might be nice, but February’s intense heat is a very bad sign

One warm spell means nothing, just as one cold spell means nothing.

However, the trend means something, and that trend is "warming".
One warm spell means nothing, just as one cold spell means nothing.

However, the trend means something, and that trend is "warming".
unless it isn't. and you can't prove it is. anytime post that raw data sister.
One warm spell means nothing, just as one cold spell means nothing.

However, the trend means something, and that trend is "warming".
unless it isn't. and you can't prove it is. anytime post that raw data sister.
Your demented denial of the facts doesn't change them, JustCrazy.


78 researchers from 24 countries, together with many other colleagues, worked for seven years in the PAGES 2k project on the new climate reconstruction. “2k” stands for the last 2000 years, while PAGES stands for the Past Global Changes program launched in 1991. Recently, their new study was published in Nature Geoscience. It is based on 511 climate archives from around the world, from sediments, ice cores, tree rings, corals, stalagmites, pollen or historical documents and measurements (Fig. 1). All data are freely available.
97% of scientists who get paid by the government to repeat the propaganda of global warming concur the following data:

As you clearly see, this latest, most sophisticated graphic proves beyond any shadow of doubt the debate is over. We must immediately start shaking down capitalists for millions of dollars each year so we can give the money to the needy and this will eventually solve the problem.

Anyone who dares to dispute the data is a moron and should be shunned from society.
During the age of the dinosaurs, the WORLD was a tropical fucking paradise.

And then there were multiple ice ages, including one that took place in the Dark Ages.

Were those caused by industry as well?
I don't know why leftwing douchemasters think that it's their job to prevent the natural ebb and flow, waxing and waning of temperatures and planetary orbits and suchlike.

What anti-science loons they are.
During the age of the dinosaurs, the WORLD was a tropical fucking paradise.
And then there were multiple ice ages, including one that took place in the Dark Ages.
Were those caused by industry as well?
I don't know why leftwing douchemasters think that it's their job to prevent the natural ebb and flow, waxing and waning of temperatures and planetary orbits and suchlike.
What anti-science loons they are.

Another clueless anti-science loon pops up with more demented twaddle.

If you are that ignorant, you should maybe avoid posting nonsense and making yourself look like a loon.
During the age of the dinosaurs, the WORLD was a tropical fucking paradise.
And then there were multiple ice ages, including one that took place in the Dark Ages.
Were those caused by industry as well?
I don't know why leftwing douchemasters think that it's their job to prevent the natural ebb and flow, waxing and waning of temperatures and planetary orbits and suchlike.
What anti-science loons they are.

Another clueless anti-science loon pops up with more demented twaddle.

If you are that ignorant, you should maybe avoid posting nonsense and making yourself look like a loon.

RT denies the existence of the Ice Age and the tropical ages of the dinosaurs. That is because he's a useful idiot who has been brainwashed, so we will pity him:

  • The climate most likely remained warm throughout the Mesozoic. No evidence of glaciations has been found in Mesozoic age rocks and abundant evidence of tropical species has been found in Mesozoic age fossils.
  • During the last part of the Mesozoic (called the Cretaceous period) the climate warmed very much. Earth was several degrees warmer than it is today. There was much less variation in temperature between the equator and the poles at this time.
Happenings During the Mesozoic Era - Windows to the Universe

Little Ice Age - Wikipedia

Was the medieval warm period also man caused? Why are we still alive??? Why has the earth not succumbed?

Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia
During the age of the dinosaurs, the WORLD was a tropical fucking paradise.
And then there were multiple ice ages, including one that took place in the Dark Ages.
Were those caused by industry as well?
I don't know why leftwing douchemasters think that it's their job to prevent the natural ebb and flow, waxing and waning of temperatures and planetary orbits and suchlike.
What anti-science loons they are.

Another clueless anti-science loon pops up with more demented twaddle.

