Military spending: Do we really need this?

That is tired shit. Come on, when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian you've pretty much already lost the game, whatever the hell the game was.

He is partly right. I was 265 pounds at one point in life, and knew nothing about nutrition. Im 180 now, and in great health. And I eat MORE food now than then.

Back then, I didnt understand calorie deficits, macronutrition, etc, etc. I never knew that a bottle of Orange Juice, or Apple Juice, had double or triple the calories as a diet soda. So if I had a Welch's grape juice with my meal, thinking it was healthy, it would be 200 calories and a shitload more sugar than a Diet Mt Dew (no sugar, 0 calories). Thats about a 1500 calorie difference in a week, in just ONE drink per day.

I used to think just eating bread and crackers and non-meat stuff was healthier than a steak. Its not.

And one reason I ate that bad? I was younger and had less money. And lived in an area with very few healthy options (south ATL). So, a $1 menu at McDonalds was an easy, cheap way to eat. And the fried food and fatty ingredients caused my total calories to soar.

Now, I eat a lot of spinach salads, fruits, veggies, lean meats. ONLY water and occassional diet soda. I take in more food by volume, but far less in calories.

I can honestly say I was just ignorant of reality of nutrition. Thats part my fault. But, everyone only knows what they know because someone else taught them, or led them to where they can be taught. I hired a personal trainer. Saved my life.

So yeah, he's partly right. If you are poor, and live in an area with very few healthy choices, you are likely only gonna have access to bad foods, and likely to not have the education to know any better. And you'll probably get fat.

Final example:

Large spinach salad with tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, kale, vinagrette dressing from Whole Foods with a large water: About $10.00-$12.00 depending on weight, and about 350 calories.

2 double cheesburgers, fries, soda from McDonalds: About $5.00 off the dollar menu. About 1,000 calories.

See the math?

I appreciate your educational intiative - I don't have your patience.
But my story is very similar to yours. Eating healthy is more expensive isn't it?
But it's worth it. Congratulations.

You think just eating healthy is expensive, try combining that with a high protein.

I take in one gram of protein per pound of body weight (180) a day. Now, that combined with keeping the whole thing lean gets really expensive.
... when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian...
I didn't tell you that. Why do you feel the need to make up stuff and attribute it to me? Is it intentional or is it a reading/comprehension issue?
He is partly right. I was 265 pounds at one point in life, and knew nothing about nutrition. Im 180 now, and in great health. And I eat MORE food now than then.

Back then, I didnt understand calorie deficits, macronutrition, etc, etc. I never knew that a bottle of Orange Juice, or Apple Juice, had double or triple the calories as a diet soda. So if I had a Welch's grape juice with my meal, thinking it was healthy, it would be 200 calories and a shitload more sugar than a Diet Mt Dew (no sugar, 0 calories). Thats about a 1500 calorie difference in a week, in just ONE drink per day.

I used to think just eating bread and crackers and non-meat stuff was healthier than a steak. Its not.

And one reason I ate that bad? I was younger and had less money. And lived in an area with very few healthy options (south ATL). So, a $1 menu at McDonalds was an easy, cheap way to eat. And the fried food and fatty ingredients caused my total calories to soar.

Now, I eat a lot of spinach salads, fruits, veggies, lean meats. ONLY water and occassional diet soda. I take in more food by volume, but far less in calories.

I can honestly say I was just ignorant of reality of nutrition. Thats part my fault. But, everyone only knows what they know because someone else taught them, or led them to where they can be taught. I hired a personal trainer. Saved my life.

So yeah, he's partly right. If you are poor, and live in an area with very few healthy choices, you are likely only gonna have access to bad foods, and likely to not have the education to know any better. And you'll probably get fat.

Final example:

Large spinach salad with tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, kale, vinagrette dressing from Whole Foods with a large water: About $10.00-$12.00 depending on weight, and about 350 calories.

2 double cheesburgers, fries, soda from McDonalds: About $5.00 off the dollar menu. About 1,000 calories.

See the math?

I appreciate your educational intiative - I don't have your patience.
But my story is very similar to yours. Eating healthy is more expensive isn't it?
But it's worth it. Congratulations.

