Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why

Trump has been losing ground for weeks.

Deservedly so.

He is proving to be a waffler - downright mercurial - willing to backpedal and change course at the drop of a hat, to secure votes.

In the end, he stands for nothing but himself, and is a train wreck waiting to happen.

The HildaBeast is another can of worms - another waffler, consummate liar and cheat - another Elitist trying to pawn herself off as a caring leader - no sale.

But the nature of the HildaBeast has nothing to do with the disaster awaiting us should we be foolish enough to give Attila the Hun the Launch Codes.
It is due to their being boob tube addicts and Trump The Chump is their favorite tv star.

That's why.

Idiocracy in practice

You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. F

What? Our trade deals were written by the lobbyists employed by the large corporations now benefiting from the trade deals. Well them and the chamber of commerce.
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

you laugh? you are weird ------of course you have your own little teensy backyard issues
You say I have teensy backyard issues and I'm the weird one?!
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. F

What? Our trade deals were written by the lobbyists employed by the large corporations now benefiting from the trade deals. Well them and the chamber of commerce.
Big business executives are doing just fine... It is the middle class and manufacturing business here in the US that is losing out
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

you laugh? you are weird ------of course you have your own little teensy backyard issues
You say I have teensy backyard issues and I'm the weird one?!

uhm----cheap textiles from china------NOPE_---EARTH SHATTERING ISSUES-----I think India is going to be doing
lots of cheap textiles soon
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
Of course I have... I was hoping to vote Rep this year, thought Kasich might have been a good option, was hoping Trump would bring some kick ass biz sense but from what I've seen its more and more apparent that he has no clue what he's talking about.

He is a bright shiny cubic zirconium
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

you laugh? you are weird ------of course you have your own little teensy backyard issues
You say I have teensy backyard issues and I'm the weird one?!

uhm----cheap textiles from china------NOPE_---EARTH SHATTERING ISSUES-----I think India is going to be doing
lots of cheap textiles soon
Are you not following this conversation? What are you talking about?
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
Of course I have... I was hoping to vote Rep this year, thought Kasich might have been a good option, was hoping Trump would bring some kick ass biz sense but from what I've seen its more and more apparent that he has no clue what he's talking about.

He is a bright shiny cubic zirconium

The guy isn't the candidate yet...wait until Aug when they really get it on! Why give away your game plan early?
I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
Of course I have... I was hoping to vote Rep this year, thought Kasich might have been a good option, was hoping Trump would bring some kick ass biz sense but from what I've seen its more and more apparent that he has no clue what he's talking about.

He is a bright shiny cubic zirconium

The guy isn't the candidate yet...wait until Aug when they really get it on! Why give away your game plan early?
True, it's gonna be an entertaining battle that's for sure
I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
According to Hillary her plan would be to cut taxes on the middle class and small businesses, deregulate small business, and increase grants and funding for start up businesses. Also to make higher education more affordable with interest free loans. Investing in infrastructure projects to build roadways and clean our water system and clean energy initiatives where tons of jobs may exist... All great ideas with plans behind them.

Sounds much like Trumps!....Bet you have never looked at his positions!
Of course I have... I was hoping to vote Rep this year, thought Kasich might have been a good option, was hoping Trump would bring some kick ass biz sense but from what I've seen its more and more apparent that he has no clue what he's talking about.

He is a bright shiny cubic zirconium

The guy isn't the candidate yet...wait until Aug when they really get it on! Why give away your game plan early?

The Republicans won't dare go against those Trump supporters that put him there if they value their seats. If you think voters are showing their anger against the establishment now, just wait til they try THAT stunt. Republicans would be better off using that time figuring out what got them into this mess in the first place.
Last edited:
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

Trump is popular because he tells the lies that people want to believe. Simple as that.

"It's the Mexicans' fault you're a fat, brokedick slob."
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

Trump is popular because he tells the lies that people want to believe. Simple as that.

"It's the Mexicans' fault you're a fat, brokedick slob."

Actually he is there because both parties haven't solved the problem with the flow of illegals entering this country. If you're satusfied with the same exact issues being used as just election promises every year, vote the establishment. If you believe the people and not the government have the ultimate say of what will get done in office, you can't be afraid to put their seats in jeopardy even if it means ignoring the establishment as a whole no matter what they tell you. That's how you get a party to HAVE to change.
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

Trump is popular because he tells the lies that people want to believe. Simple as that.

"It's the Mexicans' fault you're a fat, brokedick slob."

Actually he is there because both parties haven't solved the problem with the flow of illegals entering this country. If you're satusfied with the same exact issues being used as just election promises every year, vote the establishment. If you believe the people and not the government have the ultimate say of what will get done in office, you can't be afraid to put their seats in jeopardy even if it means ignoring the establishment as a whole no matter what they tell you. That's how you get a party to HAVE to change.
How many have flowed in over the past few years?

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