Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why

Plus Europe said trump can't win and he won't they call the last shot wake up

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Well they are all Socialist/Commies over there now, who enjoy seeing their WHITE WOMEN raped, stabbed, and killed by the scum of the Earth, muslim's, and being we had a HALFRICAN as a president, they refused to honor his whore mothers side and prefer his black, rapist father.... when were his mother and father married,and when was little Chimpette born?
Says the white person who's ancestors raped, slaughtered and pillaged whole races and then create holidays to celebrate it.

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Hey Porch Monkey I bet you had NO IDEA about this current situation!


This is for you, sir.

Those days are over and will never return so that doesn't bother me that's your history you have to answer to u our maker about. Says alot about you and why you get back what you give out. We were stationed by the higher power to civilize you or be damned. We are breaking you. You can't break us. You know looking at the picture it was wrong. We did that

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More of your children are killed each year by Planned Parenthood than are BORN ALIVE.... Until you idiots recognize that the DemoRATS are controlling your POPULATION to keep you on the PLANTATION to be objects that continue to vote them in, you idiots are stuck at 13-14% of the population, where you have been for DECADES! They don't LOVE you, they CONTROL you!.....Always loved this BULLWORTH QUOTE....

"Angry black woman: Are you sayin' the Democratic Party don't care about the African-American community?
Bullworth: Isn't that OBVIOUS? You got half your kids are out of work and the other half are in jail. Do you see ANY Democrat doing anything about it? Certainly not me! So what're you gonna do, vote Republican? Come on! Come on, you're not gonna vote Republican! Let's call a spade a spade!
[Loud, angry booing]
Bullworth: I mean - come on! You can have a Billion Man March! If you don't put down that malt liquor and chicken wings, and get behind someone other than a running back who stabs his wife, you're NEVER gonna get rid of somebody like me!"
Hahahaha this pinktoe post a picture from a movie and believe it's today hahahaha you get up and go to work so the government can pay tithes to Europe your on that same boat you just wasn't a good enough catch to film about hahahaha your not worth anything. The fact that my body alone due to the melanin of my makeup which you my stupid inbreed pinktoe can never produce and you don't have.
We are God jewel.
In the end the strongest will survive.

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That fact that you don't know Abraham Lincoln was black says more then you can explain

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Hahahaha this pinktoe post a picture from a movie and believe it's today hahahaha you get up and go to work so the government can pay tithes to Europe your on that same boat you just wasn't a good enough catch to film about hahahaha your not worth anything. The fact that my body alone due to the melanin of my makeup which you my stupid inbreed pinktoe can never produce and you don't have.
We are God jewel.
In the end the strongest will survive.

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How do you like that government policy has knocked you guys down to the third largest ethnic group in the country?
Hahahaha this pinktoe post a picture from a movie and believe it's today hahahaha you get up and go to work so the government can pay tithes to Europe your on that same boat you just wasn't a good enough catch to film about hahahaha your not worth anything. The fact that my body alone due to the melanin of my makeup which you my stupid inbreed pinktoe can never produce and you don't have.
We are God jewel.
In the end the strongest will survive.

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jus whats color darkie yous wants me ta bes?


I coulds bes milk chocolate, Darkie Chocolate...or DOG SHIT!!!
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Planned parenthood is many for white people you watch to much news. We are not blinded by the fact that white men in general were and still are the kkk dem or repub we know this and yes we know that they pass the ball back and forth but as you obviously haven't realized you are the minority. You not me , not mexicans, Asian or Arabs but you are the minority. That southern inbreed cousin relations lifestyle is over and being breed out. Google is your best friend if you didn't know Abraham was black or that it's impossible to believe in a white Jesus hahahaha or the simple fact that Einstein was black, everything invented was by somebody black or of color. Everything you are taught and know is a stolen peice of someone else's culture.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
Planned parenthood is many for white people you watch to much news. We are not blinded by the fact that white men in general were and still are the kkk dem or repub we know this and yes we know that they pass the ball back and forth but as you obviously haven't realized you are the minority. You not me , not mexicans, Asian or Arabs but you are the minority. That southern inbreed cousin relations lifestyle is over and being breed out. Google is your best friend if you didn't know Abraham was black or that it's impossible to believe in a white Jesus hahahaha or the simple fact that Einstein was black, everything invented was by somebody black or of color. Everything you are taught and know is a stolen peice of someone else's culture.

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Muslims, NOT the KKK or whites do this to your people today...Rather you were shot by a police officer...easier way for a thug to go!

