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Millennials Have Little Use For The Gop

What's stupid about this is that the youth hardly shows up to vote historically... Historically the youth has always leaned Democrat when asked but it's as people get older they lean Republican, and actually show up to vote. Now there has been a trend leaving both parties, Dems are loosing more support than Republicans (faster pace).

So the point Jake is making is that after voting for Obama twice he now has to prove he is a "mainstream" Republican by constantly proving he is a progressive liberal... When people that outright claim Obama is a great if not the greatest President the US has ever had are the only people agreeing with you consistently on the boards, while everyone critical of Obama to any extent, and all the way to the far right Obama haters, thinks you're a far left liberal... You're prolly a far left liberal.

Jake, no one cares that you call yourself "mainstream." No one cares that anytime they disagree with you that you call them "extreme, reactionary far right nutters..." You sound stupid saying it. But don't let that stop you!

LOL. Agree.

Also agree that Jakey incapable of handling disagreement without calling people who disagree far right nutters.

We should do a chart on that. Better yet let's do a Venn Diagram.

The two circles would almost completely overlap. :)
It's not position. The fact is the longer a voter identifies with a party, the less likely he changes. What occurred in 68, 72 and 76 was the dems didn't get the youth vote to any degree. People who are now in their late 50s and older identify with the gop. The Vietnam era was important because the dems began losing the older working class vote.

As for the importance now, we've had two elections where the dems dominated the youth vote ..... and Kerry won it as well. Even in the last election, the gop barely holds the youth vote when you look only at whites. That's not a good longterm trend, esp when the econ was horrible. Incumbants aren't supposed to win..

The question is why is the GOP failing to attract the younger voters. In 12, Obama did better with the 30-44 year old group than he did overall as well.

It can't be economics. the Economy was horrible in 12. The kids looking for jobs didn't vote Obama on that. It's race (including mixed race households), sex (including abortion and access to chemical abortion and gays) and immigration.

How much you wanna bet it very soon becomes economics. You should hear these little Obama voters whining out their asses about no jobs and college debt. When I ask them who they voted for, their heads explode.

That's called hitting a nerve.
It's not position. The fact is the longer a voter identifies with a party, the less likely he changes. What occurred in 68, 72 and 76 was the dems didn't get the youth vote to any degree. People who are now in their late 50s and older identify with the gop. The Vietnam era was important because the dems began losing the older working class vote.

As for the importance now, we've had two elections where the dems dominated the youth vote ..... and Kerry won it as well. Even in the last election, the gop barely holds the youth vote when you look only at whites. That's not a good longterm trend, esp when the econ was horrible. Incumbants aren't supposed to win..

The question is why is the GOP failing to attract the younger voters. In 12, Obama did better with the 30-44 year old group than he did overall as well.

It can't be economics. the Economy was horrible in 12. The kids looking for jobs didn't vote Obama on that. It's race (including mixed race households), sex (including abortion and access to chemical abortion and gays) and immigration.

How much you wanna bet it very soon becomes economics. You should hear these little Obama voters whining out their asses about no jobs and college debt. When I ask them who they voted for, their heads explode.

That's called hitting a nerve.
That may be. But the gop's not exactly been their friend on loan interest rates. There are younger pols in the gop looking at things like more access to education with less cost.

If the dems run Hillary ... she's a grandmother. A positive for the gop is the whole anti-gay marriage group may have gone to look for a different hill to die on. Perhaps restriction to abortion access will not be a national issue.
Cut the younglings some slack.

I am sure half of us have forgotten what its like being young, especially in this day and age. They, like just about every generation will come of age and mature. Of course, some will not and will believe what they believe now in their 20's when they are in their forties.

I remember a lot of the older folks said the same thing about my generation when we were the young squirts. And what amuses me most is I am fortunate enough through facebook to be in contact with a lot of my school friends. It amazes me how some of my friends are now, holier then thou, we never did that when we were kids adults....bullshit we didnt and if you didnt, you sure missed out on a lot of fun.
As for the importance now, we've had two elections where the dems dominated the youth vote

It's not the youth vote, it's the minority youth vote. Youth doesn't trump race, race trumps youth.

