Mike Pence: If I Am President I Will Sign It In A Heartbeat Lindsey Graham’s 15 Week Bill Abortion Bill


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
I'm pro-life. But I've always felt an exception should have been made in the case of folks like Ted Bundy

I'm pro-life. But I've always felt an exception should have been made in the case of folks like Ted Bundy

Pence is pretty much on the level with Bloomberg.
He's untouchable.
I'm pro-life. But I've always felt an exception should have been made in the case of folks like Ted Bundy

I would favor this but only if the left conceded that after 15 weeks women no longer have the right to choose. I would want it in writing and signed by Democrats.
I little short but I can see where 15 weeks is reasonable, I do think rape and incest provision should carry over after that, and it should include exceptions for health of the mother, pre-born fetus death (while still in the womb) and sever deformities where the post birth prognosis is death.\

However the real question, in my mind is what is the intent of the 15 week ban? Under the supremacy clause will this override state and make them void? If a state has a 6 week ban, is it void? If a state has a 38 week ban is it void?

Pence and Graham, Dumb and Dumber, want to do for the 2024 presidential election what the abortion issue did for the 2022 election, where the Reps barely got the house back when it should have been a blowout. Assholes, our position is supposed to be that this is a state issue.

I'm pro-life. But I've always felt an exception should have been made in the case of folks like Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was a cannibal, psycho, and piece of excrement when he was born ???
I'm pro-life. But I've always felt an exception should have been made in the case of folks like Ted Bundy

This comes as no surprise, of course.

This is further confirmation of the fact that Pence is a Christo-fascist rightwing authoritarian who advocates increasing the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Everyone is pro-life – including those who support and defend the right to privacy and oppose government excess and overreach when the state seeks to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.
No one is forcing anyone to give birth against their will, so stop your damned narrative lying already.

They are just abandoning a situation that got way out of hand in America, and are leaving it to the individual States to decide what they want to do with it. Of course that's where it rubs y'all wrong, because in these screwed up agenda's y'all push, it is that you all figure that to control the narratives, then it has to be done by government backing, and pushed in all 50 states...This is to overwhelm the people in a bid to suggest that "hey if ya can't beat us, then you might as well be forced to join us". The majority is pushing back now.

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