Military Budget To Be Increased!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

Big news.....the military budget is to be increased by 12.2% next year!!!


President Obama must have seen how his plans to decrease the military encouraged Russian aggression in the Ukraine!

Who said Obama wasn't capable of learning?????


....we didn't increase military spending?

Who did?

"BEIJING, March 5 (Xinhua) -- China plans to raise its defense budget by 12.2 percent to 808.2 billion yuan (about 132 billion U.S. dollars) in 2014, according to a draft budget report submitted to the national legislature for review on Wednesday.

This is the highest growth rate in China's defense budget since 2011.

According to Sun Huangtian, deputy head of the general logistics department of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), this year's defense budget will be spent mainly on modernizing the army's weapons and equipment, improving living and working conditions for service personnel, and updating the army's management system."
China Focus: China defense budget to increase 12.2 pct in 2014 - Xinhua |


....never mind.....
Pentagon Itself Admits Dangers Of Smaller Military

Posted 06:41 PM ET


National Secutity: The charman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warns of America's future under a "smaller adn less capable military."What happens when our enemies can burn our homeland, norr just or flag?

When we watch Islamist fanatics in faraway lands burning the Stars and Stripes and chanting "Death to America!" it might send a chill down our spines.

But we also remind ourselves that these images are on our TV screens; we sit in the comfort of our living rooms, protected by the mightiest military in the world.

Today, however, even prominent liberals in Congress wonder how long we can be protected. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., for instance, on Wednesday questioned whether President Obama's Pentagon budget is "adequate to enable our military to meet its national security missions."

All of us should be shocked by what Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, told Congress Wednesday. In presenting the congressionally commissioned Quadrennial Defense Review, Dempsey made it clear that our ability to deter war, protect the homeland, and help our allies and friends across the world is in jeopardy.

"The smaller and less capable military" described in the report "makes meeting these obligations more difficult," Dempsey warned. "Our loss of depth across the force could reduce our ability to intimidate opponents from escalating conflicts."

Our military readiness will "worsen over the next three or four years," according to Dempsey, as we "adapt, reshape and rebalance" our armed forces.


Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Pentagon Itself Admits Smaller Military Will Make U.S. Vulnerable -
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Pentagon Itself Admits Dangers Of Smaller Military

Posted 06:41 PM ET


National Secutity: The charman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warns of America's future under a "smaller adn less capable military."What happens when our enemies can burn our homeland, norr just or flag?

When we watch Islamist fanatics in faraway lands burning the Stars and Stripes and chanting "Death to America!" it might send a chill down our spines.

But we also remind ourselves that these images are on our TV screens; we sit in the comfort of our living rooms, protected by the mightiest military in the world.

Today, however, even prominent liberals in Congress wonder how long we can be protected. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., for instance, on Wednesday questioned whether President Obama's Pentagon budget is "adequate to enable our military to meet its national security missions."

All of us should be shocked by what Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, told Congress Wednesday. In presenting the congressionally commissioned Quadrennial Defense Review, Dempsey made it clear that our ability to deter war, protect the homeland, and help our allies and friends across the world is in jeopardy.

"The smaller and less capable military" described in the report "makes meeting these obligations more difficult," Dempsey warned. "Our loss of depth across the force could reduce our ability to intimidate opponents from escalating conflicts."

Our military readiness will "worsen over the next three or four years," according to Dempsey, as we "adapt, reshape and rebalance" our armed forces.


Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Pentagon Itself Admits Smaller Military Will Make U.S. Vulnerable -
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Dennis Prager:
1. A central theme of Leftism is pacifism, largely because no welfare state can afford a strong military. Europeans came to rely on America to fight the world’s evils and even to defend their countries. This means that ‘equality’ trumps morality.

a. That is why Liberal elites are so confused: they venerate a Cuban tyranny with its egalitarian society over a free, decent, and prosperous America that has greater inequality of material wealth.

b. The Right regards pacifism as an accessory to evil.

2. Everything associated with the military is held in disrepute: nationalism, a strong military, honoring the military, referring to military dead as heroes. And even referring to anything as “evil.”
Apparently we need more military spending because this is not enough:


My question to those of you who think the above is not enough...

What would be enough? What would the above chart look like once it reached the point where you were happy?
Apparently we need more military spending because this is not enough:


My question to those of you who think the above is not enough...

What would be enough? What would the above chart look like once it reached the point where you were happy?

So, based on your graph, you believe.....notice I didn't say 'think'....that a dollar buys the same amount of material in America as it does in each of the nations you present as 'proof' of something or other?
Apparently we need more military spending because this is not enough:


My question to those of you who think the above is not enough...

What would be enough? What would the above chart look like once it reached the point where you were happy?

So, based on your graph, you believe.....notice I didn't say 'think'....that a dollar buys the same amount of material in America as it does in each of the nations you present as 'proof' of something or other?

Ok so tell us how much less a fighter jet costs to procure in South Korea, compared to the US.

The US spends 4 times per capita than S Korea on defense. We defend S Korea. Shouldn't the people of South Korea be spending at least as much per capita as we do before they get US tax dollars for their defense?
Apparently we need more military spending because this is not enough:


My question to those of you who think the above is not enough...

What would be enough? What would the above chart look like once it reached the point where you were happy?

So, based on your graph, you believe.....notice I didn't say 'think'....that a dollar buys the same amount of material in America as it does in each of the nations you present as 'proof' of something or other?

Ok so tell us how much less a fighter jet costs to procure in South Korea, compared to the US.

The US spends 4 times per capita than S Korea on defense. We defend S Korea. Shouldn't the people of South Korea be spending at least as much per capita as we do before they get US tax dollars for their defense?

Just fucking leave Korea already, there's nothing there even worth protecting.
Protecting land assets close enough to scare China and Russia are worth protecting in South Korea. The amazing economic alliance we have with South Korea is worth protecting. We don't need to cut spending we need to invest more wisely. Cutting troop numbers kills the military. Drones and technology are great but boots on ground are what represent the real threat to our enemies.
Apparently we need more military spending because this is not enough:


My question to those of you who think the above is not enough...

What would be enough? What would the above chart look like once it reached the point where you were happy?

So, based on your graph, you believe.....notice I didn't say 'think'....that a dollar buys the same amount of material in America as it does in each of the nations you present as 'proof' of something or other?

not to mention the cost of labor as well
China will be spending about 25% of what we do: dipidity doo.

You opus-dei type neo-cons are a serious danger to the civil liberties and security of your fellow citizens.

But that is your intention.
Last edited:
I for one have stated repeatedly that all areas of spending needs to be cut, which would include the military.

Yet I have stated many times to make the cuts properly and AS PART OF CUTS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE GOV'T.............

Cutting a BILLION from Commissaries is utter BS, especially when we are now preparing to give that same amount to Ukraine............

You don't cut the basic services of our military and their families.
Oh hell the libs are trying to choke us up........

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