Mike Huckabee Says God's Laws Are Above Supreme Court Rulings

He is absolutely right. For those that believe in laws given by a supreme being, human law is superseded, but only for those believers. They had better be ready to accept the consequences of choosing their course of resultant action.
It's true that for believers their supreme being has the final say in right and wrong. The problem is that there are lots of supreme beings, and the government is in place to manage lives on Earth, not to be concerned about what comes afterwards.
God's laws are above Man's laws, which is why the religious should not try to govern anything more than a church. They have other loyalties, obviously, and not to those who make laws and enforce laws here.
This committed pandering to the superstitious is why the Republican party cannot be taken seriously.

If they would just disavow every candidate that proudly informs their policy making from the "inerrant truth" of fairy tales, they would consistently defeat the Democrats and all of their social/economic "justice" hand wringers.

They'd have to give up their voodoo economics too. Although....I'm sure the talking heads could fool enough low info voters into thinking the GOP has a good record on the economy.

The above exchange is the intellectual equivalent of homosexual mutual materbation... OKA: a shameful waste of energy.
The gay activities of gay folks can't concern me too terribly much. I lack the interest, and the taste for specially cultivated outrage.

However, there is a great deal of interest in homosexuals among the self-described conservatives/Republicans/right-wing on this board.

I'm figuring it's some kind of secretly hopeful envy.

Explain your obvious interest in queer folk.

There's also a great deal of interest in the flu, cancers and heart disease. But I wouldn't say that such are any more of a concern than mental illness.
This committed pandering to the superstitious is why the Republican party cannot be taken seriously.

If they would just disavow every candidate that proudly informs their policy making from the "inerrant truth" of fairy tales, they would consistently defeat the Democrats and all of their social/economic "justice" hand wringers.

They'd have to give up their voodoo economics too. Although....I'm sure the talking heads could fool enough low info voters into thinking the GOP has a good record on the economy.

The above exchange is the intellectual equivalent of homosexual mutual materbation... OKA: a shameful waste of energy.
The gay activities of gay folks can't concern me too terribly much. I lack the interest, and the taste for specially cultivated outrage.

However, there is a great deal of interest in homosexuals among the self-described conservatives/Republicans/right-wing on this board.

I'm figuring it's some kind of secretly hopeful envy.

Explain your obvious interest in queer folk.

There's also a great deal of interest in the flu, cancers and heart disease. But I wouldn't say that such are any more of a concern than mental illness.
Does that explain your obvious interest in queer folk?
Get off it lefties. Don't you have something better to do than spin republican statements. You know what Huckabee meant.
Get off it lefties. Don't you have something better to do than spin republican statements. You know what Huckabee meant.
Fair enough, but when someone says that the Supreme Court cannot overrule God -- well, by golly, I'd sure like some clarification on that.

How does that statement play out logistically, in the real world, with SC rulings?

...Where in your link do 80% of Americans say God's law is superior to the law of the land in the US?
Don't have one.

Isn't it obvious, though?

If you believe in God as Creator and Ruler of the Universe (and some 80% of Americans identify as religion in some manner or another), then...

Does it not stand to reason that His (or Her) laws trump those of His (or Her) creations?


1. God's law says: "Remember and keep the Sabbath".

2. Man's law says: "Sabbath observances are now verboten"

Which law trumps?
I'm not sure, but don't we already have issues with people going around thinking they're laying down God's Law? Maybe it's just me. :dunno:
Yes. There are people who consider themselves to be true American patriots......and think god is their king. These people exist.
In vast quantities, apparently.

In truth, most of 'em are probably quite content to live by Man's Law, until it crosses the line that violates God's.

You know... the way that most of The West has governed itself for most of the past 1500 years or so, on the macro level.
Yes. There are people who consider themselves to be true American patriots......and think god is their king. These people exist.
In vast quantities, apparently.

In truth, most of 'em are probably quite content to live by Man's Law, until it crosses the line that violates God's.

