Mike "Brutus" Flynn's testimony....

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These little commie circle-jerks are always fun to watch....if they had chins they'd be trying to keep them up but they know the world has passed them by.....Barry is gone, Bernie is incoherent, and Beto, well, Ted Cruz put his ass away down in Texas. :21:
I am curious to know what kind of valuable information you believe Flynn has.

My guess is the "collusion" by Trump to ease on the Russian sanctions imposed by Obama
Have you read the charges against Flynn?

There is no charge that the discussion between Flynn and Russia was illegal, only the lying about it was.

Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for interfering our election. Despite this, Trump and his idiot followers claim Obama did nothing about the interference. Yet the whole reason Flynn is in trouble is precisely because he intervened on the actions Obama took.

Trump's transition team, through Flynn, asked the Russians not to respond to the Obama sanctions by escalation, which is what they normally do. Trump's team asked instead that the Russians match their response to the sanctions without escalation until such time Trump was installed.

This was clearly an attempt by Trump to enact foreign policy before he was officially allowed to do so. He was undermining Obama deliberately.

However, since Trump was about to take office, he wanted to send a signal that he was Putin's boy ahead of time. No matter how distasteful that might be, this does not appear to be illegal.

Flynn was only charged with lying about the backdoor discussions.

See for yourself: See the Charges: U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn
These little commie circle-jerks

Do morons like you ever wonder why....the last enclaves of old "communism" like Russia and China are praised by your orange hero???

You should know that calling other people "commies" in the 21st century, is so damn 1950s McCarthy-ish...LOL
Flynn's case has been real quiet for the last year, theres no way to know what he's said, and what he gave up to keep the charges against him from building.

I'll wait and see ..

However, since Trump was about to take office, he wanted to send a signal that he was Putin's boy ahead of time. No matter how distasteful that might be, this does not appear to be illegal.

I fully agree........However, I believe that in this particular matter, Mueller's report will eventually underscore that Trump and his entourage may not have done something "illegal"but HIGHLY unethical.....and as Nixon found out, the cover-up is MUCH WORSE than the initial misdeed.
These little commie circle-jerks

Do morons like you ever wonder why....the last enclaves of old "communism" like Russia and China are praised by your orange hero???

You should know that calling other people "commies" in the 21st century, is so damn 1950s McCarthy-ish...LOL

You're not bright enough to realize you've had your brain fried by old-school communists in politics, and the new strand of that fatal virus in the public school system. You want to talk McCarthy? Try to bring a conservative speaker on the Berkley campus and watch antifa show up and smash windows. If you knew anything about history, you'd put two and two together and realize how badly you've been screwed by falling for their party line. And you're undoubtedly an atheist, so after this life, you got Hell to look forward to.....shame about it but you can't say you weren't warned.
Flynn has gone from the "lock her up" cheer-leading role, to one of Brutus to Trump's wanna-be Caesar role.

If anyone "interprets" Mueller's leniency toward Flynn as good news for Trump, the kool-aid drinking has proven stronger than common sense.

Flynn could still be facing other woes and prison time, but his cooperation (70 hours of interviews with the Mueller team) and the prosecution show of leniency PROVES that Flynn has sung like the proverbial canary.......and the repercussions to both Trump and his family members are ominous.

The Ides of March may soon be revisited...


If it "proves" anything you should be able to "show" everyone the "proof"?
Let's be very clear on this. Flynn broke the law and is paying the price. He is not "Brutus" and 45 is NOT Caesar.

The Lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Gibbon is facing Obstruction of Justice at the very least. He only wanted Sanctions lifted on Russia because of the bank he was using finance his now dead as a door Moscow (VTB) was under sanctions. Vlad the Impaler has a huge stake in VTB AND was going to a Fifty Million Dollar ($50,000,000.00) Penthouse in the Tower for free.

Flynn knew about the Meeting(s) in Trump Tower New York and he knew that the Meeting(s) were obtaining dirt on HRC.

Flynn lied to F.B.I., which is major felony under Federal Law.

Fuck the Goddamn Caesar Bullshit.

45 is Lying Traitor and a Quisling.

Lock his ass up!!
As much as you hurt me with your lame smiley clicks.

This thread is not about you or me....Address the topic ...or go back to bed (or under it)
There is no topic as Mueller was supposed to produce a Trump Report 2 weeks after the midterms.
The Mule has zip and Trump couldn’t care less.
You’re simply one in a long line of boring, self-hating Americans.
Let's be very clear on this. Flynn broke the law and is paying the price. He is not "Brutus" and 45 is NOT Caesar.

The Lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Gibbon is facing Obstruction of Justice at the very least. He only wanted Sanctions lifted on Russia because of the bank he was using finance his now dead as a door Moscow (VTB) was under sanctions. Vlad the Impaler has a huge stake in VTB AND was going to a Fifty Million Dollar ($50,000,000.00) Penthouse in the Tower for free.

