Military victory is no longer possible in Iraq

Let me help you out, you meant to say "don't understand what is being done for them".

You see chump you are a pacifist, in fact I don't believe that you think it was right to go after Bin Laden and the Taliban militarily, you probably think this shit can all be settled over some tea and baba ghanoush. Why can't you just admit you don't like war, any war?

And please, you don't give a fuck about any soldier's life, its all about what can make Bush look the shittiest. Thats the stuff that makes me want to mow all you fuckers down when you assemble on the mall in D.C., its the utter bullshit you come up with about being so caring and this and that.....if you fucking cared so much you'd quit undermining their effort, or do you not think that they pay attention to what you idiots and your dupes in the mass media say? Jeez think a soldier gives a shit when all he hears is how they are just evil occupiers and murderers etc. etc. etc.
Aiding and abetting dumbass...aiding and fucking abetting.

If we leave because of pc bullshit all the anti-war people will have all the ensuing Iraqi blood on their hands from the complete destruction that will take place soon after, you will be American heroes to all jihadists.

I couldn't agree more.
Let me help you out, you meant to say "don't understand what is being done for them".

You see chump you are a pacifist, in fact I don't believe that you think it was right to go after Bin Laden and the Taliban militarily, you probably think this shit can all be settled over some tea and baba ghanoush. Why can't you just admit you don't like war, any war?

And please, you don't give a fuck about any soldier's life, its all about what can make Bush look the shittiest. Thats the stuff that makes me want to mow all you fuckers down when you assemble on the mall in D.C., its the utter bullshit you come up with about being so caring and this and that.....if you fucking cared so much you'd quit undermining their effort, or do you not think that they pay attention to what you idiots and your dupes in the mass media say? Jeez think a soldier gives a shit when all he hears is how they are just evil occupiers and murderers etc. etc. etc.

Aiding and abetting dumbass...aiding and fucking abetting.

If we leave because of pc bullshit all the anti-war people will have all the ensuing Iraqi blood on their hands from the complete destruction that will take place soon after, you will be American heroes to all jihadists.

C'mon, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.
C'mon, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.

Think I was too nice? Heh heh.

Everytime I read some shit like this from these turds about caring for the soldiers so much that they want to throw in the towel for them I want to come through the friggin pc and beat them with a 10 lb adjustable wrench.
Again, you don't have to like me but you WILL respect me, remember the last time you tried to step to me with your troll bullshit? I dare you to bring that troll shit one more time.

You are an abusive poster towards those who disagree with your POV dickwad. You want respect, earn it. You don't, live with it.

Anyway, I put it in black and white that EVERYONE came to the same conclusion based on the intel as Bush did, they were not told anything dumbass, shit half of them came to this conclusion pre Bush administration, or can't you fucking read?

I can read. Doesn't mean what you say, or they say, is true.

But you never believed the intel, eh? Could you please inform us pissants how a shitbag such as yourself was privy to the intel?

Because this shitbag knows the history of the area. Because this shitbag knows that even with the fourth biggest army in the world in eight years he couldn't get a foothold in Iran when its fledgling fundie regime was against the wall. This shitbag knows that in 1991 Sadman didn't use WMDs, and if he had them he woulda. Because this shitbag knows that in 2003 he didn't use them and because this shitbag knows that the inspectors didn't believe he had any. Don't your read pissant?
Bullshit---show me where 70% of the country wants us to cut and run. And you know what else Gump? Our service men and women are PREPARED to sacrifice and don't need you CRAMMING YOUR IDEAS DOWN THIER THROATS !
I could go on and on why leaving is crazy but you live in such a little selfish world of me, mine and I that you would never understand.

How do YOU know what service men and women want? Are you the propaganda police. Yeah, I'm real selfish. I want them to come home from a lost cause...real, real selfish. Is that why there are a couple of former gulf vets who got in on an anti war agenda now in serving congress? Sounds like you know jack shit Shillo....
Let me help you out, you meant to say "don't understand what is being done for them".

