Military man fails to show respect to former president

The morbidly obese elephant.
That no military person swore any oaths to.

The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted):​

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Well it's all the rage for retired members to sign "letters" of disapproval/approval one way or the other, usually against a right-leaner.

They mean exactly jack and shit other than for a MSM headline.
Trump is a wannabe dictator.

Donald Duck does not want to be dictator.

Your sexual abuser god IS a wannabe dictator... it's telling how you knew that without Milley saying his name.

Funny how the OP knew exactly who Milley was talking about.

Are you TDS’ers sure you know what a dictataor is?
Don’t dictators force people to take experimental medicine they may not want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers that don’t work, don’t they force people to close their businesses, don’t they suppress speech that doesn’t align with their ideals, don’t they collude with a corrupt and complicit media/social media?
Are you TDS’ers sure you know what a dictataor is?
Don’t dictators force people to take experimental medicine they may not want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers that don’t work, don’t they force people to close their businesses, don’t they suppress speech that doesn’t align with their ideals, don’t they collude with a corrupt and complicit media/social media?
Tell us what a "dictataor" is.
Nope, I served, I know the oath is to the never served just hid.

Bullshit. You're so fat the only thing you could have done was be a lard bomb dropped from a plane.
Tell us what a "dictataor" is.
I thought I just did…Try again.
Don’t dictators force people to take experimental medicine they may not want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers that don’t work, don’t they force people to close their businesses, don’t they suppress speech that doesn’t align with their ideals, don’t they collude with a corrupt and complicit media/social media?
Questioning my service to this country and the Constitution, sniveling coward?

Not questioning at all. You are a blob. The military doesn't enlist blobs.

So I am merely stating a fact.
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

Milley doesn't respect Trump
The DD214 reminds you that you are released from active duty but as a inactive reservist you are still liable under the UCMJ for disrespect to officers and your former post.
Trump was no longer Commander-in-chief, and commanded no more respect than any other public figure.
You are certainly projecting's very telling with your fat fetish. Hee. (and I still fit in my last flight suit and dress blues) You never served so you can't say the same, coward.

You forget, blob. I have seen a real picture of you. They don’t make flight suits that big, except for maybe a bdsm latex one.

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