Even in the last election, the gop barely holds the youth vote when you look only at whites. That's not a good longterm trend, esp when the econ was horrible. Incumbants aren't supposed to win..

Republicans rarely win the youth vote. Youth is the period of one's life when one does adventurous and stupid things, that's why Democrats capture the youth vote. As people mature, they cast off their youthful idiocy and begin to vote Republican.

Another factor delaying the migration is Republicans is the delay of marriage and family formation. This allows Democrats to keep captured youth for a longer period during the prolonged adolescence.

As for the importance now, we've had two elections where the dems dominated the youth vote

It's not the youth vote, it's the minority youth vote. Youth doesn't trump race, race trumps youth.

Even in the last election, the gop barely holds the youth vote when you look only at whites. That's not a good longterm trend, esp when the econ was horrible. Incumbants aren't supposed to win..

Republicans rarely win the youth vote. Youth is the period of one's life when one does adventurous and stupid things, that's why Democrats capture the youth vote. As people mature, they cast off their youthful idiocy and begin to vote Republican.

Another factor delaying the migration is Republicans is the delay of marriage and family formation. This allows Democrats to keep captured youth for a longer period during the prolonged adolescence.

Well, that wasn't the case with Reagan ... or Nixon v. McGovern
As for the importance now, we've had two elections where the dems dominated the youth vote

It's not the youth vote, it's the minority youth vote. Youth doesn't trump race, race trumps youth.

Even in the last election, the gop barely holds the youth vote when you look only at whites. That's not a good longterm trend, esp when the econ was horrible. Incumbants aren't supposed to win..

Republicans rarely win the youth vote. Youth is the period of one's life when one does adventurous and stupid things, that's why Democrats capture the youth vote. As people mature, they cast off their youthful idiocy and begin to vote Republican.

Another factor delaying the migration is Republicans is the delay of marriage and family formation. This allows Democrats to keep captured youth for a longer period during the prolonged adolescence.

Well, that wasn't the case with Reagan ... or Nixon v. McGovern

And it wasn't the case with Romney either.

If you want to understand the big picture then you have to look at what's going on in detail. Appealing to the America of the past runs into the problem of dealing with a foreign country. The demographics of 72 were different than they are today. You need to account for that. Romney winning the white youth vote falsifies the argument that political viewpoint links all (or many) people of a generation together. White youth voted VERY DIFFERENTLY from Hispanic and black youth. Secondly you need to account for strong candidates. This is often overlooked when liberals roll out their "Southern Strategy" talking points. In the McGovern case, he was such a weak candidate that Nixon cleaned the board and that weakness is going to filter down to the youth demographic too. They didn't vote for Nixon because he was a swell guy and they loved his policies, they just couldn't stomach voting for McGovern, like most of the rest of the voters. Obama in '08 got the same benefit - white youth got a chance to demonstrate that they weren't racist and so voted for the celebrity of Obama. Once that was done, the behavior of white youth in '12 changed.

Democrats don't offer anything to whites - their reason for existing is to transfer wealth from white America to minority America. As white youth mature, they figure this out - there's nothing the Democrats do for a 40 year old white man. They discriminate against him, AND HIS KIDS, in job opportunities, in small business contracting, in education, in health care affordability.
How differently did white youth vote from their minority peer group?


White youths voted more like white older people than they did with minority youth. Looking at Democratic voting, a 7 percentage point delta between white youths and white 45-59 compared to a 30 percentage point delta between white youth and Hispanic youth and a 47 point delta with blacks.

Who is going to argue that youth unites an age-group?


