Milo Yiannopolous..the war on Christmas is real.....

Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

It would appear rather that "the left" is a greater and constant thorn in your side sir, you clearly obsess over any hint of a thought you think leans that way. is only when they try to infringe on the Rights of others.....then they have to be dealt with...
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

It would appear rather that "the left" is a greater and constant thorn in your side sir, you clearly obsess over any hint of a thought you think leans that way. is only when they try to infringe on the Rights of others.....then they have to be dealt with...

Your thread pard, you're constantly starting them because you're all shattypanted over something "the left" has said, done, maybe thought about once, etc., etc., etc., ect.
You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons ....who use the government to attack their enemies....
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Why do you think people are worried about Shariah law? Isn't that a case of wanting freedom FROM religion?
You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons ....who use the government to attack their enemies....
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Why do you think people are worried about Shariah law? Isn't that a case of wanting freedom FROM religion?

No....what we are talking about is forcing Christmas musicals to be called holiday musicals and getting rid of religious Christmas songs.....forcing bakers to provide cakes to gay couples for their weddings, even though they provide every other cake, cookie and pastry for all other occasions.....forcing Catholic Charities out of the adoption business because their religion won't allow them to adopt children to gay couples.......

That is the guys want freedom from religion...we want freedom of religion.
That is the guys want freedom from religion...we want freedom of religion.
But just say Shariah law and all of a sudden you want to be protected FROM it. If it doesn't cover ALL the bases, you're just being a hypocrite.
That is the guys want freedom from religion...we want freedom of religion.
But just say Shariah law and all of a sudden you want to be protected FROM it. If it doesn't cover ALL the bases, you're just being a hypocrite.

No...Shariah is a law system and a political system and it does not respect "Freedom of Religion" it enforces Islam over and above all other religions and will use the government to achieve that end, since Shariah is also a political system.......research countries where Shariah has taken over...other religions are oppressed if not completely suppressed........Shariah is completely incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of Rights....
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Why do you think people are worried about Shariah law? Isn't that a case of wanting freedom FROM religion?

Everything is black and white in your leftist ideology isn't it though?
It’s been a real tough life for you unbelievers in America with Christians around has it not? Keep fighting that monster menacing mankind, such an altruistic use of your time.

Meanwhile, some caring Christians will work on these issues > >

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That is the guys want freedom from religion...we want freedom of religion.
But just say Shariah law and all of a sudden you want to be protected FROM it. If it doesn't cover ALL the bases, you're just being a hypocrite.
No...Shariah is a law system and a political system and it does not respect "Freedom of Religion" it enforces Islam over and above all other religions and will use the government to achieve that end, since Shariah is also a political system.......research countries where Shariah has taken over...other religions are oppressed if not completely suppressed........Shariah is completely incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of Rights....
What I read is that you want to be protected from it.
That is the guys want freedom from religion...we want freedom of religion.
But just say Shariah law and all of a sudden you want to be protected FROM it. If it doesn't cover ALL the bases, you're just being a hypocrite.
No...Shariah is a law system and a political system and it does not respect "Freedom of Religion" it enforces Islam over and above all other religions and will use the government to achieve that end, since Shariah is also a political system.......research countries where Shariah has taken over...other religions are oppressed if not completely suppressed........Shariah is completely incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of Rights....
What I read is that you want to be protected from it.

Yep.....because it cannot allow the U.S. Constitution to is an enemy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The other religious traditions are not.
Milo is the only gay guy that the right thinks is not mentally deficient, all other gays are sick perverts, according to the right..
Milo doesn't have to be on the right, and most of the people who know what game is being played already have the intelligence to realize LEFT and RIGHT play the same game. Kinda of like the Krypts and the Bloods get it. So that left right blame game is so freaking old to those who haven't been indoctrinated with that left right bs are considered " AWAKE, and haven't been affected by the be and con job of shadow Governments. :banana:
That is the guys want freedom from religion...we want freedom of religion.
But just say Shariah law and all of a sudden you want to be protected FROM it. If it doesn't cover ALL the bases, you're just being a hypocrite.
No...Shariah is a law system and a political system and it does not respect "Freedom of Religion" it enforces Islam over and above all other religions and will use the government to achieve that end, since Shariah is also a political system.......research countries where Shariah has taken over...other religions are oppressed if not completely suppressed........Shariah is completely incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of Rights....
What I read is that you want to be protected from it.

Yep.....because it cannot allow the U.S. Constitution to is an enemy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The other religious traditions are not.

Our pal Konny might pick up a copy of de Toqueville's "Democracy in America, vol. 2" and peruse page 23:

Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America.

Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam:
“Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science. The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

I was out at a shopping mall last night- and apparently the war on Christmas consists of trying to get Christians to buy lots and lots of crap in honor of Jesus.

And playing Christmas carols non-stop on the radio.
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

It would appear rather that "the left" is a greater and constant thorn in your side sir, you clearly obsess over any hint of a thought you think leans that way. is only when they try to infringe on the Rights of others.....then they have to be dealt with...

yeah- if someone says "Happy Holidays" to me- certainly my rights have been infringed on.

Remember to buy lots of crap to honor Jesus this year!
You didn't read that is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM one is shoving anything down anyones throat...except the left wing morons ....who use the government to attack their enemies....
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Why do you think people are worried about Shariah law? Isn't that a case of wanting freedom FROM religion?

No....what we are talking about is forcing Christmas musicals to be called holiday musicals and getting rid of religious Christmas songs......

I can't turn on the radio without hearing religious Christmas songs.

But I can see why you would be threatened if a "White Christmas" was called a 'holiday musical' instead of a Christmas musical.

I went into a Jewish deli the other day and the asshole said "Happy Holidays" to me rather than Merry Christmas- the war on Christmas continues......LOL
Milo is a great thorn in the side of the left.....

I was out at a shopping mall last night- and apparently the war on Christmas consists of trying to get Christians to buy lots and lots of crap in honor of Jesus.

And playing Christmas carols non-stop on the radio.

At the mall....did Christians fill that Styrofoam cup you were waving?
#2: What continues to screw you is the deceptive use of prepositions in the U.S. Constitution, which cracks in its phasod are showing planetwide.
#3 morphs in Disneyland. There is no place that capitalism has not penetrated with its axiomatic, an axiomatic intimate to the schizophrenic process. This is the U.S. Constitution deception via those prepositions, because the State is always already fundamentally terrorist. (Apollon, A Lasting Heresy). The pathology is especially well shown when rad Islam does sharia, a copulation of church and state par excellence.

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