Might Be Something to Consider

We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?

At this point, that theory has as much legitimacy as any other. I’m sure the Dems will expand the theory to say Trump asked the Russians to do this.
We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?

Isn’t it more plausible that Mexico sent the bombs?
Aren’t they the country with the most to gain under Mexicrat leadership?
Think about it, we’re currently spoon feeding 29 million of their lowest grade and probably another 20-50 million anchor babies. Imagine if struggling Mexico had to harbor that burden.
We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?

Isn’t it more plausible that Mexico sent the bombs?
Aren’t they the country with the most to gain under Mexicrat leadership?
Think about it, we’re currently spoon feeding 29 million of their lowest grade and probably another 20-50 million anchor babies. Imagine if struggling Mexico had to harbor that burden.

Uh, actually I think we're currently paying them to do the lowest grade jobs that we don't want. That's ... uh, kind of why they're here. Imagine if we had to harbor that burden. Imagine yourself picking grapes.

Besides we're told they're rapists, not bombers.
We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?
More weaseling. It's obvious some deranged and weak minded tRumpkin sent the bombs. Any other possibility is remote in the extreme.

I hate to say it but it looks like it was a crazy right wing trump person.

The stickers all over his van are all pro trump stickers. Including one with trump and the presidential seal.

I wished it wasn't an American.

Oh well. Sometimes the most obvious answer is really the answer.
Actually Progo, that post contained a healthy dose of critical thinking in it, while your retort was as deep as a Miami sidewalk muddle on a hot day, and nothing but name calling. :funnyface:

Btw, your signature may as well say "Orange Man Bad".

Actually if you wanna see a healthy dose of critical thinking check the post between yours and this one. If you wanna see the opposite, like a whiny troll that says nothing, then re-read your own.

I made my point to the poster. Your rushing in to white-knight is quaint but flaccid.
You made no point at all. As usual, you quickly go from the topic of discussion to personal insults because you have no points to make: the product of having a lot of attitude but little in the way of intellect.

Not only did I make the point (yesterday) but it still stands untouched.

Wanna revisit?

Your previous output is enslaved to the idea that the entire world consists of but two elements, named "Democrat" and "Republican". That's what "dichotomy" means. It's a False Dilemma fallacy. Whelp, I'm here to reveal to you the stunning revelation that the world doesn't work that way.

If you find that 'insulting' --- change your fallacies.
Again, the only point you seem capable of making is that you have nothing to say about the topic of discussion but lack the good sense to remain silent.

DOOD. I deconstructed your point by pointing out its fallacy. WALK IT OFF already.
Only in your somewhat disturbed imagination. Just as we saw many top Democrats conspire to level false charges of collusion between Trump and the Russians in the 2016 election, we have seen many top Democrats conspiring to use these (fake) bombs to try to influence the current elections. It is reasonable to ask, did they also conspire to have these (fake) bombs sent to try to influence the elections. Since none of these bombs has been found to be operational, what other reason could there have been send them other than to influence the election, and which side benefits from this incident? Clearly, it is the Democrats who benefit from it.
More likely an attempt by Democrats to undo the damage they've done to themselves with their calls for violence against Republicans by making Republicans appear to be violent too.

How soon people forget that prominent republicans were sent packages with white powder in them just last month. Of course the MSM has and continues to downplay those incidents. And they wonder why no one trusts them.

A GOP candidate got a letter threatening his children's lives if he didn't pull out of the race in NJ. nut jobs all of em. I don't care who they vote for. Why would I care? I want them arrested and shot. take them out of their fking misery.
Actually if you wanna see a healthy dose of critical thinking check the post between yours and this one. If you wanna see the opposite, like a whiny troll that says nothing, then re-read your own.

I made my point to the poster. Your rushing in to white-knight is quaint but flaccid.
You made no point at all. As usual, you quickly go from the topic of discussion to personal insults because you have no points to make: the product of having a lot of attitude but little in the way of intellect.

Not only did I make the point (yesterday) but it still stands untouched.

Wanna revisit?

Your previous output is enslaved to the idea that the entire world consists of but two elements, named "Democrat" and "Republican". That's what "dichotomy" means. It's a False Dilemma fallacy. Whelp, I'm here to reveal to you the stunning revelation that the world doesn't work that way.

If you find that 'insulting' --- change your fallacies.
Again, the only point you seem capable of making is that you have nothing to say about the topic of discussion but lack the good sense to remain silent.

DOOD. I deconstructed your point by pointing out its fallacy. WALK IT OFF already.
Only in your somewhat disturbed imagination. Just as we saw many top Democrats conspire to level false charges of collusion between Trump and the Russians in the 2016 election, we have seen many top Democrats conspiring to use these (fake) bombs to try to influence the current elections.

Have we now.


It is reasonable to ask, did they also conspire to have these (fake) bombs sent to try to influence the elections. Since none of these bombs has been found to be operational, what other reason could there have been send them other than to influence the election, and which side benefits from this incident? Clearly, it is the Democrats who benefit from it.

Desperation strikes deep. Into your posts it will creep.
Apologies to Stephen Stills.

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