Midwest Lesbians Beat Son With Hammer & Kicked His Groin Until He Suffered Two Strokes

What does adoption have to do with lesbians performing hate crimes against male children? Oh, wait, it does have something to do with that...

Only if we accept that child abuse by any straight couple means that no straight couple should ever adopt.....

....which of course, you never do. As you apply your bizarre standards of projecting the action of one couple to ALL couples....only if the couple is gay. If they're straight, you give their abuse a pass. No matter how egregious.

As has been said so many times before, you only care about children to the extend that you can use them to attack gay people. Those children you can't use in to that end.....are beneath your contempt.
What does adoption have to do with lesbians performing hate crimes against male children? Oh, wait, it does have something to do with that...

Only if we accept that child abuse by any straight couple means that no straight couple should ever adopt.....

....which of course, you never do. As you apply your bizarre standards of projecting the action of one couple to ALL couples....only if the couple is gay. If they're straight, you give their abuse a pass. No matter how egregious.

As has been said so many times before, you only care about children to the extend that you can use them to attack gay people. Those children you can't use in to that end.....are beneath your contempt.

Well when we set rules for standards in law, we look at how it affects the entire population, not rare exceptions to the rule. One thing is guaranteed though with lesbians, they've rejected the male gender on a most fundamental level. They simply refuse to be intimately associated with them as adults. So the boys caught up in this scenario see that played out every day. In the case of the OP, one lesbian kicked a boy and targeted his groin, his male genitals in a hate crime against his gender. It is the extreme and acute expression of rejection of males. The example of the two lesbians drugging the one's son to an addled state where he somehow can "better decide" to cut his own dick off is later, as he approaches actual blossoming into manhood, is the simmering and more PC-correct version of attempted castration and de-masculinizing of the male gender. Both are hate crimes. Neither should be around children.

And even in the most benign example of a lesbian couple, neither can nor ever will provide a necessary father figure for boys caught up in their midst. So the marriage contract depriving a boy for life in this way is an assault on that's boy's share and implicit enjoyments of the marriage contract.
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?

Also, again, adoption agencies /already/ screen prospective parents for the best fit for the children. Adopted parents are better vetted than biological parents in /all/ cases.

This is on top of the fact that LGBT's are /already/ adopting children on a regular basis and there is no evidence of anything that you've claimed.
What does adoption have to do with lesbians performing hate crimes against male children? Oh, wait, it does have something to do with that...

Only if we accept that child abuse by any straight couple means that no straight couple should ever adopt.....

....which of course, you never do. As you apply your bizarre standards of projecting the action of one couple to ALL couples....only if the couple is gay. If they're straight, you give their abuse a pass. No matter how egregious.

As has been said so many times before, you only care about children to the extend that you can use them to attack gay people. Those children you can't use in to that end.....are beneath your contempt.

Well when we set rules for standards in law, we look at how it affects the entire population, not rare exceptions to the rule.

Then why is it that you're only applying your imaginary standards to small groups? A couple commits a crime so you project that crime onto ALL couples.

But *only* gay and lesbian couples. Despite the fact that they are a comparatively small group. And it is straight couples that are committing the overwhelming majority of the abuse against children. Your logic is a self contradictory mess.

When it comes to the *target* of the overwhelming abuse, you won't even apply your standards. As girls are by far the most abused. But they don't fit into your 'gays are pedophiles' narrative. So you ignore the horrible abuse that girls are subject to. And they don't fit your 'lesbians hate men' narrative. So you ignore the horrible abuse that girls are subject to.

As has been pointed out so many times before, the only time a child matters to you is if you can use the child to attack gays. Any child that you can't use.....is beneath your contempt.

One thing is guaranteed though with lesbians, they've rejected the male gender on a most fundamental level.

They don't want to have sex with men. That's it. The rest is your imagination about people you don't know nor have ever met. Straight men don't want to have sex with men either. They haven't 'rejected the male gender' either.

Your pseudo-psychological gibberish is as meaningless as your pseudo-legal gibberish. As its always you citing yourself. And you simply have no idea what you're talking about.
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?

