Military victory is no longer possible in Iraq

Sorry, you are just wrong. Has to ahppen once to everyone.

Well, of course. But on this I'm not wrong ;)

Bully was dead right. Bush had our support in Afghanistan. If he had pursued that and set a true anti-terror agenda there and at home (starting with implementing the recommendation of the 9/11 commission) everyone would have backed him.
the citizens of this country have not supported a military action by the US military since WW II ended.

That ought to tell you something....

explains why many in this country are ready to surrender to any petty third world dictator that comes along...they don't believe in anything; nothing is worth defending, and there is nothing worthy of faith.

What petty third world dictators has America surrendered to? Plenty is worth defending. Just because it doesn't fall into YOUR narrow myopic definition doesn't mean NOTHING is worth defending. As for faith, so what? Are you saying only those with faith have anything worthy in their lives?
LOL..the guy who calls me anti-American calls me intellectually lazy...RATFLMAO crack me up sometimes. Calling somebody anti-American is the epitome of laziness, especially in the instance you have. What I read into that post is "I have no answer to your points, so I'll just flame". Well done OFA!! You get the prize for one of the top five lame answers to a debate. Let's see...I want allied troops to go home so they don't get killed in a war they had no business being in in the first place. So I want US lives saved but I hate America. What do ya do for an encore OFA, tell Catholics they're anti-Christian?

Get back to me when you can debate coherently and with reason. There is a board for trolls around here somewhere...

WOW! It looks like everybody from Bubba to John Heinz had the same take on intelligence out of Iraq has Bush did, everybody both Repub and Demo thought war was just and Saddam an imminent threat..............only douchebag turncoats like you and all the rest of the anti-American liars out there want to claim otherwise.

It seems i've touched a raw nerveending on you, the truth will do that from time to time.

As for the rest of your bullshit WILL give me the respect i've earned on this board, you've been warned about this before and punished for it, try me again.

Your cooperation which i'm positive I WILL RECEIVE is appreciated.
Well, of course. But on this I'm not wrong ;)

Bully was dead right. Bush had our support in Afghanistan. If he had pursued that and set a true anti-terror agenda there and at home (starting with implementing the recommendation of the 9/11 commission) everyone would have backed him.

Pfffft. The liberal Left has already demonstrated that they would never support him....unless they are in the spotlight...:spank3:
WOW! It looks like everybody from Bubba to John Heinz had the same take on intelligence out of Iraq has Bush did, everybody both Repub and Demo thought war was just and Saddam an imminent threat..............only douchebag turncoats like you and all the rest of the anti-American liars out there want to claim otherwise..

You can only be a turncoat if you believed in something in the first place. I never did re Iraq. Kerry et al only believed what they were told by the admin. I NEVER believed the intel...

It seems i've touched a raw nerveending on you, the truth will do that from time to time.

Huh? What makes you think that?

you WILL give me the respect i've earned on this board.

I give respect to those who deserve it. You deserve none. And I do not covet yours either.

you've been warned about this before and punished for it, try me again.

I have no idea what you are talking about..
PC bullshit?

You mean like, "Saddam has WMD and hes going to kill us all tomarrow"?

Thats why we went there, thats what sold the war. Not "let freedom reign", that sounds too much like Clinton during Bosnia, Somalia, and Haiti all of which were unpopular with many of the same people who were so gungho over Iraq.

No, it was lies and fearmongering that got us into Iraq, and the powers that be do not get a free pass on that regardless of weather or not you think the situation in Iraq has changed.

Safe for whom, the Iraqis or the US?

We went there to protect our oil supply, depose a dictator, and impose our military presence smack dab in the middle of muslim countries that trained, financed and hid Muslim fantatics. That's the real reason we went to Iraq. As I have said, Bush screwed up only by using WMDS as the big selling point but the truth of the matter is---it worked--it got us there--it got democratic congressmen to fall over backwards to support him. Now they and thier liberal patsies are SOOOOOOOOOOOo pissed that they fell for it that they are beside themselves with anger and embarrassment.

What's even worse for the liberals is that the deed can't be undone. Bush has made it clear that America will not tolerate a quasi-religious group of murderers coming to America to kill Americans nor will it tolerate countries that support them. If you liberals want to try to erase that message we have sent to the mideast---good luck.
I didn't think so----this is a fine example of how far people think when they talk about retreating.

You are so correct on this point. To cut and run will not only prove Bin Laden correct, the rest of the world knows it to. The Prime Minister, (president, mayor?) of Singapore said much the same months ago, 'the world awaits America's decision of whether to proceed or abdicate.'

