Millions of people are starving in Yemen

Speaking of this did you ever play the old game HARPOON on a Mac?

R.I.P Tom Clancy..

Man I could play that game forever ..

This is not a game bro..........never has been over there...............
In regards to trying to save the starving children............been there done that too.............

Didn't end well...........we pulled out ............and the people went back to we were seen as hostile there........when our only mission was to protect the food supplies...........

Crazy isn't it..........but hell..........we got a good movie out of it.

Some reports show up to 13 million at risk of starvation in Yemen due to the supply lines being cut in the proxy War between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Warning Graphic images.

Yemen: up to 85,000 young children dead from starvation

An estimated 85,000 children under the age of five have starved to death over the last three years as a result of Yemen’s civil war, a report from Save the Children has found, as the charity urged an immediate ceasefire to prevent more loss of life.

The figure is a conservative estimate based on UN data on severe acute malnutrition, which the international body says has afflicted more than 1.3 million children since the conflict between Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition that seeks to restore Yemen’s exiled government began in 2015.

About 14 million people – half of Yemen’s population – are currently at risk of famine, largely because of Saudi border blockades designed to weaken the Houthis, which have also strangled civilian access to food, fuel, aid and commercial goods.

Fears for Yemen’s civilian population have increased in recent weeks because of an escalation in fighting around the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, through which about 80% of the country’s imports flow.

Even a small amount of damage to the port’s facilities, and a delay in aid deliveries, is likely to lead the UN to declare a widespread famine.

And how many Americans actually care? Most Americans will be worried whether they can buy another car or not. The people who actually decide things will be deciding if they need another helicopter.

While in Yemen.... where's Yemen? Sounds like a place with "ragheads" and "ragheads" need to all die.....

And I'm pro-life, yeah, abortion is evil.

Execution's fine, and that bit of steak I had........
Some reports show up to 13 million at risk of starvation in Yemen due to the supply lines being cut in the proxy War between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Warning Graphic images.

Yemen: up to 85,000 young children dead from starvation

An estimated 85,000 children under the age of five have starved to death over the last three years as a result of Yemen’s civil war, a report from Save the Children has found, as the charity urged an immediate ceasefire to prevent more loss of life.

The figure is a conservative estimate based on UN data on severe acute malnutrition, which the international body says has afflicted more than 1.3 million children since the conflict between Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition that seeks to restore Yemen’s exiled government began in 2015.

About 14 million people – half of Yemen’s population – are currently at risk of famine, largely because of Saudi border blockades designed to weaken the Houthis, which have also strangled civilian access to food, fuel, aid and commercial goods.

Fears for Yemen’s civilian population have increased in recent weeks because of an escalation in fighting around the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, through which about 80% of the country’s imports flow.

Even a small amount of damage to the port’s facilities, and a delay in aid deliveries, is likely to lead the UN to declare a widespread famine.

And how many Americans actually care? Most Americans will be worried whether they can buy another car or not. The people who actually decide things will be deciding if they need another helicopter.

While in Yemen.... where's Yemen? Sounds like a place with "ragheads" and "ragheads" need to all die.....

And I'm pro-life, yeah, abortion is evil.

Execution's fine, and that bit of steak I had........

As long as we are using Saudis as cannon fodder against Iran , it's all good keeps Iran tied up


it is more than ^^^^^^^ that. It is an Iranian/Russian bid to grab the
They don't control shit there............They are no match for us at sea............And they have been blockaded.............

be not naïve------they can wreck havoc just by virtual of control on the
Strait of Hormuz

How with their super duper Sonic torpedo , fake nimtz aircraft carrier or some photo shop stuff?


bottle neck traffic block

Of rubber ships?

We always have an aircraft carrier fleet in there, too bad Norway doesn't send hers once and a while.


Norway has rubber ships or an aircraft carrier?
Can't get in..............they are fighting over the port of chain is cut.
what we are doing, isn't working.... time for a plan B

And that's what... Send in our troops?

We have been supplying them with intelligence , refueling them in the air, using drones, advisors on the ground.. black ops, three destroyers around at all times .


yeah----that too. A concerted world effort to instill in both sides
----DA SHIITES AND DA SUNNIS ----a level of concern for the
cholera epidemic in Yemen

A nuke?

It's fine if we let them battle it out for a long time more.
The Straits are narrow...........sink a Super Tanker there and it will choke it for a bit..........When you go through there you can see both coasts..............

After you go through the straights you get to enter the Kuwaiti mine fields.........yippie............

Back then........Iran had silk worms on the coast............lined up..........but they'd never do it to us because we would destroy them. They chose mine warfare and small boat attacks..........our only real damage was from the the Tripoli......

I've been there back in the day.

The sea lanes are two miles wide in each direction with a two mile buffer between them. Sinking an oil tanker would not close the Straits of hormuz in any way, shape, or form.

Why would there be Kuwaiti mines? My daughter is currently IN Kuwait along with several thousands of US troops.
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Some reports show up to 13 million at risk of starvation in Yemen due to the supply lines being cut in the proxy War between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Warning Graphic images.

Yemen: up to 85,000 young children dead from starvation

An estimated 85,000 children under the age of five have starved to death over the last three years as a result of Yemen’s civil war, a report from Save the Children has found, as the charity urged an immediate ceasefire to prevent more loss of life.