Also, again, adoption agencies /already/ screen prospective parents for the best fit for the children. Adopted parents are better vetted than biological parents in /all/ cases.

This is on top of the fact that LGBT's are /already/ adopting children on a regular basis and there is no evidence of anything that you've claimed.

The thing to remember with Sil...is that she genuinely believes that her imagination is evidence. I'm not speaking rhetorically of in hyperbole here. If she can imagine it, its reality to her. She can imagine her claims. Thus her claims must be objective reality...to her anyway.

This is the core of her pathology. This is why she has created thousands of pages of these elaborate conspiracy theories, her manifestos on 'LBGT cults', her website begging for donations to fight gays, her own message board where she has dozens of threads where she only talks to herself.

Its what genuine mental illness looks like.
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?


What is an "LGBT" child? When I was a child I was thinking about making muddy castles in the backyard, walking my dog and swimming at the pool, not "gee I'd like to hump my same gender" or "Some day I'd like to have my dick cut off"...
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?


What is an "LGBT" child? When I was a child I was thinking about making muddy castles in the backyard, walking my dog and swimming at the pool, not "gee I'd like to hump my same gender" or "Some day I'd like to have my dick cut off"...

Given that you don't have a dick, Jen.....I'm not sure how your perspective is particularly relevant.
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?


What is an "LGBT" child? When I was a child I was thinking about making muddy castles in the backyard, walking my dog and swimming at the pool, not "gee I'd like to hump my same gender" or "Some day I'd like to have my dick cut off"...

Are you really that stupid? Perhaps I've underestimated...
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?


What is an "LGBT" child? When I was a child I was thinking about making muddy castles in the backyard, walking my dog and swimming at the pool, not "gee I'd like to hump my same gender" or "Some day I'd like to have my dick cut off"...

Are you really that stupid? Perhaps I've underestimated...

That sounds like you're not going to give a specific answer to my question. I'll wait.. :popcorn:
Well you have to understand, the reason they're lesbians in the first place is rooted in such a deep disdain for the male gender that ...well...the obvious. Also, one of them still dresses and acts like a man usually, so the desire for normalcy persists while the simmering hatred bubbles up from below...

January 14, 2016
Lesbian couple 'beat one woman's 5-year-old son with a HAMMER, duct-taped his eyes and kicked him in the groin until he bled and suffered two strokes' Lesbian couple 'beat one woman's son, 5, until he suffered 2 strokes'

And don't forget about this one:

Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

And this one:

A lesbian couple is facing 21 counts of child abuse after being accused of abusing their three children....Eraca Dwan Craig, 31, and Christian Jessica DeAnda, 44, of Salinas, California...The Monterey Herald reports that the girl was covered in bruises when a welfare worker went to the visit the couple's home on March 14, and then revealed that she was chained to the floor 'all day, every day.'..In addition to their 8-year-old daughter, the couple have two sons, ages 5 and 3-years-old Lesbians who chained daughter to wall so she couldn't eat stand trial

^^ All three kids were on the verge of starvation. Only the daughter was chained up every day though.

I think that when people give themselves a proud identity derived from a type of wrong sex (in this case, lesbian) they practice (sex is for procreation), then the barn door sort of gets kicked open for any other wrong sex being embraced.

And just in general, identifying yourself as a lesbian, say, is really a way of saying "I subconsciously or consciously loathe males so much that I would rather have sex with a female dressed up as a man than an actual man". Or "I can and should justify drugging my son to be a girl". Or "I can justify kicking my little boy in the balls and beating him with a hammer because men suck"...

Of the two identical twin girls I know that I've been discussing on another thread, one turned out gay and the other straight. So there's that. But there's a further story too. One of the lesbian moms of these twins, the lipstick one a friend of mine got to know to where she divulged her sordid past. Turns out she was molested by a man when she was little and grew up simultaneously fearing men but also lusting after them because of the imprinted sexualizing as a child. So her way of resolving this was to be with a butch lesbian... They still had epic fights so there was no resolution. The eventually split up and the women went back and forth between men and butch lesbians in her relationships to this day.

