Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why

Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I don't buy that Trump appeals to "ordinary" people. I suspect that the majority of his followers have a below average I Q. Intelligent people like facts not bluster. Intelligent voters don't care that Donald has been on the TV. Intelligent conservatives reject Trump also. The smartest one have come out publicly against him. Only the smart conservatives that have something personally to gain from supporting Trump do so. They are the usual suspects that prey on the weak minded also.

The problem is that as bad as Trump appears Clinton also is very hard to endorse for a number of sound reasons. Neither one would make a great president.

This pair is the worst choice for president I can remember for a very long time.

Take the e-mail controversy... The fact that she was extremely careless to me at such a high level of authority as sec of state is extremely telling how she would be as president. I don't want a president who makes a lot of mistakes honest or otherwise. We had enough of that with George W.

On the other hand Trump flys off at the mouth like no candidate I have ever seen in my 67 years. He is an embarrassment as a candidate and I see no reason to believe he would be any more under control if given the keys to the front door of the white house.

We are fucked no matter which one gets the majority of what I believe will be the lowest turnout percentage wise in our country's history.
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I don't buy that Trump appeals to "ordinary" people. I suspect that the majority of his followers have a below average I Q. Intelligent people like facts not bluster. Intelligent voters don't care that Donald has been on the TV. Intelligent conservatives reject Trump also. The smartest one have come out publicly against him. Only the smart conservatives that have something personally to gain from supporting Trump do so. They are the usual suspects that prey on the weak minded also.

The problem is that as bad as Trump appears Clinton also is very hard to endorse for a number of sound reasons. Neither one would make a great president.

This pair is the worst choice for president I can remember for a very long time.

Take the e-mail controversy... The fact that she was extremely careless to me at such a high level of authority as sec of state is extremely telling how she would be as president. I don't want a president who makes a lot of mistakes honest or otherwise. We had enough of that with George W.

On the other hand Trump flys off at the mouth like no candidate I have ever seen in my 67 years. He is an embarrassment as a candidate and I see no reason to believe he would be any more under control if given the keys to the front door of the white house.

We are fucked no matter which one gets the majority of what I believe will be the lowest turnout percentage wise in our country's history.

yes----I agree ----we are fucked-----we have a choice between evil bitch and nut
You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

I'm not voting hitlery.....

Meaning you support racism, hatred, bigotry. Plus the bullshit that your cult leader are telling you. That's cool bro.
I noticed you are an engineer. You probably like what he told you that he will bring jobs back........ Let say you make around 80 to 90k.
What made you think I will hire you if I bring my business back to US? I will hire H1B people bc you are too costly.
Even with H1B I still lose a lot of money. But I will get even by increasing my prices sky high charge to consumers. THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES. Remember thats just me one company. Try to imagine how many thousand companies that will be doing the same like me.
Plus my product will be so expensive that I cannot compete overseas. Meaning I will layoff a lot of my employees. More CONSEQUENCES.
If you think medical expenses are expensive right now? Pray that you or your family don't get sick. All I'm telling you is be very careful what you wish for. I know that it's hard for you or Correll and Trump followers to swallow that but that is the reality if Trump win. And I'm not bullshitting.

No, no one support you racist piece of shit democrats......

Look asshole I was even being nice to your ignorant racist bullshit. Read my post dumbshit. Where in my post that I expressed such racism? No one support me? Dude Hillary is leading 12 points in the poll.
I was a registered republican for life......... But I am so disgusted with GOPs then here comes Trump. Now I'm a democrat. That is how pissed I am with your cult leader.

See, I won.....

Trump outed you racist liberal assholes...and now you're back where you belong.....

You should thank Trump....I do....:lol:
"Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump."

And millions more ordinary Americans don’t support Trump – and the reasons are obvious.

Yep. As demonstrated by the linked article.

The press has completely lied about who Trump is and what Trump is saying.

THe reporter was shocked when he finally actually listened to Trump and found Trump to be talking about legitimate and serious issues, NOT RACE.
it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Trump has a lots of bullshit plan and people like you are buying it.
Do you honestly believe he can bring back jobs, ISIS, Wall, deportations and other bullshit that he is blabbing?
He is fighting two prong enemies.... His own republican and Hillary. How awful. Ryan just blasted him with the David star.

You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

By lying about and smearing Trump and his supporters you are the ones promoting hatred and division.

You are tearing this country apart.

The OP is about a lefty reporter who actually listened to some of Trumps speeches and was shocking to discover his talking about serious and valid issues, and NOT race.

Do you having anything to say about that truth?

