Migrant crisis overwhelms Denver hospital, schools


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The new American reality.
How long before Democrats start pushing to take over ALL vacant buildings across this country, in order to house these third-worlders?
Try to imagine what this country will look like a decade from now?
How long before American CITIZENS are forced to completely dismantle their own lifestyles in order to pay for the waves of Africans, Islamists, Haitians, Somalis, etc etc etc etc etc?!!!

This is your new reality America, this is where the traitorous Democrats are taking you! Will you sit back and take it, or will you stand up and take action?

Denver Health, one of the largest hospitals in Colorado, treats everyone who walks through its doors regardless of their ability to pay. But providing care to more than 8,000 migrants has put the hospital in a financial bind. As NBC News’ Julia Ainsley reports, Denver schools are also struggling to keep up with the influx.

Can't even imagine what the ER at Denver General is like today...Yikes.

And if you're a citizen and a resident of Denver, imagine the nightmare you would have to deal with if you had an emergency, and were forced to wait while they take care of people who are using YOUR emergency room for their healthcare.
And if you're a citizen and a resident of Denver, imagine the nightmare you would have to deal with if you had an emergency, and were forced to wait while they take care of people who are using YOUR emergency room for their healthcare.
Fortunately, the ER at DG isn't the only one available...But it's the one that's most central and where a lot of the ambulances go.
The blue states’ reasoning was pretty simple: “so what if migrants overwhelm border states? They are red anyway, so it serves ‘em right. They’ll stay red as long as Dems keep letting migrants overwhelm them.”

Now, with both Biden and border governors having reason to move the migrants in country, blue states are paying the price.

Serves ‘em right . . .
I blame those WWJD bracelets. Damn those liberals for following scripture!!!!

Anyway, Denver decided to make themselves a hub for immigrants. Their problem to deal with now.
The blue states’ reasoning was pretty simple: “so what if migrants overwhelm border states? They are red anyway, so it serves ‘em right. They’ll stay red as long as Dems keep letting migrants overwhelm them.”

Now, with both Biden and border governors having reason to move the migrants in country, blue states are paying the price.

Serves ‘em right . . .

They voted for it.

They got it.

Now they're whining about it.

We just need to get the mental institutions built.

The new American reality.
How long before Democrats start pushing to take over ALL vacant buildings across this country, in order to house these third-worlders?
Try to imagine what this country will look like a decade from now?
How long before American CITIZENS are forced to completely dismantle their own lifestyles in order to pay for the waves of Africans, Islamists, Haitians, Somalis, etc etc etc etc etc?!!!

This is your new reality America, this is where the traitorous Democrats are taking you! Will you sit back and take it, or will you stand up and take action?

Imagine being a kid and witnessing this at your school?

Biden secured his legacy. The charts alone comparing him to Trump and even Obamas border years will be telling.
Where are all the libs who routinely deny that the migrants are getting government assistance whether they call it welfare or something else?

Come on libs, step up to the plate here!
The new American reality.
How long before Democrats start pushing to take over ALL vacant buildings across this country, in order to house these third-worlders?
Try to imagine what this country will look like a decade from now?
How long before American CITIZENS are forced to completely dismantle their own lifestyles in order to pay for the waves of Africans, Islamists, Haitians, Somalis, etc etc etc etc etc?!!!

This is your new reality America, this is where the traitorous Democrats are taking you! Will you sit back and take it, or will you stand up and take action?

Barry Obama said that he would "fundamentally change" America.
What Obama really meant was that he would change America into a one party neo-marxist police that like Cuba.

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