..I could go on and on with this woman's checkered and waffling sexual manifestations of earlier abuse, except it would divert from the point I'm trying to make, which is this:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Now the LGBT professional blogger crew will show up spamming this thread in no time, claiming that "most molestation and abuse occurs from heteros". Except that it doesn't, not really. The propensity (likelihood of the tendency to abuse sexually) occurs more frequently (and probably as you might suspect) in people who embrace wrong sex as an identity (homosexuals, as an example):

Here's what the Mayo Clinic says about the demographics who sexually abuse children:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men http://www.drrichardhall.com/Articles/pedophiles.pdf

So, in short, homosexuals molest children up to 40% of all childhood molestation reports (those that are reported, boys tend to under report when they are molested because of stigma and shame being buggered by a man). So the LGBT payroll bloggers will say that "see! 40% is less than 60%!" But what you need to understand is that homosexuals only make up (for now, numbers growing) around 2-5% of the entire population. So we have 2-5% of the entire population accounting for approaching half of all child molestation. That's what you call "a propensity to molest".

I think red flags should appear when adults are creating identities from their sexual kinks, parading them down streets in "pride" and then wanting to involve children in their lives. Their obvious and screaming mental wounds are poised to infect the children who are sucked into their midst by natural birth or by adoption. At the very least, anyone identifying themselves and parading any type but especially unusual sexual behavior in public as a constant part of their persona should be watched closely if they are entrusted with the unsupervised care of children..

Which is why I've been against same sex couples adopting babies/children. The innocent youngsters are bound to be adversely affected by the same sex individuals who are parenting in a diminished capacity due to their sexual preference or emotional scars from former abuse. k

So let me get this straight.

Every year there are 100,000 children who are available for adoption.
Virtually all of them abandoned in one way or another by their biological- heterosexual parents.
33,000 of those children will go 3 or more years before being adopted- 3 or more years with no family
Thousands of those will age out of the system at 18 years old with no family to support them emotionally- or financially.

But you think the best thing for those children is to keep them away from same sex couples who- unlike the kids own parents- actually want to raise kids and be good parents- and that unlike biological parents- are actually screened before they get to become parents- and that actually have people come to the home and check on the kids.

I am a father- I love being a father- but I am not a noble enough person to go out there and adopt the children abandoned by others- I admire anyone who volunteers to take on that difficult of a job. I know adoptive parents- gay and straight- and there are always additional challenges.

Why do you want fewer qualified and enthusiastic adoptive parents for the children that are already not getting adopted?

Unless you're been through the adoption processes, then you can't understand how difficult the prospects can be for the few kids that are candidates. The figures you quote for available kids aren't accurate. The pool is much smaller, particularly with the advent of abortion further exasperating the situation. That's why we are adding foreign children to the adoption roles because we don't have nearly enough available for qualified individuals to satisfy the need. That's why I dislike special interest groups getting first choice rights on adoption. The icing on the cake is this business with Catlyn Jenner getting a boy baby when "it" was a man and voluntarily dis-membered himself to become a woman. That's completely screwed up, "it" shouldn't be allowed to adopt, and the poor baby doesn't stand a chance at growing up with his psyche in tact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Can you demonstrate factually that the numbers being cited are inacurate? The US Department of HEalth and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families cites the number as pretty close to what Sy offered. With 93,000 children available for adoption in 2013.


I wouldn't consider 93,000 'much smaller' than 100,000. Would you?

And what 'special interest group' are you claiming gets 'first choice' on adoption?

Finally, Caitlyn Jenner isn't a 'same sex couple'. Why would you want to prevent a same sex couple from adopting a child when there are, at last count, 93,000 children available for adoption in 2013 alone?