No I did not.

You see chump you are a pacifist, in fact I don't believe that you think it was right to go after Bin Laden and the Taliban militarily, you probably think this shit can all be settled over some tea and baba ghanoush. Why can't you just admit you don't like war, any war?

OFA, I am far from a pacifist. There is a time and place for war. Iraq isn't one of those times. Don't mistake me for something I'm not just because I'm not a rabid warmonger like you.

And please, you don't give a fuck about any soldier's life, its all about what can make Bush look the shittiest. Thats the stuff that makes me want to mow all you fuckers down when you assemble on the mall in D.C., its the utter bullshit you come up with about being so caring and this and that.

I couldn't a shit about how Dumbya looks? Why would I? He doesnt' even come into the equation...

if you fucking cared so much you'd quit undermining their effort, or do you not think that they pay attention to what you idiots and your dupes in the mass media say? Jeez think a soldier gives a shit when all he hears is how they are just evil occupiers and murderers etc. etc. etc.Aiding and abetting dumbass...aiding and fucking abetting.

Undermining the effort? RATFLMAO...yeah, I'm sure the insurgents look at it that way. "Hey Abdul, nobody in America is undermining the effort anymore, let us stop with the bombing already". Are you serious? You must be more of a dumbfuck than I initially thought - and man I thought you were past Gomer Pyle on that scale. I'll reiterate - calling somebody aiding and abetting, or undermining or, anti-American is about as ANTI-what America stands for as you can get. It is also a piss-weak argument designed to muzzle debate. If you had your way Cheney could invade Sri Lanka for no other reason than he liked the beaches there and any dissent would be anti-American. Grow a pair Zorba...

If we leave because of pc bullshit all the anti-war people will have all the ensuing Iraqi blood on their hands from the complete destruction that will take place soon after, you will be American heroes to all jihadists.

I'm telling you right now. Whether America leaves tomorrow or in 20 years, there ill a bloodbath. As long as Kurds, Shi'ites and Sunnis exist in that country it will be a shithole. Mark this post Con, because I don't want you accusing me of Monday morning quarterbacking when what I say happens...
The liberal media is clearly slanting the news in favor of the Dems.

Of course, what else is new?

No wonder the terrorists are giddy over the Dems winning the election

Gregory Ignores Pelosi's Flub, Treats Retort to Bush on al-Qaeda in Iraq as Credible
Posted by Brent Baker on November 28, 2006 - 21:29.
Asked by a reporter about how “President Bush today blamed the surge of violence in Iraq on al Qaeda,” incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded with a disjointed answer about how “the 9/11 Commission dismissed that notion a long time ago and I feel sad that the President is resorting to it again." Though al-Qaeda is clearly in Iraq and responsible for deadly bombings, and the 9/11 Commission conclusion was about links before September 11th, on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News reporter David Gregory treated Pelosi's off-base retort as credible and relevant. Without suggesting any miscue by her, Gregory segued to Pelosi's soundbite with a bewildering set up of his own about how “incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disagreed, warning that such rhetoric about al Qaeda will make it harder for Democrats to work with the White House."

On FNC's Special Report with Brit Hume, after panelist Mara Liasson characterized Pelosi as “confused” and Morton Kondrake suggested she was just “mixed up,” Fred Barnes maintained that “she clearly screwed up here. The question was absolutely clear. 'President Bush today blamed the surge in violence in Iraq.'” Barnes argued the media wouldn't let a Republican get away with such a flub, telling Kondrake: “If some Republican had done this, if Bush had done this at a press conference, if Newt Gingrich had said it, if John Boehner had said it, if Roy Blunt had said it, you'd have been all over it. It would be inexcusable."

Neither ABC's World News or the CBS Evening News played the Pelosi soundbite.

The relevant portion of the story from David Gregory, who filed from Riga, Latvia, on the November 28 NBC Nightly News:

David Gregory: “Iraq's worsening civil war will dominate the bewilder's meeting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Concluding his visit to Estonia earlier today, Mr. Bush blamed the violence not on civil war but on Sunni terrorists.”