If you are that ignorant, you should maybe avoid posting nonsense and making yourself look like a loon.

That is a wonderful post that perfectly illustrates your anti-science stance.

You claim that referencing past temperature fluctuations is "anti-science" while you refuse to actually state what about the reference is in error.
During the age of the dinosaurs, the WORLD was a tropical fucking paradise.
And then there were multiple ice ages, including one that took place in the Dark Ages.
Were those caused by industry as well?
I don't know why leftwing douchemasters think that it's their job to prevent the natural ebb and flow, waxing and waning of temperatures and planetary orbits and suchlike.
What anti-science loons they are.

Another clueless anti-science loon pops up with more demented twaddle.

If you are that ignorant, you should maybe avoid posting nonsense and making yourself look like a loon.

RT denies the existence of the Ice Age and the tropical ages of the dinosaurs. That is because he's a useful idiot who has been brainwashed, so we will pity him:

  • The climate most likely remained warm throughout the Mesozoic. No evidence of glaciations has been found in Mesozoic age rocks and abundant evidence of tropical species has been found in Mesozoic age fossils.
  • During the last part of the Mesozoic (called the Cretaceous period) the climate warmed very much. Earth was several degrees warmer than it is today. There was much less variation in temperature between the equator and the poles at this time.
Happenings During the Mesozoic Era - Windows to the Universe

Little Ice Age - Wikipedia

Was the medieval warm period also man caused? Why are we still alive??? Why has the earth not succumbed?

Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia
And yet more clueless twaddle that has nothing to do with the science supporting the reality of human caused global warming. Just ignorant denier cult blather.
During the age of the dinosaurs, the WORLD was a tropical fucking paradise.
And then there were multiple ice ages, including one that took place in the Dark Ages.
Were those caused by industry as well?
I don't know why leftwing douchemasters think that it's their job to prevent the natural ebb and flow, waxing and waning of temperatures and planetary orbits and suchlike.
What anti-science loons they are.

Another clueless anti-science loon pops up with more demented twaddle.

If you are that ignorant, you should maybe avoid posting nonsense and making yourself look like a loon.

RT denies the existence of the Ice Age and the tropical ages of the dinosaurs. That is because he's a useful idiot who has been brainwashed, so we will pity him:

  • The climate most likely remained warm throughout the Mesozoic. No evidence of glaciations has been found in Mesozoic age rocks and abundant evidence of tropical species has been found in Mesozoic age fossils.
  • During the last part of the Mesozoic (called the Cretaceous period) the climate warmed very much. Earth was several degrees warmer than it is today. There was much less variation in temperature between the equator and the poles at this time.
Happenings During the Mesozoic Era - Windows to the Universe

Little Ice Age - Wikipedia

Was the medieval warm period also man caused? Why are we still alive??? Why has the earth not succumbed?

Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia
And yet more clueless twaddle that has nothing to do with the science supporting the reality of human caused global warming. Just ignorant denier cult blather.
I'm not interested in the fake science that doesn't support the non-reality of human caused global warming.

Why would I reference nonsense as "science"?

I'm not going to. Instead I'm going to reference reality, and continue to point out how anti-science the clueless warmer zealots are.

It's a cult. Get help.
And yet more clueless twaddle that has nothing to do with the science supporting the reality of human caused global warming. Just ignorant denier cult blather.
I'm not interested in....
....any science that doesn't support your denier cult delusions about the scientifically stablished reality of human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes.

You are in an anti-science cult of reality denial. Grow a brain.
RT, you never explained to me where all the ice went? We both know there was an Ice Age, there have been several. These are significant events. They can last 10-20 thousand years or more. The last one produced ice sheets in North America 3 miles thick.... where is all that ice?

You laughed at me for saying it melted but you never gave us your theory of what happened to it... ice like that doesn't just mysteriously disappear. Do you think the aliens mined it? :dunno:
RT, you never explained to me where all the ice went? We both know there was an Ice Age, there have been several. These are significant events. They can last 10-20 thousand years or more. The last one produced ice sheets in North America 3 miles thick.... where is all that ice?

