Military Budget To Be Increased!

We live in the real world though.....................

[ame=]Toby Keith - American Soldier (Lyrics) HQ (A Video To Our Soldiers) - YouTube[/ame]
Precisely, and in the real world, we can hardly afford the military we have now. Nor do we need it to "protect our freedom." We didn't need it in 2001, we don't need it now. We are less free today than we were in 2001. That is a FACT. Our own government is more of a threat to our freedom than any terrorist could ever be. If we got rid of every single troop, boat, tank, EVERYTHING but the ICBM's, we still would be just as free as we are now. Why? Because the bureaucrats and the NSA would still find ways to take away your freedom.

There isn't any nation on earth going to invade us as long as we have the bomb. Those are the facts.
Precisely, and in the real world, we can hardly afford the military we have now. Nor do we need it to "protect our freedom." We didn't need it in 2001, we don't need it now. We are less free today than we were in 2001. That is a FACT. Our own government is more of a threat to our freedom than any terrorist could ever be. If we got rid of every single troop, boat, tank, EVERYTHING but the ICBM's, we still would be just as free as we are now. Why? Because the bureaucrats and the NSA would still find ways to take away your freedom.

There isn't any nation on earth going to invade us as long as we have the bomb. Those are the facts.

I have many many times proposed cuts across the board, which would include social areas. Especially in duplicate spending and waste.

I see none of these cuts anywhere do you...................

I see cutting basic services instead of bloated budgets in other areas of the military.

Where are the cuts to go along with the military cuts......................
Cutting Defense Spending Long Overdue
Fewer Soldiers Could Mean Fewer Wars
Hagel was upfront about concerns that a smaller army meant greater risk: “You have fewer troops, fewer ships, fewer planes. Of course there’s going to be risk.”

But there are advantages, too. The idea that Bush’s two multi-trillion dollar fiascos might keep us from further meddling in faraway countries, where our national interests are not at stake, is wishful thinking. Ukraine may ultimately precipitate a heavy-handed Russian reaction, and, assuredly, we’ll remain on the sidelines. Yes, we have learned a lesson for the near-term. But, remember, Bush got us into Iraq only 30 years after the last American soldier left Vietnam. When it comes to learning lessons from history, Americans are no better than the rest of the world.

To the extent that a reduced military force designed for today’s world — and the real risks it poses to the US — might be one step in keeping future presidents from future Vietnams, or Iraqs, or Afghanistans, the cuts are not just a money-saver, they are a positive benefit to our strategic position in the world.
Precisely, and in the real world, we can hardly afford the military we have now. Nor do we need it to "protect our freedom." We didn't need it in 2001, we don't need it now. We are less free today than we were in 2001. That is a FACT. Our own government is more of a threat to our freedom than any terrorist could ever be. If we got rid of every single troop, boat, tank, EVERYTHING but the ICBM's, we still would be just as free as we are now. Why? Because the bureaucrats and the NSA would still find ways to take away your freedom.

There isn't any nation on earth going to invade us as long as we have the bomb. Those are the facts.

I have many many times proposed cuts across the board, which would include social areas. Especially in duplicate spending and waste.

I see none of these cuts anywhere do you...................

I see cutting basic services instead of bloated budgets in other areas of the military.

Where are the cuts to go along with the military cuts......................

Oh, I'm sorry, wrong thread, I thought this one was about the military. Ooops.
Precisely, and in the real world, we can hardly afford the military we have now. Nor do we need it to "protect our freedom." We didn't need it in 2001, we don't need it now. We are less free today than we were in 2001. That is a FACT. Our own government is more of a threat to our freedom than any terrorist could ever be. If we got rid of every single troop, boat, tank, EVERYTHING but the ICBM's, we still would be just as free as we are now. Why? Because the bureaucrats and the NSA would still find ways to take away your freedom.

There isn't any nation on earth going to invade us as long as we have the bomb. Those are the facts.

I have many many times proposed cuts across the board, which would include social areas. Especially in duplicate spending and waste.

I see none of these cuts anywhere do you...................

I see cutting basic services instead of bloated budgets in other areas of the military.

Where are the cuts to go along with the military cuts......................

Oh, I'm sorry, wrong thread, I thought this one was about the military. Ooops.


aka the Dems and Obama don't want to cut anything else............No deal..............

Time for a compromise...........or tell you to go to hell............

It is simple as that..............As you refuse to bring up anything else.
Oh hell, I'll agree with you, everything else should be cut to the bone too. Hell, if it isn't in the Constitution, just get rid of it.

Department of Health and Human Services? What is that shit? I don't think that's what the founders had in mind.

Department of Education? Department of propaganda is more like it. Most folks have no clue that Common Core, is actually CORE Inc. a Company out of India whose job the international corporatists have tasked with making all the worlds labor interchangeable, like factory parts. Ever hear the term, "Human Resource?" Not to long ago, a generation or two, when Americans paid for their education locally, they felt THEY should be in charge of the content, prayer and all. . . . That was back when kids had ethics and morality, a work ethic.