As I said, unless you've actually experienced the adoption travesty yourself don't ever spew out nonsensical statements you obviously know nothing about--it makes you look like the fool you actually are. The figures the US Dept. of Health and Human Services publishes are complete fictional figures to further their own agenda. I'm sure you know the old adage of, "figures can (do) lie and liars can figure".
If you are a white heterosexual couple adopting can be almost impossible due to lack of available kids. That's why many adoptive couples must seek candidates from foreign countries, or through private adoptions where they get ripped off by the legal community and biological producers--I can't use the term parents here for baby sellers. Only special interest groups (gays, lesbos, trans, and blacks on welfare) seem to have zero problems obtaining children in the now limited supply. That's why Catlyn Jenner, within very short order of having his junk lopped off, is able to instantly adopt a baby boy. Yes, it's a FINE system we have here!

Just a tip, don't post to threads you know nothing about as you expose your ignorance and stupidity to everyone. If your sole goal is to incite others then you've successed. Trolling is not a quality well thought of on forums, so readers will quickly figure it out and not read any of your posts in the future. If that's what your heart desires, then congratulations, you've won.

Your post demonstrates how anyone can father offspring. Hopefully, you've since had a vasectomy so you can no longer perpetuate the stupidity you've shown here. Hopefully your kids got all their genetics from their mom.
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What does adoption have to do with lesbians performing hate crimes against male children? Oh, wait, it does have something to do with that...

Only if we accept that child abuse by any straight couple means that no straight couple should ever adopt.....

....which of course, you never do. As you apply your bizarre standards of projecting the action of one couple to ALL couples....only if the couple is gay. If they're straight, you give their abuse a pass. No matter how egregious.

As has been said so many times before, you only care about children to the extend that you can use them to attack gay people. Those children you can't use in to that end.....are beneath your contempt.

Well when we set rules for standards in law, we look at how it affects the entire population, not rare exceptions to the rule. One thing is guaranteed though with lesbians, they've rejected the male gender on a most fundamental level. They simply refuse to be intimately associated with them as adults. So the boys caught up in this scenario see that played out every day. In the case of the OP, one lesbian kicked a boy and targeted his groin, his male genitals in a hate crime against his gender. It is the extreme and acute expression of rejection of males. The example of the two lesbians drugging the one's son to an addled state where he somehow can "better decide" to cut his own dick off is later, as he approaches actual blossoming into manhood, is the simmering and more PC-correct version of attempted castration and de-masculinizing of the male gender. Both are hate crimes. Neither should be around children.

And even in the most benign example of a lesbian couple, neither can nor ever will provide a necessary father figure for boys caught up in their midst. So the marriage contract depriving a boy for life in this way is an assault on that's boy's share and implicit enjoyments of the marriage contract.
You can blather on and on and on. The fact that these particular people were homosexual does not increase their propensity to abuse children. Heterosexuals are responsible for 99.9% of child abuse. I could use your logic and say heterosexuals shouldn't be allowed to have children or adopt them.

But I'm not stupid enough to believe that anybody would accept that as the reason people abuse children. Nobody is.

You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to make that follow.
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?


What is an "LGBT" child? When I was a child I was thinking about making muddy castles in the backyard, walking my dog and swimming at the pool, not "gee I'd like to hump my same gender" or "Some day I'd like to have my dick cut off"...

Are you really that stupid? Perhaps I've underestimated...

That sounds like you're not going to give a specific answer to my question. I'll wait.. :popcorn:
I'll Answer your question, an LGBT child is a child that identifies as either lesbian gay bisexual or transgender.

Most children think about the things you thought about as a child, but to assume that all children are asexual until they hit a certain magical age is asinine.
I'll Answer your question, an LGBT child is a child that identifies as either lesbian gay bisexual or transgender.

Most children think about the things you thought about as a child, but to assume that all children are asexual until they hit a certain magical age is asinine.

What age? I mean I know you're hoping for the youngest age possible for them to start thinking of sex but just throw a number out?
I'll Answer your question, an LGBT child is a child that identifies as either lesbian gay bisexual or transgender.

Most children think about the things you thought about as a child, but to assume that all children are asexual until they hit a certain magical age is asinine.

