Mike Johnson uses "porn cure" app with his son

This is cheap disgusting left wing propaganda spin and sadly typical of the attacks on the Speaker these days. The same idiot lefties who spread this nonsensical crap apparently think Biden's daughter lied in her own freaking diary when she accused her father of forcing her to take showers with him (and worse?) which ended up ruining her life.

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.

Except kids are rarely getting surgery except in the most extreme cases.

People subject themselves to surgery to change themselves every day, from Boob Jobs to Gastric Bypass surgury.

It is very creepy.

What they do in this regard is none of my business. I wouldn't suggest doing anything to stop them. To note though, they are ADULTS, not kids and yes, I find it a wee bit creepy.

Its bizarre that you actually believe that.

But then again, you voted for the guy who told his pre pubescent daughter to hop into bed and kiss him for a photo op.

You’re a sick fuck.

This isn't the way to protect them from porn tho

Not allowing them to have access to a computer or a phone will keep them protected enough....

Until they grow up and have a bunch of repressed sexual hangups; like most conservatives

MAGA Mike Johnson is a middle aged man. Why hasn't God cured Johnson's urge to view pornography yet? What's taking so long. How much longer has America to put up with those deviants and their shit?


You can't make insane creeps like this up...

I'll bet his sin finds a way around this system and ends up obsessed with porn his entire life....

He'll probably marry a porn star!
hahaha….How weird, filthy Libs think it’s ”creepy” when parents parent…..when parents teach and demand that their children be principled and moral.

Lib Father says to his white teen daughter:
”Hey Sweetie, your purple haired mother with neck tattoos and nose rings said you were gangbanged by five black dudes last night….WOW, I’m so proud of you for proving you’re not a white privileged racist, for proving your level of wokeness….Good job Sweetie…and remember, should you become pregnant, don’t worry, I’ll happily take you to get one of those super-cool abortions…we’ll celebrate right afterwards.”
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Except kids are rarely getting surgery except in the most extreme cases.

People subject themselves to surgery to change themselves every day, from Boob Jobs to Gastric Bypass surgury.
A nonsense attempt at comparison when children are groomed from an early age by leftists. Chemical castration of children, their being prescribed life altering drugs and lopping off the breasts of teenage girls is atrocious. That’s why states are banning such child abuse.
hahaha….How weird, filthy Libs think it’s ”creepy” when parents parent…..when parents teach and demand that their children be principled and moral.

We aren't talking children here but you know that but you have to default to the "what about the kids" because otherwise you understand it's creepy.
Not wanting his son to get involved in Internet porn is creepy? How's that?

If as an adult my parents wanted to monitor what I access or they wanted me to monitor their usage, I would find that odd.
If the kid avoids dating and such things will be all good. 17 is way too young to even consider dating today. 33 is just right.
Yeah…we all know 17 year olds can’t have a healthy dating life unless they consume 5 hours of porn per day….right?
If the kid avoids dating and such things will be all good. 17 is way too young to even consider dating today. 33 is just right.
You must have been a sad, lonely young man who spent a lot of time stuffed into lockers.

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.
Magaturds are weird, man.

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