You laughed at me for saying it melted but you never gave us your theory of what happened to it... ice like that doesn't just mysteriously disappear. Do you think the aliens mined it?

As has happened a number of times, the Earth moved into a period of heavy glaciation due to natural factors called the Milankovitch Cycles (look it up), and then moved out of the period of heavy glaciation into an interglacial period, also due to those same natural cycles caused by small changes in the Earth's orbit and axial tilt. The current interglacial period has been named 'the Holocene' and it has lasted a bit more than eleven thousand years so far, while the previous interglacial period, called the Eemian began about 130,000 years ago and ended about 115,000 years ago.

None of that has any real bearing on the current CO2 driven, very rapid warming the Earth is experiencing, no matter what myths and pseudo-science you have been fed by the propaganda pushers for the fossil fuel industry.
RT, you never explained to me where all the ice went? We both know there was an Ice Age, there have been several. These are significant events. They can last 10-20 thousand years or more. The last one produced ice sheets in North America 3 miles thick.... where is all that ice?

You laughed at me for saying it melted but you never gave us your theory of what happened to it... ice like that doesn't just mysteriously disappear. Do you think the aliens mined it?

As has happened a number of times, the Earth moved into a period of heavy glaciation due to natural factors called the Milankovitch Cycles (look it up), and then moved out of the period of heavy glaciation into an interglacial period, also due to those same natural cycles caused by small changes in the Earth's orbit and axial tilt. The current interglacial period has been named 'the Holocene' and it has lasted a bit more than eleven thousand years so far, while the previous interglacial period, called the Eemian began about 130,000 years ago and ended about 115,000 years ago.

None of that has any real bearing on the current CO2 driven, very rapid warming the Earth is experiencing, no matter what myths and pseudo-science you have been fed by the propaganda pushers for the fossil fuel industry.

Uhm.. I was the first one to post about the Milankovitch cycles in post #23. I know all about the Earth's orbit and axial tilt as well as glacial and interglacial periods. I was the one who brought that point into this conversation.

You are correct, we are currently in an interglacial period, which means the planet is doing the opposite of what it does in a glacial period. That means ice is melting. It doesn't constantly melt because we have seasons. We gain ice and we lose ice, and the plus or minus variation fluctuates. Overall, we are obviously losing more than we are gaining because we're in an interglacial period.

We're not experiencing rapid warming. One degree over a century is not rapid by any stretch of the imagination. Man-made CO2 is not an issue. You have no scientific basis for your assumptions that lower CO2 concentrations are better for the planet. As I have pointed out, Mother Nature indicates her plant life performs better at around 600ppm. That's not from the fossil fuel industry, you can ask any botanist. It's not pseudo-science, it's practiced science in every commercial greenhouse in the country.
RT, you never explained to me where all the ice went? We both know there was an Ice Age, there have been several. These are significant events. They can last 10-20 thousand years or more. The last one produced ice sheets in North America 3 miles thick.... where is all that ice?

You laughed at me for saying it melted but you never gave us your theory of what happened to it... ice like that doesn't just mysteriously disappear. Do you think the aliens mined it?

As has happened a number of times, the Earth moved into a period of heavy glaciation due to natural factors called the Milankovitch Cycles (look it up), and then moved out of the period of heavy glaciation into an interglacial period, also due to those same natural cycles caused by small changes in the Earth's orbit and axial tilt. The current interglacial period has been named 'the Holocene' and it has lasted a bit more than eleven thousand years so far, while the previous interglacial period, called the Eemian began about 130,000 years ago and ended about 115,000 years ago.

None of that has any real bearing on the current CO2 driven, very rapid warming the Earth is experiencing, no matter what myths and pseudo-science you have been fed by the propaganda pushers for the fossil fuel industry.

