Millennials say they'll never have enough money to get what they want in life

When they lead a disposable lifestyle they should not be surprised to find that they are easily discarded themselves. They tend to brag on not being loyal, to work or to whatever they are living with.....Well as they age they are finding that sword cuts both ways too.

My granddad was well to do by Farmer John standards but when he passed and we were cleaning out the workshop he had coffee cans of reused/straightened nails/fence staples and as many cans of bolts/nuts.

Then again he lived thee miles off a state road and the nearest general store was 10 miles farther on. You did not waste anything and made what you could yourself.

They made their own lye soap till they died. The old lye hopper (lye made from wood stove ash) was still there a few years back.

Those of the "Greatest Generation" are awesome. I was born in 1950 but I'm a throwback who self-identifies as having lived through the Depression.

Who knows? The way that idiot Biden is fucking up this country, we might all become the next "Greatest Generation." :04:
It's amazing how desire is but a dream and once they acquire that dream they are still wanting.
Well now, I wonder if they did the survey on their $1,000+ IPhone wearing $200 shoes while sucking on an $8 Starbucks coffee?

LOL.....I know, "OK Boomer". ;)

Millennials say they'll never have enough money to get what they want in life

Two recessions later, millennials are feeling the financial burn.

Nearly half (45%) of the generation is very or completely concerned that their financial situation will prevent them from having the things they want in life, according to Morning Consult's State of Consumer Banking & Payments report. That's more than the overall share of US adults, 35% of whom felt that way.
Yeah, it never occurs to these spoiled shits that only those with silver spoons get those things without the attendant work, sacrifice and prudent spending habits. Entitled POS's.
Those of the "Greatest Generation" are awesome. I was born in 1950 but I'm a throwback who self-identifies as having lived through the Depression.

Who knows? The way that idiot Biden is fucking up this country, we might all become the next "Greatest Generation." :04:
I don't know, the "greatest generation" tried their level best to poison us all long after they knew better. Other than that one little ''wart" they were OK.

A great generation is forged in war so it's sorta up in the air how it's going to shake out but I'm all for firing-up the rotors. ;)
I don't know, the "greatest generation" tried their level best to poison us all long after they knew better. Other than that one little ''wart" they were OK.

A great generation is forged in war so it's sorta up in the air how it's going to shake out but I'm all for firing-up the rotors. ;)

They were the generation that wasn't afraid to win wars. Once the Marxists go a foothold in the government back in the 50's we started losing wars instead.
The problem is WHAT they want in life.

They don't want a house, a car, a good job, and a happy life.

They want MATERIAL THINGS!!! They want to pay 2,000% over the production cost of all the useless and needless things they WANT. Not NEED.........WANT. There is a HUGE difference.
They want to go shopping every weekend and load up on crap they don't need and most of it they will never use.

"Happiness isn't having what you want ... it's wanting what you have."

-- Talmud
Im a younger one and i agree. America is soooooooo spoiled.
And its the boomers fault. And their kids. Dont blame the children. Blame yourselves.

Bingo. They forget who raised us to be this way.
Tru, true, we had to live through the loss of manufacturing in the 1970s and hyperinflation, the unstable job market of the 1980's all the while getting$2.00 to $3.50 an hour.

Well they should not have dicked around so long to start building wealth and family. They don't even start on a family till they are between 24-39. Loans up the ass.....Self-inflicted it looks like to me.

Maybe their parents should have taught them better but maybe they tried and junior was not having any of it.....Sometimes if you don't listen you gotta feel.

Hell I did not have a lot by the time I paid the bills at first either but I had my first home under roof when I was 20 and completed when I was 21 along with a wife and a kid on the way. That was in the Carter years so it was not like inflation was not a factor. Oh, and we had this thing called a down payment too. Loans were hard to come by.

Were it not for my side gig trapping and such things would have been a lot tougher. Maybe they are just not putting in the work like they should.

That $3.50 an hour had a hell of a lot more purchasing power than it does today. Back in the 70s you could work a summer job and pay your college tuition for the year. Since the 80s the cost of college tuition has risen 500x the rate of inflation and back in the 70s there were still a lot decent paying jobs you could get without a college education. Throw in the fact that the cost of housing has strongly outpaced the rate of inflation as well. So, like I said it's a different economy from those days and these are just a couple of examples.
The list of what people want in life is a lot different than the one we grew up with.
This is true. The list of things that we wanted in life were different than our folks as well. The difference is we recognized that the necessities in life were feeding, clothing and housing before the niceties. Today, it is more important to have phones and shoes that cost more than my first new car than to house and feed yourself.
That $3.50 an hour had a hell of a lot more purchasing power than it does today. Back in the 70s you could work a summer job and pay your college tuition for the year. Since the 80s the cost of college tuition has risen 500x the rate of inflation and back in the 70s there were still a lot decent paying jobs you could get without a college education. Throw in the fact that the cost of housing has strongly outpaced the rate of inflation as well. So, like I said it's a different economy from those days and these are just a couple of examples.
Maybe community college but a "good school" was just as out of reach back then as it is now for those whose parents could not afford to send their kids to college. The only ones that went from the lower middle class were the exceptionally bright ones that got them a partial or full ride or those very few that landed a sports ride.

The difference now is Uncle Sugar is handing out loans that the same class of kids, who are not all that bright to begin with, so they end up with worthless degrees and a shit-load of debt. For all intents and purposes "natural selection" has been removed from the higher education process.

I know young men right now (my peer's sons and even grandsons) that have them a home and you know why? Most either work for the .gov or are in the trades. Not fancy high profile .gov jobs either but hands-on jobs for the park service, federal law enforcement, and such. None went to much more than community college (if that) yet they are doing OK for themselves so how do you square that?

LOL....Hell, their biggest problem seems to be staying married so they don't lose half their shit and have to pay child support. ;)
Your mind controls whether you'll be happy or not. If millennials really do feel like this, then they're a little short upstairs. Many times, a man's happiness is directly proportional to the number of things he can do without.
What you millennial haters are wrong about is the fact that these workers are lesser workers than you. Which is of course ridiculous. You want people to work hard then you will have to pay them accordingly. What you want is American workers to work hard, for less. I APPLAUD them for standing against big business. It is a boon for the nation.

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