Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why

The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

Trump is popular because he tells the lies that people want to believe. Simple as that.

"It's the Mexicans' fault you're a fat, brokedick slob."

Actually he is there because both parties haven't solved the problem with the flow of illegals entering this country. If you're satusfied with the same exact issues being used as just election promises every year, vote the establishment. If you believe the people and not the government have the ultimate say of what will get done in office, you can't be afraid to put their seats in jeopardy even if it means ignoring the establishment as a whole no matter what they tell you. That's how you get a party to HAVE to change.
How many have flowed in over the past few years?
One million illegals have flowed back to Mexico
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

Trump is popular because he tells the lies that people want to believe. Simple as that.

"It's the Mexicans' fault you're a fat, brokedick slob."

Actually he is there because both parties haven't solved the problem with the flow of illegals entering this country. If you're satusfied with the same exact issues being used as just election promises every year, vote the establishment. If you believe the people and not the government have the ultimate say of what will get done in office, you can't be afraid to put their seats in jeopardy even if it means ignoring the establishment as a whole no matter what they tell you. That's how you get a party to HAVE to change.
How many have flowed in over the past few years?
One million illegals have flowed back to Mexico
Only 10+ MILLION to go!
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...


The writer is a moron, but less of a moron than the vast majority of the left as he actually DID SOME OF THE WORK HIS PROFESSION DEMANDS.

. "The Trump movement is a one-note phenomenon, a vast surge of race-hate. Its partisans are not only incomprehensible, they are not really worth comprehending.

* * *
Or so we’re told. Last week, I decided to watch several hours of Trump speeches for myself. I saw the man ramble and boast and threaten and even seem to gloat when protesters were ejected from the arenas in which he spoke. I was disgusted by these things, as I have been disgusted by Trump for 20 years. But I also noticed something surprising. In each of the speeches I watched, Trump spent a good part of his time talking about an entirely legitimate issue, one that could even be called leftwing.

Yes, Donald Trump talked about trade. In fact, to judge by how much time he spent talking about it, trade may be his single biggest concern – not white supremacy. Not even his plan to build a wall along the Mexican border, the issue that first won him political fame. He did it again during the debate on 3 March: asked about his political excommunication by Mitt Romney, he chose to pivot and talk about … trade.

It seems to obsess him: the destructive free-trade deals our leaders have made, the many companies that have moved their production facilities to other lands, the phone calls he will make to those companies’ CEOs in order to threaten them with steep tariffs unless they move back to the US."

"There’s a video going around on the internet these days that shows a room full of workers at a Carrier air conditioning plant in Indiana being told by an officer of the company that the factory is being moved to Monterrey, Mexico, and that they’re all going to lose their jobs.

As I watched it, I thought of all the arguments over trade that we’ve had in this country since the early 1990s, all the sweet words from our economists about the scientifically proven benevolence of free trade, all the ways in which our newspapers mock people who say that treaties like the North American Free Trade Agreement allow companies to move jobs to Mexico.

Well, here is a video of a company moving its jobs to Mexico, courtesy of Nafta. This is what it looks like. The Carrier executive talks in that familiar and highly professional HR language about the need to “stay competitive” and “the extremely price-sensitive marketplace”. A worker shouts “Fuck you!” at the executive. The executive asks people to please be quiet so he can “share” his “information”. His information about all of them losing their jobs."

And yet this writer is convinced, and had to repeatedly state that he is sure that a lot of Trump's supporters are bigots.
Watching Trumpy live right now....
He said Biggly a few times....

I am liking it.....

After that debacle today with the FBI I don't think I have a choice but to vote
for the Trumpster.....
Remember when Birfer Trump couldn't stop talking about his polls, and Vagifail was on here spamming his messiah's 35% support amongst Republicans?

Of course you don't. That was a long time ago.

Right now Trump is making fun of Obama for using a 747 to get around the country while advocating for environmental issues. He is getting very little applause because it is such a stupid, nonsensical rant. What does he think Obama should do? Drive around in a Tesla?

He is chiding Obama for playing golf in Hawaii after he goes to Scotland to visit his golf course, which was built by stealing land from landowners who had been there for generations.

He is getting very little very very little applause for these obvious stupid brain-dead hypocritical comments.

Anyone who votes for Trump is worse than an idiot.
Watching Trumpy live right now....
He said Biggly a few times....

I am liking it.....

After that debacle today with the FBI I don't think I have a choice but to vote
for the Trumpster.....