Uhm.. I was the first one to post about the Milankovitch cycles in post #23.
Yeah, but the twisted nonsense you posted there was not at all accurate. You seem to be a misinformed moron.

I know all about the Earth's orbit and axial tilt as well as glacial and interglacial periods.
Nope! You quite obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You are correct, we are currently in an interglacial period, which means the planet is doing the opposite of what it does in a glacial period.
Idiotic third-grade misunderstanding of the complexities of the glacial-interglacial cycles.

That means ice is melting. It doesn't constantly melt because we have seasons. We gain ice and we lose ice, and the plus or minus variation fluctuates. Overall, we are obviously losing more than we are gaining because we're in an interglacial period.
Wrong! There is an initial period when a glacial period is ending when a whole lot of ice melts....but after that, ice levels become relatively stable for the duration of the interglacial period. Being in an interglacial period DOES NOT MEAN that there is something magical making the ice melt, as you moronically assume, you poor retarded nitwit.

We're not experiencing rapid warming. One degree over a century is not rapid by any stretch of the imagination. Man-made CO2 is not an issue. You have no scientific basis for your assumptions that lower CO2 concentrations are better for the planet. As I have pointed out, Mother Nature indicates her plant life performs better at around 600ppm. That's not from the fossil fuel industry, you can ask any botanist. It's not pseudo-science, it's practiced science in every commercial greenhouse in the country.
Reality-denying nonsense, incredibly stupid twaddle and wrong on every point. As usual for you.

Example - in your misinformed ignorance, you claim: "We're not experiencing rapid warming" - however, in the real world of science....

How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?
As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.
RT, you never explained to me where all the ice went? We both know there was an Ice Age, there have been several. These are significant events. They can last 10-20 thousand years or more. The last one produced ice sheets in North America 3 miles thick.... where is all that ice?

You laughed at me for saying it melted but you never gave us your theory of what happened to it... ice like that doesn't just mysteriously disappear. Do you think the aliens mined it?

As has happened a number of times, the Earth moved into a period of heavy glaciation due to natural factors called the Milankovitch Cycles (look it up), and then moved out of the period of heavy glaciation into an interglacial period, also due to those same natural cycles caused by small changes in the Earth's orbit and axial tilt. The current interglacial period has been named 'the Holocene' and it has lasted a bit more than eleven thousand years so far, while the previous interglacial period, called the Eemian began about 130,000 years ago and ended about 115,000 years ago.

None of that has any real bearing on the current CO2 driven, very rapid warming the Earth is experiencing, no matter what myths and pseudo-science you have been fed by the propaganda pushers for the fossil fuel industry.

Uhm.. I was the first one to post about the Milankovitch cycles in post #23.
Yeah, but the twisted nonsense you posted there was not at all accurate. You seem to be a misinformed moron.

I know all about the Earth's orbit and axial tilt as well as glacial and interglacial periods.
Nope! You quite obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You are correct, we are currently in an interglacial period, which means the planet is doing the opposite of what it does in a glacial period.
Idiotic third-grade misunderstanding of the complexities of the glacial-interglacial cycles.

That means ice is melting. It doesn't constantly melt because we have seasons. We gain ice and we lose ice, and the plus or minus variation fluctuates. Overall, we are obviously losing more than we are gaining because we're in an interglacial period.
Wrong! There is an initial period when a glacial period is ending when a whole lot of ice melts....but after that, ice levels become relatively stable for the duration of the interglacial period. Being in an interglacial period DOES NOT MEAN that there is something magical making the ice melt, as you moronically assume, you poor retarded nitwit.

We're not experiencing rapid warming. One degree over a century is not rapid by any stretch of the imagination. Man-made CO2 is not an issue. You have no scientific basis for your assumptions that lower CO2 concentrations are better for the planet. As I have pointed out, Mother Nature indicates her plant life performs better at around 600ppm. That's not from the fossil fuel industry, you can ask any botanist. It's not pseudo-science, it's practiced science in every commercial greenhouse in the country.
Reality-denying nonsense, incredibly stupid twaddle and wrong on every point. As usual for you.

