Millions of wild pigs run amok in US

I know the place, even though it's been 30 years since I was by Shreveport...I might just come down in february...
"Modern pig farms"
In noway shape or form are those wild hogs cleaner than the ones you purchase in the grocery store.
And thats a fact.

Don't need to google them....I can drive 25 miles and start smelling them during the summer...and if I want, I can drive 10 more miles and actually see them. If ferals were as filthy as domestics, you wouldn't have to could just follow your nose. Domestics, regardless of species are more filthy than those in the wild.

And the books of federal and state regulations regarding the slaughter and handling of pig carcases are to prevent the same sorts of infections that your anecdotes talk about when dealing with ferals.
And, this article makes me wonder – if more people set out to kill these noxious critters, will the animal-rights groups like PETA go to court to stop them.

So far, we've only seen only the hyper-conservative "The Blaze" website whining about it.

PETA? They're a bogeyman that conservatives use to give themselves an orgasmic shiver of fear.
Sigh. I really shouldn't waste my time responding to your ignorant tripe - but will.

Feral hogs have been a problem for some time - more so in some areas than in others. They are very smart creatures and multiple rapidly. They are big, mean, and have no natural predators. They do uncounted harm to farms, ranches, and the general environment,.

If you'd bother to do some research instead of mouthing off, you might learn that.
"Modern pig farms"
In noway shape or form are those wild hogs cleaner than the ones you purchase in the grocery store.
And thats a fact.

Don't need to google them....I can drive 25 miles and start smelling them during the summer...and if I want, I can drive 10 more miles and actually see them. If ferals were as filthy as domestics, you wouldn't have to could just follow your nose. Domestics, regardless of species are more filthy than those in the wild.

And the books of federal and state regulations regarding the slaughter and handling of pig carcases are to prevent the same sorts of infections that your anecdotes talk about when dealing with ferals.
Man, you can drive through Iowa, and hardly breath for the pigstink.

I guess they get used to it.

I guess they get used to those porky Iowa women too.
What do you use to harvest, bow, crossbow, rifle?

There is a difference between harvesting and just killing. One tends to eat the harvest....killing is a different matter entirely.
You harvest crops.

You kill fish and game.

Harvest in regard to taking life is just a euphemism for killing to make people "feel good about themselves".

Its a bullshit term.
What do you use to harvest, bow, crossbow, rifle?

There is a difference between harvesting and just killing. One tends to eat the harvest....killing is a different matter entirely.
You harvest crops.

You kill fish and game.

Harvest in regard to taking life is just a euphemism for killing to make people "feel good about themselves".

Its a bullshit term.
I also say reap so. It all ends up in a toilet...
Just something to add,

Pigs are generally clean animals. As someone pointed out, they wallow to rid themselves of parasites as well as protecting their skin - so human-like that it is used in burn grafts - from the sun's rays.

They are also very intelligent - one of the reasons it make them difficult to hunt with senses far more acute than ours.
If you'd bother to do some research instead of mouthing off, you might learn that.

If your idiot vendetta against me didn't so effectively lobotomize you, you wouldn't have kneejerked out such a stupid post.

See how I was laughing at your conservative website's concern for the poor little piggies? That would means I'm anti-piggy. Stop me if this is getting too complicated for you.

I'm also mocking your PETA obsession. PETA has been totally out the news for at least 10 years. Nobody cares about them, except conservatives who need a bogeyman.

That about covers it. If you'd like me to mock any other stupid things you've done recently, let me know.
SSDD, that's nice of you to try to inform a Liberal but making Informed Decisions is not what they do.

Liberals are idiots...hell, it's what makes them liberals. In order to think like they do, you have to be willing to surrender all common sense and critical thinking skills...or to have never had them in the first place.

So there is swine problem in trailer park land, big surprise
SSDD, that's nice of you to try to inform a Liberal but making Informed Decisions is not what they do.

Liberals are idiots...hell, it's what makes them liberals. In order to think like they do, you have to be willing to surrender all common sense and critical thinking skills...or to have never had them in the first place.

So there is swine problem in trailer park land, big surprise
I think they are in every state but Alaska.