President Bush at a press conference in Estonia: “There's a lot of sectarian violence taking place, fomented in my opinion because of these attacks by al Qaeda, causing people to seek reprisal. And we will work with the Maliki government to defeat these elements.”

Gregory: “Back in Washington, incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disagreed, warning that such rhetoric about al Qaeda will make it harder for Democrats to work with the White House.”

Incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “The 9/11 Commission dismissed that notion a long time ago and I feel sad that the President is resorting to it again.”

FNC's Special Report with Brit Hume, but anchored by Jim Angle, led its panel segment with Pelosi's exchange with the reporter, identified on-screen as Thomas Ferraro: “President Bush today blamed the surge of violence in Iraq on al-Qaeda and denied the country is in the midst of a civil war.”

After Liasson and Kondracke tried to explain Pelosi as “confused” and “mixed up,” Fred Barnes, Executive Editor of the Weekly Standard, retorted:

“She clearly screwed up here. The question was absolutely clear. 'President Bush today blamed the surge in violence in Iraq.' This is not -- the question is what about al Qaeda back before 9/11 or before we invaded or was there a link. The question was clear. She gave an answer that was about something else. She doesn't seem to think that al Qaeda is active there in Iraq, which it is. According to her answer. Now, if some Republican had done this, if Bush had done this at a press conference, if Newt Gingrich had said it, if John Boehner had said it, if Roy Blunt had said it, you'd have been all over it. It would be inexcusable.”

Morton Kondracke: “Oh, please, oh that's nonsense.”

Barnes: “Look, Nancy Pelosi is now going to be the Speaker of the House. Her party won. She did a tough job leading them in the last two years and we shouldn't go around just excusing the things she says, when you don't know what really happened.”
How do YOU know what service men and women want? Are you the propaganda police. Yeah, I'm real selfish. I want them to come home from a lost cause...real, real selfish. Is that why there are a couple of former gulf vets who got in on an anti war agenda now in serving congress? Sounds like you know jack shit Shillo....

Because I listen to them---maybe you should too and let them do what they want.

A couple of former gulf vets ??? OMG It's a fricking mandate !!!!!!
So your opinion is a mandate? Get over yourself...

You're suggestions are eerily similar to Christian Evangelists who try to save people who don't want to be saved. It pisses you off when that happens ( which i suspect hasn't happened to you in years) and you see it as someone trying to inflict thier values on you. Now you want to inflict YOUR values on our troops with absolutley NO evidence whatsoever that they want to cut and run. You think they would be better off if we retreated. Sorry Gump--they want to stay and win. Returning victorious is what they want. Leave em alone.
You're suggestions are eerily similar to Christian Evangelists who try to save people who don't want to be saved. It pisses you off when that happens ( which i suspect hasn't happened to you in years) and you see it as someone trying to inflict thier values on you. Now you want to inflict YOUR values on our troops with absolutley NO evidence whatsoever that they want to cut and run. You think they would be better off if we retreated. Sorry Gump--they want to stay and win. Returning victorious is what they want. Leave em alone.

Going by your reaction Shillo, it seems somebody's pissed off all right and it ain't me. Are you trying to censor me, Shillo? Trying to stop opposing views? How many troops do yuo know who want to stay? How many want to go? I'm not so arrogant as to speak for them because I would imagine there are varying opinions amongst the troops - some support your idea, some mine and some in between. Given that you want to declare war on Iran and Syria, how about getting your arse over there and putting it on the line. You seem more than willing to put others butts on the line while you sit in the comfort of your living room or wherever you bang out lines on a keyboard. Hell, you don't even have to join the military, how about one of the aid agencies on the ground over there. You certainly seem to talk the talk, how about walking the walk...or are you all talk and no action? (rhetorical question, I know what you are :) )
You are an abusive poster towards those who disagree with your POV dickwad. You want respect, earn it. You don't, live with it.

