Mike Huckabee Says God's Laws Are Above Supreme Court Rulings

God told me that Huckabee really should not give up his night job playing the guitar. He says that Huck is having problems mastering the fine points of religious philosophy, and somehow seems to be confusing politics with religion.

I want to create a new religion entered around our master, Obama. The only true God is Obama or at least that is what every Obama supporter told me.

Obviously, you did not get the memo. You were supposed to start dissing Hillary full time 3 weeks ago.
Those with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans will use religion to justify their fear and hate.

What amazes me is how many there still are and how profound their fear is.

There are the self-loathing gays that front as anti-gay "Christians" and then there are the plain fearful folk with the same mentality as those who were afraid of black children going to school with their children.
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.

...who went to jail.

and who got his message across BECAUSE he went to jail, willingly, for laws he found unjust. Something forgotten by current protesters, who run to mommy or daddy's lawyer the second they get arrested.

He was CONVICTED in 1956 in the bus boycott.

yep, and he went right back to doing the same thing that got him arrested and convicted. That was his goal.

Do those laws exist anymore?
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.

Apples and oranges.

You're on the wrong side of history.
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.

Apples and oranges.

You're on the wrong side of history.

Same tired logic from the same tired communist wanna-be.
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

Well then why is gay marriage happening if God doesn't want it to happen?

I think it is to break the nations. God is taken for granted so often, so forcing people to confront an ideal that totally cuts against the grain affords them the opportunity to think about God as in the spirit hovering over the waters of the creation and not as some object of vanity within the creation. This Huckabee fella seems to be experiencing that, trying to differentiate between the laws of God and the laws of the States, which outranks which, etc. Have you read Isaiah 44, there may be some insights in there about this, maybe somewhat out of context, but in considering how people invent their own gods as political tools. Essentially, God has given people the ability to create laws, and laws are just as much idols as anything else that is an idol, which do not last forever. There's also something to consider in the way of "on Earth as it is in Heaven", over the course of thousands of years the pole stars change, so to speak. For whatever reason God has to make human beings to communicate with each other by using symbols and symbolism, metaphors and stories, etc., so if those things are changed or evolve somehow over time, whatever is meaningful to the people at the time, so the nations have to adapt even though God never changes. So that's a theory, could be others.
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

Odd when you consider that Christianity did exactly that when it was founded from Judaism which had all of God's laws already. So apparently you can overrule God just like Christianity did when it overruled Jewish laws.

Dude give it up already! This is not Year 0, this is 2015. We wrote a constitution since then and found out God is a figment of people's imagination. We've moved on. Seriously! I don't know if you were being facetious but if you were then my apologies. If not please reconsider your opinions.

Remember, no one has ever won a debate against me unless they agreed with me 100%! :)

So give us the proof that God does not exist.
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.
Ah, but MLKjr didn't say people who ignore laws on moral or religious grounds shouldn't suffer punishment. But, their suffering may change the minds of the many. If Huck's on that, I'm ok with him. He's not going to convince a majority of gay marriage, but public accommodation laws punishing bakers ... maybe.
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.
Ah, but MLKjr didn't say people who ignore laws on moral or religious grounds shouldn't suffer punishment. But, their suffering may change the minds of the many. If Huck's on that, I'm ok with him. He's not going to convince a majority of gay marriage, but public accommodation laws punishing bakers ... maybe.

gay marriage to me isn't the issue as long as it is allowed by legislative action at the State level.

And yes, MLK suffered the punishment, which was some jail time, and release. In the PA cases the fines have run up to over $120k, which isn;t something most people can walk away from.
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.
Ah, but MLKjr didn't say people who ignore laws on moral or religious grounds shouldn't suffer punishment. But, their suffering may change the minds of the many. If Huck's on that, I'm ok with him. He's not going to convince a majority of gay marriage, but public accommodation laws punishing bakers ... maybe.

gay marriage to me isn't the issue as long as it is allowed by legislative action at the State level.

And yes, MLK suffered the punishment, which was some jail time, and release. In the PA cases the fines have run up to over $120k, which isn;t something most people can walk away from.
What changed minds was the state actions in basically attacking peaceful protestors. With the bakers, the state is basically bankrupting them unless they comply. I'm certainly not defending them or denying the hatefulness of their actions. But, the demand by the majority that they change their minds is itself pretty tyrannical, imo.
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.
Ah, but MLKjr didn't say people who ignore laws on moral or religious grounds shouldn't suffer punishment. But, their suffering may change the minds of the many. If Huck's on that, I'm ok with him. He's not going to convince a majority of gay marriage, but public accommodation laws punishing bakers ... maybe.

gay marriage to me isn't the issue as long as it is allowed by legislative action at the State level.

And yes, MLK suffered the punishment, which was some jail time, and release. In the PA cases the fines have run up to over $120k, which isn;t something most people can walk away from.
What changed minds was the state actions in basically attacking peaceful protestors. With the bakers, the state is basically bankrupting them unless they comply. I'm certainly not defending them or denying the hatefulness of their actions. But, the demand by the majority that they change their minds is itself pretty tyrannical, imo.

You don't have to defend the person to defend their rights.
Well, I don't defend the discrimination so much as I find the punishment to be excessive for the offense.

You just have to defend the ability to discriminate, not the discrimination. And guess what? That makes you the enemy of most of the harder core lefties on this site. congrats.
Those with an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans will use religion to justify their fear and hate.
Funny that, out of that entire quote, you found the word "gay".

Guess we know where your mind is

The Bible is very clear, though, that we are to follow man's law unless or until it breaks God's law
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

Odd when you consider that Christianity did exactly that when it was founded from Judaism which had all of God's laws already. So apparently you can overrule God just like Christianity did when it overruled Jewish laws.

Dude give it up already! This is not Year 0, this is 2015. We wrote a constitution since then and found out God is a figment of people's imagination. We've moved on. Seriously! I don't know if you were being facetious but if you were then my apologies. If not please reconsider your opinions.

Remember, no one has ever won a debate against me unless they agreed with me 100%! :)

What a moron.
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

Huckster is a Prog... But he's right.

Mankind has no say in natural law. Popularity is wholly irrelevant.
Breaking News: You can'
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

Odd when you consider that Christianity did exactly that when it was founded from Judaism which had all of God's laws already. So apparently you can overrule God just like Christianity did when it overruled Jewish laws.

Dude give it up already! This is not Year 0, this is 2015. We wrote a constitution since then and found out God is a figment of people's imagination. We've moved on. Seriously! I don't know if you were being facetious but if you were then my apologies. If not please reconsider your opinions.

Remember, no one has ever won a debate against me unless they agreed with me 100%! :)

So give us the proof that God does not exist.
t prove a negative. Get it? I don't and can't prove God's non-existence. It's not possible. You have to prove existence of God.

Here try this experiment: Prove Cthulu, Odin and bigfoot don't exist. Assuming you believe they don't, that is.
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

Odd when you consider that Christianity did exactly that when it was founded from Judaism which had all of God's laws already. So apparently you can overrule God just like Christianity did when it overruled Jewish laws.

Dude give it up already! This is not Year 0, this is 2015. We wrote a constitution since then and found out God is a figment of people's imagination. We've moved on. Seriously! I don't know if you were being facetious but if you were then my apologies. If not please reconsider your opinions.

Remember, no one has ever won a debate against me unless they agreed with me 100%! :)

This is like talking to a blind person who demands that night and day are a human contrivance...

There's no way to convince them, so it's best to just laugh at the limitations and move on.

There's no danger from them unless they start trying to pass legislation based upon their starkly limited perspective.

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