Of all the age groups, white youth had the largest shift from Democrats to Republicans. Nearly 1 in 5 white youth voters in '08 abandoned the Democrats and shifted their vote to Republicans. Losing 20% of a demographic over 4 years is brutal.
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Most of them obviously identify the GOP with the far right's racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious perversions, based on the image below.

They all can vote for the first time in 2016, the year that may be historic if HRC runs and wins.

View attachment 32484

I have been saying for quite some time that 2016 is going to be an historic election year. It won't be because Hillary wins; it will be how she wins. It will be interesting.

We will be a dictatorship. One that silences people for holding any kind of offensive opinion. Fucking whiny fuckers.

Oh Gawd, another paranoid lunatic. Are you speaking your mind now? Is anyone trying to stop you, you loser?
The positive is that demographic trends are bidirectional. As Democrats become ever more the Party of Color their policies will become even more repulisve to whites

Romney did somewhat better not much in the white vote. Dems aren't scared of white or color. We in the GOP need to learn that.
The millennials simply won't accept the more conservative GOP actions on race, sex, sexual orientation, etc.
The millennials simply won't accept the more conservative GOP actions on race, sex, sexual orientation, etc.
Sure they will. It's always easy to take a principled stand when you have no skin in the game. Single Millennials can argue that the Boy Scouts should allow single homosexuals to take young boys camping. Later, when they become parents to young boys they change their mind.

I recall putting the issue to a group of liberal parents in my social circle back when I was still single - "If you feel so strongly about this issue, why don't you guys go and find some single homosexuals and form your own scouting organization and let these men take your young sons camping and then take this to the press." They didn't take my advice and they kept THEIR OWN sons in Scouts. They were fine with using other kids as props for their moral crusading but not their own kids. Typical liberals.
How differently did white youth vote from their minority peer group?


White youths voted more like white older people than they did with minority youth. Looking at Democratic voting, a 7 percentage point delta between white youths and white 45-59 compared to a 30 percentage point delta between white youth and Hispanic youth and a 47 point delta with blacks.

Who is going to argue that youth unites an age-group?


Of all the age groups, white youth had the largest shift from Democrats to Republicans. Nearly 1 in 5 white youth voters in '08 abandoned the Democrats and shifted their vote to Republicans. Losing 20% of a demographic over 4 years is brutal.

Yet, Obama still got more than 70 electrols in 2012 then Romney...5% more of the vote. This is getting worse as the democrats bring in more non-whites.

White 18-29 year olds would have to vote like the 30+ groups to win us the white house in 2016.

Non-whites want free shit...90% of blacks will vote democrat in 2016, 70% of hispanics will vote democrat in 2016 and 60-70% of Asians.

This is why Obama is flooding our nation with them.
What's stupid about this is that the youth hardly shows up to vote historically... Historically the youth has always leaned Democrat when asked but it's as people get older they lean Republican, and actually show up to vote. Now there has been a trend leaving both parties, Dems are loosing more support than Republicans (faster pace).

So the point Jake is making is that after voting for Obama twice he now has to prove he is a "mainstream" Republican by constantly proving he is a progressive liberal... When people that outright claim Obama is a great if not the greatest President the US has ever had are the only people agreeing with you consistently on the boards, while everyone critical of Obama to any extent, and all the way to the far right Obama haters, thinks you're a far left liberal... You're prolly a far left liberal.

Jake, no one cares that you call yourself "mainstream." No one cares that anytime they disagree with you that you call them "extreme, reactionary far right nutters..." You sound stupid saying it. But don't let that stop you!

LOL. Agree.

Also agree that Jakey incapable of handling disagreement without calling people who disagree far right nutters.

We should do a chart on that. Better yet let's do a Venn Diagram.

The two circles would almost completely overlap. :)

They would switch sides... and become ovals.
What thrills me is that growing independent platform!

Hello generation that THINKS!

Millennials give about 1/3 of their voting preference to neither parties.

Because 1/3 of millennials see the bullshit for what it actually is. Neither party is worthy because both parties are as equally repulsive. I tend to agree.
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