Paul Ryan blasted Trump calling him racist. Then today blasted him again with David star.
Why do you lie? Even Newt told him he is a racist and he should stop screwing.
You deny that?
Other GOPs distance themselves from trump. Dude that's fucked up. You deny that?

These fools are allowing their enemies to define terms, in such a double standard way as to ensure constant and permanent defeat for REpublicans.

You did not address the point of my post, nor the information provided in the linked article.

The OP is about a lefty reporter who actually listened to some of Trumps speeches and was shocking to discover his talking about serious and valid issues, and NOT race.

Do you having anything to say about that truth?
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I don't buy that Trump appeals to "ordinary" people. I suspect that the majority of his followers have a below average I Q. Intelligent people like facts not bluster. Intelligent voters don't care that Donald has been on the TV. Intelligent conservatives reject Trump also. The smartest one have come out publicly against him. Only the smart conservatives that have something personally to gain from supporting Trump do so. They are the usual suspects that prey on the weak minded also.

The problem is that as bad as Trump appears Clinton also is very hard to endorse for a number of sound reasons. Neither one would make a great president.

This pair is the worst choice for president I can remember for a very long time.

Take the e-mail controversy... The fact that she was extremely careless to me at such a high level of authority as sec of state is extremely telling how she would be as president. I don't want a president who makes a lot of mistakes honest or otherwise. We had enough of that with George W.

On the other hand Trump flys off at the mouth like no candidate I have ever seen in my 67 years. He is an embarrassment as a candidate and I see no reason to believe he would be any more under control if given the keys to the front door of the white house.

We are fucked no matter which one gets the majority of what I believe will be the lowest turnout percentage wise in our country's history.

yes----I agree ----we are fucked-----we have a choice between evil bitch and nut

As per the op, Trump is being misrepresented by the media. Completely.

Neither he nor his policies are "nutty".

The OP is about a lefty reporter who actually listened to some of Trumps speeches and was shocking to discover his talking about serious and valid issues, and NOT race.

Do you having anything to say about that truth?
Everything you know is a stolen lie

I bet your parents told you that the nlue coats won the war didn't they hahahaha then why are we still under European rule. You sellout pinktoes the only legacy you have is rape,war and destruction and nothing else.
That bible you read wrote by a black king James bet you didn't know that did you.
First president of America was John Hanson a black man.
So you can't belittle me
You can't shame me for what your people did and what my people tolerated
Your only better then me in your mind while training it to hold on to the lie.
I know one thing this will be on your mind for a long time. Once the seed is planted it's a rap.
And for the record you people always called us by our titles as kings yes we are negus and it doesn't bother me you mispronounced it on purpose to say and mean something else.

Your welcome class dismissed

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

Why do you fill you head with such nonsense?
it is a matter of COMPARATIVE BS-----none of them have a real plan and they are all doing "talking points"---trump has a past history of success in business

Trump has a lots of bullshit plan and people like you are buying it.
Do you honestly believe he can bring back jobs, ISIS, Wall, deportations and other bullshit that he is blabbing?
He is fighting two prong enemies.... His own republican and Hillary. How awful. Ryan just blasted him with the David star.

You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

I'm not voting hitlery.....

Meaning you support racism, hatred, bigotry. .

THe OP's linked article says otherwise, as reported by a far left reporter who actually listened to TRump, finally.

Plus the bullshit that your cult leader are telling you. That's cool bro..

Nothing batshit about deporting illegals and bringing back jobs.

I noticed you are an engineer. You probably like what he told you that he will bring jobs back........ Let say you make around 80 to 90k.
What made you think I will hire you if I bring my business back to US? I will hire H1B people bc you are too costly..

Trump has policies on his web site to address such abuse.

Even with H1B I still lose a lot of money. But I will get even by increasing my prices sky high charge to consumers. THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES. Remember thats just me one company. Try to imagine how many thousand companies that will be doing the same like me..

Because labor is your major expense? I doubt that.

Plus my product will be so expensive that I cannot compete overseas. Meaning I will layoff a lot of my employees. More CONSEQUENCES..

We aren't "competing" overseas NOW. We are being shut out.

If you think medical expenses are expensive right now? Pray that you or your family don't get sick. All I'm telling you is be very careful what you wish for. I know that it's hard for you or Correll and Trump followers to swallow that but that is the reality if Trump win. And I'm not bullshitting.

So, we give up on the idea of economic and trade policy that is good for the American workers?
You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

I'm not voting hitlery.....

