Military Recruitment: We are Fucked

I would call it around 40-40-20, not unlike the general population.

However, even the 40% that are "Liberal" tend to be more to the Conservative side of that then the general "Democrat". More along the lines of say John Glen or Jim Webb than AOC. Even the Democrats I knew in uniform thought she was crazy.

And I know more than a few that "walked away" in the last few years from their own party. One I used to talk with a lot in the smoke pit even said Jim Webb walking away after the 2016 primary was a wake up call for him. A Presidential candidate leaving his own party less than a year later showed that like he said they had lost their way. And I knew others that almost 2 decades ago did the same thing when Joe Lieberman left.

There is simply no room it seems anymore for a "Conservative Democrat" in the party.
You missed a key word in my post. I said "once".

In my career, I only met one officer who was a liberal, and I think he did that just to piss off his father who was an Admiral.

I agree with you about today's military.
You missed a key word in my post. I said "once".

In my career, I only met one officer who was a liberal, and I think he did that just to piss off his father who was an Admiral.

I agree with you about today's military.

No, I would say that was true 40 years ago, and still true today.

However, the "Conservative Democrats" in the party are now largely gone. And the party is shifting, but by and large "Far-Left Liberals" have never really been comfortable in the military in my experience. And it tends to be the same in the CT laced Far-Right. They hate the government as much if not more so than those on the left that hate "authoritarianism" so would never join because they want to be "free to do their own thing".

I find them both amazingly easy to dismiss. And increasingly in the last 5 or 6 years I have seen that those on the Far-Right are more likely to come in here and spew hate at the military than any others. Because they see the military as one of the "oppressors" that is "trying to take their freedoms". However, the fact that they make the same claims repeatedly over almost anything tends to make me simply shake my head at their simple mindedness.

But I knew quite a few that were "Liberal". But if put on a graph, they would almost all be in the 10% closest to the middle of a political leaning chart. Not the ones at the other end which would find themselves at home in ANTIFA. I know even our Liberal Colonel (who was also a retired CHP officer) thought that they should stop playing nice with ANTIFA and start busting heads and rounding them up.
When did that happen?

You realize civilian courts have no jurisdiction over the military, right?
LOL well “Admiral”, yes the courts do have jurisdiction over the matter.

Why else have they been hearing their cases?

Class action lawsuit against the military allowed to proceed:
LOL well “Admiral”, yes the courts do have jurisdiction over the matter.

Why else have they been hearing their cases?

Class action lawsuit against the military allowed to proceed:
They are wasting their time.
They are wasting their time.

Of course they are. Because there is no "religion" that prohibits vaccinations, even this one. Just a handful of fanatics that worship the Church of Conspiracy, and have a congregation in the double digits (if even that many).

The first thing you need to claim a "religious exemption" is to actually be a member of a church that actually objects to vaccinations. And if that is the case, then they would have to get out of the military for being unfit for duty for medical reasons.

And great, they can't discharge them. They will just get flagged so when their current contract is over, out the door they go. In the end, it really makes no difference. The military does not need people who can not comply with regulations.

Myself, I say they just take all of these unvaccinated, and throw them all together at some Joint Service base in say Alaska. That way they do not put anybody else at risk, and they can tell each other how awesome they are by refusing to get vaccinated until it is time for them to get out.

Get rid of the woke bullshit, and make the services friendly to religious beliefs and practices.

Today's potential recruits were born AFTER 9-11, and have never been taught about the greatness of America, or why it is worth fighting for.

Military service, in concept, is a very good option for working class Yoots who have no interest in college, but I wouldn't advise any male relative to join up today. It would be a nightmare.

Oh, if they were taught "the truth", they wouldn't want to fight at all.

Hey, let's attack Iraq, you might die, or lose some limbs, but some rich people will get very much richer if you risk your life on this one.....
Oh, if they were taught "the truth", they wouldn't want to fight at all.

Hey, let's attack Iraq, you might die, or lose some limbs, but some rich people will get very much richer if you risk your life on this one.....
Hey let’s attack Fascists in America ?

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