The figure is a conservative estimate based on UN data on severe acute malnutrition, which the international body says has afflicted more than 1.3 million children since the conflict between Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition that seeks to restore Yemen’s exiled government began in 2015.

About 14 million people – half of Yemen’s population – are currently at risk of famine, largely because of Saudi border blockades designed to weaken the Houthis, which have also strangled civilian access to food, fuel, aid and commercial goods.

Fears for Yemen’s civilian population have increased in recent weeks because of an escalation in fighting around the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, through which about 80% of the country’s imports flow.

Even a small amount of damage to the port’s facilities, and a delay in aid deliveries, is likely to lead the UN to declare a widespread famine.

And how many Americans actually care? Most Americans will be worried whether they can buy another car or not. The people who actually decide things will be deciding if they need another helicopter.

While in Yemen.... where's Yemen? Sounds like a place with "ragheads" and "ragheads" need to all die.....

And I'm pro-life, yeah, abortion is evil.

Execution's fine, and that bit of steak I had........

Where are you typing from, so we can compare and contrast YOUR nation's giving with that of America? Can we do that, Internet Warrior?
We should stay the hell out of it. Let them kill each other. The only thing that will ever truly “save” these people is them abandoning Islam for starters.
what we are doing, isn't working.... time for a plan B

And that's what... Send in our troops?

We have been supplying them with intelligence , refueling them in the air, using drones, advisors on the ground.. black ops, three destroyers around at all times .


yeah----that too. A concerted world effort to instill in both sides
----DA SHIITES AND DA SUNNIS ----a level of concern for the
cholera epidemic in Yemen

A nuke?

It's fine if we let them battle it out for a long time more.
The Straits are narrow...........sink a Super Tanker there and it will choke it for a bit..........When you go through there you can see both coasts..............

After you go through the straights you get to enter the Kuwaiti mine fields.........yippie............

Back then........Iran had silk worms on the coast............lined up..........but they'd never do it to us because we would destroy them. They chose mine warfare and small boat attacks..........our only real damage was from the the Tripoli......

I've been there back in the day.

The sea lanes are two miles wide in each direction with a two mile buffer between them. Sinking an oil tanker would not close the Straits of hormuz in any way, shape, or form.

Why would there be Kuwaiti mines? My daughter is currently IN Kuwait along with several thousands of US troops.
I was talking about when I was there and me or you aren't young. There most definitely was mines there back then. Wasn't my imagination. To me that area was always known as the Kuwaiti mine fields. Now shall we talk about Magnetic Variation and the operation of the degaussing system. LOL

BTW. Supertankers are very large.........and one sunk in the middle could cause problems. I've seen them with my own eyes and I'm sure you have as well.
for the record------cholera victims LOOK LIKE VICTIMS OF STARVATION
Well whether Cholera or starvation millions are dying now.............amazing how the media hardly says shit about it ............hmmmm

But hey.............Mueller is gonna get Trump

If it does come out........they will blame him when Obama policies helped cause this...........He praised the Arab the whole Middle East are killing fields.

Obama didn't cause this, the Saudis did.
for the record------cholera victims LOOK LIKE VICTIMS OF STARVATION
Well whether Cholera or starvation millions are dying now.............amazing how the media hardly says shit about it ............hmmmm

But hey.............Mueller is gonna get Trump

If it does come out........they will blame him when Obama policies helped cause this...........He praised the Arab the whole Middle East are killing fields.

Obama didn't cause this, the Saudis did.
Obama helped begin this..............He praised the Arab Spring which was a violent uprising............How did the Arab Spring really was food riots brought on by the global economic collapse...........radicals took advantage of this in a time of crisis. In regards to who went there to start shit............It was the Iranians supporting a civil War there. Their goal being regional dominance.......and Religion of the Army of the Faithful coming from Yemen for the 2nd coming of the 12th Iman..............they really do believe that junk................That is why they are there........It is a turf War between Iran and Saudi Arabia for control of the middle east.
but but but but it's the religion of "peace"

So is the US, but that didn't stop the US starving over 500 million children in Iraq due to sanctions in the 1990's.
Food went into Iraq back then............Humanitarian aid was not cut off..........But Saddam kept the food for themselves and screwed the people.........kind of what dictators do especially when those starving were not Sunni...........

After the 1st Gulf War the people willing to fight Saddam rose up to challenge him after being driven out of Kuwait. They were slaughtered by Saddam because much of his main forces were left intact. Which was a primary reason for No Fly zones to stop him from using any air power to hit them with.

The Oil for food program was in place..........just as the oil for food program is in place for Iran now.
We are using Saudi troops as cannon fodder, you would think that's what the left would want.


who is "WE"? Saudi Arabia is protecting itself from Iranian aggression
via a heavily armed (by Iran, Houthi population which is allied with Iran and
constitutes a fifth column in Yemen) The EMBARGO on the port city of
Hodeiah is not the reason people are dying of cholera in Yemen. The
greed of Iran FOR CONTROL OF THAT CITY is the issue. The root cause of famine and epidemic in Yemen is Iranian imperialism. The cure is----GET IRAN OUT---along with its armaments and its Hezbollah proxies

I'm calling BS there.

Saudis are going with the money.
How many hungry do we have here in America? This should be the focus of our attention. You can not fix for others what you can not fix for yourself.

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