Mike Huckabee warns that California is launching a massive attack on Christianity

Wait a second. Isn't this the guy who's daughter lies daily in the White House and who's son went to jail for torturing animals?

The same guy who complained the Obama's were terrible parents?

I don't think we should be listening to this guy. Comes across as "unhinged".
wow he is almost like the way you come across.....
A plan pending in the California legislature that promoters say is necessary so people with same-sex inclinations don’t hear messages challenging them has now gotten the attention of Gov. Mike Huckabee. In a message to supporters, he says the proposal, AB 2943, on which WND has reported multiple times, is “a terrible storm that’s brewing on the horizon.” It would ban counseling, conferences and even printed materials that advocate for ways to get rid of unwanted same-sex
Mike Huckabee warns that California is launching a “Massive attack on Christianity”

Let's see where this gets moved to even though it's taking place In CALIFORNIA.........
Those who think there isn't an attack on Christians you are one bubble living fk who needs to wake up to reality .
The religious right, crazier than ever and always good for a laugh.
They simply are not happy unless they can make up some kind of persecution so they can play the martyr.
Somebody please tell me why huckabee is some sort of spokesperson for the billion-plus members of the Christian faith? He has no status. He's a cult member, that's all. He represents absolutely nothing but his ego. Go ahead, huckabee, try to drag a decent religion into your cesspool.
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Well... if Mike Huckabee, WND and endtimesheadlines.org says it's true...
This message hes been approved by Chuck Norris.

Didn't you know he writes for WND?
Of course. I think you won the war on your mind. I thought the seventies were great.

that's expected from minds like yours to weak to think for themselves .


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For weak mind to low on the IQ chart to think


A plan pending in the California legislature that promoters say is necessary so people with same-sex inclinations don’t hear messages challenging them has now gotten the attention of Gov. Mike Huckabee. In a message to supporters, he says the proposal, AB 2943, on which WND has reported multiple times, is “a terrible storm that’s brewing on the horizon.” It would ban counseling, conferences and even printed materials that advocate for ways to get rid of unwanted same-sex
Mike Huckabee warns that California is launching a “Massive attack on Christianity”

Let's see where this gets moved to even though it's taking place In CALIFORNIA.........
Those who think there isn't an attack on Christians you are one bubble living fk who needs to wake up to reality .
So, why do Christians feel the need to hate and attack homersexuals?
Was it a Christian who shot up that gay Florida night club a few years ago? I don't think so.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. We may not like what other people are about, but that doesn't mean that we are going to blow them away either for the wrong that we believe they are guilty of, at least this Christian girl right here will not do such a thing any way.

People claiming ro be christian for political purposes are more likely to deny rights to others than they are to shoot them. That shooting doesn't justify their very unChristian like behavior. True Christians don't try to harm anybody.
Well... if Mike Huckabee, WND and endtimesheadlines.org says it's true...

for once he gots a point MW.Huckabee is so corrupt its unreal.cant believe anything that a proven liar says that would be like trusting clinton or bush over anything they say.by the way did you get my last PM?
A plan pending in the California legislature that promoters say is necessary so people with same-sex inclinations don’t hear messages challenging them has now gotten the attention of Gov. Mike Huckabee. In a message to supporters, he says the proposal, AB 2943, on which WND has reported multiple times, is “a terrible storm that’s brewing on the horizon.” It would ban counseling, conferences and even printed materials that advocate for ways to get rid of unwanted same-sex
Mike Huckabee warns that California is launching a “Massive attack on Christianity”

Let's see where this gets moved to even though it's taking place In CALIFORNIA.........
Those who think there isn't an attack on Christians you are one bubble living fk who needs to wake up to reality .
The religious right, crazier than ever and always good for a laugh.
They simply are not happy unless they can make up some kind of persecution so they can play the martyr.
It's called WINNING!

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