I can read. Doesn't mean what you say, or they say, is true.

Because this shitbag knows the history of the area. Because this shitbag knows that even with the fourth biggest army in the world in eight years he couldn't get a foothold in Iran when its fledgling fundie regime was against the wall. This shitbag knows that in 1991 Sadman didn't use WMDs, and if he had them he woulda. Because this shitbag knows that in 2003 he didn't use them and because this shitbag knows that the inspectors didn't believe he had any. Don't your read pissant?

Man I love when the elitism comes out.

Denying what peole in the know believed to be facts is delusional, but you know that laready don't you? See where Ritter believes he had WMD or are you more informed than he?

Abusive poster, learn it, love it, live it. Your damn right i'm abusive to America's enemies from within. You take offense to the anti-American label because it fits you to a t and cuts to your very soul.
Man I love when the elitism comes outu


Denying what peole in the know believed to be facts is delusional, but you know that laready don't you? See where Ritter believes he had WMD or are you more informed than he?

I don't think anybody was truly in the know. I think there were agendas, and those in power fulfilled theirs without giving a toss...

Abusive poster, learn it, love it, live it. Your damn right i'm abusive to America's enemies from within. You take offense to the anti-American label because it fits you to a t and cuts to your very soul.

First of all, I don't consider the "anti-American" label as abusive, just silly. Second, it is the other crap I am referring to such as douchebag. Third, it is impossible for me to be an enemy within, and even if it was possible, I wouldn't be:bye1:
Going by your reaction Shillo, it seems somebody's pissed off all right and it ain't me. Are you trying to censor me, Shillo? Trying to stop opposing views? How many troops do yuo know who want to stay? How many want to go? I'm not so arrogant as to speak for them because I would imagine there are varying opinions amongst the troops - some support your idea, some mine and some in between. Given that you want to declare war on Iran and Syria, how about getting your arse over there and putting it on the line. You seem more than willing to put others butts on the line while you sit in the comfort of your living room or wherever you bang out lines on a keyboard. Hell, you don't even have to join the military, how about one of the aid agencies on the ground over there. You certainly seem to talk the talk, how about walking the walk...or are you all talk and no action? (rhetorical question, I know what you are :) )

WTF are you talking about?--Censoring you??? I'm still waiting for some link to prove your 70% figure but I sure you know that was just a number you pull out of your ass. Do some research on American troops, Red Cross (AFES) and apologize to me for being ignorant.
Going by your reaction Shillo, it seems somebody's pissed off all right and it ain't me. Are you trying to censor me, Shillo? Trying to stop opposing views? How many troops do yuo know who want to stay? How many want to go? I'm not so arrogant as to speak for them because I would imagine there are varying opinions amongst the troops - some support your idea, some mine and some in between. Given that you want to declare war on Iran and Syria, how about getting your arse over there and putting it on the line. You seem more than willing to put others butts on the line while you sit in the comfort of your living room or wherever you bang out lines on a keyboard. Hell, you don't even have to join the military, how about one of the aid agencies on the ground over there. You certainly seem to talk the talk, how about walking the walk...or are you all talk and no action? (rhetorical question, I know what you are :) )

I think you veered off course from the point dillo made in regard to your being a hypocrite.

And if you want to compare who's got more time on the ground putting his ass on the line in the ME, I'm your huckleberry.;)
I think you veered off course from the point dillo made in regard to your being a hypocrite.

And if you want to compare who's got more time on the ground putting his ass on the line in the ME, I'm your huckleberry.;)

How am I a hypocrite?

And I know you have put your ass on the line. I may disagree with you on about everything, but I have respect for you putting your money where your mouth is. You walk the walk....
How am I a hypocrite?

And I know you have put your ass on the line. I may disagree with you on about everything, but I have respect for you putting your money where your mouth is. You walk the walk....

You get pretty vocal when you think someone is telling others what to do based on their ideology if it doesn't agree with yours; yet, you are more than willing to tell others what to do based on yours.

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