Here's what we can just dissolve and let the private sector or states take care of. . . .
Health and Human Services 1953[8] 12 Originally named Health, Education, and Welfare; Education later separated 879.20 67,000
Housing and Urban Development 1965[10] 13 40.53 10,600
Transportation 1966[11] 14 73.20 58,622
Energy 1977[12] 15 24.10 109,094
Education 1980[13] 16 45.40 4,487
Veterans Affairs 1989[14] 17 formerly an independent agency as the Veterans Administration 97.70 235,000
Homeland Security 2002[15] 18 40.00 208,000
But yeah. . . Knowing that what we spend on one fighter jet can build a school and run it for a year? Well, that just sort of pisses me off, when I know that the US hasn't really had it's freedom threatened since, well, EVER.

Even FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack. Hell, he provoked them. Our own bankers and industrialist helped bankroll Hitler. They had already broken their navel code by the time the strike happened. Most Americans have no idea that wars are fought for the interests of the bankers and the industrialists.

[ame=]All Wars Are Bankers' Wars - YouTube[/ame]

For freedom? Give me a break.
When you cut the power of the US Military things like Soviet influence in the Ukraine go unchecked.

Anyone who feels that we are no longer free are free to leave and find a free country to call home.

Fact is that we are getting our ass handed to us all over the globe and we aren't doing a thing about it because our military is already cut to the bone, now they want the marrow out of it..........
Oh hell, I'll agree with you, everything else should be cut to the bone too. Hell, if it isn't in the Constitution, just get rid of it.

Department of Health and Human Services? What is that shit? I don't think that's what the founders had in mind.

Department of Education? Department of propaganda is more like it. Most folks have no clue that Common Core, is actually CORE Inc. a Company out of India whose job the international corporatists have tasked with making all the worlds labor interchangeable, like factory parts. Ever hear the term, "Human Resource?" Not to long ago, a generation or two, when Americans paid for their education locally, they felt THEY should be in charge of the content, prayer and all. . . . That was back when kids had ethics and morality, a work ethic.

Here's what we can just dissolve and let the private sector or states take care of. . . .
Health and Human Services 1953[8] 12 Originally named Health, Education, and Welfare; Education later separated 879.20 67,000
Housing and Urban Development 1965[10] 13 40.53 10,600
Transportation 1966[11] 14 73.20 58,622
Energy 1977[12] 15 24.10 109,094
Education 1980[13] 16 45.40 4,487
Veterans Affairs 1989[14] 17 formerly an independent agency as the Veterans Administration 97.70 235,000
Homeland Security 2002[15] 18 40.00 208,000
But yeah. . . Knowing that what we spend on one fighter jet can build a school and run it for a year? Well, that just sort of pisses me off, when I know that the US hasn't really had it's freedom threatened since, well, EVER.

Even FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack. Hell, he provoked them. Our own bankers and industrialist helped bankroll Hitler. They had already broken their navel code by the time the strike happened. Most Americans have no idea that wars are fought for the interests of the bankers and the industrialists.

[ame=]All Wars Are Bankers' Wars - YouTube[/ame]

For freedom? Give me a break.

I understand the Federal Reserve and how it is working over time very well. I've many times pushed to end the Fed and no longer allow it to control our currency. I've shown the GAO data many times showing the 16.1 Trillion in loans during the bail outs through the discount window at the Federal Reserve to banks that are basically stock holders of U.S. currency.

I've also stated many times to bring back the Glass Steagall Act to end the pure speculation of the markets through FIAT currency. Furthermore I've been warning on these boards that they are now borrowing on margin at higher levels than in 2007. The only thing holding the house of cards is FIAT currency through the Federal Reserve at roughly 85 Billion a month.

Back to topic. We have 100's of Billions of duplicate agencies performing the same job, and wasteful Spending. I see no attempt to fix this as they target the military. I also see that the KEY ELEMENTS OF REVENUE to OBAMACARE are being postponed. So the required sources of Revenue are not being implemented. This is because they will have damaging results to the economy. So they have delayed them without consent of Congress past the elections. In the mean time the revenues that are needed to fund it are virtually gone.

I have a problem with blanket cuts to the military. They should be cut in conjunction with other cuts, and you should never cut BASIC SERVICES like the Commissary that service members and their family use.
When you cut the power of the US Military things like Soviet influence in the Ukraine go unchecked.

Anyone who feels that we are no longer free are free to leave and find a free country to call home.

Fact is that we are getting our ass handed to us all over the globe and we aren't doing a thing about it because our military is already cut to the bone, now they want the marrow out of it..........