I would hand you your ass but it is too big and heavy for me to pick up
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Was this before or after he filed for four business bankruptcies plus one personal bankruptcy?
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

Yeah, it's been clear for quite some time that The Donald enjoys the respect and admiration of millions of regular Americans but also the disdain and disgust of many millions. The fact that he is not electable and will doom America to 8 years of Hillary doesn't seem to phase any of his minions ... it's almost as if they want to punish the country for their dissatisfaction with life here.

The point is be careful what you wish for ... you just might get it.

Ineptocracy - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves (or even try) are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy

Common fucking touch?...Have you ever seen Trump Tower on 5th Ave or been inside it? Miar-a- Lago?
Remember when Birfer Trump couldn't stop talking about his polls, and Vagifail was on here spamming his messiah's 35% support amongst Republicans?

Of course you don't. That was a long time ago.

View attachment 80587

The thread is about a lefty reporter that actually spent a night trying to do his job, a little and found that Trump was talking about the issues, and not race.

Do you have a comment on that?
Right now Trump is making fun of Obama for using a 747 to get around the country while advocating for environmental issues. He is getting very little applause because it is such a stupid, nonsensical rant. What does he think Obama should do? Drive around in a Tesla?

If he is so concerned about the environment he could restrict his travel.

Would he have any problem doing his job from THE WHITE HOUSE?

Would it be that horrible to spend most of his time in ONE CITY?
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Was this before or after he filed for four business bankruptcies plus one personal bankruptcy?

I am a n00b....are they many stupid fucking liberal idiots like you here?
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Was this before or after he filed for four business bankruptcies plus one personal bankruptcy?

I am a n00b....are they many stupid fucking liberal idiots like you here?

Yes, there is .
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Trump has a lots of bullshit plan and people like you are buying it.
Do you honestly believe he can bring back jobs, ISIS, Wall, deportations and other bullshit that he is blabbing?
He is fighting two prong enemies.... His own republican and Hillary. How awful. Ryan just blasted him with the David star.
Remember when Birfer Trump couldn't stop talking about his polls, and Vagifail was on here spamming his messiah's 35% support amongst Republicans?

Of course you don't. That was a long time ago.

View attachment 80587
Dukakis Lead Widens, According to New Poll
Published: July 26, 1988

In the aftermath of the Democratic National Convention, the party's nominee, Michael S. Dukakis, has expanded his lead among registered voters over Vice President Bush, the probable Republican nominee, according to a Gallup Poll.

This was among the findings of a national public opinion poll of 948 registered voters conducted late last week for Newsweek magazine by the Gallup Organization. The telephone interviews took place on July 21, which was the last night of the convention, and on the night after that.

Fifty-five (55%) percent of the 948 registered voters interviewed in the poll said they preferred to see Mr. Dukakis win the 1988 Presidential election, while 38 percent said they preferred to see Mr. Bush win. The poll had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.

Dukakis Lead Widens, According to New Poll

Damn, Trump has to REALLY fuck up to get HALF that Edge Mortar Mike had! ....BUT after this Comey deal where he spent 13 minutes telling us what the C*unt did illegally, he spent 2 minutes explaining why HE would not send down an indictment....I expect to see her UNFAVORABLES head to 70% after today's TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE!
Right now Trump is making fun of Obama for using a 747 to get around the country while advocating for environmental issues. He is getting very little applause because it is such a stupid, nonsensical rant. What does he think Obama should do? Drive around in a Tesla?

He is chiding Obama for playing golf in Hawaii after he goes to Scotland to visit his golf course, which was built by stealing land from landowners who had been there for generations.

He is getting very little very very little applause for these obvious stupid brain-dead hypocritical comments.

Anyone who votes for Trump is worse than an idiot.

I saw that same speech today. This is exactly why I'm so disgusted. He is mocking Obama using air force one...........
Like you just said Tesla. I was thinking the same thing. Southwest Airlines? Just imagine how stupid that was being cheered by his followers.
It is due to their being boob tube addicts and Trump The Chump is their favorite tv star.

That's why.

Idiocracy in practice


How idiocratic is it to believe that ordinary Americans know in heart that if they commit an egregious, negligent crime, yet claim it was not willful, no further criminal charges will occur? Yet, then again, this same person turned a hedge of $10,000 into $100,000 on a hunch. Amazing.
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...


Trump grabbed the attention of the liberal news media, something conservatives have been attempting to do for years --- not for the faint of heart.
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Trump has a lots of bullshit plan and people like you are buying it.
Do you honestly believe he can bring back jobs, ISIS, Wall, deportations and other bullshit that he is blabbing?
He is fighting two prong enemies.... His own republican and Hillary. How awful. Ryan just blasted him with the David star.

You mean Trump making America great again?

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