My guess, we're looking for an excuse to get out. Will probably come from a 'regional solution', which means several steps closer to the 'Caliphate.'
You are so correct on this point. To cut and run will not only prove Bin Laden correct, the rest of the world knows it to. The Prime Minister, (president, mayor?) of Singapore said much the same months ago, 'the world awaits America's decision of whether to proceed or abdicate.'

My guess, we're looking for an excuse to get out. Will probably come from a 'regional solution', which means several steps closer to the 'Caliphate.'

#1 reason to stay---------our troops want to stay

What better way to ensure that we NEVER will be able to pull an army together again than to leave them looking defeated.

Before ANYONE pulls them out they need to get their asses to Iraq and personally explain to the troops why they are making them stick their tails between their legs and run.
#1 reason to stay---------our troops want to stay

What better way to ensure that we NEVER will be able to pull an army together again.

Before ANYONE pulls them out they need to get their asses to Iraq and personally explain to the troops why they are making them stick their tails between their legs and run.

Agreed. The troops on the ground, realize the need and contribution they are making-easily inferred by re-elistment rates. :thup:
Care to elaborate on how leaving will yield the best results for America?

Going by current trends, 700-odd service men and women will probably still be alive this time next year – that’s enough for me. As for what the best results are for America, well currently it’s getting nothing by staying…(shrug). The way I look at it, the only difference between staying and going is about 700 lives. Well worth leaving IMO. Just think, as you read this, there is an American serviceman or woman alive right now, that this time next week will be dead. What are they doing right now? Sharing a joke? Having a meal? Writing a letter? Having a sleep? On patrol? Irrelevent. This time next week, they are dead. For what? A country where over 70% of the country want the US out, and who do not appreciate what is being done for them.
You can only be a turncoat if you believed in something in the first place. I never did re Iraq. Kerry et al only believed what they were told by the admin. I NEVER believed the intel...

Huh? What makes you think that?

I give respect to those who deserve it. You deserve none. And I do not covet yours either.

I have no idea what you are talking about..

Again, you don't have to like me but you WILL respect me, remember the last time you tried to step to me with your troll bullshit? I dare you to bring that troll shit one more time.

Anyway, I put it in black and white that EVERYONE came to the same conclusion based on the intel as Bush did, they were not told anything dumbass, shit half of them came to this conclusion pre Bush administration, or can't you fucking read?

But you never believed the intel, eh? Could you please inform us pissants how a shitbag such as yourself was privy to the intel?
Going by current trends, 700-odd service men and women will probably still be alive this time next year – that’s enough for me. As for what the best results are for America, well currently it’s getting nothing by staying…(shrug). The way I look at it, the only difference between staying and going is about 700 lives. Well worth leaving IMO. Just think, as you read this, there is an American serviceman or woman alive right now, that this time next week will be dead. What are they doing right now? Sharing a joke? Having a meal? Writing a letter? Having a sleep? On patrol? Irrelevent. This time next week, they are dead. For what? A country where over 70% of the country want the US out, and who do not appreciate what is being done for them.

Bullshit---show me where 70% of the country wants us to cut and run. And you know what else Gump? Our service men and women are PREPARED to sacrifice and don't need you CRAMMING YOUR IDEAS DOWN THIER THROATS !
I could go on and on why leaving is crazy but you live in such a little selfish world of me, mine and I that you would never understand.
Going by current trends, 700-odd service men and women will probably still be alive this time next year – that’s enough for me. As for what the best results are for America, well currently it’s getting nothing by staying…(shrug). The way I look at it, the only difference between staying and going is about 700 lives. Well worth leaving IMO. Just think, as you read this, there is an American serviceman or woman alive right now, that this time next week will be dead. What are they doing right now? Sharing a joke? Having a meal? Writing a letter? Having a sleep? On patrol? Irrelevent. This time next week, they are dead. For what? A country where over 70% of the country want the US out, and who do not appreciate what is being done for them.

Let me help you out, you meant to say "don't understand what is being done for them".

You see chump you are a pacifist, in fact I don't believe that you think it was right to go after Bin Laden and the Taliban militarily, you probably think this shit can all be settled over some tea and baba ghanoush. Why can't you just admit you don't like war, any war?

And please, you don't give a fuck about any soldier's life, its all about what can make Bush look the shittiest. Thats the stuff that makes me want to mow all you fuckers down when you assemble on the mall in D.C., its the utter bullshit you come up with about being so caring and this and that.....if you fucking cared so much you'd quit undermining their effort, or do you not think that they pay attention to what you idiots and your dupes in the mass media say? Jeez think a soldier gives a shit when all he hears is how they are just evil occupiers and murderers etc. etc. etc.

Aiding and abetting dumbass...aiding and fucking abetting.

If we leave because of pc bullshit all the anti-war people will have all the ensuing Iraqi blood on their hands from the complete destruction that will take place soon after, you will be American heroes to all jihadists.

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