry like yours.
Speaking of bigotry...isn't it a hate crime to drug a boy to chop his dick off or to kick a boy in the balls until he has two strokes? (see the OP).. I submit these are cases of gender-hate.
This thread is not about "political correctness". It's about child abuse and it's about a mentally ill woman with a abnormal fixation on LGBT.
No, not really. Let's be blunt why would two lesbians want to raise some boy? That alone has to be questioned, or is it too politically incorrect to do such a thing??

I find most progressives are disingenuous in their intentions…
Why would any couple want to raise some boy? What is it you have against boys? Shouldn't they be raised?
In this case lesbians seem to be the wrong match, Due to their behavior toward the boy… I think he will have identity crisis in future years.
Why would he have an identity crisis? What is it you have to tell us?
This lesbian couple for starters, who supposedly loved him, kicking him in the nuts over and over again, the people who let them have this kid, The appeasers going to bat for this couple's lifestyle choice...
Everything about the story is fucked up

Well let us break this down:
  • This lesbian couple for starters, who supposedly loved him, kicking him in the nuts over and over again,-there is no a poster in this thread who has not agreed that this abuse is horrible. You- in contrast- were the one who laughed at it.
  • the people who let them have this kid, One of the two women is the boy's biological mother. Who do you think 'gave' the son to the biological mother
  • The appeasers going to bat for this couple's lifestyle choice...Here is where your fucked up bigotry comes into play. Child abuse is not a lifestyle choice- no one is excusing this couples child abuse- the bigots are attacking this couple because they are lesbians.
  • And remember- you are the only one in this thread who has laughed at the abuse this boy sufffered.
The mothers are monsters.

You are merely an asshole.
Speaking of bigotry...isn't it a hate crime to drug a boy to chop his dick off .

Who has drugged a boy to chop off his dick Silhouette?

Silhouette- why don't you care about children who are abused - if they are not abused by homosexuals?
The mothers are monsters.

And what pray tell is your opinion of the two lesbians drugging their minor son with female hormones to prepare him for later dick amputation in California? (see the OP for the link. You know damn well who I'm talking about)

Angels or monsters?
No, not really. It's about the choices this couple makes affects everything else in their life, including this kid who got kicked in the nuts.
You focus more on his "nuts" than the two strokes he had. I'm sure more than his genitals were abused. He probably suffered cranial damage too. But that doesn't appeal to your nut jokes.
I would say getting kicked in the nuts over and over again had a lot to do with the strokes?? Hes probably mentally damaged for life… that being kicked in the nuts over and over again by his lesbian parents trying to explain that I guess…
How many times do you have to say "kicked in the nuts". That's not the most important detail of this story. This child was beaten within an inch of his life. That has nothing to do with his parents being female.
I'm beginning to think that he's getting some kind of titillation from saying it again and again.
But in all seriousness it's lesbianskicking a kid in the nuts over and over again, Who happens to be their adopted kid. You really think that should be ignored, that detail? …

In all seriousness- all child abuse is tragic- you only care about this case because the parents are lesbians.

In the two months since the news story of this tragic came out there have been hundreds of cases of children- adoptive and biological- being beaten or raped by their parents- probably 97% of the time by straight people.

You haven't expressed concern for any of them.

You really think that all of those kids should be ignored- just because their mom's aren't lesbians?
Are you in favor of incestuous marriage?

We'll talk about your non sequitur after you answer the following question:

And what pray tell is your opinion of the two lesbians drugging their minor son with female hormones to prepare him for later dick amputation in California? (see the OP for the link. You know damn well who I'm talking about)

Angels or monsters?
The child in the aforementioned case threatened to self-mutilate, the parents merely gave in and allowed the child to dress and act as he felt most comfortable - which happened to be as a girl. When puberty became imminent, years later, the parents rejected the child's demand for a sex-change operation, agreeing only to hormone blocking which would enable the child to decide for, or against, a sex change operation when he was older. ALL of it is fully backed by medical and psychological evaluation of the child since he was 7, and solid diagnoses of gender identity disorder.

Their other option would be to /force/ the child to be a "boy" in spite of the medical diagnoses - something they were not willing to do to the child they love.

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