Mike Pence is a Moron!

Funny how you guys think that Pence is on your side and the victim of Jan 6th and was going to be hanged and yet Pence has a different view than your twisted accounts and now to attack him for not being on your side. He knows far more about the whole thing than either the kangaroo committee or you and yet you refuse to even listen to his opinion.

Pence is a spineless coward

Rather than confront and condemn Trump for his “reckless” act, he says he thinks Trump is sorry.

Trump provoked a crowd to chant….Hang Mike Pence
Pence can’t even call him out on it
Pence is a spineless coward

Rather than confront and condemn Trump for his “reckless” act, he says he thinks Trump is sorry.
You should not be trying to tell Pence what to think, like you tell the Borg Collective what to think. The left are only "inclusive" if you think the same as the collective. That's why you would like to get rid of Manchin and Sinema, as they do not think like the collective. You don't want to include them in your big tent inclusive party.
You should not be trying to tell Pence what to think, like you tell the Borg Collective what to think. The left are only "inclusive" if you think the same as the collective. That's why you would like to get rid of Manchin and Sinema, as they do not think like the collective. You don't want to include them in your big tent inclusive party.

I respect Manchin

I look at Sinema as a manipulative loser who has lost her base
I respect Manchin

I look at Sinema as a manipulative loser who has lost her base
If we had a real representative Congress perhaps all the trillions of dollars in fiat currency legislation that was enacted would be halved easily during the same time. Add this up over years and we are a stronger nation with a great foundation.
A constant stream of bullshit. That's all you are.
Sorry that I am shitting on your fantasy world. Again, Trump's approval ratings were lower than Carter's. Should Carter have screamed "fraud"? DId Ronald Reagan "steal" the election of 1980?

Trump started setting the foundation for his fraud claim before the first vote was cast. Countless members of his administration have testified that he knew he was going to lose. I mean come on, no administration in history was more in tune to polls. Did they have a blind spot when it came to the election, I doubt it.

And sorry, but that makes you a fool. One of the fools that Trump depends upon to keep his power. Hell, I don't know how he sleeps at night. If my power depended upon a bunch of uniformed buffoons, well I just don't think I could accept that. Like I have said before, Trump never intended to make America great, and to hell with that "again" racist bullshit. He fully intended to slam America into the shitter, and make himself kick of the shit. Wow, look how far we have came. From the world's finest, and best republic, to a world of shit, with a shit king. That is the America you desire,
Sorry that I am shitting on your fantasy world. Again, Trump's approval ratings were lower than Carter's. Should Carter have screamed "fraud"? DId Ronald Reagan "steal" the election of 1980?

Trump started setting the foundation for his fraud claim before the first vote was cast. Countless members of his administration have testified that he knew he was going to lose. I mean come on, no administration in history was more in tune to polls. Did they have a blind spot when it came to the election, I doubt it.

And sorry, but that makes you a fool. One of the fools that Trump depends upon to keep his power. Hell, I don't know how he sleeps at night. If my power depended upon a bunch of uniformed buffoons, well I just don't think I could accept that. Like I have said before, Trump never intended to make America great, and to hell with that "again" racist bullshit. He fully intended to slam America into the shitter, and make himself kick of the shit. Wow, look how far we have came. From the world's finest, and best republic, to a world of shit, with a shit king. That is the America you desire,
Sorry that I am shitting on your fantasy world. Again, Trump's approval ratings were lower than Carter's. Should Carter have screamed "fraud"? DId Ronald Reagan "steal" the election of 1980?

Trump started setting the foundation for his fraud claim before the first vote was cast. Countless members of his administration have testified that he knew he was going to lose. I mean come on, no administration in history was more in tune to polls. Did they have a blind spot when it came to the election, I doubt it.

And sorry, but that makes you a fool. One of the fools that Trump depends upon to keep his power. Hell, I don't know how he sleeps at night. If my power depended upon a bunch of uniformed buffoons, well I just don't think I could accept that. Like I have said before, Trump never intended to make America great, and to hell with that "again" racist bullshit. He fully intended to slam America into the shitter, and make himself kick of the shit. Wow, look how far we have came. From the world's finest, and best republic, to a world of shit, with a shit king. That is the America you desire,
So, Mike Pence doesn’t think you should be prosecuted if your lawyer advised you it was OK. If your lawyer advises you that you can rob a bank because it is Tuesday and you do it……You are off the hook?

I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers,”
Yep. Pence brought up "lawyers bad advice" . What that asswipe failed to mention is for one thing Trump knew he lost, he admitted it to his aides but lied to his supporters. Secondly, "Monseignor" Pence failed to mention the lawyers like his own AG Barr who told him he was full of shit with his claims of massive voter fraud because none was found.

Pence is trying to have it both ways by kissing Trump's ass on Fox News then in the next breathe trying to convince the American people that although Trump is a criminal he should be let off the hook.
Yep. Pence brought up "lawyers bad advice" . What that asswipe failed to mention is for one thing Trump knew he lost, he admitted it to his aides but lied to his supporters. Secondly, "Monseignor" Pence failed to mention the lawyers like his own AG Barr who told him he was full of shit with his claims of massive voter fraud because none was found.

Pence is trying to have it both ways by kissing Trump's ass on Fox News then in the next breathe trying to convince the American people that although Trump is a criminal he should be let off the hook.

The Attorney General of the US informed Trump his stolen election claims were unwarranted.

Trump just kept asking lawyers until Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell told him he had a case
I think the president’s actions and words on Jan. 6 were reckless, but I don't know that it’s criminal to take bad advice from lawyers

Next up….Trump can’t be prosecuted because the My Pillow guy said he could do it

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