Midwest Lesbians Beat Son With Hammer & Kicked His Groin Until He Suffered Two Strokes

Oh these white people. Always coming up with something new.
Funny how many Mardi Gras pictures I can't show. Those hetro's are lewd in public.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.

'Suspect'? So now you're offering us your impressions and feelings as evidence?
Why not? That's all the APA has to offer on "transgenderism".. It's worse with them because they're grooming folks to accept it despite the scientific data they have that amputees are even more depressed after the surgery than before. At least I have the fact that lesbians reject males so completely that they are trying to have sex with women....half of which who look, dress and act like men. If you can't see a cavern of issues when it smacks you in the face like a Mac Truck, that's not my problem..
What a load of crap. So...according to Silly, if a woman has sex with men it's because they reject women so completely.

Apparently...according to Silly, it's not about sexual attraction to someone of a specific gender, it's about rejecting everyone else. :lol:

Again, guys.......Jen in insane. Go to a conspiracy website like godlikeproductions. Look at the flat earth threads, the government mind control threads. They're filled with post after elaborate multi-paragraph post of self referential circular reasoning complete with imagination being offered as specific evidence. Each with dozens if not hundreds of pages of such screed.

Sil has 56 such threads on this message board alone.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.
That's a rumor. Ever check it out to see if it's true. I'm a lesbian. It's not true for me. I loved my dad dearly. I have numerous straight male friends who I value. I don't feel hostile to men at all.
Oh these white people. Always coming up with something new.
Funny how many Mardi Gras pictures I can't show. Those hetro's are lewd in public.

Well, Sil didn't specify a distance limit. So I guess Mardi Gras means that heteros can be good foster parents. After all there was a parade. And a float. And a lot of ass shaking.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.
That's a rumor. Ever check it out to see if it's true. I'm a lesbian. It's not true for me. I loved my dad dearly. I have numerous straight male friends who I value. I don't feel hostile to men at all.

Ah, but Dhara.....anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

Wait. I can hear Sil's crazy coming.
Oh these white people. Always coming up with something new.
Funny how many Mardi Gras pictures I can't show. Those hetro's are lewd in public.
But not done in pride. Random drunken displays don't qualify as sober pride. The difference is vast when assessing someone's daily outlook on life.
Oh these white people. Always coming up with something new.
Funny how many Mardi Gras pictures I can't show. Those hetro's are lewd in public.
But not done in pride. Random drunken displays don't qualify as sober pride. The difference is vast when assessing someone's daily outlook on life.
Good grief. I can't imagine how miserable it must be to live in your head.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.
That's a rumor. Ever check it out to see if it's true. I'm a lesbian. It's not true for me. I loved my dad dearly. I have numerous straight male friends who I value. I don't feel hostile to men at all.
Good for you. But the lesbians in the OP do feel hostile to men given the target of their abuse: the groin area to be kicked or mutilated in boys. It's a hate crime. Maybe you just don't trust men in a relationship. There's a long stretch from not trusting to hating. But it is probably along the same continuum..
Oh these white people. Always coming up with something new.
Funny how many Mardi Gras pictures I can't show. Those hetro's are lewd in public.
But not done in pride. Random drunken displays don't qualify as sober pride. The difference is vast when assessing someone's daily outlook on life.

The folks in the Mardi Gras parade are all drunk?

Prove it.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.
That's a rumor. Ever check it out to see if it's true. I'm a lesbian. It's not true for me. I loved my dad dearly. I have numerous straight male friends who I value. I don't feel hostile to men at all.
Good for you. But the lesbians in the OP do feel hostile to men given the target of their abuse: the groin area to be kicked or mutilated in boys. It's a hate crime. Maybe you just don't trust men in a relationship. There's a long stretch from not trusting to hating. But it is probably along the same continuum..
The women in the OP are violent sociopaths. Hostility toward men is your theory for their violence. It's an opinion. It's not been proven.
Lesbians are suspect of being male-haters. Absolutely.
That's a rumor. Ever check it out to see if it's true. I'm a lesbian. It's not true for me. I loved my dad dearly. I have numerous straight male friends who I value. I don't feel hostile to men at all.
Good for you. But the lesbians in the OP do feel hostile to men given the target of their abuse: the groin area to be kicked or mutilated in boys. It's a hate crime. Maybe you just don't trust men in a relationship. There's a long stretch from not trusting to hating. But it is probably along the same continuum..

But what the fuck does that have to do with *other* lesbians? See, its this absurd projection that kills your argument. Some gay guy dances on a float, and somehow it defines the world view of ANOTHER gay guy hundreds of miles away.

That's stupid.

Even more idiotic....some couple abuses their child and now some *other* couple hundreds of miles away that didn't do anything abusive is now 'suspect'?

That's beyond stupid.

Worse of all, you only apply this batshit standard of projection....on gay people. You don't insist that all straight folks are 'suspect' because one straight couple abused their kids. You don't insist that some straight girl shaking her ass in public means that straight women can't be good foster parents.

You only apply your insane standard to gays. And you only express the concern for children if it lets you attack gays. No thank you.
But not done in pride. Random drunken displays don't qualify as sober pride. The difference is vast when assessing someone's daily outlook on life.