Meaning you support racism, hatred, bigotry. Plus the bullshit that your cult leader are telling you. That's cool bro.
I noticed you are an engineer. You probably like what he told you that he will bring jobs back........ Let say you make around 80 to 90k.
What made you think I will hire you if I bring my business back to US? I will hire H1B people bc you are too costly.
Even with H1B I still lose a lot of money. But I will get even by increasing my prices sky high charge to consumers. THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES. Remember thats just me one company. Try to imagine how many thousand companies that will be doing the same like me.
Plus my product will be so expensive that I cannot compete overseas. Meaning I will layoff a lot of my employees. More CONSEQUENCES.
If you think medical expenses are expensive right now? Pray that you or your family don't get sick. All I'm telling you is be very careful what you wish for. I know that it's hard for you or Correll and Trump followers to swallow that but that is the reality if Trump win. And I'm not bullshitting.

No, no one support you racist piece of shit democrats......

Look asshole I was even being nice to your ignorant racist bullshit. Read my post dumbshit. Where in my post that I expressed such racism? No one support me? Dude Hillary is leading 12 points in the poll.
I was a registered republican for life......... But I am so disgusted with GOPs then here comes Trump. Now I'm a democrat. That is how pissed I am with your cult leader.

There is nothing unreasonable about Trump's proposed policies.

Your characterization of him as a cult leader is uncalled for.

The OP's linked article deals with how a far left reporter was SHOCKED to find Trump discussing real issues and not race.
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

So you start off with this title:

Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why

and then give nothing that backs it up. Not a single reason. Why?
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...


A Trump rally exhibits an angry, ignorant all white mob. Very reminiscent of civil rights movement of the 1960's and frankly just as stupid.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

According to a FOX News poll more than half of the Republican party do not want Trump as the nominee. They believe him to be too hot headed to be POTUS. We have Republicans endorsing Hillary Clinton, and half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Donald Trump.

Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

IOW millions of Republicans will not support nor vote for Donald Trump.

Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -
Republicans for Hillary? -
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans

Add to this women (the largest voting block in this country today) who have a 73% unfavorable view of Donald Trump, and Latino's who can't stand him with a negative 80% opinion, and it's fairly easy to see that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea. Republicans will lose the Senate, a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country.

73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump


And You anti-establishment groupies and Tea Party members made it happen!


Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

The linked article in the Op demonstrates that the public perception of Trump is a media lie.

Would you like to comment on the information from the OP? Instead of simply repeating information and opinions based on those lies?
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...

So you start off with this title:

Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why

and then give nothing that backs it up. Not a single reason. Why?

Try reading the linked article.
The problem is that most companies today are entirely unwilling to train workers. They want to hire the worker who already knows the job. This is not how it always was. And it is pure ignorance on the part of business and companies who believe that a college degree means that an individual is smart, reliable, industrious, honest and willing to learn.

In fact, a college degree today is on par with a high school certificate of graduation from 50 years ago. Yes, some areas need specialized skills; however, testing can reveal if an individual has the ability to grasp the understanding. Can an individual without college perform surgery? If he is shown the techniques there is absolutely no reason that individual could not.

Abraham Lincoln did not go to law school. Yes, further education is desirable; however, it doesn't guarantee good character, good conduct or a desire to help others. And if companies really want individuals who will be loyal, then they need to provide something besides careers for individuals who know it all, and need to pay back exorbitant school loans.
Everything you know is a stolen lie

I bet your parents told you that the nlue coats won the war didn't they hahahaha then why are we still under European rule. You sellout pinktoes the only legacy you have is rape,war and destruction and nothing else.
That bible you read wrote by a black king James bet you didn't know that did you.
First president of America was John Hanson a black man.
So you can't belittle me
You can't shame me for what your people did and what my people tolerated
Your only better then me in your mind while training it to hold on to the lie.
I know one thing this will be on your mind for a long time. Once the seed is planted it's a rap.
And for the record you people always called us by our titles as kings yes we are negus and it doesn't bother me you mispronounced it on purpose to say and mean something else.

Your welcome class dismissed

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk


John Hanson was a Swede.
Trump has a lots of bullshit plan and people like you are buying it.
Do you honestly believe he can bring back jobs, ISIS, Wall, deportations and other bullshit that he is blabbing?
He is fighting two prong enemies.... His own republican and Hillary. How awful. Ryan just blasted him with the David star.

You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

By lying about and smearing Trump and his supporters you are the ones promoting hatred and division.

You are tearing this country apart.

The OP is about a lefty reporter who actually listened to some of Trumps speeches and was shocking to discover his talking about serious and valid issues, and NOT race.

Do you having anything to say about that truth?

Paul Ryan blasted Trump calling him racist. Then today blasted him again with David star.
Why do you lie? Even Newt told him he is a racist and he should stop screwing.
You deny that?
Other GOPs distance themselves from trump. Dude that's fucked up. You deny that?