Example - in your misinformed ignorance, you claim: "We're not experiencing rapid warming" - however, in the real world of science....

How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?
As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.

Wow... a flurry of swinging and missing. But lots of hilarity!

There is an initial period when a glacial period is ending when a whole lot of ice melts...

Really? So the ice knows the glacial period is over and it realizes it's time to vamoose? Okay, let's say the glaciation period is ending... the temperature is 32°F (because it has to be if ice is frozen)... over the next 5,000 years, according to your sources, the temperature only rises a few degrees but you say a whole lot of the ice melts. Then, as temperatures continue to rise, suddenly the ice stops melting and becomes stabilized. Do you realize how profoundly stupid you sound?

Being in an interglacial period DOES NOT MEAN that there is something magical making the ice melt, as you moronically assume...

But wait... that's YOUR assumption! That's what you just said! Something makes the ice melt away rapidly after a glaciation period. Then it stops melting rapidly and becomes stable. You haven't explained this with physics so it must be magic.

We know that glacial and interglacial periods don't just turn on and off like a switch. These periods last tens of thousands of years and it's a gradual change over time. There is no time when we are actually "stable" because the Earth is constantly in motion and we are constantly moving toward another glacial or interglacial period.

During an interglacial period (like we're currently in) the ice melts because that's what ice does when temperatures are above freezing. It will continue to melt until we're approaching another glaciation period when it will start to freeze again.

Let's imagine that kookadoodle liberal morons like you are around in 10,000 years.... you'll be on here squawking alarmist rhetoric and propaganda about the dangerous growing ice sheets in the north. You will be wanting to punish capitalists for not producing enough CO2 in order to help the greenhouse gases warm the planet.... those greedy capitalist SOBs just don't want to let go of their precious CO2 and burn fossil fuels! We're all going to die due to an avoidable ice age caused by evil capitalism! ....It's coming folks, be here in 10k years! ;)
RT, you never explained to me where all the ice went? We both know there was an Ice Age, there have been several. These are significant events. They can last 10-20 thousand years or more. The last one produced ice sheets in North America 3 miles thick.... where is all that ice?

You laughed at me for saying it melted but you never gave us your theory of what happened to it... ice like that doesn't just mysteriously disappear. Do you think the aliens mined it?

As has happened a number of times, the Earth moved into a period of heavy glaciation due to natural factors called the Milankovitch Cycles (look it up), and then moved out of the period of heavy glaciation into an interglacial period, also due to those same natural cycles caused by small changes in the Earth's orbit and axial tilt. The current interglacial period has been named 'the Holocene' and it has lasted a bit more than eleven thousand years so far, while the previous interglacial period, called the Eemian began about 130,000 years ago and ended about 115,000 years ago.

None of that has any real bearing on the current CO2 driven, very rapid warming the Earth is experiencing, no matter what myths and pseudo-science you have been fed by the propaganda pushers for the fossil fuel industry.

Uhm.. I was the first one to post about the Milankovitch cycles in post #23.
Yeah, but the twisted nonsense you posted there was not at all accurate. You seem to be a misinformed moron.

I know all about the Earth's orbit and axial tilt as well as glacial and interglacial periods.
Nope! You quite obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

You are correct, we are currently in an interglacial period, which means the planet is doing the opposite of what it does in a glacial period.
Idiotic third-grade misunderstanding of the complexities of the glacial-interglacial cycles.

That means ice is melting. It doesn't constantly melt because we have seasons. We gain ice and we lose ice, and the plus or minus variation fluctuates. Overall, we are obviously losing more than we are gaining because we're in an interglacial period.
Wrong! There is an initial period when a glacial period is ending when a whole lot of ice melts....but after that, ice levels become relatively stable for the duration of the interglacial period. Being in an interglacial period DOES NOT MEAN that there is something magical making the ice melt, as you moronically assume, you poor retarded nitwit.

