Milo Yiannopolous..the war on Christmas is real.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

It would appear rather that "the left" is a greater and constant thorn in your side sir, you clearly obsess over any hint of a thought you think leans that way.
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....
So you are saying that the Christians are not saying Merry Christmas?
Milo is the only gay guy that the right thinks is not mentally deficient, all other gays are sick perverts, according to the right..
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....

So if I say Happy Holidays, you take that as an attack on your religion? Wow. Your religion must be a pussy.
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons....who use the government to attack their enemies....

So if I say Happy Holidays, you take that as an attack on your religion? Wow. Your religion must be a pussy.
They seem to think that everybody needs to follow their lead....
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

We will never expect stupid people to stop being stupid. So do carry on.

Incidentally --- It has been many large box stores and the like who have TOLD their employees they SHOULD NOT say merry christmas to anyone!! Now you tell me that is the Christians fault or is it the fucked up world we live in where haters of anything Christian act like little snowflakes all out of sorts because they heard those words? Or they heard someone in a public square singing - - -

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
And mild and sweet their songs repeat
Of peace on earth good will to men

Or something similar. What is my point? People are stupid and they will one day pay dearly for it. Especially those in Christian nations who ignore anything about God, even worse mock Him.
This is not a Christian nation and yet Christians have a hairy over hearing Happy Holidays. This country was founded on freedom of religion so this is such a mute point.

I do not want bible belt crazies shoving their Christianity down my throat.

We will never expect stupid people to stop being stupid. So do carry on.

Incidentally --- It has been many large box stores and the like who have TOLD their employees they SHOULD NOT say merry christmas to anyone!! Now you tell me that is the Christians fault or is it the fucked up world we live in where haters of anything Christian act like little snowflakes all out of sorts because they heard those words? Or they heard someone in a public square singing - - -

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
And mild and sweet their songs repeat
Of peace on earth good will to men

Or something similar. What is my point? People are stupid and they will one day pay dearly for it. Especially those in Christian nations who ignore anything about God, even worse mock Him.

People are mocking you. I don't think God really cares.
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

This except you posted is by no means Milo at his most cutting best. But having said that, Milo in a dead sleep would make the entire left journalist wing and most of the right wing look like whiny, stupid little grade schoolers. The MSM does not dare take on this man, but when they once did, he made a mockery of them.

Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....
I'm a comfy agnostic, and I've never had any trouble with the thought that we have been a largely Christian nation.

There are people who clearly hate this country's history and traditions (among other things) and this silly, contrived hypersensitivity is their way of leveraging control, issuing payback, and punishing those who don't share their hatred.

Imagine going through life SO READY to be traumatized by the mere sight of a cross or a manger in public. Yuck.

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