These fools are allowing their enemies to define terms, in such a double standard way as to ensure constant and permanent defeat for REpublicans.

You did not address the point of my post, nor the information provided in the linked article.

The OP is about a lefty reporter who actually listened to some of Trumps speeches and was shocking to discover his talking about serious and valid issues, and NOT race.

Do you having anything to say about that truth?

As always. You are lost in the dessert bro.
Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

I'm not voting hitlery.....

Meaning you support racism, hatred, bigotry. Plus the bullshit that your cult leader are telling you. That's cool bro.
I noticed you are an engineer. You probably like what he told you that he will bring jobs back........ Let say you make around 80 to 90k.
What made you think I will hire you if I bring my business back to US? I will hire H1B people bc you are too costly.
Even with H1B I still lose a lot of money. But I will get even by increasing my prices sky high charge to consumers. THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES. Remember thats just me one company. Try to imagine how many thousand companies that will be doing the same like me.
Plus my product will be so expensive that I cannot compete overseas. Meaning I will layoff a lot of my employees. More CONSEQUENCES.
If you think medical expenses are expensive right now? Pray that you or your family don't get sick. All I'm telling you is be very careful what you wish for. I know that it's hard for you or Correll and Trump followers to swallow that but that is the reality if Trump win. And I'm not bullshitting.

No, no one support you racist piece of shit democrats......

Look asshole I was even being nice to your ignorant racist bullshit. Read my post dumbshit. Where in my post that I expressed such racism? No one support me? Dude Hillary is leading 12 points in the poll.
I was a registered republican for life......... But I am so disgusted with GOPs then here comes Trump. Now I'm a democrat. That is how pissed I am with your cult leader.

See, I won.....

Trump outed you racist liberal assholes...and now you're back where you belong.....

You should thank Trump....I do....:lol:

Won..... What?
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I don't buy that Trump appeals to "ordinary" people. I suspect that the majority of his followers have a below average I Q. Intelligent people like facts not bluster. Intelligent voters don't care that Donald has been on the TV. Intelligent conservatives reject Trump also. The smartest one have come out publicly against him. Only the smart conservatives that have something personally to gain from supporting Trump do so. They are the usual suspects that prey on the weak minded also.

The problem is that as bad as Trump appears Clinton also is very hard to endorse for a number of sound reasons. Neither one would make a great president.

This pair is the worst choice for president I can remember for a very long time.

Take the e-mail controversy... The fact that she was extremely careless to me at such a high level of authority as sec of state is extremely telling how she would be as president. I don't want a president who makes a lot of mistakes honest or otherwise. We had enough of that with George W.

On the other hand Trump flys off at the mouth like no candidate I have ever seen in my 67 years. He is an embarrassment as a candidate and I see no reason to believe he would be any more under control if given the keys to the front door of the white house.

We are fucked no matter which one gets the majority of what I believe will be the lowest turnout percentage wise in our country's history.
I agree, where did we get these two options from?! Though I understand the importance of handling classified information I think this email thing is waaaay overblown. It was careless but not to the level many are taking it. When she is prez she will have a whole team dedicated to security measures like that and we won't need to rely on an old lady's understanding of technology
I'm not voting hitlery.....

Meaning you support racism, hatred, bigotry. Plus the bullshit that your cult leader are telling you. That's cool bro.
I noticed you are an engineer. You probably like what he told you that he will bring jobs back........ Let say you make around 80 to 90k.
What made you think I will hire you if I bring my business back to US? I will hire H1B people bc you are too costly.
Even with H1B I still lose a lot of money. But I will get even by increasing my prices sky high charge to consumers. THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES. Remember thats just me one company. Try to imagine how many thousand companies that will be doing the same like me.
Plus my product will be so expensive that I cannot compete overseas. Meaning I will layoff a lot of my employees. More CONSEQUENCES.
If you think medical expenses are expensive right now? Pray that you or your family don't get sick. All I'm telling you is be very careful what you wish for. I know that it's hard for you or Correll and Trump followers to swallow that but that is the reality if Trump win. And I'm not bullshitting.

No, no one support you racist piece of shit democrats......

Look asshole I was even being nice to your ignorant racist bullshit. Read my post dumbshit. Where in my post that I expressed such racism? No one support me? Dude Hillary is leading 12 points in the poll.
I was a registered republican for life......... But I am so disgusted with GOPs then here comes Trump. Now I'm a democrat. That is how pissed I am with your cult leader.

See, I won.....

Trump outed you racist liberal assholes...and now you're back where you belong.....

You should thank Trump....I do....:lol:

Won..... What?

Reading, it's fundamental....:lol:

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