Military Recruitment: We are Fucked

I have a fucking Master's degree and served in the Navy, DoD, and Army contractor. What are your fucking qualifications?

You must really suck at your fucking job you dickhead.

You posted a link that basically REPEATED WHAT I SAID.

Take your imaginary degree and shove it up your fucking ass!
the Biden Administration’s contention that recruiting numbers are down because of a strong economy

What a deplorable perception by a CIC that his own military only serves in the military because they are so pathetic that their only other option to support themselves was unloading trucks at Walmart! But that despicable view of our soldiers comports well with an old boss of mine who used to stand guard aboard the plane that VP Gore flew on. One day, Gore's little boy was aboard and he overheard Gore telling him to be sure to go to college so that he didn't end up like one of his secret service! The very people who put their lives on the line to keep HIM safe! Democrats are about being SERVED, not serving others--- a fatal character flaw.

The same kid was a whining brat and one day my boss told him something like pipe down or something aboard the flight and he went crying to his daddy and Gore fired him from ever serving on his jet service ever again. That's a liberal for you--- you are piss to them and you will be glad to take their crumbs. Lessons learned: never put your life in the hands of a progressive.
Why do you lie? The majority of the military was once conservative. Many still are.

I would call it around 40-40-20, not unlike the general population.

However, even the 40% that are "Liberal" tend to be more to the Conservative side of that then the general "Democrat". More along the lines of say John Glen or Jim Webb than AOC. Even the Democrats I knew in uniform thought she was crazy.

And I know more than a few that "walked away" in the last few years from their own party. One I used to talk with a lot in the smoke pit even said Jim Webb walking away after the 2016 primary was a wake up call for him. A Presidential candidate leaving his own party less than a year later showed that like he said they had lost their way. And I knew others that almost 2 decades ago did the same thing when Joe Lieberman left.

There is simply no room it seems anymore for a "Conservative Democrat" in the party.
No, they kicked out around 500 conspiracy nuts. Those kind are not needed in the military.

If one has to fake a "religious exemption", then they would fake other things and we do not need them.
It’s a “conspiracy” that it’s an experimental vaccine and illegal to enforce? That’s why they ended up winning a court decision over it and had the mandate overturned?

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