Mike Rowe....wow the guy has wisdom.....on the flag as just a symbol...

For those too lazy to click a link:

Rowe responded to McDaniel brilliantly on Facebook. Take a look at his full response below. You can see McDaniel’s original comment to Rowe in the full Facebook post below his comments — if you’re a masochist of course…

Hi Susanne

I’ve never thought of myself as “blindly patriotic,” but I am a fan of the United States, the founding fathers, and the men and women who have served on my behalf. I also confess to feeling lucky to live here. Having said that, I think you’re correct about the flag; it’s only a symbol. So too is the Crucifix. And the middle finger. And the Swastika. And the compressed chunks of carbon that millions wear on their ring fingers as expressions of timeless love and eternal devotion.

It’s easy to make anything feel small and silly by reducing it to its chemical composition or its various component parts. But if you really believe our flag is nothing but a “mere symbol,” equally suitable for flying or burning, ask yourself if you’d be comfortable if the people you work with suddenly started coming to the office in pointy white hats fashioned from bedsheets? Would that be a problem for you? Or how about The Rainbow Flag, favored by the LGBTQ community? Would it be OK if people started burning that? If not, why not? I mean, it’s only a symbol, right?

Years ago, an artist named Andres Serrano presented a charming piece called “Immersion.” It consisted of a Crucifix, immersed in a glass of the artist’s urine. Amazingly, some people were offended. Christians, in particular. They just couldn’t see that Andres was using a symbol to express himself. Silly Christians. Interesting though, that Andres didn’t submerge Mohammed in the same glass. I wonder why that is?

The thing about “mere symbols” Susanne, is that they represent “mere ideas,” and “mere ideas” are the backbone of “mere humanity.” In the case of the flag, we’re talking about ideas that are wrapped into the Constitution – a document that separates us from every other country on the planet.

Mere ideas are the reason people fight and die. Mere ideas are the reason we’re allowed to speak freely, protest publicly, bear arms, and burn the very symbol that represents those very freedoms. I didn’t suggest that you or anyone else be denied your right to fly or burn whatever flag you wish. What I failed to do, is quietly accept behavior I don’t care for. Which, if I’m not mistaken, is the same compulsion that motivates others to publicly express themselves in whatever ways they choose.

As for Hampshire College, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. If you check the link I provided in my original post, you’ll see that several forms of federal funding are readily available to their students. Also, according to their site, you’ll notice that the flag is once again flying at full staff. I’ll take no credit for this, if you offer no blame. Deal?
Aren't we all glad to live in a place where we can think of the flag in any way we want to.
mike rowe nor the op ever served in the military, wonder why :eusa_whistle:
Aren't we all glad to live in a place where we can think of the flag in any way we want to.
Systematic removal of the flag stifles that opportunity. Geez, lefties are stupid.

Where's it been removed shoog?
WTF do you think the issue is about?

Chronic on line hissyfitters with knickers all atwist about the flag and the fact that not eveyone will treat it like a graven image.
Aren't we all glad to live in a place where we can think of the flag in any way we want to.
Systematic removal of the flag stifles that opportunity. Geez, lefties are stupid.

Where's it been removed shoog?
WTF do you think the issue is about?

Chronic on line hissyfitters with knickers all atwist about the flag and the fact that not eveyone will treat it like a graven image.
The issue is about the speech stifling of flag burning and flag removal. If the flag is removed there is no opportunity for a choice of impression. You endorse fascism.
Aren't we all glad to live in a place where we can think of the flag in any way we want to.
Systematic removal of the flag stifles that opportunity. Geez, lefties are stupid.

Where's it been removed shoog?
WTF do you think the issue is about?

Chronic on line hissyfitters with knickers all atwist about the flag and the fact that not eveyone will treat it like a graven image.
The issue is about the speech stifling of flag burning and flag removal. If the flag is removed there is no opportunity for a choice of impression. You endorse fascism.

Oh fuck you and you meaningless terms. Burn it, wipe your as with it, slay your first born on it as an homage, don't give a fuck either way. There, that's what I endorsed.
Systematic removal of the flag stifles that opportunity. Geez, lefties are stupid.

Where's it been removed shoog?
WTF do you think the issue is about?

Chronic on line hissyfitters with knickers all atwist about the flag and the fact that not eveyone will treat it like a graven image.
The issue is about the speech stifling of flag burning and flag removal. If the flag is removed there is no opportunity for a choice of impression. You endorse fascism.

Oh fuck you and you meaningless terms. Burn it, wipe your as with it, slay your first born on it as an homage, don't give a fuck either way. There, that's what I endorsed.
Wiping your ass with it doesn't remove it and stifle the conversation.

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