We're not experiencing rapid warming. One degree over a century is not rapid by any stretch of the imagination. Man-made CO2 is not an issue. You have no scientific basis for your assumptions that lower CO2 concentrations are better for the planet. As I have pointed out, Mother Nature indicates her plant life performs better at around 600ppm. That's not from the fossil fuel industry, you can ask any botanist. It's not pseudo-science, it's practiced science in every commercial greenhouse in the country.
Reality-denying nonsense, incredibly stupid twaddle and wrong on every point. As usual for you.

Example - in your misinformed ignorance, you claim: "We're not experiencing rapid warming" - however, in the real world of science....
How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?
The paleoclimate record reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events. As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.
In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.

Wow... a flurry of....
....kicking your ignorant butt to the curb with actual scientific evidence.

There is an initial period when a glacial period is ending when a whole lot of ice melts...

Really? So the ice knows the glacial period is over and it realizes it's time to vamoose? Okay, let's say the glaciation period is ending... the temperature is 32°F (because it has to be if ice is frozen)... over the next 5,000 years, according to your sources, the temperature only rises a few degrees but you say a whole lot of the ice melts. Then, as temperatures continue to rise, suddenly the ice stops melting and becomes stabilized.
Your ability to comprehend what you read is apparently zero!

At the beginning of the end of an 'ice age', natural orbital cycles cause a temperature increase that is then reinforced by feedback mechanisms- the oceans start to release CO2 - and temperatures climb. Over thousands of years the giant ice sheets that had been extended far into what are now temperate climate zones melt away. The final shrinkage of those ice sheets to the current polar boundaries marks the nominal ending of the 'ice age' period and the transition into an interglacial period.

After the end of the last glacial period, about 11 thousand years ago, temperatures continued to rise a bit for about 5000 years - a period called the Holocene Thermal Maximum - and then began a long slow decline that lasted until a century or so ago when human caused global warming began to cause temperatures to rise. Global temperatures have now un-naturally increased by as much over the last century as they had naturally declined in the previous 5000 years.

Do you realize how profoundly stupid you sound?
No. But your profound ignorance and stupdity are very apparent to everyone with more than half a brain.

Being in an interglacial period DOES NOT MEAN that there is something magical making the ice melt, as you moronically assume...

But wait... that's YOUR assumption! That's what you just said! Something makes the ice melt away rapidly after a glaciation period. Then it stops melting rapidly and becomes stable.
More dumbshit ignorance and stupdity. What makes the ice melt away is the rising global temperatures. Then temperatures stop rising and stabilize, and the ice stops melting. You seem very retarded! Even idiots can understand that ice melts when temperatures rise above the freezing point.

We know that glacial and interglacial periods don't just turn on and off like a switch. These periods last tens of thousands of years and it's a gradual change over time. There is no time when we are actually "stable" because the Earth is constantly in motion and we are constantly moving toward another glacial or interglacial period.
Meaningless drivel! The transitions between a glacial period and an interglacial period take thousands of years, but then the actual glacial periods and the interglacial periods last several tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years where the climate remains relatively quite stable.

During an interglacial period (like we're currently in) the ice melts because that's what ice does when temperatures are above freezing. It will continue to melt until we're approaching another glaciation period when it will start to freeze again.
Pure idiocy! During an interglacial period, there are many places on Earth where temperatures are below freezing. Ice does not continue to continuously melt away during an interglacial period. You are really full of shit.

In the real world....

Figure 1 Blue curve: Global temperature reconstruction from proxy data of Marcott et al, Science 2013. Shown here is the RegEM version – significant differences between the variants with different averaging methods arise only towards the end, where the number of proxy series decreases. This does not matter since the recent temperature evolution is well known from instrumental measurements, shown in red (global temperature from the instrumental HadCRU data). Graph: Klaus Bitterman.

