Mike Tyson VS Muhammad Ali.Both In Their Prime. Who Wins?

i grew up in the adjacent neighborhood where Rocky grew up,....then we moved,,,but his decendents were in my middle school,,,all great athletes.,...actually,,,i once saw Marvin Hagler when I was a busboy. Both from Brockton Mass,,,,,,and yes,,,,,,Rocky would of opened a canned of whoop ass on Tyson.
I don't think so. The champion, Jersey Joe Walcott was whipping Marciano's ass until Rocky leaped across the ring in the 13th round and caught Joe with a thunderous right hook. If Tyson had been hitting Marciano the way Joe had, Marciano wouldn't have been around or conscious to do what he did to Joe. And, arguably, the Marciano fight took place when Walcott was past his prime.
:afro: :boobies: :blsmile: This is not an easy one to decipher. You take the two of the three greatest boxers ever, and picture them going at it for 15 rounds, who wins?
Now, with Rocky Marcianno...yah, he would kick both their butts!
But Tyson VS Ali?,,,,,,tough to call a winner.
But lets hear how the match would go in your opinion.
"Rocky Marciano/Height and weight

View attachment 77292
"Height 5′ 11″, Weight 188 lbs"
"The first thing one notices when looking at the tale of the tape in a match up of Rock versus Iron is the size difference. While they are about the same height Tyson clearly has an overall advantage in size. He is bigger and stronger on paper. While size is not the most important issue, Tyson, weighing in at 216 (his weight for the Spinks fight) would have a 31-pound weight and strength advantage over Marciano."
I think Ali and Tyson would split a three match contest, but I can't imagine Rocky winning one. Too small, too slow, too ethnic.
Rock Against Iron: Marciano vs. Tyson!
we will never know.....but we can all agree that it would be close
I'll be 69 in two months and Marciano was a legend for his toughness in my youth; he would definitely have a puncher's chance against any fighter who ever lived. It is a little hard to compare the three greats because Ali's prime years were taken away when he refused induction in 1967.
a lot of people {much younger than us} would just assume that tyson would beat rocky,,,,,but we know better.....no one could ever beat Rocky! Rocky was the Bruno Sammartino of Boxing!
Like I said, Walcott beat Rocky for most of 13 rounds. That lucky punch in round 13 saved him.
:afro: :boobies: :blsmile: This is not an easy one to decipher. You take the two of the three greatest boxers ever, and picture them going at it for 15 rounds, who wins?
Now, with Rocky Marcianno...yah, he would kick both their butts!
But Tyson VS Ali?,,,,,,tough to call a winner.
But lets hear how the match would go in your opinion.
Marciano beats Ali, but with Tyson...I dont know. Tyson had more up-to-date training and techniques, and that edge may have made the difference.

Tyson beats Ali easily though.
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:afro: :boobies: :blsmile: This is not an easy one to decipher. You take the two of the three greatest boxers ever, and picture them going at it for 15 rounds, who wins?
Now, with Rocky Marcianno...yah, he would kick both their butts!
But Tyson VS Ali?,,,,,,tough to call a winner.
But lets hear how the match would go in your opinion.
MAriano beats Ali, but with Tyson...I dont know. Tyson had more up-to-date training and techniques, and that edge may have made the difference.

Tyson beats Ali easily though.
and a really pissed off Hillary would beat Ali in the 3rd.
Ali VS Tyson......would be like Trump VS NoBama,,,,,Bama goes down in the 2nd round
Tyson was a hard hitting punching-style boxer who worked on timing as much as anything else. So often he caught his opponents moving into his punches which magnifies the impact hugely. Tyson was hard headed and could exchange blows with anyone and come out on top because his hits were far harder than his opponents. I dont think anyone could have beaten Tyson in his prime.

Ali was a dancer who wore down his opponents and once they couldnt keep their guard up, he came in with a flurry and put them out. Clasic bout was his fight with George Foreman, who he ducked after his one win for the rest of his career.