MOD EDIT: Do not post graphic photos.
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White republicains: the kkk don't speak for me
Reporter: can you denounce them

White republicains: well I'm not going to say all that but I will say again (is the mic on I only want to do this once) they do not speak for me. I'm not like that I have many negro friends

The face we make when we here it


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White republicains: the kkk don't speak for me
Reporter: can you denounce them

White republicains: well I'm not going to say all that but I will say again (is the mic on I only want to do this once) they do not speak for me. I'm not like that I have many negro friends

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Why you lie?
White republicains: the kkk don't speak for me
Reporter: can you denounce them

White republicains: well I'm not going to say all that but I will say again (is the mic on I only want to do this once) they do not speak for me. I'm not like that I have many negro friends

The face we make when we here it


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Really?....Give us the LINK...I want to make fun of the producer!..You're not smart enough to have even though that up by yourself!
Hahahaha this pinktoe post a picture from a movie and believe it's today hahahaha you get up and go to work so the government can pay tithes to Europe your on that same boat you just wasn't a good enough catch to film about hahahaha your not worth anything. The fact that my body alone due to the melanin of my makeup which you my stupid inbreed pinktoe can never produce and you don't have.
We are God jewel.
In the end the strongest will survive.

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How do you like that government policy has knocked you guys down to the third largest ethnic group in the country?
Knocked us down yes we lost point blank we lost

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White republicains: the kkk don't speak for me
Reporter: can you denounce them

White republicains: well I'm not going to say all that but I will say again (is the mic on I only want to do this once) they do not speak for me. I'm not like that I have many negro friends

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Why you lie?

It's what black thugs do.... sooner or later they end up like Mike Brown....

Planned parenthood is many for white people you watch to much news. We are not blinded by the fact that white men in general were and still are the kkk dem or repub we know this and yes we know that they pass the ball back and forth but as you obviously haven't realized you are the minority. You not me , not mexicans, Asian or Arabs but you are the minority. That southern inbreed cousin relations lifestyle is over and being breed out. Google is your best friend if you didn't know Abraham was black or that it's impossible to believe in a white Jesus hahahaha or the simple fact that Einstein was black, everything invented was by somebody black or of color. Everything you are taught and know is a stolen peice of someone else's culture.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

Muslims, NOT the KKK or whites do this to your people today...Rather you were shot by a police officer...easier way for a thug to go!

Yea funny enough there are still more of us then of everyone else and for every 1 killed a natural disaster will take plenty of you and them or a freak accurance do the math.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
Planned parenthood is many for white people you watch to much news. We are not blinded by the fact that white men in general were and still are the kkk dem or repub we know this and yes we know that they pass the ball back and forth but as you obviously haven't realized you are the minority. You not me , not mexicans, Asian or Arabs but you are the minority. That southern inbreed cousin relations lifestyle is over and being breed out. Google is your best friend if you didn't know Abraham was black or that it's impossible to believe in a white Jesus hahahaha or the simple fact that Einstein was black, everything invented was by somebody black or of color. Everything you are taught and know is a stolen peice of someone else's culture.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

Muslims, NOT the KKK or whites do this to your people today...Rather you were shot by a police officer...easier way for a thug to go!

Yea funny enough there are still more of us then of everyone else and for every 1 killed a natural disaster will take plenty of you and them or a freak accurance do the math.

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English please,I know it's a second language to you but I don't understand APE grunts!
"Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump."

And millions more ordinary Americans don’t support Trump – and the reasons are obvious.
You gone learn today......
Again Google anything I've said it's already been proven so ask your parents why they lied to you.
Ask your parent when will they do a search? Your life is a lie
The truth will set you free...

Do your own research. Don't hate me I'm God in his likeness.
That picture was what the real Jesus looked like and weirdly enough you white people choose the rope and tree.
That's why the kkk symbol is the cross which is actually a corrupted version of the ankh.
And the swastika is actually a African symbol

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He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Trump has a lots of bullshit plan and people like you are buying it.
Do you honestly believe he can bring back jobs, ISIS, Wall, deportations and other bullshit that he is blabbing?
He is fighting two prong enemies.... His own republican and Hillary. How awful. Ryan just blasted him with the David star.

You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

By lying about and smearing Trump and his supporters you are the ones promoting hatred and division.

You are tearing this country apart.

The OP is about a lefty reporter who actually listened to some of Trumps speeches and was shocking to discover his talking about serious and valid issues, and NOT race.

Do you having anything to say about that truth?

Paul Ryan blasted Trump calling him racist. Then today blasted him again with David star.
Why do you lie? Even Newt told him he is a racist and he should stop screwing.
You deny that?
Other GOPs distance themselves from trump. Dude that's fucked up. You deny that?
You gone learn today......
Again Google anything I've said it's already been proven so ask your parents why they lied to you.
Ask your parent when will they do a search? Your life is a lie
The truth will set you free...

Do your own research. Don't hate me I'm God in his likeness.
That picture was what the real Jesus looked like and weirdly enough you white people choose the rope and tree.
That's why the kkk symbol is the cross which is actually a corrupted version of the ankh.
And the swastika is actually a African symbol

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