But, keeping being an idiot, it amuses the folks with brains.
Just something to add,

Pigs are generally clean animals. As someone pointed out, they wallow to rid themselves of parasites as well as protecting their skin - so human-like that it is used in burn grafts - from the sun's rays.

They are also very intelligent - one of the reasons it make them difficult to hunt with senses far more acute than ours.
They are blind as bats, don't hear too well over the racket they make, but they do have a fairly good sense of smell.

I am all for restoring cougars and bears ASAP.

If humans fuck with them, jail 'em.

They belong here, hogs don't.
And, this article makes me wonder – if more people set out to kill these noxious critters, will the animal-rights groups like PETA go to court to stop them.

So far, we've only seen only the hyper-conservative "The Blaze" website whining about it.

PETA? They're a bogeyman that conservatives use to give themselves an orgasmic shiver of fear.
Sigh. I really shouldn't waste my time responding to your ignorant tripe - but will.

Feral hogs have been a problem for some time - more so in some areas than in others. They are very smart creatures and multiple rapidly. They are big, mean, and have no natural predators. They do uncounted harm to farms, ranches, and the general environment,.

If you'd bother to do some research instead of mouthing off, you might learn that.

Mammoth doesn't by ad hominem is about as good as she can manage.
Man, you can drive through Iowa, and hardly breath for the pigstink.

I guess they get used to it.

Money smells different in different places. The stinkiest money I ever smelled was paper mills. You can get used to the natural smells of piss and shit, but I don't think you can ever truly grow accustomed to the smells of industrial chemicals...
What do you use to harvest, bow, crossbow, rifle?

There is a difference between harvesting and just killing. One tends to eat the harvest....killing is a different matter entirely.
You harvest crops.

You kill fish and game.

Harvest in regard to taking life is just a euphemism for killing to make people "feel good about themselves".

Its a bullshit term.

I guess the ethical contract between you and what you kill is just bullshit also. Clearly, we were raised by different sorts of people with different views on our place in the food chain and the ethical responsibility that goes with that position and the idea of respect for what you kill.

I don't think much of trophy hunters either...myself, I only kill does..better eating and much better for the population.
Just something to add,

Pigs are generally clean animals. As someone pointed out, they wallow to rid themselves of parasites as well as protecting their skin - so human-like that it is used in burn grafts - from the sun's rays.

They are also very intelligent - one of the reasons it make them difficult to hunt with senses far more acute than ours.
They are blind as bats, don't hear too well over the racket they make, but they do have a fairly good sense of smell.

I am all for restoring cougars and bears ASAP.

If humans fuck with them, jail 'em.

They belong here, hogs don't.

Something we can agree on....the reason I don't shoot coyotes and bobcats even though they reduce the numbers of quail and turkeys available for me...
What do you use to harvest, bow, crossbow, rifle?

There is a difference between harvesting and just killing. One tends to eat the harvest....killing is a different matter entirely.
You harvest crops.

You kill fish and game.

Harvest in regard to taking life is just a euphemism for killing to make people "feel good about themselves".

Its a bullshit term.

I guess the ethical contract between you and what you kill is just bullshit also. Clearly, we were raised by different sorts of people with different views on our place in the food chain and the ethical responsibility that goes with that position and the idea of respect for what you kill.

I don't think much of trophy hunters either...myself, I only kill does..better eating and much better for the population.

i like to shoot big deer

doe or buck
What do you use to harvest, bow, crossbow, rifle?

There is a difference between harvesting and just killing. One tends to eat the harvest....killing is a different matter entirely.
You harvest crops.

You kill fish and game.

Harvest in regard to taking life is just a euphemism for killing to make people "feel good about themselves".

Its a bullshit term.

I guess the ethical contract between you and what you kill is just bullshit also. Clearly, we were raised by different sorts of people with different views on our place in the food chain and the ethical responsibility that goes with that position and the idea of respect for what you kill.

I don't think much of trophy hunters either...myself, I only kill does..better eating and much better for the population.

i like to shoot big deer

doe or buck

In my younger days, I used to shoot bucks, but the fact is that during the rut, they just aren't fit to eat so I stopped shooting them 30 years ago.

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