The climate curve looks like a “hump”. At the beginning of the Holocene -- after the end of the last Ice Age -- global temperature increased, and subsequently it decreased again by 0.7 ° C over the past 5000 years. The well-known transition from the relatively warm Medieval into the “little ice age” turns out to be part of a much longer-term cooling, which ended abruptly with the rapid warming of the 20th Century. Within a hundred years, the cooling of the previous 5000 years was undone. (One result of this is, for example, that the famous iceman ‘Ötzi’, who disappeared under ice 5000 years ago, reappeared in 1991.) - (source)
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....until a century or so ago when human caused global warming began to cause temperatures to rise. Global temperatures have now un-naturally increased by as much over the last century as they had naturally declined in the previous 5000 years.

Unsupported nonsense.

More dumbshit ignorance and stupdity. What makes the ice melt away is the rising global temperatures. Then temperatures stop rising and stabilize, and the ice stops melting.

Sorry, but ice doesn't melt because temps rise. Ice melts because temps are above freezing. Ice doesn't know when it needs to stop melting. It doesn't respond to temps no longer rising, it only responds to temps below freezing.

but then the actual glacial periods and the interglacial periods last several tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years where the climate remains relatively quite stable.

Again, this is not true and not supported by the evidence. The climate never remains stable, it changes constantly. The Earth is in motion, it's orbital axis and rotation is constantly changing. It's very slight and we go through long periods of what we consider to be "relatively stable" conditions but everything is constantly changing.

During an interglacial period, there are many places on Earth where temperatures are below freezing. Ice does not continue to continuously melt away during an interglacial period. You are really full of shit.

I didn't say that. Ice melts above 32°F and water freezes below that. During a glaciation, larger portions of the Earth are below 32°F and during interglacial periods, that area becomes increasingly smaller. Ice melts as long as temperature is above 32°F.

And I've already told you that I don't care about your charts and graphs. As far as I am concerned they are all worthless garbage concocted by people with a lot of money in order to perpetrate this fraud on the public. They've been proven to be manipulated and fabricated, based on incomplete data, skewed and distorted to promote your narrative. So they are worthless in this discussion. You can keep on posting them, that's what good propagandists do, but I'm not impressed.
....until a century or so ago when human caused global warming began to cause temperatures to rise. Global temperatures have now un-naturally increased by as much over the last century as they had naturally declined in the previous 5000 years.

Unsupported nonsense.
You're obviously thinking of the garbage you post.

I obviously did support my statement by quoting Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf, a prominent, world-renowned climate scientist and a Professor of The Physics of the Oceans at Potsdam University.

Look at it again, moron.


Figure 1 Blue curve: Global temperature reconstruction from proxy data of Marcott et al, Science 2013. Shown here is the RegEM version – significant differences between the variants with different averaging methods arise only towards the end, where the number of proxy series decreases. This does not matter since the recent temperature evolution is well known from instrumental measurements, shown in red (global temperature from the instrumental HadCRU data). Graph: Klaus Bitterman.

The climate curve looks like a “hump”. At the beginning of the Holocene -- after the end of the last Ice Age -- global temperature increased, and subsequently it decreased again by 0.7 ° C over the past 5000 years. The well-known transition from the relatively warm Medieval into the “little ice age” turns out to be part of a much longer-term cooling, which ended abruptly with the rapid warming of the 20th Century. Within a hundred years, the cooling of the previous 5000 years was undone. (One result of this is, for example, that the famous iceman ‘Ötzi’, who disappeared under ice 5000 years ago, reappeared in 1991.) - (source)

Every bit of bogus denier cult anti-science propaganda you have posted has been debunked. Everything you post is ridiculously wrong and extremely ignorant. You are obviously a very delusional troll!
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