Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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If armed terrorists are roaming along the Muddy River valley, they will be stopped and taken into custody. If they resist, they will be killed.

Americans have the Constitutional right to bear arms, the government has no right to stop them for kicks, so they would have the right to resist.

Why do you support a government tyranny?

We have the right to bear arms. We do not have the right to threaton other citizens with said arms. You threaton me with a weapon, I will reply in kind, and you will either be dead or facing legal charges. These goons are threatoning the people of that area, and are committing assault with a deadly. For that, they need to be legally imprisoned.

why are you accepting a report as fact before any investigation is done? if this was a dem situation you would be crying foul because there is no proof, only allegations.
Allow me to translate from limp wristed into adult;

Fuck, I reread the link and all those evul cons are right, it is just hear-say, but I'm to much of a pussy to admit I'm wrong, to I'm going to derail this thread and try to change the subject

You are stupidly trolling.

thank you wannabe moderator

now go run to the mods and report him like you always do
Allow me to translate from limp wristed into adult;

Fuck, I reread the link and all those evul cons are right, it is just hear-say, but I'm to much of a pussy to admit I'm wrong, to I'm going to derail this thread and try to change the subject

You are stupidly trolling.

thank you wannabe moderator

now go run to the mods and report him like you always do

I got both of you. :lol:
The SA was a Nazi militia, and these weirdoes would fit right in.

Wrong, the SA was the para-military arm of the Nazi Party. They were an integral part of it, and were funded and equipped by the party.
Allow me to translate from limp wristed into adult;

Fuck, I reread the link and all those evul cons are right, it is just hear-say, but I'm to much of a pussy to admit I'm wrong, to I'm going to derail this thread and try to change the subject

You are stupidly trolling.

thank you wannabe moderator

now go run to the mods and report him like you always do

I got both of you. :lol:

yay....the whiny tattle tale strikes again

odd how you claim it is me who runs to the mods, when you constantly do and you even brag about it
Yurt, you are trolling without posting on the OP.

The topic is about the militia down at Bunkerville breaking the law.
The SA was a Nazi militia, and these weirdoes would fit right in.

Wrong, the SA was the para-military arm of the Nazi Party. They were an integral part of it, and were funded and equipped by the party.

You are saying a militia can be the military arm of a private entity?

Prove it. You sound as silly as Yurt

SA, abbreviation of Sturmabteilung (German: “Assault Division”), byname Storm Troopers, or Brownshirts, German Sturmtruppen, or Braunhemden, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power

SA (Nazi organization) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

poor fakey, gets it wrong again
Wrong, the SA was the para-military arm of the Nazi Party. They were an integral part of it, and were funded and equipped by the party.

You are saying a militia can be the military arm of a private entity?

Prove it. You sound as silly as Yurt

SA, abbreviation of Sturmabteilung (German: “Assault Division”), byname Storm Troopers, or Brownshirts, German Sturmtruppen, or Braunhemden, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power

SA (Nazi organization) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

poor fakey, gets it wrong again

Exacty it was the Nazi's private militia, and the militia down at Bunkerville have the same disregard for constituted law and authority as did the Nazi militia.
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Im not going to go through this whole thread, I'm just going to ask... Has anyone let the original poster know this has to be bullshit...since there aren't any other cattle ranchers in the area besides Cliven Bundy? How are ranchers that don't exist complaining about the militia men?
Im not going to go through this whole thread, I'm just going to ask... Has anyone let the original poster know this has to be bullshit...since there aren't any other cattle ranchers in the area besides Cliven Bundy? How are ranchers that don't exist complaining about the militia men?

Because the militia are interfering with private citizens.
You are saying a militia can be the military arm of a private entity?

Prove it. You sound as silly as Yurt

SA, abbreviation of Sturmabteilung (German: “Assault Division”), byname Storm Troopers, or Brownshirts, German Sturmtruppen, or Braunhemden, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power

SA (Nazi organization) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

poor fakey, gets it wrong again

Exacty it was the Nazi's private militia, and the militia down at Bunkerville have the same disregard for constituted law and authority as did the Nazi militia.

nope, they were paramilitary. now you're saying britannica is lying? LOL.

tell me, what acts have the done that is even remotely similar to the SA? they have not violated the constitution and have not acted in any manner remotely resembling what the SA did.

you're a reactionary tool desperately grasping at straws.
Im not going to go through this whole thread, I'm just going to ask... Has anyone let the original poster know this has to be bullshit...since there aren't any other cattle ranchers in the area besides Cliven Bundy? How are ranchers that don't exist complaining about the militia men?

Because the militia are interfering with private citizens.

and you have proof of this right....?
The Sheriff in Mesquite doesn't know anything about it. That's pretty much and indictment on the falsity of the claim.
The SA was a Nazi militia, and these weirdoes would fit right in.

Wrong, the SA was the para-military arm of the Nazi Party. They were an integral part of it, and were funded and equipped by the party.

You are saying a militia can be the military arm of a private entity?

Prove it. You sound as silly as Yurt

Dude, you need to read a fucking book sometime.

"From its early years, the Nazi Party was closely affiliated with – and to a large extent defined by – its paramilitary branches: the Sturmabteilung (SA) and the Schutzstaffel (SS). Each embodied the Nazi fascination with militarism, authoritarianism, order and discipline. They had their own uniforms, rank structures, awards and training regimes. Unlike the Reichswehr, however, troopers in the SA and SS swore loyalty to the party, rather than to Germany. Their symbol was the notorious swastika, a party emblem rather than a national symbol. They were paraded at the forefront of party rallies in Nuremberg, highlighting the discipline, organisation and strength through numbers of National Socialism. Yet there was much more to the SA and SS than snappy uniforms, goose-stepping and impressive ceremonies. These groups had a more sinister function, serving as the party’s muscle, dealing with political opponents through threats, intimidation and violence.
Until the summer of 1934, the Sturmabteilung (SA) was the largest and most feared paramilitary branch of the NSDAP. The SA could trace its origins back to the first weeks of the party, when fist-happy party members were given free beer to provide security at meetings and rallies. The early SA was full of burly ex-soldiers, beer-hall brawlers, vicious Jew-haters and anti-communists – men who were nationalist and reactionary, but more interested in kicking heads than in staging a political debate. By September 1921, Hitler had fashioned these men into his own private army. He chose the name Sturmabteilung (‘Stormtroops’) and ordered them to be outfitted in military-style uniforms. Party organisers acquired a bulk shipment of cheap army surplus brown shirts, which would become the distinctive garb of the SA. Around 600 SA troopers joined Hitler when he attempted to initiate a putsch in Munich in November 1923. They were joined by an additional 1,500 SA men the following day, the small army marching alongside Hitler toward the centre of Munich. Of the 16 Nazis killed by police during the putsch, the vast majority were ‘Brownshirts’ of the SA.

Sturmabteilung - the SA

They even had their own awards such as this....


They were far, far more than a militia....and numbered well over 200,000 in total. They were patterned after the Freikorps as a means of skirting the size limits of the German army imposed by the Armistice.

Sheesh you're ignorant.
Im not going to go through this whole thread, I'm just going to ask... Has anyone let the original poster know this has to be bullshit...since there aren't any other cattle ranchers in the area besides Cliven Bundy? How are ranchers that don't exist complaining about the militia men?

Because the militia are interfering with private citizens.

I live in northern Nevada and I spoke with our AG about this today and she hasn't heard of it. That means it's crap.
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