Marciano was a machine punching endurance freak. He trained to punch ceaselessly all day. When his fights started, he moved into range with a ducking, bobbing and weaving defense and just unloaded nonstop until the opponent moved away. Watch the films, Marciano wa always on the attack, moving to his opponents and they generally backed off. Marcian would unload on his opponents with blows to their arms, to their sides, to their body, to their gloves, to their shoulders, neck and head. He didnt care, he was just going to keep hitting them till they fell down and they always did. And Marciano was tough as nails often times fighting with injuries that would have stopped a fight today, like his plit nose and bleeding cuts over his eyes in fight after fight. But it didnt mater because he missed like 80% of the time. But when he did hit the opponent felt it bad and they moved away, not wanting to take that punishment.

Marciano would have beaten Ali because he wouldnt have fallen for the Rope a Dope bullshit Ali beat Foreman with. Marciano would have waited for Ali to come off the ropes then he would have delivered salvo after salvo till Ali stopped dancing.

Marciano vrs Tyson, I think it goes to Tyson because Tyson had such powerful hits, that I dont know if even a Rock like Marciano could have taken those nukes. While Tyson has been hit by some of the hardest hitting people and just shrugged it off then dropped two bunker busters of his own.

Tyson in his prime was the best boxer ever to step in the ring, IMO.

And why do they call square fighting arenas 'rings?'
Too bad we never got to see Mike Tyson VS Barny the Dinasour...so how long would that match last?
:afro: :boobies: :blsmile: This is not an easy one to decipher. You take the two of the three greatest boxers ever, and picture them going at it for 15 rounds, who wins?
Now, with Rocky Marcianno...yah, he would kick both their butts!
But Tyson VS Ali?,,,,,,tough to call a winner.
But lets hear how the match would go in your opinion.
a 185 lb rocky is going to beat a fighter who outweighs him by 30 pounds?....i dont think so.....
:afro: :boobies: :blsmile: This is not an easy one to decipher. You take the two of the three greatest boxers ever, and picture them going at it for 15 rounds, who wins?
Now, with Rocky Marcianno...yah, he would kick both their butts!
But Tyson VS Ali?,,,,,,tough to call a winner.
But lets hear how the match would go in your opinion.
a 185 lb rocky is going to beat a fighter who outweighs him by 30 pounds?....i dont think so.....
Skill at boxing is way more important than size or weight.

Marciano and Tyson both were short and light and still brought down men twice their size.
:afro: :boobies: :blsmile: This is not an easy one to decipher. You take the two of the three greatest boxers ever, and picture them going at it for 15 rounds, who wins?
Now, with Rocky Marcianno...yah, he would kick both their butts!
But Tyson VS Ali?,,,,,,tough to call a winner.
But lets hear how the match would go in your opinion.
a 185 lb rocky is going to beat a fighter who outweighs him by 30 pounds?....i dont think so.....
That is a good point. Ali's best fighting weigh was around 212 and his hand and foot speed was legendary! I can't say for sure which of the two champions would win in a 15 round fight but I think Ali would take Marciano on points in a 12 round thriller.
:afro: :boobies: :blsmile: This is not an easy one to decipher. You take the two of the three greatest boxers ever, and picture them going at it for 15 rounds, who wins?
Now, with Rocky Marcianno...yah, he would kick both their butts!
But Tyson VS Ali?,,,,,,tough to call a winner.
But lets hear how the match would go in your opinion.
a 185 lb rocky is going to beat a fighter who outweighs him by 30 pounds?....i dont think so.....
Skill at boxing is way more important than size or weight.

Marciano and Tyson both were short and light and still brought down men twice their size.
Twice their size? Some journeyman fighters might have been taller but didn't weigh much more than 200 pounds. But few of them even came close to matching the speed and skill of Ali in his prime. I think Ali vs Marciano would have been like Tunney vs Dempsey. Tunney outsmarted Dempsey and Ali would have outsmarted Marciano…that is, in a 12 round fight...
I think Ali would have won a comfortable decision because he would have been to fast, and not intimidated by Tyson, not to mention Ali had more endurance..

Damn the only thing better than watching this fight would be GREAT SEX:beer:, and cold beer!!

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