Mike Doomberg surges past Kamala Harris in DemonRAT primary poll

Rush bestows a nickname, the sheep start using it. Right on cue.

They don't even try to hide it at this point.
What's to hide? A good nickname is a good nickname regardless of who makes it up. Are you afraid of Rush or something?
I'm not fond of the alternate informational/ideological/psychological universe that he is so instrumental in creating.

I also think it's funny when so many of his devotees deny that they listen to him, when the opposite is so obviously true.
I haven't see anyone on this board reject Rush. Not sure what you're talking about.

Also lol at you thinking that because you don't like someone others should therefore hide their feelings.
The fact that you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not true.

And I always like it when I can reduce others to straw man arguments. You completely made that second part up. I always want people to say what they're thinking, I'm a passionate advocate of freedom of expression, because it's so effective and efficient at exposing the loons.

Oh, and "dittos".
Feel free to provide some examples.

Things like my position don't count either. My position is that the guy is brilliant but I don't listen to him because I do not allow politics, hard rock or country on the radio at work.
Use the search engine here.

I just entered "don't listen rush" and saw a few on the first page alone.

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