You think just eating healthy is expensive, try combining that with a high protein.

I take in one gram of protein per pound of body weight (180) a day. Now, that combined with keeping the whole thing lean gets really expensive.

You not worried about kidney function?
I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

More divisiveness.
Guess the democratic party has a monopoly on wanting to eliminate waste???!!

I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

You and I are on the same side here Brother. Both of us being vets, we know of the massive waste that goes on. However, with the possible exception of the Armor Engineer Board, What do you cut? R&D is STILL a necessary evil within the DOD.

I, for one, have believed since 1993 that we could EASILY afford to bring troops home from "most" of Europe. Heidleberg and Berlin are redundant. That would, no doubt, be a huge savings. I really don't understand why they, since the fall of the wall, haven't made this move; other than the perceived Russian threat. All the "reforger " type activities have been curtailed and mounted training has been suspended.

I WOULD NOT, however, even remotely consider cuts in troop strength in Korea. No way. As I understand it, (but it's been awhile) there have been cuts in over 30 combat brigades (CONUS). Some have even been shut down.

Now we turn to the Air Force and the Navy. I heard somewhere (Navy Times?) that we have the smallest fleet since WWI. I have also heard that the fleet of B-52s MUST be phased out. They are shot. I believe the raptor was shot down and the Air Force retention has been cut back, yet again - as was the Navy.

So, from one vet to another, what are your ideas?
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I appreciate your educational intiative - I don't have your patience.
But my story is very similar to yours. Eating healthy is more expensive isn't it?
But it's worth it. Congratulations.

You think just eating healthy is expensive, try combining that with a high protein.

I take in one gram of protein per pound of body weight (180) a day. Now, that combined with keeping the whole thing lean gets really expensive.

You not worried about kidney function?

No not really. However taking in enough water (and a good multi-vitamin with C and B6) is essential. So is avoiding overtraining, which is far more hamful than a high protein diet.

I'll be 48 in April and I've been fortunate with both kidney and liver health, but it's improtant that you know to take care of them.

Finally, half of my protein comes in the way of whey and cassien shakes, which makes for easier digestion and less potential harm.
He is partly right. I was 265 pounds at one point in life, and knew nothing about nutrition. Im 180 now, and in great health. And I eat MORE food now than then.

Back then, I didnt understand calorie deficits, macronutrition, etc, etc. I never knew that a bottle of Orange Juice, or Apple Juice, had double or triple the calories as a diet soda. So if I had a Welch's grape juice with my meal, thinking it was healthy, it would be 200 calories and a shitload more sugar than a Diet Mt Dew (no sugar, 0 calories). Thats about a 1500 calorie difference in a week, in just ONE drink per day.

I used to think just eating bread and crackers and non-meat stuff was healthier than a steak. Its not.

And one reason I ate that bad? I was younger and had less money. And lived in an area with very few healthy options (south ATL). So, a $1 menu at McDonalds was an easy, cheap way to eat. And the fried food and fatty ingredients caused my total calories to soar.

Now, I eat a lot of spinach salads, fruits, veggies, lean meats. ONLY water and occassional diet soda. I take in more food by volume, but far less in calories.

I can honestly say I was just ignorant of reality of nutrition. Thats part my fault. But, everyone only knows what they know because someone else taught them, or led them to where they can be taught. I hired a personal trainer. Saved my life.

So yeah, he's partly right. If you are poor, and live in an area with very few healthy choices, you are likely only gonna have access to bad foods, and likely to not have the education to know any better. And you'll probably get fat.

Final example:

Large spinach salad with tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, kale, vinagrette dressing from Whole Foods with a large water: About $10.00-$12.00 depending on weight, and about 350 calories.

2 double cheesburgers, fries, soda from McDonalds: About $5.00 off the dollar menu. About 1,000 calories.

See the math?

I appreciate your educational intiative - I don't have your patience.
But my story is very similar to yours. Eating healthy is more expensive isn't it?
But it's worth it. Congratulations.

You think just eating healthy is expensive, try combining that with a high protein.

I take in one gram of protein per pound of body weight (180) a day. Now, that combined with keeping the whole thing lean gets really expensive.