What age? I mean I know you're hoping for the youngest age possible for them to start thinking of sex but just throw a number out?
That depends on who. The number varies I'd say between 11 and 18 depending on the individual.
Well you have to understand, the reason they're lesbians in the first place is rooted in such a deep disdain for the male gender that ...well...the obvious. Also, one of them still dresses and acts like a man usually, so the desire for normalcy persists while the simmering hatred bubbles up from below...

January 14, 2016
Lesbian couple 'beat one woman's 5-year-old son with a HAMMER, duct-taped his eyes and kicked him in the groin until he bled and suffered two strokes' Lesbian couple 'beat one woman's son, 5, until he suffered 2 strokes'

And don't forget about this one:

Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

And this one:

A lesbian couple is facing 21 counts of child abuse after being accused of abusing their three children....Eraca Dwan Craig, 31, and Christian Jessica DeAnda, 44, of Salinas, California...The Monterey Herald reports that the girl was covered in bruises when a welfare worker went to the visit the couple's home on March 14, and then revealed that she was chained to the floor 'all day, every day.'..In addition to their 8-year-old daughter, the couple have two sons, ages 5 and 3-years-old Lesbians who chained daughter to wall so she couldn't eat stand trial

^^ All three kids were on the verge of starvation. Only the daughter was chained up every day though.

I think that when people give themselves a proud identity derived from a type of wrong sex (in this case, lesbian) they practice (sex is for procreation), then the barn door sort of gets kicked open for any other wrong sex being embraced.

And just in general, identifying yourself as a lesbian, say, is really a way of saying "I subconsciously or consciously loathe males so much that I would rather have sex with a female dressed up as a man than an actual man". Or "I can and should justify drugging my son to be a girl". Or "I can justify kicking my little boy in the balls and beating him with a hammer because men suck"...

Of the two identical twin girls I know that I've been discussing on another thread, one turned out gay and the other straight. So there's that. But there's a further story too. One of the lesbian moms of these twins, the lipstick one a friend of mine got to know to where she divulged her sordid past. Turns out she was molested by a man when she was little and grew up simultaneously fearing men but also lusting after them because of the imprinted sexualizing as a child. So her way of resolving this was to be with a butch lesbian... They still had epic fights so there was no resolution. The eventually split up and the women went back and forth between men and butch lesbians in her relationships to this day.

..I could go on and on with this woman's checkered and waffling sexual manifestations of earlier abuse, except it would divert from the point I'm trying to make, which is this:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Now the LGBT professional blogger crew will show up spamming this thread in no time, claiming that "most molestation and abuse occurs from heteros". Except that it doesn't, not really. The propensity (likelihood of the tendency to abuse sexually) occurs more frequently (and probably as you might suspect) in people who embrace wrong sex as an identity (homosexuals, as an example):

Here's what the Mayo Clinic says about the demographics who sexually abuse children:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men http://www.drrichardhall.com/Articles/pedophiles.pdf

So, in short, homosexuals molest children up to 40% of all childhood molestation reports (those that are reported, boys tend to under report when they are molested because of stigma and shame being buggered by a man). So the LGBT payroll bloggers will say that "see! 40% is less than 60%!" But what you need to understand is that homosexuals only make up (for now, numbers growing) around 2-5% of the entire population. So we have 2-5% of the entire population accounting for approaching half of all child molestation. That's what you call "a propensity to molest".

I think red flags should appear when adults are creating identities from their sexual kinks, parading them down streets in "pride" and then wanting to involve children in their lives. Their obvious and screaming mental wounds are poised to infect the children who are sucked into their midst by natural birth or by adoption. At the very least, anyone identifying themselves and parading any type but especially unusual sexual behavior in public as a constant part of their persona should be watched closely if they are entrusted with the unsupervised care of children..

Which is why I've been against same sex couples adopting babies/children. The innocent youngsters are bound to be adversely affected by the same sex individuals who are parenting in a diminished capacity due to their sexual preference or emotional scars from former abuse. k

So let me get this straight.

