Mike Pence is a Moron!


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
So, Mike Pence doesn’t think you should be prosecuted if your lawyer advised you it was OK. If your lawyer advises you that you can rob a bank because it is Tuesday and you do it……You are off the hook?

I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,”
So, Mike Pence doesn’t think you should be prosecuted if your lawyer advised you it was OK. If your lawyer advises you that you can rob a bank because it is Tuesday and you do it……You are off the hook?

I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,”
I think there's definitely culpability on the lawyer's part that could help Trump but I'm sure Trump made it clear to the lawyer that he better agree with whatever he says or he'd be fired
So, Mike Pence doesn’t think you should be prosecuted if your lawyer advised you it was OK. If your lawyer advises you that you can rob a bank because it is Tuesday and you do it……You are off the hook?

I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,”
Pence the ass kissing wimp says that in hopes the MAGAtards won't try and hang him.
Pence the ass kissing wimp says that in hopes the MAGAtards won't try and hang him.

Pence’s only response to Trump sending an angry mob after him and his family is……It was irresponsible

Not…That Son of a Bitch tried to get me killed
It was “irresponsible”
I think there's definitely culpability on the lawyer's part that could help Trump but I'm sure Trump made it clear to the lawyer that he better agree with whatever he says or he'd be fired

The Jan 6 Committee heard multiple testimony that Trump lawyers told him what he was trying to do was illegal

Trump just shopped around till he found a lawyer that said it was OK
So, Mike Pence doesn’t think you should be prosecuted if your lawyer advised you it was OK. If your lawyer advises you that you can rob a bank because it is Tuesday and you do it……You are off the hook?

I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,”

Bank Robbery is a pretty easy crime to define and figure out. The issues here are far more nebulous. What Pence is saying is that Trump got advice on how to legally challenge what he thought was a rigged election. Considering no one has actually done what is being discussed, it isn't a clear cut "crime" like the bank robbery you referenced.
The Jan 6 Committee heard multiple testimony that Trump lawyers told him what he was trying to do was illegal

Trump just shopped around till he found a lawyer that said it was OK

The testimony was "was illegal" or "might be illegal"?
Bank Robbery is a pretty easy crime to define and figure out. The issues here are far more nebulous. What Pence is saying is that Trump got advice on how to legally challenge what he thought was a rigged election. Considering no one has actually done what is being discussed, it isn't a clear cut "crime" like the bank robbery you referenced.

Doesn’t matter
If you break the law, YOU are responsible

Doesn’t matter what some lawyer told you

It may be a mitigating factor at senten ing, but YOU still are guilty
Doesn’t matter
If you break the law, YOU are responsible

Doesn’t matter what some lawyer told you

It may be a mitigating factor at senten ing, but YOU still are guilty

First you have to actually prove what he did was a crime. Everyone knows robbing a bank is a crime. In this situation that isn't the case at all.
So, Mike Pence doesn’t think you should be prosecuted if your lawyer advised you it was OK. If your lawyer advises you that you can rob a bank because it is Tuesday and you do it……You are off the hook?

I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,”
Look, Pence is a pussy. I don't give a damn what God you worship, had Trump put me in the position that he put Pence in I would have beat his sorry ass until the Secret Service pulled me off him, and I am telling you, I would have left a mark.

I think that is Trump's biggest problem. I don't know if it is his money, his social position, but good God Almighty, he is screaming for an ass whoopin. And that is what I don't understand about his base. How they can't see that. Trump is a self-absorbed asshole, and honestly, pretty much everything he touches turns to shit. I mean from what I know of his base they would have been giving him swirlies in the boy's bathroom back in High School, now they kiss his damn ass. WTF? Did their nuts fall off?
Bank Robbery is a pretty easy crime to define and figure out. The issues here are far more nebulous. What Pence is saying is that Trump got advice on how to legally challenge what he thought was a rigged election. Considering no one has actually done what is being discussed, it isn't a clear cut "crime" like the bank robbery you referenced.
Sorry, but "thought was a rigged election" is not something that has been borne out in the testimony. And there in lies Trump's downfall. He knew it wasn't rigged, he attempting to make it look rigged, and then it attempted to use that to instigate a coup de tat. In a just world, the federal death penalty is still in effect.
So, Mike Pence doesn’t think you should be prosecuted if your lawyer advised you it was OK. If your lawyer advises you that you can rob a bank because it is Tuesday and you do it……You are off the hook?

I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,”
It's in the Repubtard dna to just lie, lie, lie and lie some more. Bigly!!!
Years from now psychologists will study the utter obsequiousness, lack of self-respect and man worship of a Mike Pence
Sorry, but "thought was a rigged election" is not something that has been borne out in the testimony. And there in lies Trump's downfall. He knew it wasn't rigged, he attempting to make it look rigged, and then it attempted to use that to instigate a coup de tat. In a just world, the federal death penalty is still in effect.
I love this new leftwing pretension that they know what Republicans think.

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