:eek: OH MAN I have the same problem. Ever try Smoothie King franchise protein? Its very high protein/low carb, easy to mix. I take two 50 gram shakes a day, and try to get the rest from foods. But even then, its crazy how hard it is to get 200 grams a day of protein in.

As for the person who mentioned kidney...I think the recent studies have shown that high protein only affects kidneys if it is extreme, like 300-500 grams or more like pro bodybuilders do.
How about we start cutting shit like this too From Robotic Squirrels to Martian Pizza, Report Cites Billions In Government Waste - Forbes

National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Advanced Food Technology Project, which spent nearly $1 million to develop a recipe for pizza and about 100 other foods that could be served some day on Mars. Martian pizza? Although, to be fair, I’d totally try that – it has to be at least as good as space ice cream.

Feds use tax dollars to fund pet shampoo ad, reality show in India

Feds use tax dollars to fund pet shampoo ad, reality show in India - Washington Times

Lets start with this instead of cutting military spending ok.. When we cut all the fluff in GOV spending then cut back on military stuff
I appreciate your educational intiative - I don't have your patience.
But my story is very similar to yours. Eating healthy is more expensive isn't it?
But it's worth it. Congratulations.

You think just eating healthy is expensive, try combining that with a high protein.

I take in one gram of protein per pound of body weight (180) a day. Now, that combined with keeping the whole thing lean gets really expensive.

:eek: OH MAN I have the same problem. Ever try Smoothie King franchise protein? Its very high protein/low carb, easy to mix. I take two 50 gram shakes a day, and try to get the rest from foods. But even then, its crazy how hard it is to get 200 grams a day of protein in.

As for the person who mentioned kidney...I think the recent studies have shown that high protein only affects kidneys if it is extreme, like 300-500 grams or more like pro bodybuilders do.

Don't think we have any down here and getting smoothies and protein shakes at the gym can send you rocketing to the poor house, whereas a 2 pound tub of decent whey isolate is much easier on the wallet.
I don't think that anybody with a brain believes there aren't cuts to the DoD budget that can be had... just like cuts to EVRY program can be had.
... when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian...
I didn't tell you that. Why do you feel the need to make up stuff and attribute it to me? Is it intentional or is it a reading/comprehension issue?
I suppoe you would have to master the nuance of the language. Anyway, starvation is usually gaged by by weight/height/age and by calories consumed. If poor people in the US are underweight then it would make sense.

the fact is that not even the poorest people in the US are 'starving". In fact, the "poorest" are eating far too much!
Based on what I know about military spending, I am guessing that they spent about $100 million trying to teach real mules to throw cindar blocks, before they gave up and built a robot mule to do it instead.
You think just eating healthy is expensive, try combining that with a high protein.

I take in one gram of protein per pound of body weight (180) a day. Now, that combined with keeping the whole thing lean gets really expensive.

:eek: OH MAN I have the same problem. Ever try Smoothie King franchise protein? Its very high protein/low carb, easy to mix. I take two 50 gram shakes a day, and try to get the rest from foods. But even then, its crazy how hard it is to get 200 grams a day of protein in.

As for the person who mentioned kidney...I think the recent studies have shown that high protein only affects kidneys if it is extreme, like 300-500 grams or more like pro bodybuilders do.

Don't think we have any down here and getting smoothies and protein shakes at the gym can send you rocketing to the poor house, whereas a 2 pound tub of decent whey isolate is much easier on the wallet.

Ah, too bad, Smoothie King is awesome. But, they sell it by the tubs also, which is what I have to you said, it gets pricey. I tried to read up on Muscle Milk, and that company puts a LOT of unnecessary chemicals in their product, mostly for taste. I'd read up on them if you use them. Max Muscle and Smoothie King have great, pure, clean protein tubs.

Im such a shake junkie now that in the mornings, I mix cold coffee with milk, ice and 2 scoops vanilla whey. BEST breakfast shake ever!
... when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian...
I didn't tell you that. Why do you feel the need to make up stuff and attribute it to me? Is it intentional or is it a reading/comprehension issue?
I suppoe you would have to master the nuance of the language. Anyway, starvation is usually gaged by by weight/height/age and by calories consumed. If poor people in the US are underweight then it would make sense.

the fact is that not even the poorest people in the US are 'starving". In fact, the "poorest" are eating far too much!