Every year there are 100,000 children who are available for adoption.
Virtually all of them abandoned in one way or another by their biological- heterosexual parents.
33,000 of those children will go 3 or more years before being adopted- 3 or more years with no family
Thousands of those will age out of the system at 18 years old with no family to support them emotionally- or financially.

But you think the best thing for those children is to keep them away from same sex couples who- unlike the kids own parents- actually want to raise kids and be good parents- and that unlike biological parents- are actually screened before they get to become parents- and that actually have people come to the home and check on the kids.

I am a father- I love being a father- but I am not a noble enough person to go out there and adopt the children abandoned by others- I admire anyone who volunteers to take on that difficult of a job. I know adoptive parents- gay and straight- and there are always additional challenges.

Why do you want fewer qualified and enthusiastic adoptive parents for the children that are already not getting adopted?

Unless you're been through the adoption processes, then you can't understand how difficult the prospects can be for the few kids that are candidates. The figures you quote for available kids aren't accurate. The pool is much smaller, particularly with the advent of abortion further exasperating the situation. That's why we are adding foreign children to the adoption roles because we don't have nearly enough available for qualified individuals to satisfy the need. That's why I dislike special interest groups getting first choice rights on adoption.k

I have never been through the adoption process- but I have 4 families that we are close friends with who have gone through it.

The reality is that most couples- and I understand it- want that perfect infant - rather than the 6 year old crack baby abandoned by his biological parents. The 'few' kids that are candidates are about 100,000- if we include the children of all ages who need to be adopted.

Feel free to prove my numbers wrong- they come from an adoption advocacy group:
Facts and Statistics

Meanwhile- frankly- there was not one word in your post about the needs of children- only the hardship for parents who want to adopt.

As far as 'special interest groups'......do you mean African Americans- Mormons....or Gay Americans?
What does adoption have to do with lesbians performing hate crimes against male children? Oh, wait, it does have something to do with that...

It has nothing to do with it- since one of the parents who attacked this child was his own mother.

What does the attack have to do with Silhouette?

Just another example of Silhouette trying to exploit the very real tragedy of child abuse in order to attack homosexuals.

If this was a father raping a 2 year old girl- Silhouette would never have started a thread- which is really pretty sick.
What does adoption have to do with lesbians performing hate crimes against male children? Oh, wait, it does have something to do with that...

Only if we accept that child abuse by any straight couple means that no straight couple should ever adopt.....

....which of course, you never do. As you apply your bizarre standards of projecting the action of one couple to ALL couples....only if the couple is gay. If they're straight, you give their abuse a pass. No matter how egregious.

As has been said so many times before, you only care about children to the extend that you can use them to attack gay people. Those children you can't use in to that end.....are beneath your contempt.

Well when we set rules for standards in law, we look at how it affects the entire population, not rare exceptions to the rule..

Yet- here you are starting a thread about an exception- two women abusing their child.

Your threads are always about you claiming the exception is the reason to discriminate against homosexuals.
And even in the most benign example of a lesbian couple, neither can nor ever will provide a necessary father figure for boys caught up in their midst. .

And neither can any single mother.

You know- like you couldn't.

But we allow single mothers to raise children- and we allow lesbians to raise children- at least when there is a lesbian couple raising children, there are two parents in the household- providing greater economic and home security.
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?


What is an "LGBT" child? ...

It is a child who is attracted to the same gender instead of the opposite gender.

I have a hard time imagining you ever had anything to do with children.

Frankly for about 60% of children I would see on my child's elementary school playground, I had a pretty good idea what their sexual orientation was likely to turn out to be- my own child's was obvious from about age 7.
You do realize that there are LGBT children who need adopting yes?


What is an "LGBT" child? When I was a child I was thinking about making muddy castles in the backyard, walking my dog and swimming at the pool, not "gee I'd like to hump my same gender" or "Some day I'd like to have my dick cut off"...

Are you really that stupid? Perhaps I've underestimated...

That sounds like you're not going to give a specific answer to my question. I'll wait.. :popcorn:

Not that you ever do.

Once again Silhouette

Do you support incestuous marriages?

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