You know... the way that most of The West has governed itself for most of the past 1500 years or so, on the macro level.

Nope. You are sorely mistaken. We shook off that bullshit in the 18th century. The number of nutjobs in the West looking to god for leadership here on earth has steadily declined ever since. This nation is a nation of laws.....laws determined by man.
Yes. There are people who consider themselves to be true American patriots......and think god is their king. These people exist.
In vast quantities, apparently.

In truth, most of 'em are probably quite content to live by Man's Law, until it crosses the line that violates God's.

You know... the way that most of The West has governed itself for most of the past 1500 years or so, on the macro level.

Nope. You are sorely mistaken. We shook off that bullshit in the 18th century. The number of nutjobs in the West looking to god for leadership here on earth has steadily declined ever since. This nation is a nation of laws.....laws determined by man.
I, like you, am content to live under a system which insists upon a Separation of Church and State.

However, vast numbers of our countrymen draw a line, once the State violates Divine Law.

If more Germans had done this in the 1930s and 1940s, WWII would never have happened.

Divine Law is - quite defensibly and arguably - the last line of defense against Evil in ANY State.

The People themselves understand this, even if a great many atheists and agnostics ridicule the idea.

We are, indeed, a Nation of Laws.

And, it seems quite likely that Divine Law, as dimly understood by Man, is inherent in the nucleus or core of the corpus juris of most viable and worthwhile and durable States.

Or so it seems, to this observer.
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

And he's right. The SCOTUS is not god... now is it?
Huckabee effectively said that the Supreme Court shouldn't have the power to overturn unconstitutional laws,

which means that Huckabee does not want constitutionality enforced.

He might as well of said we should get rid of the Constitution.

Or he may mean he thinks people should ignore laws they find unjust, kind of like that Crazy guy MLK back in the 50's and 60's.
OR he means exactly what he said.
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

Odd when you consider that Christianity did exactly that when it was founded from Judaism which had all of God's laws already. So apparently you can overrule God just like Christianity did when it overruled Jewish laws.

Are you really this ignorant?
It was explained to me back in the 1950's when I was growing up in Georgia that Segregation was god's law.

I have never paid the slightest bit of attention to anyone's interpretation of God's law ever since.
It was explained to me back in the 1950's when I was growing up in Georgia that Segregation was god's law.

I have never paid the slightest bit of attention to anyone's interpretation of God's law ever since.
Same here... oh and I was born in GA grew up in FL .. parents raised in GA. So ... yeah... Why focus on interpretations when you can just read it yourself.
Mike Huckabee The Supreme Court can t overrule God - CNNPolitics.com

"I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that -- the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God," he said. "When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created."

The American Taliban. Worship as we do or our God's law will deliver justice. Stop thinking, start believing.

What tripe.
This committed pandering to the superstitious is why the Republican party cannot be taken seriously.

If they would just disavow every candidate that proudly informs their policy making from the "inerrant truth" of fairy tales, they would consistently defeat the Democrats and all of their social/economic "justice" hand wringers.

They'd have to give up their voodoo economics too. Although....I'm sure the talking heads could fool enough low info voters into thinking the GOP has a good record on the economy.

The above exchange is the intellectual equivalent of homosexual mutual materbation... OKA: a shameful waste of energy.
The gay activities of gay folks can't concern me too terribly much. I lack the interest, and the taste for specially cultivated outrage.

However, there is a great deal of interest in homosexuals among the self-described conservatives/Republicans/right-wing on this board.

I'm figuring it's some kind of secretly hopeful envy.

Explain your obvious interest in queer folk.

There's also a great deal of interest in the flu, cancers and heart disease. But I wouldn't say that such are any more of a concern than mental illness.
Does that explain your obvious interest in queer folk?

Yes, it does.

It is foolish to expect that viable policy from those whose very existence is unviable.

What is reasonable to expect from allowing the unviable to set public policy is an unviable public... thus an unviable culture. And I'm against that. So I speak out against it, a lot.

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