Cuts can be made but not how they are doing it. It should be well thought out and in conjunction with other cuts ONLY IF THEY ARE SERIOUS ABOUT ENDING OUR DEBT PROBLEM, which I consider a Clear and Present Danger to our country.
Precisely, and in the real world, we can hardly afford the military we have now. Nor do we need it to "protect our freedom." We didn't need it in 2001, we don't need it now. We are less free today than we were in 2001. That is a FACT. Our own government is more of a threat to our freedom than any terrorist could ever be. If we got rid of every single troop, boat, tank, EVERYTHING but the ICBM's, we still would be just as free as we are now. Why? Because the bureaucrats and the NSA would still find ways to take away your freedom.

There isn't any nation on earth going to invade us as long as we have the bomb. Those are the facts.

I have many many times proposed cuts across the board, which would include social areas. Especially in duplicate spending and waste.

I see none of these cuts anywhere do you...................

I see cutting basic services instead of bloated budgets in other areas of the military.

Where are the cuts to go along with the military cuts......................

Oh, I'm sorry, wrong thread, I thought this one was about the military. Ooops.

Poor attempt at snark.

Perhaps you are unaware, Mr. B, that the 2013 budget included 39.5% more for the Department of HHS including Medicare and Medicaid than the Department of Defense.
2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coburn Releases Annual Wastebook Highlighting Most Egregious Spending of 2013 - Press Releases - Tom Coburn, M.D., United States Senator from Oklahoma

Mass Destruction of Weapons – (Department of Defense) $7 billion
As the U.S. war effort in the Middle East winds to a close, the military has destroyed more than 170 million pounds worth of useable vehicles and other military equipment. The military has decided that it will simply destroy more than $7 billion worth of equipment rather than sell it or ship it back home.

#2 — It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! National Guard Funds Superman Promotional
Tour - $10 million

#7 — Mass Destruction of Weapons. DOD Destroys
Equipment - $7 billion

#10 — Army Buys Blimp Too Heavy to Fly - $297

#23 — Army Paid Salary of Fort Hood Terrorist and
Benefits After the Shooting - $52,952

#34 — Air Force Mothballs Brand New Planes - $432 million

#36 — Surplus MRAP Vehicles Used to Militarize Main Street - $82.5 million

#38 — Be All That You Can Be. Army Advertises Reality TV Show - $9 million

#39 — DoD Builds Camp Leatherneck HQ, Sits Empty - $34 million

#46 — National Guard Sponsors Racecar Driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. - $29
I have many many times proposed cuts across the board, which would include social areas. Especially in duplicate spending and waste.

I see none of these cuts anywhere do you...................

I see cutting basic services instead of bloated budgets in other areas of the military.

Where are the cuts to go along with the military cuts......................

Oh, I'm sorry, wrong thread, I thought this one was about the military. Ooops.

Poor attempt at snark.

Perhaps you are unaware, Mr. B, that the 2013 budget included 39.5% more for the Department of HHS including Medicare and Medicaid than the Department of Defense.
2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

39.5% Huh? Is that all? I'm sure if they tried they could have done better. Those old codgers could have made medicare means tested, but their base, both Dems and Repubs, would have crucified them. But that would have been the logical, ethical, and smart thing to do for the nation. What does Warren Buffet need with Medicare?

The point there, is that we were talking about military cuts, not other cuts. He made the assumption that I was against other cuts. I'm not. I am for across he board, deep cuts. Lets burn down whole departments. But he was changing the topic.

Introducing a straw-man to divert from a loosing argument is never a good idea. The person your discussing the issue with be just as willing to destroy and burn the straw-man up with you. ;)
Oh, I'm sorry, wrong thread, I thought this one was about the military. Ooops.

Poor attempt at snark.

Perhaps you are unaware, Mr. B, that the 2013 budget included 39.5% more for the Department of HHS including Medicare and Medicaid than the Department of Defense.
2013 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

39.5% Huh? Is that all? I'm sure if they tried they could have done better. Those old codgers could have made medicare means tested, but their base, both Dems and Repubs, would have crucified them. But that would have been the logical, ethical, and smart thing to do for the nation. What does Warren Buffet need with Medicare?

The point there, is that we were talking about military cuts, not other cuts. He made the assumption that I was against other cuts. I'm not. I am for across he board, deep cuts. Lets burn down whole departments. But he was changing the topic.

Introducing a straw-man to divert from a loosing argument is never a good idea. The person your discussing the issue with be just as willing to destroy and burn the straw-man up with you. ;)

"The point there, is that we were talking about military cuts, not other cuts."

No we're not. That's your rule.

I'm speaking of whatever I say I am......I don't know who or what you're used to dealing with, but you may consider me a solid wall of noncompliance.

To point out what makes your post really stupid, cuts are not made, nor discussed, in a vacuum. They are made as related both to other outlays, and based on national and geopolitical realities.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

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