Mike Johnson uses "porn cure" app with his son

Magaturds are weird, man.
Yeah…those crazy Magaturds.
Meanwhile….outside of that backwards as fuck libtarded Twilight Zone reality happens.
How the hell would foreign based lefties know about apps that are alleged to be used by a Louisiana congressman in dealing with his family? WTF does king Chuck use to try to reign in the nut case royal family? Nobody really cares back here in the Colonies. Why is Johnson a target of the homosexual international left wing? It beats talking about real issues.

Covenant Eyes, Johnson said: “Sends a report to your accountability partner. So my accountability partner right now is Jack, my son.”

The pair receive a report on one another’s internet use once a week, Johnson said, although if “anything objectionable comes up”, Johnson or his son will receive an immediate notification.

In essence its a spying app that monitors your online habits. His porn intake is not really a subject that I have much interest in,

But I find it a bit creepy that he should take such a close interest in his kids sex lives.

These people seem to be obsessed with sex. Far too tightly wound.

what kind of pervert cretin doesn't have an interest in their minor child's sex life?
Not sure why I should give any fucks about that ^^^^ :rolleyes: If you're trying in your speshal retarded way to say regressives are weird too, then we agree. I even see patterns. So what.
Oh cool…what’s weird is; I never see you on here showing disdain for anything Lib….Do your typing fingers know you’re not a “regressive”?
Creepy today is parents protecting their children from porn?

Sounds about right.
Creepy is a former speaker’s husband pretending his gay lover broke into his house, wanted to assault him and the speaker, and that the alleged gay lover was an illegal immigrant from Canada living in a nudist colony in Berkeley as a hard-core Trump supporter.
A nonsense attempt at comparison when children are groomed from an early age by leftists. Chemical castration of children, their being prescribed life altering drugs and lopping off the breasts of teenage girls is atrocious. That’s why states are banning such child abuse.
Too bad those laws violate HIPAA and are unenforceable.
hahaha….How weird, filthy Libs think it’s ”creepy” when parents parent…..when parents teach and demand that their children be principled and moral.

Lib Father says to his white teen daughter:
”Hey Sweetie, your purple haired mother with neck tattoos and nose rings said you were gangbanged by five black dudes last night….WOW, I’m so proud of you for proving you’re not a white privileged racist, for proving your level of wokeness….Good job Sweetie…and remember, should you become pregnant, don’t worry, I’ll happily take you to get one of those super-cool abortions…we’ll celebrate right afterwards.”
^ Shouldn't vote, as clearly not in touch with reality.

But yeah, Johnson's an insane creep.
Too bad for the angry left that nothing in HIPAA was intended for grooming and genital mutilation of children.

It was intended to protect medical privacy. It's really not the government's business if someone gets gender affirming care.
It's the government's, (taxpayers) business when taxpayer money is used for mutilating surgeries.

Except, government medical programs don't cover gender-affirming care. Neither do most private insurance plans, which is why, more often than not, it's paid out of pocket.
Except, government medical programs don't cover gender-affirming care. Neither do most private insurance plans, which is why, more often than not, it's paid out of pocket.

Except, that's not true.

Part A, B, and C plans usually cover gender affirming surgery and pay some portion of the overall cost. Part D typically covers hormone replacement therapy and pays some portion of the overall cost.

Except, the woke, leftist addled military is now paying for various mutilating surgeries and drug treatments.
^ Shouldn't vote, as clearly not in touch with reality.

But yeah, Johnson's an insane creep.
You know nothing about him except what the headlines scream at you from your favorite hate sites and your natural hatred for anything Republican leads you into lala land.

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