Its as much about "what" as "how much". I eat more volume in food now at 180 lbs than I did at 265. Because my food is FAR less calorie dense than it was back then. A $12 salad and water bottle at Whole Foods is much more expensive, has higher volume, and far fewer calories than two $1 menu burgers and fries and a soda from McDonalds.

Or, try a regular ole Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwhich. Two slices white bread- about 220-250 calories. Two tbspn peanut butter 200 calories. 1 tbspn jelly, say, 70 calories. You add an orange juice (200 calories). Thats a typical poor person dinner. And about 700 calories. A wealthier person dinner? A 4 oz salmon filet (about 180 calories) with 1 cup broccoli (30 calories) 6 sticks asparagus (50 calories) and a water or diet soda (0 calories).

Which is cheaper? Which is healthier? Which is "more food"?
I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

I don't know who you are talking about or to.. I know I have never said that there wasn't waste in the DOD budget.

There is a lot of Left Wing waste in the DOD budget that has nothing to do with putting men or machines in combat.
DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

Have you ever heard the saying 'it is better say nothing and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it'?

Thought not.

Wise words.

Get a mirror, CalGal.

Look for evidence of thought.
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Military waste isn't "left wing" or "right wing". However, believing there is a party bias to military waste is evidence of mental defect.

Selling illusions of safety (aka, profiting at the expense halfwits) is the second oldest profession. The only way to minimize it is to cut military spending to the point where waste points cannot be denied by any reasonable person. There is no other way to stop it.
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I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

who said here , or that is who told you they didn't want defense to take a cut or there was not bloat, waste etc.?

As a "right winger" I would be agreeable to a decrease in military spending since there are currently no countries which can challenge our military strength. Having said that, it should be reduced with a similar reduction in other things. I am not sure we need more obese "impoverished" children either.

You do realize that some of the cheapest foods are among the worst foods - nutritionally speaking. And that an obese child can be a malnourished child because even though they are taking in a lot of calories, they aren't taking in nutrients.

I know the old school of thought was "fat = prosperous" but that is certainly not the case anymore.

But yeah, there is plenty of waste in ALL government programs.

And generally?

You find some multi-billionaire with hooks in lobbyists that infest congress like locusts protecting that "waste".

right, as they discuss their biz with obama admin officials in that coffee house down the block so they don't have to sign WH visitior logs? ...those guys? :eusa_eh:
There is a massive amount of waste in the military. As well as the federal government in general. I heard someone describe the military as a quasi "welfare state" into itself, where a person can sign up at age 18, become a cook or mechanic or any number of countless non-combat or intel related jobs, and basically do a civilian job in uniform, and retire at age 38 with full benefits and retirement pay for life.

Now, is that right? Wrong? Well, I dont blame the people who took advantage of it. It was and is a legal job, a noble job, a job that contributes to society, so they deserve what they were promised.

But should this continue? I dont know. Maybe only "combat" jobs should qualify for the sweet 20 year retirement. OR, maybe we should vastly expand our reserves for services like military cooks and other areas that could be done by reservists, without the full time pay/benefits, while downsizing the active elements of it. Or contract that work out for cheaper (hey they say private sector is better anyway).

But, I think it is FAR past time we get the fuck out of the Middle East. And once we do, get out of Germany. And Korea.

Im tired of subsidizing the rest of the world's military, so that those nations can spend their own money on their own people rather than defense.

However, I've also hear that the only reason the dollar is artificially propped up by the rest of the world (and thus avoiding collapse) is that we have agreed behind closed doors to be the World Police, and in exchange the rest of the world props up the dollar.

Oh well. People far smarter than me make those choices.

I actually agree with parts of your post, but your lack of knowledge on the military is astounding, do you really think the only people in a war that are killed or wounded are combat arms? There are many cooks, truck drivers, mechanics and clerks coming back missing limbs, with brain injuries and well you get the point. Everyone in the military meets the same physical standards and in war they all carry a weapon. There are no safe jobs in a combat area, mortars and rockets don't discriminate between clerks and infantry.

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