Flynn knew about the Meeting(s) in Trump Tower New York and he knew that the Meeting(s) were obtaining dirt on HRC.

Flynn lied to F.B.I., which is major felony under Federal Law.

Fuck the Goddamn Caesar Bullshit.

45 is Lying Traitor and a Quisling.

Lock his ass up!!
Try the decaf....Most people can't tell the difference.
The Mule has zip and Trump couldn’t care less.

Just know that other of your fellow moronic Trump ass kissers FULLY agree with your delusion....Find solace that you are not alone in your ignorance.....But, for others

Trump voicing concerns about son being entangled in Mueller probe ...


Aug 5, 2018 - President Donald Trump is concerned about whether his son Donald Trump ... Trumpvoicing concerns about son being entangled in Mueller probe ..... have suggested the President at thevery least knew shortly after the fact.

Report: Trump 'very worried' about Mueller probe - Yahoo

https://www.yahoo.com/news/report-trump-very-worried-mueller-200126787.htmlJun 12, 2018 - According to a new Vanity Fair report, Trump is "very worried" that the Muellerinvestigation will soon reach a new stage that could put him in ...

Donald Trump Jr. is reportedly worried about a possible Mueller ...

https://www.aol.com/article/news/...trump...worried...mueller...very.../23583883/Nov 8, 2018 - Trump Jr. has reportedly been telling friends that he's worried about a ... a possibleMueller indictment, while the president is 'very depressed'.

Report: Trump Worried About Donald Jr. in Mueller Probe - The Daily ...

https://www.thedailybeast.com/report-trump-worried-about-donald-jr-in-mueller-probeReport: Trump Worried About Donald Jr. in Mueller Probe ... “we could possibly lure him outside Saudi Arabia and make arrangements,” the “highly classified.

Trump is more worried about Michael Cohen probe than Mueller ...
as Mueller was supposed to produce a Trump Report 2 weeks after the midterms.

Well, I guess you and Hannity were wrong....as usual.....LOL
Uh, no..every news site reported Mueller’s statement two weeks before the midterms that he would release his report two weeks after the midterms.
Thanks for proving that your tiny brain only holds what it wants to hold.
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The Mule has zip and Trump couldn’t care less.

Just know that other of your fellow moronic Trump ass kissers FULLY agree with your delusion....Find solace that you are not alone in your ignorance.....But, for others

Trump voicing concerns about son being entangled in Mueller probe ...


Aug 5, 2018 - President Donald Trump is concerned about whether his son Donald Trump ... Trumpvoicing concerns about son being entangled in Mueller probe ..... have suggested the President at thevery least knew shortly after the fact.

Report: Trump 'very worried' about Mueller probe - Yahoo

https://www.yahoo.com/news/report-trump-very-worried-mueller-200126787.htmlJun 12, 2018 - According to a new Vanity Fair report, Trump is "very worried" that the Muellerinvestigation will soon reach a new stage that could put him in ...

Donald Trump Jr. is reportedly worried about a possible Mueller ...

https://www.aol.com/article/news/...trump...worried...mueller...very.../23583883/Nov 8, 2018 - Trump Jr. has reportedly been telling friends that he's worried about a ... a possibleMueller indictment, while the president is 'very depressed'.

Report: Trump Worried About Donald Jr. in Mueller Probe - The Daily ...

https://www.thedailybeast.com/report-trump-worried-about-donald-jr-in-mueller-probeReport: Trump Worried About Donald Jr. in Mueller Probe ... “we could possibly lure him outside Saudi Arabia and make arrangements,” the “highly classified.

Trump is more worried about Michael Cohen probe than Mueller ...
So you’re trying to prove that Donald is guilt of ? based on stories about his son?
You’re an absolute fucking moron.
Flynn has gone from the "lock her up" cheer-leading role, to one of Brutus to Trump's wanna-be Caesar role.

If anyone "interprets" Mueller's leniency toward Flynn as good news for Trump, the kool-aid drinking has proven stronger than common sense.

Flynn could still be facing other woes and prison time, but his cooperation (70 hours of interviews with the Mueller team) and the prosecution show of leniency PROVES that Flynn has sung like the proverbial canary.......and the repercussions to both Trump and his family members are ominous.

The Ides of March may soon be revisited...


If it "proves" anything you should be able to "show" everyone the "proof"?
The request for leniency is the proof he has provided valuable information regarding higher value targets. Obviously.
Closed for moderation review. Stick to the specific topic and include "topical content" in every reply. Can't get to be a flaming contest.

Might re-open or be closed/merged with the many OTHER Flynn threads.
Deleted 14. OP trolling his own thread from Pg1. Will remain closed. Use other "Flynn" threads to continue.
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