Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why

Everything you know is a stolen lie

I bet your parents told you that the nlue coats won the war didn't they hahahaha then why are we still under European rule. You sellout pinktoes the only legacy you have is rape,war and destruction and nothing else.
That bible you read wrote by a black king James bet you didn't know that did you.
First president of America was John Hanson a black man.
So you can't belittle me
You can't shame me for what your people did and what my people tolerated
Your only better then me in your mind while training it to hold on to the lie.
I know one thing this will be on your mind for a long time. Once the seed is planted it's a rap.
And for the record you people always called us by our titles as kings yes we are negus and it doesn't bother me you mispronounced it on purpose to say and mean something else.

Your welcome class dismissed

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk


John Hanson was a Swede.
Hahaha you used Google so you already know 100% your post is yet another lie you actually believe and that's my friend is the bloom of the flower lol people are really this nieve hahahah and inbred brain washed hahahaha

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
It is due to their being boob tube addicts and Trump The Chump is their favorite tv star.

That's why.
That's right. Millions of 'blue collar' MAKERS who are the backbone of the US economy are plain stupid.
Trump will become President now.
When an illegal takes your MW job it's the blue collar MAKERS that will be paying for your welfare cheque.
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.
Getting scared I see. Start practicing your "Madam President"
Trump has a lots of bullshit plan and people like you are buying it.
Do you honestly believe he can bring back jobs, ISIS, Wall, deportations and other bullshit that he is blabbing?
He is fighting two prong enemies.... His own republican and Hillary. How awful. Ryan just blasted him with the David star.

You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

I'm not voting hitlery.....

Meaning you support racism, hatred, bigotry. .

THe OP's linked article says otherwise, as reported by a far left reporter who actually listened to TRump, finally.

Plus the bullshit that your cult leader are telling you. That's cool bro..

Nothing batshit about deporting illegals and bringing back jobs.

I noticed you are an engineer. You probably like what he told you that he will bring jobs back........ Let say you make around 80 to 90k.
What made you think I will hire you if I bring my business back to US? I will hire H1B people bc you are too costly..

Trump has policies on his web site to address such abuse.

Even with H1B I still lose a lot of money. But I will get even by increasing my prices sky high charge to consumers. THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES. Remember thats just me one company. Try to imagine how many thousand companies that will be doing the same like me..

Because labor is your major expense? I doubt that.

Plus my product will be so expensive that I cannot compete overseas. Meaning I will layoff a lot of my employees. More CONSEQUENCES..

We aren't "competing" overseas NOW. We are being shut out.

If you think medical expenses are expensive right now? Pray that you or your family don't get sick. All I'm telling you is be very careful what you wish for. I know that it's hard for you or Correll and Trump followers to swallow that but that is the reality if Trump win. And I'm not bullshitting.

So, we give up on the idea of economic and trade policy that is good for the American workers?

Yes labor and materials are my major expenses.
Yes we are competing overseas.
What abused are you taking about?

Trump economic plan was blasted by chamber of commerce, top independent economists and economic professor such as MIT. I have yet to see who is blasting Hillary economic plan.
As I previously said......... Be very careful what you wish for.

Why it would be tough for Trump to bring jobs back from China
Why it would be tough for Trump to bring jobs back from China
You mean Trump making America great again?

Like what? By promoting hatred, divisions, racism, bigotry and xenophobia. That is very disgusting don't you think?
America is always been great. The best country in this planet.

I'm not voting hitlery.....

Meaning you support racism, hatred, bigotry. .

THe OP's linked article says otherwise, as reported by a far left reporter who actually listened to TRump, finally.

Plus the bullshit that your cult leader are telling you. That's cool bro..

Nothing batshit about deporting illegals and bringing back jobs.

I noticed you are an engineer. You probably like what he told you that he will bring jobs back........ Let say you make around 80 to 90k.
What made you think I will hire you if I bring my business back to US? I will hire H1B people bc you are too costly..

Trump has policies on his web site to address such abuse.

Even with H1B I still lose a lot of money. But I will get even by increasing my prices sky high charge to consumers. THAT'S THE CONSEQUENCES. Remember thats just me one company. Try to imagine how many thousand companies that will be doing the same like me..

Because labor is your major expense? I doubt that.

