Mike Rowe Accused of Being White Nationalist Because He Promotes Hard Work


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This shit is getting so fucking stupid.

Maybe we do need a Civil War just to cleanse the gene pool.

Mike Rowe

Chuck Atkins says...

"One of the tenants of white nationalism is that college educated people are academic elitests. Comment? No? I'm not surprised. You never take a political stand because you don’t want to alienate anybody. Its bad for business. I get it. But there is a current of anti intellectualism in this country - promoted by Republicans. Those people love you, and they think your initiative is their initiative. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is kickin our ass academically."

Hi Chuck

Since we’re being candid, allow me to say how much I dislike your post. Everything about it annoys me – your smug and snarky tone, your appalling grammar, your complete lack of evidence to support your claims, and of course, the overarching logical fallacy that informs your entire position. What really bugs me though, is the fact that you’re not entirely wrong. It’s true; I haven’t shared any political opinions this week, in part anyway, because doing so might very well be “bad for business.”

What can I say? I work for half-a-dozen different companies, none of whom pay me to share my political opinions. I run a non-partisan foundation, I’m about to launch a new show on Facebook, and I’m very aware that celebrities pay a price for opening their big fat gobs. Gilbert Gottfried, Kathy Griffin, Colin Kaepernick, Milo Yiannopoulos…even that guy from Google who just got himself fired for mouthing off. There’s no getting around it – the first amendment does not guarantee the freedom to speak without consequences. And really, that’s fine by me.​

Round 2
Off The Wall: Chuck Atkins, Redux

Chuck writes…

“Well, I shouldn’t have used the term White Nationalist, when I really meant conservative jagg-off’s. But in the vast social media, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I knew Mike would never respond if I just said “Republicans…”

Mike: Welcome back, Chuck. You’re right – I wouldn’t have responded if you’d accused my supporters of being Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter,) as there is no great insult in being either. Nor would I have responded if you called them “conservative jagg-offs,” (or “ass-hats,” or “douchebags.” Sticks and stones, etc.) However, when you call the people on this page white nationalists, you do indeed, “squeak” in a way that requires lubrication. So, since I’m never too far from a vat of grease, I was happy to apply a few dabs to your argument. http://bit.ly/2wgYz6e And since you’re still squeaking, I’m happy to apply a few more…

Chuck: Everything I said is true and has been vindicated by the responses. I have been threatened and called the most vile names. People have even called me a Nazi. These are the kind of people who follow Mike, and put a White Nationalist in the White House.

Mike: Hmm…Here’s another explanation. Maybe the angry responses to your comments are a logical reaction to being insulted? It was you after all, who came to this page to criticize a lot of good people who support a foundation that helps men and women of all races. Are you really surprised to learn that those people don’t like to be called “white nationalists?” More to the point, do you not see the irony of complaining about name-calling, moments after calling my supporters “conservative jagg-offs?”

Obviously, you have every right to publicly insult me on my own page. You have every right to publicly insult the people who support me. And you have every right to publicly whine about the backlash. But doing so makes you seem like a guy who can dish it out, but can’t take it.

Chuck: The number of hate crimes has risen dramatically. None of this ugliness is being perpetrated by liberals. It is not educated, Ivy League, elitists that are waving confederate flags at hillbilly rallies. It’s rural working class people that know they are being left behind by a world that demands higher education.

Mike: Think about what you’re saying here. Do you really want to suggest that people who don’t go to college go on to become racists? Do you really want to equate all racist behavior with the rural working class? Can you not see how that kind of generalization will insult millions of hard working people who didn’t graduate from The Ivy League, but nevertheless managed to earn an honest living, provide for their families, obey the law, and be kind to people of all races?

Besides – David Duke went to college, along with many other noted bigots, felons, wife-beaters, tax-cheats, and serial killers. So what?

Chuck: The militias are all conservative, scared, white people. Those people love Mike. So their responses were somewhat predictable.

Mike: As comforting as it might be to conclude that everyone who disagrees with you is a “frightened white person serving in a militia,” I’m afraid you are once again mistaken. Take me, for instance. I don’t belong to a militia. Nor am I frightened. I’m just a white guy who happens to find your comments offensive. Obviously, I’m not alone.​


Mike Rowe Absolutely Destroys Guy Who Accuses Him Of Being A White Nationalist • r/The_Donald
On Tucker tonight Mike said he has a new show coming up once again, that honors traditional American values such as hard work. Should be good and therefore inadvertently trigger "Antifa" fags and lesbians into whining about enjoying work as being racist. :p
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.
I've seen Mike Row wear gloves and goggles and such doing the dirty jobs.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.

Then explain the right wing's extreme efforts to remove those regulations that require safety.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.
I've seen Mike Row wear gloves and goggles and such doing the dirty jobs.

Yes, occasionally. I've also seen him do really stupid stuff.
Mike Rowe represents working Americans. Anyone who does not recognize that is a socialist elitist.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.

Then explain the right wing's extreme efforts to remove those regulations that require safety.

