Millions of Americans probably praying that the ACA penalty will end immediately.

I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

So you can be a loafer and go without insurance.

If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

As a tax payer it is, because at any moment I can pay for their er visit or cancer treatment. So yes , I am tired of freeloaders. Time to pay, I am sick of my taxes going for those who work and have income but chose to go without insurance. Do you think the young do not get ill or go out drinking and end up in ER, your wrong. Cancer can be growing in your right now.

Well, whose fault is that? You're the addled dope who keeps voting for politicians who feel the taxpayers should be picking up the tab, aren't you. Now you're bitching about getting what you voted for.

The ACA is not free, as we subsidize employers cost share they offer and get to write off their taxes, we also subsidize all state and Fed employees HI, so fair is fair.
Obamacare is dead....don't struggle with your fascism, relax, let us end it for you....
Healthcare in this nation has to be fixed. And this bullcrap of having multiple policies in order to cover things like your eyes, and your dental when they are a vital part of your health is just a complete travisty. It all needs to be in one policy just like we do with car insurance. You can add on to the policy, but it's all with the same company of choice.
If you want health insurance like car insurance you have to accept that your car insurance does not pay for tires, or windshield wipers. It doesn't recharge your air conditioner or replace batteries.

Similar health insurance would not pay for flu shots, or a doctor's visit for a cold. It would certainly bring down the cost of medical care.
what if that doctor visit for a cold happened to be pneumonia?
If they went to he doc, they had insurance or money.....what the fuck business is it if mine?
False. Before the ACA, we pushed those who can't pay into our ERs.

Then, we paid for that through taxes and through increased costs of insurance and direct charges.

If we dump millions off insurance, we'll need to start shipping tax dollars to hospitals again.

'All the money spent to create the PPACA, and all the time wasted of paying the GOP wages as they sat and tried to get it repealed over 50 times knowing Obama would not, it will cost billion to repeal it. Like someone said if a boat has a tiny leak, one does not buy a new boat , one fixes the leak.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

Trump has promised to insure all those people.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

Trump has promised to insure all those people.
Yep.....all Americans must have access to health insurance.....
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.
Not so much as the trumpkins have been whining about losing the health care insurance.
. Care to elaborate instead of doing a drive by ?
Only about half of Republicans want the ACA killed.

The vast majority of Americans want to improve it.
Good thing we sent Trump there to kill Obamacare with a mandate then, huh? :lol:
I think today kind of put to bed that idea of a mandate.

The only man date Trump has is with Putin.
Not so much as the trumpkins have been whining about losing the health care insurance.
. Care to elaborate instead of doing a drive by ?
Only about half of Republicans want the ACA killed.

The vast majority of Americans want to improve it.
Good thing we sent Trump there to kill Obamacare with a mandate then, huh? :lol:
I think today kind of put to bed that idea of a mandate.

The only man date Trump has is with Putin.
What happened today?
Not so much as the trumpkins have been whining about losing the health care insurance.
. Care to elaborate instead of doing a drive by ?
Only about half of Republicans want the ACA killed.

The vast majority of Americans want to improve it.
Good thing we sent Trump there to kill Obamacare with a mandate then, huh? :lol:
Don't forget that Trump tweeted the goal of ensuring that 100% of America is covered.

Of course his people walked that back, as Republicans aren't interested in that.

BUT, polls show that 60% of America believes it is the responsibility of the US government to ensure that all Americans have health care coverage.

AND, that is not new. Less have felt that way for a while, perhaps because they saw the ACA as close enough.

But, the percent who see health care as an important government objective has gone back up to the pre-ACA levels.

Trump, as someone guided by immediate term popularity, may have seen that number. At any rate, I highly doubt you know squat about what Trump might do.
I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. So big Kudos to Trump for ditching the Obamacare nightmare. If he continues to deliver this way for his supporters, he'll win re-election very easily.
Healthcare in this nation has to be fixed. And this bullcrap of having multiple policies in order to cover things like your eyes, and your dental when they are a vital part of your health is just a complete travisty. It all needs to be in one policy just like we do with car insurance. You can add on to the policy, but it's all with the same company of choice.
Seriously??? Are you going to start requiring insurance companies to cover your EYES and TEETH???

So, you want MORE regulation???
. Seriously ?? You don't know what I meant by consolidating for one bill ?? Why do you have separate insurance bills for one body, when your health can be adversely affected by your teeth just like it can with your heart? There is no dam reason that our healthcare insurance doesn't cover our entire health from head to toe. No reason to have separate policies for separate body parts.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

Trump has promised to insure all those people.
Yep.....all Americans must have access to health insurance.....
. Affordable good health insurance to.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

Trump has promised to insure all those people.
Yep.....all Americans must have access to health insurance.....
. Affordable good health insurance to.
The free market is the only solution.....
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

So you can be a loafer and go without insurance.

If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

...except when they get a heart attack and don't happen to have 60 grand laying around, then you gotta bail their ass one way or another.

Here is what millions of Americans are ACTUALLY praying for - To still have their health insurance by the time Trump and Republicans are done with their healthcare machinations.
I know people who need this money badly, and they can't afford to have their taxes levied to pay this penalty. They couldn't afford the insurance, and they sure don't need to be paying for anyone else's insurance. Period.

So you can be a loafer and go without insurance.

If someone chooses not to have health insurance that is none of your business.

...except when they get a heart attack and don't happen to have 60 grand laying around, then you gotta bail their ass.
Hopefully they purchase health insurance to help......
Jack Torry wrote for The Columbus Dispatch 22 January 2017:
Here is the problem Republicans face with their opposition to the 2010 health-care law signed by President Barack Obama: Getting rid of it without approving a substitute would increase the federal debt, provide wealthy people with a tax cut and cause as many as 20 million Americans to lose their health care.

Although Vice President Mike Pence told CNN last week that "step one is to repeal the taxes and the mandates" in the law known as Obamacare and "at the same time pass a replacement bill," neither he nor congressional Republicans have provided specifics of a plan.

...because the 7-year-old law was financed with tax increases largely on wealthy investors, if Republicans kill the law and do not approve a substitute, the federal debt would increase by as much as $350 billion during the next decade.

...The law was financed by more than a dozen separate tax increases, including higher taxes on capital gains and dividends and a Medicare surtax — all imposed on families earning more than $250,000 a year. The law also squeezed hundreds of million in dollars in savings from Medicare.

From The New York Times 21 January 2017:
Republicans say the Affordable Care Act provides health insurance that manages to be both lousy and expensive. ...Mr. Trump went so far as to say he would provide “insurance for everybody”...

...Tom Price, testified before a Senate committee last week. He looked pained as he described the terrible predicament of people who earned around $30,000 to $50,000 a year and had to deny “themselves the kind of care that they need” because they had Obamacare policies with deductibles of $6,000 to $12,000. Yet, earlier in the same hearing, Mr. Price extolled the virtues of policies that would be woefully inadequate — policies that cover medical treatment only in catastrophic cases. Such policies often have deductibles of around $14,000 for family coverage. This is simple hypocrisy. Condemn the policy you don’t like, propose something far worse as a replacement and claim that it is much better.


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