You've never been to Madri Gras have you?
I think Skylar covered that pretty well but I've got a few tidbits to add.

That hetero PC zombies have been roped into your cult-think, courtesy of Orwellian hold your cult has on the APA (and the branching outwards of all institutions that still mistake it as an impartial scientific body), is unremarkable. Germans ratted out their Jewish friends just to keep from being sent to concentration camps or shot themselves. Fear of persecution can have a powerful psychological effect.

This fails considering I was raised in a heavily Christian community (STILL 70% Christian) and when being LGBT wasn't kosher, and yet, I was /still/ accepted by most folks even though I never "hid" my sexual preferences - I hit on chicks at school all the time and even got detention for making out with a gal under the bleachers. The real story is that folks who get to know LGBT's realize it doesn't matter if Bobby wants to be Beth or if Joe wants to date Jack. These kinds of issues become non-issues when the "fear" aspect that drives most bigots turns out to be bullshit, same thing happened with African-Americans, and even to some extent Japanese-American's after WWII. Fear drives the persecution, not the other way around.

I'll admit that PC is out of hand today, but that is not what's driving doctors and psychologists to diagnose LGBT's as "mentally ill," that is being driven entirely by our rapidly expanding knowledge of how the brain works, the chemical effects on it, etc.

So if a child of a hetero couple gets it in his head that playing at the opposite gender will make him loved more by mommy (say who has three other boys and wanted a daughter when the fourth "transgender" boy was born), then the parents, trained up like the rest of the PC zombies by what they see on TV and the tripe the LGBT payroll bloggers are dispensing in social media by the ton, they think 'oh, my boy is really a little girl trapped in a boy's body!" Not looking deeper to the mother's psychosis wanting a daughter so badly she buys her last infant son tons of pink stuff for his room and infuses him with countless subconscious cues "I really would've preferred if you'd been born a girl"...without actually saying that.

Your fantasy world where children don't feel "as" loved or parents don't love their kids "as much" over gender is unproven. At best it's some /seriously/ draconian thinking (the idea that a male heir is the only worth a damn) but lets entertain it, go find us a number of how many little girls back in ancient history wanted to become male then we can compare how "devastating" it was to them vs how "devastating" it is to modern transgender children.

"Jazz" comes to mind here. When I read the article on that poor boy, I saw a picture of him at age like 5, all done up in a dress with longer hair, sitting in a child's bedroom. In the background was an entire ensemble of pink decor in everything from his bedspread, curtains and accents. He was sporting probably $100 makeup job to make his eyes look more feminine etc. etc. Now I ask you, what 5 year old first of all knows anything about who he is in the world with finality? (I for example was convinced I was a bird and was trying to jump off of rooftops then...luckily adults intervened). Secondly, how could that 5 year old have decorated his own room with over $2,000 in pink furnishings and paid for his own $100 makeup job? The answer is, he didn't. The answer is, that crap was pushed on him by his mommy since the earliest of ages. But people were and are too polite to confront her influence over the boy and so "he's transgender". Later to have his dick cut off.

My mom put me in stupid lacy dresses and shit cause that was what you did with little girls back then, didn't make me want to be a girl at all, hell, it probably would have helped if it had.

Though I will admit that my mom was thrilled when she married into female grand-children and got to buy all the fancy little dresses I always refused to wear.

Boy haters don't always have to be lesbians. But lesbians by their very definition are the most suspect group of all. How badly do you have to hate a gender to refuse to have sex with it via the natural course of men and women...and instead have your "girl"friend use a strapon penis? How many buried issues do you have time for in this post?

While I'm not a lesbian I can tell you that I don't like sex with girls because they'll wear a strap-on, it's the girl parts I like... Your fantasy of how LGBT sex works is amusing.

The germane point of this post is that the assault on the 5 year old boy in the OP was done by a lesbian who was targeting his groin. That's gender-hate. I don't need any more evidence and if the reverse was true to a gay person by a hetero, you'd be screaming "hate crime!!" from the rooftops. And, two lesbian (or hetero) women urging a boy that 'he's a girl' and drugging him even to addle his mind to "decide" (people on drugs as powerful as hormones can't make a rational choice, especially if that drugging has been longterm enough to make physical changes to the body) to have his dick cut off later are just doing the diet version of kicking the boy in the balls until they bleed. At least the boy who was kicked can hopefully recover and be a normal male. After the junk is cut off that son of the two lesbians, there's no turning back. He is not and will never be female. He'll just be a sad, pathetic amputee thinking "Mommies, is my gender acceptable now???" :crybaby:

All of it is sick and disgusting and frankly mentally ill. It's bullshit people have bought hook line and sinker, peddled by a very aggressive cult. And in the case of the OP it's two hate crimes against gender.

The two cases are not the same, no matter how much you want to lump them together. The parents in the OP have issues clearly and they belong in jail just like every heterosexual parent that abuses their children. The parents in the second story are following advice of doctors, regardless of if you happen to agree with the doctors professional diagnosis or not. Following the doctors suggestions is not abuse under /any/ standard.

Have you heard about the effects of ADHD drugs? Is that abuse too?

In my opinion you're mindset is mentally ill, sick, and disgusting... so I guess we're even(?)

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