This is another problem with your ideological closed mindedness. Just because someone doesn't think that the weight of government should be used to force people to be safe, healthy, etc, doesn't mean that same someone wants people to be unsafe, unhealthy, etc. Also, just because a bureaucracy says that their goal is to make everyone safe doesn't mean that everything they do is therefore good. Stated goals don't define one's actions, the results of one's actions define one's actions.

Also, whose extreme efforts? Which safety regulations? You know, rather than assuming that they're just evil Captain Planet villains, maybe you should look up whichever group is pushing to repeal whichever particular regulations you're talking about, and maybe read into what they say their reasons are. It's healthy to expose yourself to the thoughts of your political opponents from time to time. You'll discover that most of them actually want what they believe is best for the country, even though it's not what you believe is best for the country.

Believe it or not, the evil Republicans are just regular people. Just like you.
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.

Then explain the right wing's extreme efforts to remove those regulations that require safety.
God that is dumb. Who are these extreme right wingers who want safety regulations removed? Name them
Don't know if Mike Rowe is a White Nationalist, but he is an idiot. I've watched a few of his shows, and haven't seen a single one that used basic safety practises. From using ragged slings to hang a sign to working with toxic materials without proper gloves, etc. or even a respirator, His show is more about showing stupid ways to do a job than it is about the people that do them. I guess that's why right wingers like him so much. They obviously want to go back to a time when there were no protections for workers, and someone dying just because that happens sometime on the job they have is an expected part of making a living. The man is a certifiable idiot.

Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.

Then explain the right wing's extreme efforts to remove those regulations that require safety.

This is another problem with your ideological closed mindedness. Just because someone doesn't think that the weight of government should be used to force people to be safe, healthy, etc, doesn't mean that same someone wants people to be unsafe, unhealthy, etc. Also, just because a bureaucracy says that their goal is to make everyone safe doesn't mean that everything they do is therefore good. Stated goals don't define one's actions, the results of one's actions define one's actions.

Also, whose extreme efforts? Which safety regulations? You know, rather than assuming that they're just evil Captain Planet villains, maybe you should look up whichever group is pushing to repeal whichever particular regulations you're talking about, and maybe read into what they say their reasons are. It's healthy to expose yourself to the thoughts of your political opponents from time to time. You'll discover that most of them actually want what they believe is best for the country, even though it's not what you believe is best for the country.

Believe it or not, the evil Republicans are just regular people. Just like you.

Which group? It's that obese orange fool. Which right wing groups does he represent?
Good call. Anyone who doesn't follow your specific ideology wants people to die randomly. That's some of that open mindedness you lefties used to go on and on about. Some of that old school religious wisdom from the fuckin dark ages. Brilliant. We need to bring that shit back.

Basic worker safety is not a matter for ideological disagreement. No such thing as being open minded about whether workers should be injured or killed as a normal expected part of the job. If you are against the right to a safe workplace, you're an idiot. It's that simple.

You're right, it's not a matter for ideological disagreement, and yet partisan hacks like you still try and say dumb shit about how people of opposing IDEOLOGIES are against, say, WORKPLACE SAFETY. Do you see where your last post might be exactly the sort of dumb shit you're blasting in this post?

I'm not saying you're closed minded because you're for workplace safety. I'm saying you're closed minded for saying that, since Mike Rowe, who runs a TV SHOW whose purpose is to entertain people and draw ratings, does unsafe things on that show and is right wing, then all right wingers must want people to die on the job.

Reading comprehension is a good thing. Get some.

Then explain the right wing's extreme efforts to remove those regulations that require safety.

This is another problem with your ideological closed mindedness. Just because someone doesn't think that the weight of government should be used to force people to be safe, healthy, etc, doesn't mean that same someone wants people to be unsafe, unhealthy, etc. Also, just because a bureaucracy says that their goal is to make everyone safe doesn't mean that everything they do is therefore good. Stated goals don't define one's actions, the results of one's actions define one's actions.

Also, whose extreme efforts? Which safety regulations? You know, rather than assuming that they're just evil Captain Planet villains, maybe you should look up whichever group is pushing to repeal whichever particular regulations you're talking about, and maybe read into what they say their reasons are. It's healthy to expose yourself to the thoughts of your political opponents from time to time. You'll discover that most of them actually want what they believe is best for the country, even though it's not what you believe is best for the country.

Believe it or not, the evil Republicans are just regular people. Just like you.

Which group? It's that obese orange fool. Which right wing groups does he represent?

No, I'm sorry, but if you're going to accuse an entire political wing of something, you have to have specifics or I'm just gonna call bullshit and move on.

What safety regulations is Trump trying to remove? And, you tell me, in this particular anti-safety push, which groups DOES he represent? You're the one who said that the right wants people to die on the job, so I'm assuming that you have some knowledge of who the people are on the right that are pushing for this, otherwise you're just running your neck.

This tendency is a problem with almost every partisan hack I come across, left or right. You start with a premise like, "they wanna repeal all the safety regs!", but the fact that you can't articulate anything specific shows that you actually don't really know wtf you're talking about. Yet, that complete lack of knowledge of the subject matter doesn't stop you from categorizing it as a fact and then building onto your political philosophy from there. You end up with a house of cards on a foundation of bullshit. Not a good look.

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