Plus my product will be so expensive that I cannot compete overseas. Meaning I will layoff a lot of my employees. More CONSEQUENCES..

We aren't "competing" overseas NOW. We are being shut out.

If you think medical expenses are expensive right now? Pray that you or your family don't get sick. All I'm telling you is be very careful what you wish for. I know that it's hard for you or Correll and Trump followers to swallow that but that is the reality if Trump win. And I'm not bullshitting.

So, we give up on the idea of economic and trade policy that is good for the American workers?

Yes labor and materials are my major expenses.
Yes we are competing overseas.
What abused are you taking about?

Trump economic plan was blasted by chamber of commerce, top independent economists and economic professor such as MIT. I have yet to see who is blasting Hillary economic plan.
As I previously said......... Be very careful what you wish for.

Why it would be tough for Trump to bring jobs back from China
Why it would be tough for Trump to bring jobs back from China
Hitlerys economic plan? Recession...because it's cool....:lol:
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

I sense that you are panicking. And your race war is not going to happen. So I think you should start packing.
Everything you know is a stolen lie

I bet your parents told you that the nlue coats won the war didn't they hahahaha then why are we still under European rule. You sellout pinktoes the only legacy you have is rape,war and destruction and nothing else.
That bible you read wrote by a black king James bet you didn't know that did you.
First president of America was John Hanson a black man.
So you can't belittle me
You can't shame me for what your people did and what my people tolerated
Your only better then me in your mind while training it to hold on to the lie.
I know one thing this will be on your mind for a long time. Once the seed is planted it's a rap.
And for the record you people always called us by our titles as kings yes we are negus and it doesn't bother me you mispronounced it on purpose to say and mean something else.

Your welcome class dismissed

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk


John Hanson was a Swede.
Hahaha you used Google so you already know 100% your post is yet another lie you actually believe and that's my friend is the bloom of the flower lol people are really this nieve hahahah and inbred brain washed hahahaha

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
No need to get all Feguson there. Just grab your crack pipe and a ghetto bunny and come back when you can man up.
Trump does have ----the common touch-----sorta. He is a
"one of us" type of guy. He does stuff that common people would like to do-------imposes his will. Hellary does not have the common touch-----she acts like she thinks herself
an ARISTOCRAT who pretends to care about those---BENEATH her. Billy-boy and his sax had much more
a common touch than does his idiot wife. Bernie lacks
any level of charm----just a nuthin' sorta guy
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

James Comey was under pressure to make a statement, an advisement that sounds more like a cave to political appeasement. He never gave a validated reason to go along with his recommendation, you'd expect to be given a clear detailed account of their findings that led to an FBI decision. Is it any surprise really, coming from a name that has as much political and financial influence since the Kennedy's and Chappaquiddick? You can't expect accountability behind political power. Nixon, a republican, was pushed towards impeachment for a lot less.
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.
Getting scared I see. Start practicing your "Madam President"

Her trustworthiness is already damaged within the voter polls, the emails play a big part of that and the public isn't buying it.
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

James Comey was under pressure to make a statement, an advisement that sounds more like a cave to political appeasement. He never gave a validated reason to go along with his recommendation, you'd expect to be given a clear detailed account of their findings that led to an FBI decision. Is it any surprise really, coming from a name that has as much political and financial influence since the Kennedy's and Chappaquiddick? You can't expect accountability behind political power. Nixon, a republican, was pushed towards impeachment for a lot less.

yes----all of us who have seen trouble over------minor mistakes-------in our work------COMPLETELY free of "" mens rea "" ----
can wonder------"HOW COME SHE GETS OFF....chock full of mens rea as she is" ??? It is not entirely clear to me that Nixon did "much less"------but, at least for him-----SIN was not
a WAY OF LIFE. The 'explanation' ----seemed to me to be
He's a "one of us" kind of guy? He is a billionaire that flys around on his private jet!!!

He is funny and really entertaining because he calls people out and causes controversy... That's pretty much it. He is playing on talking points that sound great, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs, but all the intellectuals are scratching their heads because he has no plan on how to do it!!! How do some many people buy into that BS?

I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

James Comey was under pressure to make a statement, an advisement that sounds more like a cave to political appeasement. He never gave a validated reason to go along with his recommendation, you'd expect to be given a clear detailed account of their findings that led to an FBI decision. Is it any surprise really, coming from a name that has as much political and financial influence since the Kennedy's and Chappaquiddick? You can't expect accountability behind political power. Nixon, a republican, was pushed towards impeachment for a lot less.
What were you listening to? He gave a very detailed and clear breakdown of what they found, how they found it, and what they recommend. Face it, this email thing is not as big of a deal as its been hyped to be.
I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.
Getting scared I see. Start practicing your "Madam President"

Her trustworthiness is already damaged within the voter polls, the emails play a big part of that and the public isn't buying it.
Agreed, she needs to have a "transparency" talk with the voters and lay some things out on the table. She is so damn guarded because everything she does and says gets distorted into some selfish, greedy, criminal act... I don't think we are going to get the honest talk. So we are left with two bad choices for president. I do think they will both get better after the election no matter who wins, if that means anything
I keep asking how the democrats plan on encouraging corporations to want to bring jobs and build here as opposed to overseas? How do they plan on fighting an organized threat when they are too afraid of calling them out and being honest about without "offending" someone. Seems to me the liberals need to have some thicker skin and the ability to actually lead the fight against these terror groups rather than being mere advisors more worried about their world "image" over American lives.
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

James Comey was under pressure to make a statement, an advisement that sounds more like a cave to political appeasement. He never gave a validated reason to go along with his recommendation, you'd expect to be given a clear detailed account of their findings that led to an FBI decision. Is it any surprise really, coming from a name that has as much political and financial influence since the Kennedy's and Chappaquiddick? You can't expect accountability behind political power. Nixon, a republican, was pushed towards impeachment for a lot less.
What were you listening to? He gave a very detailed and clear breakdown of what they found, how they found it, and what they recommend. Face it, this email thing is not as big of a deal as its been hyped to be.

yes it is. It is a big ethical issue. The three kinds of people----who are very seriously charged with KEEPING SECRETS---
are-----CLERGYMEN, DOCTORS and LAWYERS. It is part and parcel of their lives, their brains and their souls
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

James Comey was under pressure to make a statement, an advisement that sounds more like a cave to political appeasement. He never gave a validated reason to go along with his recommendation, you'd expect to be given a clear detailed account of their findings that led to an FBI decision. Is it any surprise really, coming from a name that has as much political and financial influence since the Kennedy's and Chappaquiddick? You can't expect accountability behind political power. Nixon, a republican, was pushed towards impeachment for a lot less.
What were you listening to? He gave a very detailed and clear breakdown of what they found, how they found it, and what they recommend. Face it, this email thing is not as big of a deal as its been hyped to be.

yes it is. It is a big ethical issue. The three kinds of people----who are very seriously charged with KEEPING SECRETS---
are-----CLERGYMEN, DOCTORS and LAWYERS. It is part and parcel of their lives, their brains and their souls

Let me put it another way. If none of those emails were classified or sensitive information associated with her personal server, and that was her only source of correspondence while Secretary of State, then all those communications that occurred surrounding Benghazi would be open to the media to uncover what the administration was truly doing when those Americans were killed.
Getting scared I see. Start practicing your "Madam President"
Her trustworthiness is already damaged within the voter polls, the emails play a big part of that and the public isn't buying it.

Indeed her neg rating (57%) is way higher than her fav rating (41%). The prob is Trump's numbers are slightly worse. This election would be about the lesser of 2 evils but it's a race to the bottom with the candidates running neck-in-neck and both are stiffs (yeah ... pun intended. Sorry).
You make a good point, there is definitely a problem with the trade deals as we are being taken advantage of to the detriment of our businesses and our economy. Flip side is these trade deals also support many US based businesses. Own of my businesses would pretty much shit down if I could t get textiles from China... Or comparable prices

The terror threat is real but the radical Islam bs is all just part of the political circus. They are thug terrorists, nothing more. Calling them Islamist makes zero difference. I laugh when I hear people get so worked up by it.

I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

James Comey was under pressure to make a statement, an advisement that sounds more like a cave to political appeasement. He never gave a validated reason to go along with his recommendation, you'd expect to be given a clear detailed account of their findings that led to an FBI decision. Is it any surprise really, coming from a name that has as much political and financial influence since the Kennedy's and Chappaquiddick? You can't expect accountability behind political power. Nixon, a republican, was pushed towards impeachment for a lot less.
What were you listening to? He gave a very detailed and clear breakdown of what they found, how they found it, and what they recommend. Face it, this email thing is not as big of a deal as its been hyped to be.

yes it is. It is a big ethical issue. The three kinds of people----who are very seriously charged with KEEPING SECRETS---
are-----CLERGYMEN, DOCTORS and LAWYERS. It is part and parcel of their lives, their brains and their souls
Understood, but there is a difference between knowingly mishandling the information and using the wrong technology. I'm not excusing all responsibly from her. She should have known better and her judgment should be questioned. I'm saying the right is way over blowing it with all this criminal jail talk
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...



There's just no other explanation.

The man is xenophobic train wreck horror show.

WTF are people thinking????

Answer: They are not. They are letting fear and ignorance rule the day.

But he won't win. Hillary is still more popular.
I'd rather have a president with the ability to call a spade a spade and not hide behind this political correctness that he can't openly recognize the kind of ideological extremism we are facing. A leader should also have the ablity to make hard decisions with the gathered intelligence that is before him, not wait for polls to move in his favor to justify his actions.

As far as business and economic policies, amid their "blame game of excuses", what plan do Democrats have to actually encourage businesses to bring more jobs and build in this country?
Basically the DEMs are now admitting the First AA negro President was a fucking disaster.
But now Hillary is promising if the voters elect her she'll actually accomplish what Obama promised.
Comney called her "careless in the extreme" and pointed out all her fucking lies.
Bye all means vote for her.
The fucking terrorists are delighted Hillary didn't get charged.

James Comey was under pressure to make a statement, an advisement that sounds more like a cave to political appeasement. He never gave a validated reason to go along with his recommendation, you'd expect to be given a clear detailed account of their findings that led to an FBI decision. Is it any surprise really, coming from a name that has as much political and financial influence since the Kennedy's and Chappaquiddick? You can't expect accountability behind political power. Nixon, a republican, was pushed towards impeachment for a lot less.
What were you listening to? He gave a very detailed and clear breakdown of what they found, how they found it, and what they recommend. Face it, this email thing is not as big of a deal as its been hyped to be.

yes it is. It is a big ethical issue. The three kinds of people----who are very seriously charged with KEEPING SECRETS---
are-----CLERGYMEN, DOCTORS and LAWYERS. It is part and parcel of their lives, their brains and their souls
Understood, but there is a difference between knowingly mishandling the information and using the wrong technology. I'm not excusing all responsibly from her. She should have known better and her judgment should be questioned. I'm saying the right is way over blowing it with all this criminal jail talk

misconduct is not necessarily a CRIME. I have a son---he had security clearance for his job in the NAVY------he telephoned me now and then-----and sometimes I MISTAKENLY asked "where are you now'?------he answered
"c'mon ma"-----which means "you know I can't tell you"
The Guardian ^
Let us now address the greatest American mystery at the moment: what motivates the supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump? I call it a “mystery” because the working-class white people who make up the bulk of Trump’s fan base show up in amazing numbers for the candidate, filling stadiums and airport hangars, but their views, by and large, do not appear in our prestige newspapers. On their opinion pages, these publications take care to represent demographic categories of nearly every kind, but “blue-collar” is one they persistently overlook. The views of working-class people are so foreign to that universe...



There's just no other explanation.

The man is xenophobic train wreck horror show.

WTF are people thinking????

Answer: They are not. They are letting fear and ignorance rule the day.

But he won't win. Hillary is still more popular.

ROTFLMFAO....seems the American people are getting just how corrupt and lying the Hildebeast and you left wing scumbags are....

  • Rasmussen: Trump 42%, Clinton 40%
    Hidden Americans ^ | July 7, 2016
    From Rasmussen: The presidential race has grown a bit tighter in this week’s White House Watch survey. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Donald Trump with 42% of the vote, while Hillary Clinton earns 40%. Thirteen percent (13%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.) This survey was taken Tuesday evening following FBI Director James Comey’s announcement that his agency would not seek any indictments of Clinton despite her “extremely careless” handling of classified information while serving as secretary of State. Most...

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